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Status Updates posted by Shorsand

  1. I need to do something important before we leave 3.0.. GIVE IDEAS!

  2. RP / PvP default.. Why not just have no combat except between like, orcs and psycopathic antagonists?

  3. If anyone is able to supply fair quantities of foodstuffs (pie, cake, apples, meat) for the ball, it would be VERY appreciated! Message me!

  4. Is there a limit to the amount of farm animals a person can have?

  5. The Scnhoz WILL return.. someday..

  6. Someone should totally play Starbound with me.

  7. I think my ISP is being generous; 2.6mb/s on a download! It usually averages at 1.6.

  8. Can clerics heal themselves if they contract the plague?

  9. art imitates life imitates art

  10. why won't it end?!

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