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Posts posted by Lvke

  1. On the Absence of God




    Written by Deacon Pierre on the 10th of Sun's Smile, 1649





    It is readily apparent to any not raised and naturalised to the culture of Atlas and the lands before it, that the whole region and every culture within suffers from a plague of rampant, wanton violence, regularly taken to the extreme. Where the aberration does not stir strife, one can be sure to see it raised by another, a sadly twisted mind of purely mundane creation.


    The tragic effect of this cannot be understated, as even the children become twisted monstrosities, too immersed in constant bloodshed great enough to drown the whole world that they cannot escape into more rational thought, guided by God rather than their own warped lust.


    It also seems that truly, it is those who reject Canonism or do not truly understand it and warp it to meet their own ends that most of the violence stems from, to the point of such rampant barbarism becoming systemic. Perhaps, or almost certainly, it is the absence of God that drives the descendants to these acts from which only ever more vile acts stem from in the bitter cycle of ever increasing cruelty. For when each act is explained as simple revenge for an earlier slight, how can it end but in senseless death?


    If this violence is ever to come to an end, there must be a way for which some can escape this bloody cycle. The method for this stems from embracing God, letting the divine scripture and the wisdom of the Church guide one’s actions, leading to a better and more wholesome life. For when God’s love fills one’s breast, the urge to share this love with others follows.


    But while this should stem the violence, the rage, the barbarism of one’s actions and extend to the world around them, they should not rest on their laurels and forever turn the other cheek. For it is not the meek that shall inherit the world, but rather those with swords who choose not to draw them.



  2. On Fire and Aberrations






    Written by Deacon Pierre on the 19th of Malin’s Welcome, 1649


    The Owynist depiction of fire as a means of purging the filth is not a misguided one, but rather one based on the logic of the sad reality in which we find ourselves. Plagued by the heretic, the heathen and most foul of all, the aberration, men must turn to fouler means to keep their lands, their families and their churches safe.


    The nature of the heretic and the heathen is well known, and both souls have potential to be readily saved from damnation. But this does not extend to the aberrations, the foul abominations, qu.eer in nature, that roam these lands, melded from twisted human souls. It is these unnatural monstrosities most in need of the fire to burn away the deepest sin tainting their once human souls. For them, only gold and fire can save them, for they are beyond prayer.


    This thesis is not to suggest the fire itself has these sacred properties, as to assume such errs on the side of paganism. Rather, the suffering it induces as it bares the soul from the flesh is what removes the taint, repentance through pain taken to the furthest extreme. It is the reason fire is used upon heretics and heathens alike, and why many of the bodies of beasts are burned by the Hexers, locally known as the Marked, a creature most foul in nature already. For they know that to strip away the flesh which holds the soul is to send it to its judgement.


    The greatest mercy to aberrations is to condemn them to judgement. For while many of these accursed beings revel in the que.er nature, there are a select minority who have been dragged upon this evil path by the minions of Iblees, their souls and bodies warped against their will. It is for those, that you must pray during the act of the purge, for should their actions or their final words suggest repentance, they must be given the chance for their once-human soul to reach the Seven Skies. Take pity on these select few, do not hunger for their demise, but think of it as an act of salvation when the gold and fire free them.


    But to those aberrations too numerous to count who embrace and enjoy their corrupted state, revel in your chance to put them to the blade, the torch and the cleansing word of God. For the fire is only the beginning of the suffering that awaits them in the Nether below.



  3. MC Name: RocketHaul


    Character's Name: Pierre


    Character's Age: 24


    Character's Race: Human


    What magic(s) will you be learning?: Kani


    Teacher's MC Name: Niv_Mizzet


    Teacher's RP Name: Aegon of Yharm


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: No


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yes


    Are you aware that if this magic is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the magic?: Yes


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: No

  4. MC Name: RocketHaul


    Character's Name: Durn


    Character's Age: 102


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable): Human


    Transformed form: Dread Knight


    Creator's MC Name: Niv_Mizzet


    Creator's RP Name: Akhortep


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature: Dread Knights are constructs of iron and cloth, made by blood mages to serve as guards. They are not only created through the death and blood of one of the descendant races, but also fuelled by the same cruel fate. The minds of Dread Knights are often left warped and twisted by the transformation, which leaves them emotionally stunted in certain ways, and amplifies other emotions, such as anger. Their strength lies in their armoured form being largely resistant to damage, but they are slow and bound to the will of another, lacking their own free will. Blunt force and holy magic are the methods best suited to dealing with a Dread Knight.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: No.


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yes.


    Are you aware that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?: Yes.


    Do you consent to accepting what may happen to this character?: Yes.


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: No.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Joe / joenaj / Yemekar said:

    High flung statements of claimed bias as a result of unfavorable decisions to you and your player base's goals is not bias, but simply reprimanding for negative action. Tahmas is not nearly the worst admin we've ever had. He's not nearly even a bad one. He works diligently staying in all teamspeaks available for a word if need be. 


    He is the target of scapegoating as suddenly the admin team rules against Oren. As soon as that happens it must be bias. This post screams confirmation bias. It screams high horse. 


    @Tahmas don't resign. This is simply adversity in the face of a changing staff team that doesn't necessarily inherently favor Oren. There is still a large group of players that is very much in favor of your position and a large group who is simply standing by at it. The vocal minority is not the majority.


    As for the claims of no evidence. There is clear evidence evidence enough that those who were being victimized felt uncomfortable posting it in fear that people like you and your friends would target them further. I'm in favor of the defense of such people who fear even speaking out.


    There is a large amount of pent up anger in this post that can only be a result of the fact that you are not getting your way in a world that can only go your way. My suggestion is simply to speak with the staff team more on this instead of tin foiling and demanding removal with high flown diction and accusation of someone who for once is actually doing their job.



    This is just simple shilling to the nth degree. There's a reason for all the pent-up anger, and it's because the playerbase, most notably the largest on the server, feels unjustly targeted by the moderation team that is supposed to ensure that the server remains fresh and fun. When you have a team that is actively biased against one nation, is composed of an oligarchic clique of people and actively stifles and repeals legitimate roleplay such as the High Elven coup, it doesn't just affect Oren.


    In fact, many of the threads I've seen criticising the moderation team don't even originate from the Orenian playerbase, this is one of the first. Challenging Oren doesn't mean favouring smaller, niche playerbases simply because they happen to be in opposition, but stopping unfair actions with no grounds in roleplay. Ideally, the staff team should be wholly neutral.


    To insinuate that the evidence which was never provided is worth more than another's words is stupid. Absolutely ******* retarded, in fact. This pent up anger we feel doesn't stem only from the players of Oren, but from numerous areas on the server as we have to deal with bullshit time and time again from a staff team that acts like an Orwellian example of an overreaching, oligarchic authoritarian government which actively stifles anything that they do not approve of.

  6. 1 minute ago, Marijuanaology said:

    Well I figure I can at least shed some light on this situation as difficult as it is to discuss things with a GM it seemed I received very little cooperation from Pyro when we spoke in an attempt to perhaps balance what has been unbalanced.

    This type of OOC behavior from a moderator of all staff members makes a negative impact on the staff as it is. For a GM to OOCly oust players from having any leadership type position simply because they dislike those players seems very malicious when it comes to a cooperative as much as competitive role play server.



    If you read the entirety of the post, this was addressed. There are several leaders within Oren that have previously been considered enemies, but because they weren't merely being OOCly malignant and actively RPed their plotting, it was all fine. But with players such as Malg who OOCly plot and consistently over numerous characters appear to create issues for one particular group, it's a massive red flag and really, if it was any other playerbase but Oren, most people would be totally on board with that blacklist.

  7. Empire of Rhodes




    The Empire of Rhodes, seeking to find an effective way to combat nations on the plains of Africa, looks back to the roots of their fascist origin. Turning to the tactics of Nazi Germany, the leading strategists commune with Field Marshal Ian Smith to refine the Blitzkrieg tactic for the modern era. The reliance of the tactic on tanks and artillery bombardment is refined with incorporation of modern aircraft tactics and advanced reconnaissance to pinpoint the weakest point of the enemy's defense in order to focus the attack.


    The refined Rhodesian Blitzkrieg draws heavily on the need for tanks. As such, research is encourage on the materialistically regulated economy of the Rhodesian lands for the development of a tank that fulfils the requirements of the nearby terrain of Africa. Steps are also taken to purchase additional towed artillery, with offers being sent to the nations of America and Russia.


    The existing military equipment is deployed and tested, and the racially based meritocratic approach to military leadership assuring that only the best white commanders can lead troops. This assures the efficiency of command, as for the most part, the officers are skilled in their roles. This meritocratic, albeit racial policy applies to business, as even the blacks are allowed to participate on the open market encouraged within the nation but can attain no political or militaristic stake.


    The government commands all states within the border to seek methods of dealing with the issues of HIV and AIDS affecting the nation and draining the manpower. Education to a basic level is offered, to assure literacy and basic numeric abilities to the entire populace, with higher education available to whites. Sex education is freely available at the nation's expense, and the localised culling of individuals infected with HIV/AIDS begins in certain regions, although no official action is taken to stop this.

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