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Posts posted by #Flexave

  1. I have RPed with Regan for a while and at that, he's amazing. But OOCly he's super helpful and suits the role of an FM amazingly. He can settle drama in seconds and is generally a really nice person. So overall, he's mature, experienced and perfect for the role!



  2. (MC name): flexave

    (RP) Name: Rosumund Ellir

    Sub Race: Mali'ame

    Age: 107

    Gender: Female

    Do you have a family, if so how many members will be residing with you: Currently I am staying with Orlanden Payne who I am also courting

    ((Please state your time zone)): GMT

    ((Please state your average playing time)): 3 hours during the week and 5-6 hours, this is only rough though.

    ((Do you have any official offenses against the server? IE: Bans, strikes, revocation of a VA or MA, if available, please provide a link/brief description of the offense.)): None.

    ((Can we trust you to take your job seriously and contribute?)): Definitely

    ((Do you use skype?)): Yes, " charlotte.fortesque "

    ((How long have you been on the server?)): 6 months, although my account says otherwise because I changed accounts

    ((Why, as a player, do you wish to join the high council?)): Firstly, I enjoy helping others when otherwise I might not be able to. Also, I want to be in a group where I can directly put forth ideas which can better the Elven community. Finally, I strive to see Malinor return to its former glory and wish to aid in that journey.

    Do you have any work experience, if so where and what: For the last for a long while ( About a two months... ) I have been Viscount, or newly 'Steward' of the Mali'ame district which has proved a chore but recently I have found it becoming easier until it is rather a bore, which is one of the reasons I wish to climb the ladder even more to become, hopefully, a Princess

    What is your opinion on the unification of the Mali?: All Mali should be unified under one nation. They all need to stick together, no matter how different each culture may be. They are all Malin's children and should continue to do their best to please him with unification like siblings. This would also strengthen our political side since we are working with different opinions which can be processed to their best.

    Do you hold any allegiances to other nations and or organizations/guilds? If so state them, and their nature: Not that I can think of.

    Do you have a criminal record, if so state your offenses: None at all.

    Express why you are suitable to be a Prince/Princess of Malinor: Firstly, I have lived in Malinor all my life and also think I am suitable for this role because I have already been a Viscount which takes some responsibility which I, at least, think I have fulfilled. Also, I have been involved in politics through various people I've met and my good friend, Orlanden. I would also describe myself as rather diplomatic woman who seeks to find and achieve higher and better things. Also, one of my priorities is the welfare and state of all the other fellow Mali

    State your history of leadership or political role and how that experience benefits your leadership/political skills: Previously, or currently, I am the Viscount of the Mali'ame district but I have recently been helping out with the Hall of Labour and people's jobs sorted out since we are in a time of difficulty.

    Explain how the high council works in detail: First of all, there is the High Prince, Kolyat, and when there is a vote on a war, a law or even peace the council is put together to vote. Once this happens everyone votes, everyone counting for 1 vote apart from the High Prince who counts for two. This is probably the fairest of ways. They also chose members of the Lower Council as they are probably more learned and they know who they want to have responsibility for Malinor.

    State any comments that you think may add to your application here: (( Currently I work as an assistant art teacher in a School... which might show my responsibility ))

  3. ((MC Name)): flexave

    Name: Rosumund (Rose) Ellir

    Race: Mali'Ame

    Will you require a home? (If you intend to live with someone who is already a citizen, state who): I would, but hopefully Orlanden will get on for /us/... (( If that makedd sense ))

    Desired District: Mali'ame district

    Do you agree to follow the laws of Malinor? Yep.

    Desired job (if applicable): Already Steward of the Mali'ame district, but I'd also like to do a bit of farming.

  4. As one walks into the Mali'ame district, one can see a rather gaudily dressed female Mali'ame pinning a poster nearby. As she finishes, she picks up a stack of rolled up posters and goes off to pin some more up. If one chooses to read what such poster explains, one would approach and see the following.



    A Workforce Must Gather!

    The Princedom of Malinor requires a workforce to gather materials and food for the next voyage.

    The Lower Council has decided that we need a workforce. This is why I call to you Mali'Ame. We require carpenters and farmers overall. Carpenters shall be in charge of wood crafting for the new ships. Farmers are needed to gather and cultivate provisions for the trip. We are also looking for lumberjacks, to gather wood of course. Also, people who apply for jobs will get a house FIRST when we next move.

    If one plans to join the workforce, send Rosumund Zachary, Steward of the district, a note. One can deposit this in the chest outside Prince Orlanden's House.

    Thank you for those whom join.

    ~Signed Rosumund Zachary, Stewardess of the Mali'Ame district~


  5. *Rose reaches into her pocket and retrieves a small quill and begins to write*

    From my limited knowledge of being in the Lower-Council I have noticed the lack of meetings in which the Lower and High Council give out ideas. This could also be expanded on some bigger scales so that we have the public Mali come into our meeting so we know what they want. Of course these meetings would not cover as much political but pastoral ground. These idea could com-

    *It looks like the quill ran out of ink by the end of the note.*

    *Rose then proceeds to fold it and gently drop it into the box*

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