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Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by ~Verye~

  1. Application writing process initated, Time to save this server. *walks off into the application sunset*

  2. oooh walkin' in a DDOS wonderland

  3. Very sad song ;/ ignore the furry anime pics...
  4. When..will we get lotc back... ?

  5. I assume vips will be handled when the server is fully fixed?

  6. *Generic comment about how the server crashed and how liri broke it*

  7. Abraham Fenring.

  8. I cant login to the server it says "internal server error"

  9. :D thats a good idea lol

  10. Thank you, I look forward to roleplaying with you if you are a halfling also! ;D

  11. @Badpumpkin-House Sillygoose. Mpm is allowed, I use it. I think it is Vital to Roleplay, ESPECIALLY if you are a halfling.

  12. Are you still active?

  13. *picks up the body of eyrev, tosses him into a pit* "The old me is gone."

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