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Posts posted by Garrett

  1. ((Colors were bein' weird.))

    OOC Information


    MC Name: TrooperX40

    Have you read and fully understood Kharajyr lore?:Yes, I would like to think so.


    Have you read and fully understood the Kharajyr application rules?: Yes.


    Do you understand and accept that the Kharajyr application team may revoke this application in the future if they deem it necessary?: I do.


    Do you agree to both follow and uphold Kharajyr lore throughout your time in the Kharajyr?: I do intend to, yes.


    Tell us one unique fact about Kharajyr lore, culture or history that you know.(We will check for plagiarism!): That a Kharajyr faces five trials at the age of fifteen, four known beforehand, and one of which is secretive in nature.



    IC Information


    RP Name (This includes your character’s prefix): Kitten Korthe


    Character Sub-race: Kha’Cheetra


    Character appearance (Including age and gender): A male, Cheetra kitten the age of two with tan fur and a speckling of deep black spots.


    What is the personality of your character like?: Starting as a kitten, so literal blank slate here.


    Biography (If you are applying as a kitten, please only state the name of your parents/siblings)

    Ja’Raska - Father

    S’Janehsi - Mother

    Cub Mosan - Sibling

    Kitten Brake - Sibling

    Character’s ambitions within the Kharajyr: Unknown as of now due to aforementioned literal blank slate-iness, though I suspect it will be to serve Metzli knowing how important faith is.


    Character’s strengths/weaknesses: Subject to typical Cheetra subtype traits and tradeoffs: Fast, but not as strong or hardy as others. Other pros and cons are yet to be known due to said character being a kitten.


    Please provide a screenshot or 3D render of your character’s

    skin: http://imgur.com/ntpXPQj


    Situational Roleplay Questions

    ((The problem with this is that I have no idea how my character will turn up, so if this is a test of character I will have certainly failed.))

    1. You are heading home from a successful hunting trip when a group of three heavily armoured humans jump out from behind a tree and start demanding the surrender of your catch over to them. Each man has a sword drawn and they are gradually pacing towards you...


    How does your character react?


    Korthe tenses. Each step one of the men take forward mark times the relatively scrawny Kha backs up. His mind races. His heart becomes a heavy, fevered drumming that oppresses the rattle of advancing armor and the howl of wind, leaving only the scent of adrenaline and a single burning notion.


    He abandoned his catch, shamefully, as a greater intention to survive brought him onto to four legs and propelled him recklessly away, leaving only the laughter of triumphant iron-caged ‘apes’ behind.



    2. You arrive at the temple of Metztli only to see one of your closest friends stealing the sacred blue gems from the altar, a most unholy act for a Kharajyr.


    How does your character react?

        It was not a logical occurrence. All knew the importance of such gems, their meaning, their worth, but to take from Metzli was an outrageous thought. It was she who had blessed them and cared for them, to do anything to anger her was a truly horrifying notion, and so, with a fleet start Korthe took to running. He was not a hammer, he was not a blade, and he’d not the heart to hold responsibility for what should come if he approached his apparent friend. He was a bell, ringing loudly and gathering fellows so that the responsibility might fall upon the shoulders of a stronger-backed Kha.

    3. You are in the Cloud Temple when a stout, angry little dwarf begins yelling highly racist terms towards you at the top of his lungs. Although unarmed, the dwarf continues to yell after he makes eye contact with you.


    How does your character react?

    Korthe was, of course, quite offended. The foul words that sputtered from the belligerent half-man’s mouth were notably less dreadful than the way he spun Metzli’s name into his string of half-sane drivel. It was heresy made audible, and it rested like a rotted carcass within Korthe’s gut; it was sickening. He glared back at the fool, the sound of his claw’s clicking against the stone ground slowly drowned out the dwarf’s shouts, hollers, insults, and gestures. He struck out. Kicking the small ape’s legs out from under it with a single adrenaline-powered, rage-propelled strike. It yelped, tumbled about, and rolled down the top of the staircase it preached from with a series of tumbling thuds. It attracted attention, and Korthe was quick to make his leave.


    4. Fire has broken out over the jungle city and you can hear the screaming of two Kha’ nearby. As you go investigate, you notice that one of your friends and the Tlatlanni’s white-furred child have gotten themselves trapped in opposite ends of a burning building. The roof creaks above you, if you were to get involved, you would only have time to save one before the building collapsed.


    How does your character react?

        He panicked. Loyalty to both the Tlatanni and his friend turned to a screeching debate within his own head that grew louder and louder with each passing second. He froze. His heart and mind seemed to grow ten-fold in weight, bringing him down and anchoring him to the ground as fire-swept forward and the very real screams of his fellow Kha rose sharply, before dying down entirely. Korthe simply collapsed, helplessly.

  2. MC Name: TrooperX40


    Character Name: Tance Nikkelsen


    Does this character already have a VA (Y/N):

     Yes, for 1 abc and 2 a+c, I'd be willing to write yet another mini VA to expand the evils as needed.



    I want my character to be turned into a Dread Knight (Y/N): Absolutely.


    I want to become apart of your group because: 

    I wish to play a dread knight because this character would fit the grim role well (As his life has been a downward spiral), I am pretty sure I could play the role well OOC-ly,  I find the very idea intensely fascinating,  and I think I'll be able to muster good RP for both myself and those around, with, or against me.


    What can I bring to this group? 

    While I'm not immune to making the occasional fool of myself or having off nights the general consensus from those I know is that I am a 'good' RP-er and fun to RP with, I'd also like to think that I'm a fairly level headed individual. So I hope to bring both good RP, fun, and maintain positive OOC relations with those I interact with as well.


    Time zone: Pacific Standard Time.

  3. The large northerner sat quietly within the tavern, eyes peering into a flame with such ferocity that one might wonder if he had lost himself within. But as he glared upon the crackling fire he was far from lost and his simple mind far from vacant. In fact, it stormed with an intense dissatisfaction as he ran himself through aging memories, again, and again, his temperament growing fowler and more morose with each passing thought. He had been betrayed and robbed.

    The tavern was alive. A group of men were on their way out as a hooded lad walked in with a sure-footed step only for his gaze to meet the northerner’s and the northerner’s to meet his. They knew of each other, and were once brothers. The squire knew with conviction evident upon his young, frightened features that he had come upon a grave misfortune. While the northerner, the oath breaker, slowly stood, his dull, empty gaze and stern, emotionless features conveyed no message at all. The silence wound like a thick fog between the two, though it had always been, and soon the northerner’s hand slowly fell to his recently forged axe, lightly touching upon its spiked head as he drew it forward from his belt.


    The squire, clad in the white tabard so indicative of his uselessness, panicked, his worried eyes shifting about the room in search of desperate escape. He would try to leave, but as he turned to make flight one of the rough men pushed him forward and laughed, nodding to the silent northerner with approval and chuckling forward a few jovial, cruel words. The squire upon a sword as he stumbled forward, but it would be futile as the large northerner caught his wrist in a sizeable, calloused hand and shoved his axe’s spiked tip forward remorselessly.


    The squire screamed. He was loud at first, but as the northerner drew back his axe and stabbed forward with a sickeningly calm repetition the lad grew quiet. Bile and blood soon splattered upon the floor, forming a pool that the squire soon joined. After a long hesitation the northerner’s boots were stained by the foul pool as well. The axe rose and plummeted in an executioner’s arc that split bone and flesh, freeing the squire of his head.

    The northerner gathered the squire’s tabard and wrapped the head, the killer had no wish to peer upon its bloodied end or matted gory hair, as too often did it seem that the dead would peer back. The northerner left the corpse behind and slowly, somberly made his way to the Ildician Order’s fort which he had spent so much time, a year or more, he couldn’t remember. Though he remembered that he hated them, and they carved a message into his arm so that he might never forget. As he approached the fort’s ruined bridge he stopped, and threw the tabard wrapped head forward. It landed in the grass across the river, rolled, and came to rest at the foot of the fort.


    He would never forget.

  4. ((The whole of this app is to be considered OOC as Tance cannot read or write to a high enough degree to answer such questions, nor would he be willing.))

    Minecraft Name: Trooperx40

    Character name: Tance Nikkelsen

    Char Bio (one or two paragraphs):

    Tance is a large, brutal northerner who was raised in a frost-bitten logging town near Hanseti in Asulon. At the age of 18 this man followed the tradition of his bloodline and left the bitter cold of his home town to find his way in the world. He quickly came to serve under Aedric Ulfhaedyn and his Norsemen of Holmstrom until the group’s disbanding in late Elysium.

    Now roughly 23 Tance soon found employment for a curious elven farmer as both a body guard and laborer. This, of course, ended when the elf stuck her nose in the wrong direction and the two were attacked by orcs. Tance survived the encounter only to bear many horrid scars from the night in question, his most visible wound being the large burn that covers a rather large portion of his face and head. Needless to say the man was never the same since that night.

    While nursing his wounds Tance was approached by a secretive, shifty man by the name of Brigham Hadwin who recruited him as one of his sergeants in the beginning stages of a mercenary guild. However, just as the guild would come to fruition Tance, who had valued comradery over coin, would leave its ranks after being betrayed by one of its members and losing his faith in the guild itself.  

    Char military history: The closest true military job Tance has come into contact with would be his early days as a Norsemen where he would participate in guard duties, brawls, and the like.

    Reason for joining: Tance intends to join simply for food and a place to sleep.

    Timezone: pacific Standard Time.

    Referees to your app (people willing to support the information given if asked by Minea): Was not asked for.

    Time on Server: I have been present on this server since late October of 2012.

    Skype Name: Trooperx40

    Pledge of Loyalty: The whole of this app has been done in an OOC fashion as Tance cannot write to a high enough degree to answer these questions. If Tance is to be sworn in it will be required to be done IC and in-game.

  5. Tance had thought the man invincible. He had known it as simply as he knew a wound would bleed, or a winter would bring snow in its wake, but now? Now Aedric was dead, and that was undeniable. The cornerstones of Tance’s perceptions and ideals had been severed with the swing of a sword.


    Tance glides a finger across the edge of his axe. Aedric was strong, honorable, a courageous leader and most importantly, a true northerner. Aedric deserved better than to die at the hands of an orc, he deserved to be more than a lord. Aedric deserved to be a king, an emperor, and he would have been! But the orcs had taken this grand future away, and by Tance’s honor he’d see them regret it.




  6. MC name?: TrooperX40

    Have you been banned? If so, why?: Nope

    Do you have an accepted villain app?: Not yet, but you know I'm good for it.

    Do you have a TS or Skype? (TS preferred):Yes and yes.

    Short Bio (2-5 sentences):

    Tance grew up in a small town and was bred to be not just a warrior, but an honorable warrior. Tance serves the Nikkelsen family code with pride and seeks to find his way in the world and continue the traditions of his family.



    Name: Tance Nikkelsen

    Age: 19

    Race: Human

    Experience: I trained under my father as my father did before me and I've been serving House Ulfhaedyn for some time.

    Your oath: I, Tance Nikkelsen hereby swear my axe to the Norsemen of the Frost, and to that of the Ulfhaedyn line, to defend our lands, to stain my axe with the enemies blood, and to batter my shield in defense of my brothers. 'Till death comes to me, I shall not forsake my vow, I do by swear.

  7. With rusted armor and stone hatchet Tance Nikkelsen, Thrall of Holmstrom's Huscarls, patrols the roads of Holmstrom in his usual manor on the look out for ne'er-do-wells, dark elves, and other assorted scum.

    Spotting Svengal Tance approaches for the usual round of indignant questionings. "Oi! What might ye be doing passin' through 'Olmstrom, stranger?"

  8. MC Name: TrooperX40


    *removing a small piece of coal from his pocket Svann begins to write in bold, loose letters.

    IC NameSvann Nickelsen

    IC Race:Human

    What can you bring the Black Dawn and how does this benefit us?(talents, skills, etc)

    I'm no stranger to bloodshed and I've a pocket without coin, what more do ye need?

    Why do you wish to join the Black Dawn?:

    Way I see it I join ye or some township somewhere, and if there's one thing to know about me it's that I've no intention of dying a man who never lived.

    Are you willing to prove yourself to your captain upon acceptance?


    Sign your name here:

    Svann Nickelsen


    Links to accepted VAs or Minor VAs: Minor VA found here.

    Skype name: Garrett

  9. Aedric piked up his newest dark elf head, a hundred something male who spat on him. The dark elf head seemed to look down onto Aedric as he started to walk away.

    On a brief patrol Tance Nikkelsen finds himself staring absent mindedly up into the once lively eyes of a dark elf, "Thing must've done somethin' to earn 'imself a pike." he murmurs as he continues his patrol.

  10. Every scientist can give hard evidence about evolution but evolution has its flaws. We as humans have came up with and discovered therioes and laws that will always occur and reoccur in nature as scientific laws. The thing is is that these laws are just laws.. Why do we have these laws? There is no reason why our basics happen they just do. We tell are selves - why do thins happen? They just do!! I believe in god becuase of that and that god has these for reasons.

    Lack of knowledge does not imply the existence of a god.

    Also, most of your post doesn't make sense to me. Can you expand on what you would consider the flaws in the theory of evolution? What do you mean by 'laws are just laws,' and could you define what you consider to be 'our basics?'

  11. Out-Of-Character Details

    Minecraft Account Name: TrooperX40

    How old are you?: 17 (18 on November 9th)

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence: Pacific Standard Time, United States of America

    Do you have a good grip on English grammar and the English language?: I would like to think so, English being my first language and all.

    Have you had any previous experience in roleplaying?: Yes, the first server I played on (in alpha) was an RP server by the name of “Age of Chaos.” When Age of Chaos closed I wandered from server to server looking for something that felt close to the same, nothing so far.

    Have you read and understood and agree to the rules?: Yes, yes, and yes.

    How did you hear about the Lord of the Craft?: Found it browsing the Minecraft forums.

    Link any previous applications you have made to the Lord of the Craft: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/73680-garretts-app/ (I changed my bio and ORQ’s some to either be less villainous or flow better. I also fixed a myriad of errors (it was 3 am in the morning and I was tired).

    Have you posted this application on Minecraft Forum? If not, post it here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/832121-the-lord-of-the-craft-enter-the-world-of-asulon-o-f-f-i-c-i-a-l-l-y-t-h-e-n-o-1-r-p-s-e-r-v-e-r-100-unique-gameplay/! : Yes.


    In your own words, define what the act of roleplaying is: Role playing is when you remove yourself from everyday worries and troubles and place yourself in the role of another, so you can experience their worries and troubles. Role playing is part acting, part improvising, and part storytelling.

    In your own words, define what the act of meta-gaming is: Meta-gaming is when you take out-of-character information and use it to your advantage in character. For example: I walk into my house/mansion/whatever and I see another players name plate through the wall, in character I can’t see through walls so I have no idea that they’re there, were I to abuse the reality of the game by smashing down the wall and beating the other player to death then I would be accused of meta-gaming.

    In your own words, define what the act of power-emoting is: Power-emoting is when you use emotes to take advantage of a situation and deny the other player a chance to react, for example: *player A stabs player B in the chest, player B falls over and dies.*

    In-Character Details

    Character Name: Garrett Moore

    Character Race: Human (Southeron)

    Character biography - Make this at least 2 paragraphs long, which must explain your character’s history, appearance, personality, age and any other details you deem necessary:

    Garrett Moore was born to a large family of barely literate farmers not far from the island-city of Salvus. Due to their off island location the Moore family saw little visitors besides a small cargo boat by the name of “the Silver Spoon” that transported their goods to the hungry mouths of Salvus every few weeks. Garrett was lucky to be as curious as he was as a child for without him stowing away in said ship he never would have learned to read or write. During one of Garrett’s many trips to the city he wandered into a library where he befriended the young scholar Thomas Porse. Though Thomas was a brilliant man, but he was also a bitter one thanks to a rough upbringing. Thomas taught Garrett many things, he taught him to read, to write, and to question the world around him, as well as some engineering, philosophy, a little alchemy, and of some medicines. Sadly along with these important teachings and several bad run-ins with the citizens of Salvus, Thomas’s bitterness and distrust for other sentient beings were also instilled in the young, eager to learn, but impressionable Garrett Moore. Being among one of twelve children Garrett’s regular disappearances never caught the attention of his parents, that is until he began to ignore their rulings and the workload they gave him in order to afford more time to learn and grow intellectually. This of course created tension in the Moore household and because of this most of his family looked down on him.

    At the age of 17 he began dissecting farm animals, those alive and dead, in attempts to learn what makes them tick. While Garrett was proud of his work and the knowledge he gained his parents felt otherwise, they were horrified, they called him evil and sick and cast him out into the world.

    Garrett wandered the world until the age of 27, attempts at killing and stealing always ended in one way, running and so Garrett has learned to avoid this at all costs. Garrett survived during this time by scavenging and hunting. Garrett passed time by studying animals and plant life during the day, and the roaming undead by night.

    Garrett is a tall, thin man with light skin for one of Southeron descent. Garrett has an angled face and well defined features. Garrett has strong legs and moderately strong arms, from running often and using a bow on a semi-regular basis. Garrett has a shaved head and wears comfortable clothes that offer high maneuverability.

    In the end Garrett Moore is a smart but emotionally broken man, he considers himself a man of science and is intent upon finding a place where he can set up operations in medicine, alchemy, engineering, or something else that engages his mind. Garrett could be called a cruel man as he cares little for ethics and morals besides that of his employer. Garrett looks at the bottom line and little else. Garrett stands and carries himself formally and will often change himself in an attempt to manipulate others. Garrett seldom smiles and almost never laughs, but when he does it is either at the expense of others or because he is at the threshold of knowledge. Garrett detests physical labor, combat, people, and spiders… oh how he hates spiders.

    What are your characters ambitions?: To learn all that he can, to extend human life far into the future (more importantly his life), and to understand the mechanics of life and the world.

    Please provide an in-game screenshot of your skin here: http://i.imgur.com/dfNyh.png

    Is there anything else you would like to say about your character: No.


    Each question here must be answered with a minimum of one full paragraph, and detail the scene you are given in the way it would happen in roleplay. These questions should be answered in first person. Be detailed, not short.

    Upon entering the Mighty Human City of Arethor, you come across a shop-keeper calling out to sell his wares to passers-by. The shopkeeper is not a Human, he is a poor dwarf looking to make a living in a new city. What is your response? Having just entered the large city I concentrate and drown out the noise of the passersby, the merchants, and the beggars. I breathe in deeply with my eyes closed, searching for the smell of cooked flesh, the smell of sustenance. Identifying what I seek I open my eyes and mind, letting in sight and sound, I begin scanning the area around me, struggling to see past the hustle and bustle of the crowded city I approach the sound of a dwarf and the smell of a fresh meal. As I near the dwarf he begins waving a hunk of meat in his hand, motioning me to come closer, and I do.

    “You look like a man who could use a meal EH?” the stout dwarf shouts over the crowd so I can hear.

    “As it would happen I do, dwarf” I motion towards a cooked piece of chicken sizzling on a grill, “How much?”

    The dwarf looks me over, changing the price in his head to what it looks like I can afford, after a minute of what seems labored thought he pipes up in a loud tone “well it’s normally 10 Minas ya see, but I think I can give you a deal… 7 Minas sound good?”

    I reach into my pocket and feel for what little coin I have, 1,2..5 Minas. I sigh at the thought of not eating today and look the dwarf in the eyes, “I only have 3…”

    The dwarf’s mouth hangs agape for a second, a scowl crosses his face and he strokes his lengthy beard, “I cannot do that lad, best ya come back when you can pay a goodly amount.”

    “Isn’t some money better than none my friend? It’s only a difference of a few Minas; consider it your good dead of the month,”

    The dwarf sighs in defeat, nods, and holds out his hand.

    I reach into my pocket take 3 coins and place it in his waiting hand, I then pick up the chicken and find a quiet place to eat and continue on my way.

    You’re wandering the Oren Road late at night, when a large Orc begins to threaten a nearby dwarf. There is no help nearby, and the situation looks like it will escalate into violence soon, what does your character do? Disturbed by the overly boisterous conversation up the road I take cover by some bushes and watch the scene play out, slowing taking my bow out and stringing an arrow. The dwarf, a female, looks like a merchant as evident by her cart, demeanor, and bright clothes. The orc appears as... well an orc. The orc isn’t a killer or the dwarf would be dead, but does have a wicked looking axe while the dwarf has nothing of the sort, I assume that the orc is a hired guard who’d prefer to be paid more handsomely than the dwarf intended. Things should be coming to a close soon; the orc was now raging and ready to attack. I take aim at the orc’s back and wait for him to strike the dwarf.

    After another 5 minutes of shouting the orc makes a brutal swing, cutting the dwarf in twain. As he stands there observing the after effects of his dark artwork I release my arrow, being the hit and miss archer I am the shot misses and the orc jumps, switching his head back and forth in an attempt to identify the source. I quickly bring another arrow to bear and let it loose, with luck this one hits the orc’s leg, he screams and begins slowly hobbling towards me. In a moment of weakness I panic and take off down the road running as fast I can to get away from the angry, bellowing orc. As I sprint I can’t help but think ‘never again.’

    Whilst walking down the road to Malinor, you stumble upon an old man. His walking stick , looks weak and frail, and just as you are about to ask something, the stick breaks, and the man falls to the ground. As he falls down, a bag of Minas falls to the ground, and splits open. As you watch the multiple coins spill out, you peer down at the defenceless man. What does your character do?: I drag the man to a nearby stone where he can sit down with ease and I look him over. He appears to be a beggar, with tattered clothes, an untamed beard, and a bald head. I start to ask the elderly man a battery of questions “what do you know of Malinor? Of magic? Of philosophy? How did you get here? Where are you going? What wise words do you have to share?”

    With a dumbstruck look on his face the ragged old man answers in detail and we sit there for hours discussing these things until the sun starts to go down and he looks at me, one he now considers a friend, and says “the sun is setting, the night is a dangerous time, can you help me find a new walking stick?”

    I kneel down and look the man in the eyes, smile, and reply “No.”

    The man looks at me distraught with confusion and stammers “but I’ll catch my death out here!”

    “Yes and I intend to learn all about that, I thank you, and science thanks you,” I then hand the man his sack of Minas, “at least you still have wealth,” I say as I walk across the road.

    “Where are you going!? What’s wrong with you!?” he yells at me.

    I turn around and smile broadly “Calm yourself, I’ll be in the trees observing what night creature that will rip you asunder, don’t feel bad though you probably only have a few years left anyway and you’re going to die for such a noble cause, that’s nothing to feel bad about.” The man continued to shout for hours, but that only quickened his death as his voice became a beacon for the evil of the night, and so as dawn rose I examined the man’s remains, scavenged what was left, and took note of what he taught of life and death in a journal.

  12. Out-Of-Character Details

    Minecraft Account Name: TrooperX40

    How old are you?: 17 (18 on November 9th)

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence: Pacific Standard Time, United States of America

    Do you have a good grip on English grammar and the English language?: I would like to think so, English being my first language and all.

    Have you had any previous experience in roleplaying?: Yes, the first server I played on (in alpha) was an RP server by the name of “Age of Chaos.” When Age of Chaos closed I wandered from server to server looking for something that felt close to the same, nothing so far.

    Have you read and understood and agree to the rules?: Yes, yes, and yes.

    How did you hear about the Lord of the Craft?: Found it browsing the Minecraft forums.

    Link any previous applications you have made to the Lord of the Craft: None.

    Have you posted this application on Minecraft Forum? If not, post it here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/832121-the-lord-of-the-craft-enter-the-world-of-asulon-o-f-f-i-c-i-a-l-l-y-t-h-e-n-o-1-r-p-s-e-r-v-e-r-100-unique-gameplay/! : Yes.


    In your own words, define what the act of roleplaying is: Role playing is when you remove yourself from everyday worries and troubles and place yourself in the role of another, so you can experience their worries and troubles. Role playing is part acting, part improvising, and part storytelling.

    In your own words, define what the act of meta-gaming is: Meta-gaming is when you take out-of-character information and use it to your advantage in character. For example: I walk into my house/mansion/whatever and I see another players name plate through the wall, in character I can’t see through walls so I have no idea that they’re there, were I to abuse the reality of the game by smashing down the wall and beating the other player to death then I would be accused of meta-gaming.

    In your own words, define what the act of power-emoting is: Power-emoting is when you use emotes to take advantage of a situation and deny the other player a chance to react, for example: *player A stabs player B in the chest, player B falls over and dies.*

    In-Character Details

    Character Name: Garrett Moore

    Character Race: Human (Southeron)

    Character biography - Make this at least 2 paragraphs long, which must explain your character’s history, appearance, personality, age and any other details you deem necessary:

    Garrett Moore was born to a large family of barely literate farmers not far from the island-city of Salvus. Due to their off island location the Moore family saw little visitors besides a small cargo boat by the name of “the Silver Spoon” that transported their goods to the hungry mouths of Salvus every few weeks. Garrett was lucky to be as curious as he was as a child for without him stowing away in said ship he never would have learned to read or write. During one of Garrett’s many trips to the city he wandered into a library where he befriended the young scholar Thomas Porse. Though Thomas was a brilliant man he was also a bitter one thanks to a rough upbringing. Thomas taught Garrett many things, he taught him to read, to write, to think, to change, to judge, to question, as well as history, philosophy, a little alchemy, and of some medicines. Sadly along with these important teachings and several bad run ins with the citizens of Salvus Thomas’s bitterness and distrust for other sentient beings were also instilled in the young, eager to learn, but impressionable Garrett Moore. Being among one of twelve children Garrett’s regular disappearances never caught the attention of his parents, however when he began to ignore their rulings and the workload they gave him in order to afford more time to learn and grow intellectually. This of course created tension in the Moore household and because of this most of his family looked down on him.

    At the age of 16 he began dissecting farm animals, those alive and dead, in attempts to learn what makes them tick. While Garrett was proud of his work and the knowledge he gained his parents felt otherwise, they were horrified, they called him evil and sick and cast him out into the world.

    Garrett wandered the world until the age of 23, all the while killing and stealing what he could, sometimes to satisfy his need for basic necessities but always to satisfy his need to learn. Make no mistake Garrett is no fighter and no thief, for every second he tried to steal and murder he spent 60 fold running from whatever angry thing now that chased him.

    Garrett is a tall, thin man with moderately light skin for one of Southeron descent. Garrett has an angular face and well defined features. Garrett has strong legs and moderately strong arms, from running often and using a bow and arrow on a semi-regular basis. Garrett has a shaved head and wears comfortable clothes that offer high maneuverability.

    In the end Garrett Moore is a smart but emotionally broken man, he considers himself a man of science and is intent upon finding a place where he can set up operations in medicine, alchemy, or something else that engages his mind. Garrett could be called a cruel man as he cares little for ethics and morals besides that of his employer. Garrett looks at the bottom line and little else. Garrett stands and carries himself formally and will often change himself to attempt to manipulate others. Garrett seldom smiles and almost never laughs, but when he does it is almost always at the expense of another. Garrett detests physical labor, combat, people, and spiders… oh how he hates spiders.

    What are your characters ambitions?: To learn all that he can, to extend human life far into the future, and to understand the mechanics of life and the world. He would of course only do this for personal gain I assure you. Please provide an in-game screenshot of your skin here: http://i.imgur.com/dfNyh.png

    Is there anything else you would like to say about your character: No.


    Each question here must be answered with a minimum of one full paragraph, and detail the scene you are given in the way it would happen in roleplay. These questions should be answered in first person. Be detailed, not short.

    Upon entering the Mighty Human City of Arethor, you come across a shop-keeper calling out to sell his wares to passers-by. The shopkeeper is not a Human, he is a poor dwarf looking to make a living in a new city. What is your response? Having just entered the large city I concentrate and drown out the noise of the passersby, the merchants, and the beggars. I breathe in deeply with my eyes closed, searching for the smell of cooked flesh, the smell of sustenance. Identifying what I seek I open my eyes and mind, letting in sight and sound, I begin scanning the area around me, struggling to see past the hustle and bustle of the crowded city I approach the sound of a dwarf and the smell of a fresh meal. As I near the dwarf he begins waving a hunk of meat in his hand, motioning me to come closer, and I do.

    “You look like a man who could use a meal EH?” the stout dwarf shouts over the crowd so I can hear.

    “As it would happen I do, dwarf” I motion towards a cooked piece of chicken sizzling on a grill, “How much?”

    The dwarf looks me over, changing the price in his head to what it looks like I can afford no doubt, after a minute of what seems labored thought he pipes up in a loud tone “well it’s normally 10 Minas ya see, but I think I can give you a deal… 7 Minas sound good?”

    I reach into my pocket and feel for what little coin I have, 1,2..5 Minas. I sigh at the thought of not eating today and look the dwarf in the eyes, “I only have 3…”

    The dwarf’s mouth hangs agape for a second, a scowl crosses his face and he strokes his lengthy beard, “I cannot do that lad, best ya come back when you can pay a goodly amount.”

    “Isn’t some money better than none my friend? It’s only a difference of a few Minas; consider it your good dead of the month,”

    The dwarf sighs in defeat, nods, and holds out his hand.

    I reach into my pocket take 3 coins and places it in his waiting hand, I then pick up the chicken and find a quiet place to eat and continue on my day.

    You’re wandering the Oren Road late at night, when a large Orc begins to threaten a nearby dwarf. There is no help nearby, and the situation looks like it will escalate into violence soon, what does your character do? Disturbed by overly boisterous conversation up the road I take cover by some bushes and watch the scene play out, slowing taking my bow out and stringing an arrow. The dwarf, a female, looks like a merchant as evident by her cart, demeanor, and bright clothes. The orc appears as... well what am I to say without stereotyping him? The orc isn’t a killer or the dwarf would be dead, but does have a wicked looking axe while the dwarf has nothing of the sort, I assume that the orc is a hired guard who’d prefer to be paid more handsomely than the dwarf intended. Things should be coming to a close soon; the orc was now raging and ready to attack. I take aim at the orc’s back and wait for him to strike the dwarf.

    With a brutal swing the orc cuts the dwarf in twain and as he stands there observing the after effects of his dark artwork I release my arrow, being the hit and miss archer I am the shot misses and the orc jumps, switching his head back and forth. I quickly bring another arrow to bear and let it loose with luck this one hits the orc’s leg, he screams and beings slowly hobbling towards me. In a moment of weakness I panic and take off down the road running as fast I can to get away from the angry, bellowing orc.

    Whilst walking down the road to Malinor, you stumble upon an old man. His walking stick , looks weak and frail, and just as you are about to ask something, the stick breaks, and the man falls to the ground. As he falls down, a bag of Minas falls to the ground, and splits open. As you watch the multiple coins spill out, you peer down at the defenceless man. What does your character do?: I drag the man to a nearby stone where he can sit down with ease and I look him over. He appears to be a beggar, with tattered clothes, an untamed beard, and a bald head. I start to ask the elderly man a battery of questions “what do you know of Malinor? Of magic? Of philosophy? How did you get here? Where are you going? What wise words do you have to share?”

    With a dumbstruck look on his face the ragged old man answers in detail and we sit there for hours discussing these things until the sun starts to go down and he looks at me, one he now considers a friend, and says “the sun is setting, the night is a dangerous time, can you help me find a new walking stick?”

    I kneel down and look the man in the eyes, smile, and reply “No.”

    The man looks at me distraught with confusion and stammers “but I’ll catch my death out here!”

    “Yes and I intend to learn all about that, I thank you, and science thanks you,” I then pick up the man’s sack of Midas, “you won’t be needing these,” I saw as I walk across the road.

    “Where are you going!? What’s wrong with you!?” he yells at me.

    I turn around and smile broadly “Calm yourself, I’ll be in the trees observing what night creature that will rip you asunder, don’t feel bad though you probably only have a few years left anyway and you’re going to die for such a noble cause, that’s nothing to feel bad about.” The man continued to shout for hours, but that only quickened his death as his voice became a beacon for the evil of the night, and so as dawn rose I examined the man’s remains, counted the gold, and took note of what he taught of life and death in a journal.

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