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Posts posted by youdude

  1. Curiosity.
    A thought, a feeling; One unable to be ignored by a slowly lumbering carcass otherwise so dreadfully devoid of thought. The sight of these slowly shifting lights within the thick mist prompted a series of jingles of loose chainmail and creaks of battered armor as the shadow of chivalry approached those docile accursed. Motionless staring, decayed expression shrouded by the shadows cast by a weathered helm, only the reflection of the lights reflecting of mucus-addled eyes gifted the figure a sense of animation for the entity.

    Another; It was on a roll today. It enjoyed the flow, yet couldn't bare to stare ahead. It wasn't that, it wasn't a slave to some other's purpose. A clumsy arm raised a gauntleted hand, one who fished for an old battered locket of Aurum. Trinkets. This one hurt, but it's faded contents were worth the burden of it's possession. Reassurance was retrieved, and the armored being continued forth, entering the sanctum with hushed steps and a raised and tightly-clutched, rust-caked blade. 

    It was the same. Servitude without ambition, ritualistic devotion to nothingness. The figure, standing in the shadowed depths blended in- disrepair marring it's attire and weaponry, the air around it caked in the same stench as those keeping peace. Yet it's tabard, and helm were of different make. To an attentive eye, it didn't belong, nor did Itself  feel like it did. These were not it's kin. They were tamed, robbed of self, bent to serve.

    Though something demanded for it to linger, for it to stay and lurk within the shadowed corners, and observe with those light-shunning eyes. It had to observe, it had to learn and adapt; For the will that drove it demanded betterment, and demanded it's own right. 
    Time had next to no meaning, why not spend it here, for the chance of renewal.


  2. Original lore: 

    Unsound magic is a rather difficult one to roleplay, as it’s disadvantages can easily be underplayed, or roleplayed wrongly. In this guide, I will do my best to elaborate upon any unclarities and set a firm baseline. Notably, there is plenty of wriggle room, as each unsound mage has a different mind, and a different voidal observer. Things can differ to a reasonable degree.

    How to become voidtouched, obtain unsound magic:




    For one to be considered voidtouched, their mind and consciousness must have been exposed to the tampering presence of a greater, or arch voidal horror. Any contact with these beings does not mean that the mage is forced into this state, and while the probabilities are high, it is never guaranteed. This can happen in two ways.

    The first is for a would-be unsound mage to find a teacher, gain their trust and convince them to impart this ‘blessing’ onto them. How this is done varies from person to person. Some might create elaborate rituals, while others simply do what must be done. The would-be apprentice enters a state of meditation, connecting their minds to the void. The teacher then does the same, then connects to their voidal observer, and touches the would-be student. The voidal observer might call out, or mayhap the presence simply draws in others to the open vessel. The exact details are foggy to those on this plane, yet the results are always the same. The would-be apprentice finds their mind invaded, pushed through and wringed for information and memories. A  nightmare-riddled coma follows, and once they awaken, they’d feel the presence of another, and find their magic distorted. They have successfully been voidtouched.


    The second is a more rare occurrence. Any physical interaction with a strong and intelligent voidal horror on our plane would give the mage an extremely slight, persistent voidal taint. It does nothing on it’s own, having no effects on the person who bears it. Yet, it works as a beacon for any other voidal denizens, calling out towards them whenever that particular, ‘marked’ mind is within the void, and draws them towards it. The lucky might never be reached, while the unlucky mind find that one day, when they connect to  the void, their mind is assaulted by this foreign presence, pushed through and wringed for information and memories. A nightmare-riddled coma follows, and once they awaken, they’d feel the presence of another, and find their magic distorted. They have successfully been voidtouched.




    The effects of being voidtouched:




    Physiological  effects:




    Madness comes to each unsound mage. How it affects them though, is completely dependant on the individual. Each mind is unique, and each instance is different. When roleplaying it, keep in mind to how your character would react to having this constant, looming feeling of never being alone, the feeling that there is something else pressuring the back of their minds, and that it’s watching their every move. Whispers seem to occasionally litter one’s mind, as well as foreign thoughts that clearly don’t belong to the mage. While directly understanding the voidal observer is impaired by the language and planar gap, delusions of understanding their desires is quite common, and often times quite accurate, though never perfect. Crippling paranoia, loss of individuality, compulsive needs are all quite common, but not necessary. This mental affliction only grows worse with time.




    Physical  effects:




    The strain and deterioration of being a mage is nearly doubled for unsound mages. They find themselves barely able to lift swords, pathetic in combat save for their magical abilities. Bony limbs and sunken in features, fatigue of sleeplessness and susceptibility to illnesses often make an unsound mage stand out in a crowd. Anything more than robes impairs their movement, and anything more than daggers and light, short weaponry is too heavy to use.





    Altered spellcasting:



    An unsound mage’s spellcasting is disrupted, altered and shifted. It becomes destructive, useless for anything but disruption and causing harm. The spells change in appearance, and are roleplayed as rather difficult to control and contain. Despite their unstable nature, a curious property is that the creation is harder than sustaining them, and so while creating a large mass drains the magic user considerably, sustaining it is rather easy. This may be because how weakly the crafted creations are tethered to this plane, why physical disturbance so easily causes their untimely implosion.

    Evocations are shifted in color, and while the original post stated purple, different mages can easily have different colorations. If you lack imagination, purple is the default! Though it’s never truly normal, and is one of the ways skilled combatants can discern an unsound mage from a normal arcane user.


    Illusions are often times rejected by the mind, only existing for short, disturbing and extremely disrupting moments, altered in the way aptly described in the original post.


    The mana-sapping materials caused by users of alterations are only truly hindering in large quantities. Even someone who has never expanded their mana pool and has never dabbled in magic could hold it for quite a while, only feeling steady discomfort and fatigue; As long as the quantity is small. Notably, the size of that volatile material corresponds to the mana required to keep it from losing stability. Large chunks are dangerous, small pebbles are near-harmless, and syphon at a much slower pace.








    Pseudo-attunement to the voidal observer:




    As one attunes to the being that altered their voidal connection, their worm would visibly shift. Those nearby would feel a pulse of discomfort, one which is intensified for those capable of arcane spellcraft. Though it’s never quite disrupting to the point of being distracting, unless one is on edge enough to be put off by it. But that’s their own fault!
    The shift of form would come with a rather unnervingly joyful expression as the bliss of being ‘one’ with their voidal observer overtakes the mage, as well as whispers and stray thoughts. Eyes darken into a starry black, and veins bulge underneath the skin.


    The mage wouldn’t feel the strain of their spellcasting within this state, capable of manipulating anomalies as they wish. These dangerous, material-destroying masses would require a lot of mana to sustain, made easier if they can sap mana from nearby living beings that’s syphoned into the spell. While this certainly alleviates some of the stress, it is never a effortless ordeal, and the distance from which it can do this is once again correspondent to the size of the conjured anomaly.


    While they don’t feel the strain, their bodies do; and in their manic state, it’s not uncommon for them to overlook the fact that they’re barely standing upright. Pushing oneself over the edge, falling unconscious is a rather easy mistake to make, something that lower tiers do near-constantly, and even the high tiers occasionally fall for.

    The moment they disconnect from their vodal observer, the mental backlash is severe. Headaches, aching muscles, suffocating fatigue, and a gaping feeling of emptiness. The severity ranges from something a strong-willed mind can push through, to something that simply overwhelms even the most disciplined of minds, all corresponding to how far the unsound mage had pushed their bodies. If they simply connect, and do not conjure any anomalies at all, a simple headache and faint, brief depression ensures.




    Rp tips:




    -Always have ooc consent if using the destructive properties of your magic to alter the world. If it’s in the wild, or rather minor, go ahead though.


    -Not feeling fatigue doesn’t mean you don’t feel pain. And because attuning to your voidal observer is much the same as connecting to the void, a distraction can rip you out of both states, causing the backlash early.


    -Unless you’re in a situation where the time between emotes doesn’t matter, connect, attune and cast in separate emotes. This slowness is a rather glaring weakness you have to work around if you don’t wish to simply get speared.





    Frequently asked questions:

    • Does this magic take up one of your magic slots?
      Indeed. While you do actually just take your magic and slap on the unsound magic changes, the additional power (and drawbacks) are enough to justify a slot being taken.
    • Does any interaction with any voidal horror do? And do I 'have' to learn it if I interact?
      No, for the sake of limiting the magic somewhat, only greater and arch horrors may mark someone. Those are unable to be played outside of events. As for having to learn it; ICly, it is indeed forced upon you, whilst oocly you can decide not to learn it, and simply claim that your mind rejected the presence.
    • Do anomalies instantly 'eat' though anything? How do they work?
      This is a question I've been getting a lot, and it seems I've been a bit sloppy on the clarification. Anomalies are heavily mana hungry blobs of voidal energies, which slowly eat away at matter. They work by forcefully creating an effect similar to that of voidal translocation, by breaking down whatever they touch and flinging it into the void. Living beings have mana, which it drains because of the nature of voidal horrors, one that is transferred to the casting itself. This means that it is easier and quicker to eat through living matter, but still not instant. Imagine it as a strong acid, which gradually eats through everything. It's slow and strenuous with non-organic material, and rather quick but still not instant with organics.
    • How does this 'second connection' work?
      To achieve it, one must first be connected to the void itself. Then, they must simply open their minds to the voidal observer, reaching out whilst allowing it to reach towards them. The minds intertwine, and you can begin casting through it. The sensation of being connected with this creature is supposed to be ecstatic, the power one wields nearly always causing them to act careless. But, if they disconnect either by strain, lack of concentration, or simply because they are finished with whatever they were doing, the mental backlash is crippling. Headaches, a looming feeling of emptiness, and general disorientation. Common, but not necessary is the weight of one's magical casting coming crashing down, as all the strain they would normally feel when casting anomalies is kept at bay from the mind. Once it breaks from the voidal observer, and returns to the body that has been bearing the burden, it can be rather devastating. Depends on the extent of which one has pushed themselves.


    The current lorekeeper for the magic is Youdude (IG: GenericManslave).

    Any direct questions are to be pointed towards him.

  3. MC name: GenericManslave


    Character's name and age: Savet Yvonus, 909


    Character’s Race: Mali'aheral


    What magic/s did you learn?: Unsound spellcasting


    Who/how did you learn magic/s?: Through the touch of a voidal denizen, my mind was expanded, and my attunement was made.


    Offer an explanation of said magic/s you learned: Unsound magic is an addition, and a replacement for your previous magic. Though the influence of a greater voidal horror, one's magical connection is distorted. Their previous spellcasting is altered and shifted, made costly and unstable; Yet they are granted the aid of their Voidal observer, capable of connecting to them, and casting through them, creating devastating anomalies of great destructive potency. One has to keep in mind that the casting of these is heavily straining, much more so than any other normal arcane art..

    In addition, while 'attuned' to one's voidal observer, the mage enters a manic state where they feel no fatigue, and have their mind filled with the voice and presence of them. This means they can push themselves further than normal mages, yet are prone to unconsciousness and permanent damage. A certain degree of addiction to the fulfilling feeling of one's voidal observers presence is unavoidable, and their incomprehensible presence wreaks havoc onto one's psyche.

    Red lines:
     -Line of sight must be maintained
    -The destructive capabilities of the magic cannot be used to alter terrain on a grander scale without ooc consent
    -Connection to one's voidal observer takes a longer time than normal connection; It must be roleplayed appropriately in combat.

    -While you don't feel fatigue, your body does; You can be knocked out easily, or simply interrupted, which brings the backlash of disconnection early.

    Provide evidence you’ve garnered to said subtype:


    Do you have a magic you are dropping, due to this app? If so, link it:



    ((Pardon for the re-posts, there's no real guide-line as to how it is when you're the first with a certain magic! Following the advice of the MAT, this should be enough.))

  4. Magic needs a bit of culling and trimming to be manageable; Though a full on wipe would result on folk simply re-posting their old ideas. And while some magics are truly kept behind tightly closed bars and are kept into tight-knit communities; I assure you, with roleplay alone, you can worm your way into any of them. It is, for example how my character, simply by solving a trial gained Mysticism- Without even having prior knowledge to it's existence. Even OOCly I never really looked into it, and it was a surprise.

    You pointed out my accepted lore, saying that it's a blatant example. Firstly, I'd imagine you only glanced over it since you either left out information to better serve your purpose, or didn't read them over. And as a bit of a self-defense, I should say that I've taken precautions to keep it from being bound to a close-knit community; Giving it triggers with which folk can naturally learn it. Mayhap these same precautions should be done for all magics, after a thorough trimming. 

    Though then again, if it's 'too accessible', that tipping point of mystery and wonder would be breached. It's hard to balance, and the MAT and LT are doing their best, surely. But you have to keep in mind; They're only human.

    But if the issue is powergaming, that's not truly something the lore or magic team can moderate. Magic is created with clear drawbacks in mind, and is only fair if they are roleplayed. If they are not, then yes; It's horrendous. If they are, it's fair; And that rule of "A trained swordsman is as good as a trained mage." holds true. I'm unsure if a magic wipe or re-write can ever fix that.


    ...Also I never wanted to start an uproar with my lore, I just did what players who have a desire to write lore do: I thought of a cool idea, presented it to the LT, and waited to see what they'd think of it! 

  5. MC name: GenericManSlave


    Character's name and age: Savet Yvonus, 909


    Character’s Race: mali'aheral


    Link to your accepted magic application:

    None, since I'm the magics creator


    What magics do you desire to teach?: Unsound Magic


    Summarize the Lore of this Magic:

    I was told this was not required, since I am the creator of the lore.


    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student. (Do note, we will be contacting aspiring teachers for a quick interview, to try to better gauge your knowledge and understanding):

    This is supposedly also not required, but it should be noted; You can't truly.. 'teach' it. You can only help those 'voidtouched' cope, in a sense. Master their altered connections. There's only a few new things that can be taught.  One can coax a voidal horror to attach to a willing student though.

    Do you have a Teacher App you are dropping, due to this app? If so, link it: None!

  6. MC name: GenericManslave


    Character's name and age: Savet Yvonus, 909


    Character’s Race: Mali'aheral


    What magic will you be learning?: Unsound Spellcasting


    Who will be teaching you?: GenericManslave

    Do you have a magic you are dropping, due to this app? If so, link it:



    LM Note: This lore is hereby revoked by LT vote, each individual user of the magic has been notified. Henceforth, the magic can neither be practised, self-taught, or executed via events.


    ./¨¨\_Tentacular _/¨¨\.



    This is a re-post, or a rewrite of a magic lore that’s been lingering in my mind for a while now. The original post was self-denied because it felt out of place, and enforced rolls into a roleplay environment where rolls are seen as optional, and in some cases detrimental to the progression of a battle, breaking logic and the power-balance.

    While creating this, I had two things in mind; Give the void, something mages seem to take for granted some more prevalent danger and risky mystery, and to give players a darker alternative to voidal magics, something that’s been neglected and forgotten; Making the art feel nearly stagnant, save for a few shining gems of creativity.


    A mind is a frail and fickle thing. It is easily bent, easily burdened and driven into it’s low-points.

    And mages, with each connection, each meditation, plunge this frail thing into the unknown plane we are void of a name. Our foolish bravery is sure to be noticed.


    “That emptiness was serene… Its endless swirling energies calming. It was an escape for me, a place where the burdens of the earthly realm had no foothold..”


    Voidal magic uses mana as the heated iron and one's mind as the anvil and hammer, forging spells with precision and grace. But if the tools are bent and distorted, an end result will still come, yet it's shape and utility would be questionable at best. Those magic users who've been pushed into madness, touched by the denizens of the void, given their blessing and knowledge would be familiar to this fact. And it takes an afflicted mind to see beauty in this chaos.


    “..Yet, mayhap I indulged in its incomprehensibility too often. As my aimless presence attracted the attention of an o̶the҉r͟w͞orĺd̡ly onlooker…”


    Unsound magic is the result of folk already capable of magical arts attracting the attention of greater voidal horrors, having their mind rended and attuned to the more primal workings of magic. By chance, or by fate, while their consciousness wandered the endless depths of the void in their state of meditation, it was noticed and approached by a voidal denizen. The whispers and touch of one of these beings within their home realm cracks the mages mind, rendering them trapped in a state of insanity, plagued by visions of their presence, their mind filled with whispers in an incomprehensible language. Still pushing their distorted minds into attempts of spell-craftery, they would find a strange attunement that distorted their previous magical connection, and allowed them to cast these curious magical anomalies . They would have to make due with this chaotic art, and make the best of it, as all hope of restoring their voidal connections is for naught.


    “..Who could have imagined the knơw͞l̛edgę it held? It’s silent ẃh́i̷s͜p͝ers held a deep resonation that caused my very being to tr̢em̧b̕l̢e͢.. It reached out, t͞oưc̕ḩed ̨m̷y ̢mi͏nd.. Altered it..”


    Unsound magic is  erratic and unstable at best, dangerous and unpredictable, giving the mage a pseudo-attunement, similar to that of those with divine faith, yet with toll to pay, and a duty to follow. Their bodies would suffer the effects of voidal fatigue, while craving for a connection with their voidal observer, often causing these mad magic users to recklessly push themselves to their limits over and over again wreaking havoc on musculature and physique. Frail in both mind and body; What’s the worst they could do?


    “..And I am now it’s looking glass… For as curious as we are to look into their world.. They m͘i̕rror that ambition tenfold…”

    The unpredictability of an unsound spell



    Due to their shattered mind and ‘tainted’ connections to the void, the unsound mage casts something very similar to their intended spell, yet it’s distorted and empowered in a very unique way. As a rule of thumb, solids become volatile, and immaterial magic becomes material. It all edges towards the similar state, and it all bears the markings of the greater potential granted to them by their void-touched consciousnesses. They would be unable to cast their voidal magic in it’s original state, with these altered versions unfit for anything but being thrown at an opponent and hoping they cause harm. In fact, most magics conflict with this unstable and erratic alteration of the spellcraft, causing them to be only vaguely useful and clashing with their magic branch’s original use. An unsound mage can forget using his magic for anything but destruction and disruption.

    Evocationists: Their evocation comes out, yet it’s shifted and unstable, destructive and volatile, bent to the will of their voidal observer.

    Elemental evocationists find their elements to be nearly sentient, forming twisted and eldritch shapes, moving towards their intended target on their own volition, their existence requiring much less mana to sustain, and a lot more mana to create. Along with the strange behaviour, they come with cosmetic effects of instability. Either dark-purple and rippling for non-solids, or cracked and unnaturally shaped for more solid elements. These evocated materials are hardier and more persistent for non-solids (water, fire, electricity, etc..), and have that characteristic purple-colored implosion on contact with solids. (Ice, earth, etc..) An exception is air evocation, which is rendered visible with dark-purple swirling mist.


    Conjurationists find their intended creation to be instead an imitation of the voidal horror that had afflicted their mind with it’s influence. Their touch would syphon mana from the intended target, devastating for non-mages and mages alike. Along with increased aggression, the blighted beings would seem to ignore their creator's commands, though they would avoid attacking the being responsible for keeping them anchored to the world. The conjurationist can dispel their creation at any time as per usual.


    Arcanists find their manipulation of arcane energies drastically altered, the already unstable art rendered absolutely erratic. The energies crackle with potential, barely obeying the arcanists whims, imploding violently on every contact. If the arcanist attempts to bend them into shields, the energy would, after a brief delay seem to materialize into a dark, cracked and glowing material, similar to that created by alteration. Though being more solid and reliable, it implodes violently if it’s integrity is shattered, threatening harm to the arcanist himself.



    Illusionists: Their illusions reflect their own distorted thoughts, rendered harrowingly physical.

    Sensory illusionists find their illusions to come out bent, twisted in unrecognizable shapes, writhing with tentacular appendages, screeching out cries in gibberish, inducing the sensation of pain on all those around, not following the blueprints of their creator and seeming to resemble a living entity even if their original design was inanimate. If the illusion only attempted to simulate one sense, the sound created would be accompanied by whispers of distracting gibberish, the sensation would be accompanied by an odd induced confusion and the sight would be lined with pale white eyes and small wriggling tendrils.


    Mental mages find that their targets feel more than a single presence, the penetrated mind filled with deafening whispers and headache inducing ringing. And with their targets mind so occupied and burdened, information extraction should be a bit easier, yet being subtle about it is imposible.


    Users of Cognitism find their mental capabilities pushed beyond normal limits, yet their perception of the world becomes twisted for the duration of their hyper thought, beings seeming twisted and blighted with arcane malformations, the world spinning and darkening.



    Alterationists: Their changes to already existing matter would riddle it with instability, cause it to become unpredictable and volatile.


    Transfigurationists  find that the material they wished to change has been instead shifted into a very volatile and unstable imitation of what they wished to achieve. Cracks of instability would line the surface, and nearby beings would have their mana sapped in a slow but steady manner. If the material is disturbed too much, or if it has no more mana to sap, it would dissipate in a violent fashion; Imploding with a shock wave corresponding to it’s size.


    Telekinetics find their object squeezed and twisted, contorted into meaningless symbols. Though while the shape and integrity is lost, they would find that the force with which they can manipulate the object is vastly increased.


    Users of Voidal translocation find that they can retrieve volatile matter from their storage, it seemingly replacing whatever they stored into their personal storages. This matter would be highly mana-dependent, syphoning it from wherever it can, and once it’s unstable form is disturbed by either physical means, or by a deprivation of mana the material can syphon. These ‘void pebbles’ are too unstable to exist for a longer period of time, and therefore cannot be used as building material, nor  forged with. Attempts would surely lead to small but violent implosions.


    Enchanting/Warding Created wards and enchantments are somewhat enhanced, yet at the cost of stability and longevity; Temporary and brief at best. The magic itself is rather difficult to ward against due to it's innate unpredictability and erratic fluctuations. The altered states of normal arcane spell-craft are affected by wards, while the swirling mass one conjures up within their observer-attuned state is not.

    A glimpse into untold power


    The poor void-touched mind loses his mind, has his magic twisted and his body turn frail. Compulsive actions drive his daily life, and a near addiction to feeling the rippling presence of their voidal observer. But, in exchange for this heavy toll, they obtain power. Power that seems to teeter on the very edge of comprehension, coming from null and vanishing into null; The helping hand of their great voidal denizen. To call for its help, to grasp a fraction of it’s terrible power, one must first connect to the void itself, in a way oh-so familiar to any user of voidal magic. And once that connection is felt, the mage must simply open their mind, allow the otherworldly presence to take root, and lend its power. To the mage, the sensation would feel ecstatic, wonderful, fulfilling; Allowing this creature to look through their eyes and experience the mortal plain. They would share in a rather parasitic manner; Attunement and power, in exchange for a glimpse into this world, and the shared knowledge it syphons from the mage’s mind, as well as any mana used by the mage.

    This ‘attunement’ would allow for the mage to manipulate what we’ve come to call anomalies; Magic in it’s most unstable and primal form, crafted with mana fed to the voidal onlooker, who shifts it in it’s incomprehensible ways, and returns it to the mage to manipulate and control with noticeable loss. In appearance, this mass would be rather hard to look at, seeming like a nearly infinite swirling blackness, outlined and ribboned with a writing,dark-purple, fog-like and bulbous mass. Along with a terrifying and nearly maddening appearance, this mass would appear to possess unique properties of syphoning mana from it’s surroundings, making any spell and being in it’s vicinity struggle to remain as that vital energy is greedily absorbed and used to sustain it; That greedy voidal observer taking any stolen mana for itself, feeding its hunger. On touch, any matter would seem to disintegrate, vanishing into that swirling infinite blackness in a manner similar to voidal translocation; Mayhap being torn into it’s basest of parts and transferred. This theory would seem to hold some ground, as the process of disintegration would take a heavy toll on the stability of it, and the mana pool of it’s creator. Things that hold abuntant mana are easier to disintegrate, as the syphon of mana alleviates some of the costly toll, while solid walls and such are nearly impossible to ‘eat through’.


    While a mage is acting as a host, their aura shifts colors, their eyes adapt a coloration nearly as discomforting to glance at as their casted anomalies, and to any nearby attuned mages, a ripple would shake (but not break) their existing connections, causing a minor disruption that can easily be overlooked, but would certainly be cause for worry. Physically, the mage remains unchanged, save for a deep rumbling echo to their voice, and the bulging and widening of veins, making the stress their bodies are going through rather abundant. Yet, the mage barely feels it while in this connection; Something they always regret once their voidal observer leaves them, abandoning them to the mind-numbing headaches and gut-wrenching fatigue. But while they don’t exactly feel this strain, their bodies to experience it; Their walks rather slow and stumbling, losses of balance and consciousness not uncommon for the possessed hosts.


    The mechanics


    Tier three:

    Once someone ‘takes up’ unsound magic, they must leave behind their previous magical arts, though the remnants of the knowledge remains. The user of Unsound magic user must have at the very least reached tier three in their previous arcane art, as that is the point where connecting to the void becomes natural enough for them to be able to do it whilst in an altered state of mind. Yet, their capabilities as a mage is greatly reduced, taking the first infant steps into this chaotic art, barely able to summon their void-touched creations, similar to a novice. Yet, the adjustment period would be swift, and the unsound mage could return to his somewhat versed skill level within a week or so, and advance in the usual time-period.

    Obtaining that ‘second connection’ that would allow them to cast anomalies would be obtainable, yet would present immense stress on one’s body, causing the connection to be rather short-lasting, and result in violent mental backlash that could easily knock the mage out, or at the very least leave him unable to concentrate, bear a pounding headache, and narrow his minds to the point of vulnerability.


    Tier four:

    The advancement and refinement of this chaos would only come to those who strive for mastery with their addled state of mind, as they become more familiar with the entropic patterns and the chaotic beauty. Their ‘normal’ spell casting would no longer take increased amounts of mana, and initiating their void-touched attunement would be less of a burden, capable of maintaining it for longer. Though, the longer they hold it, the more violent the toll it takes once it's ended; Almost as if the voidal observer yearns for the presence of its chosen host, throwing a fit whenever its new plaything leaves. But surely any gesture of a relationship is simply a figment of the mad mage's growing addiction..?


    Tier five:

    Mastering the art would be as far from true ‘mastery’ as mastery can get. It would resemble more to simply being used to the chaos, having experienced enough of it to have some sort of idea as to what could happen, and having some humble gesture of control. A master in unsound magic would be able to avoid the violent backlash of mana, lessen the headaches and be able to ‘skip’ the initial connection, capable of attuning oneself to it’s voidal observer at will, without the need of longer preparation.



    The effects on one’s psyche

    Surely having an altered, and almost eldritch connection to the void cannot do good to one’s mental health, can it? Short answer; No. Long answer;


    As the voidal mage’s void-connected consciousness is ‘touched and altered’ by the denizens of that unnamable place, they are knocked out. They enter a state of coma that lasts a worryingly long while, and whilst in it, experience vivid visions of knowledge incomprehensible for minds of our plane, nightmare inducing horrors, and are exposed to the mind-cracking endlessness of the void. For in this coma, they maintain a constant connection to the void, trading the exploration of the voidal realm, for the voidal denizens exploration of one’s memories. Though those beings are volatile at best, and one’s mind is not without consequence after being exposed to such unnatural conditions. The unsound mage awakens burdened by whispers of gibberish, visions of horrors and a feeling of deep and utter horror. While it fades over time, it never quite ceases, and only re-emerges quite vividly if they dare to once again connect to the void. Now here’s where it gets tricky; With each connection, those whispers, those sights seem less alien, and more.. Alluring. More pleasant, calming, desirable. Mayhap it’s the curiosity, or mayhap it’s the beauty of seeing things one should never be able to see. The unsound mage begins to crave being connected to the void, often meditating just to get that rush and sensation of the presence of it’s voidal observer. The unsound mage may find him or herself compelled to draw what he saw, only to realize what come out are seemingly meaningless symbols of current unimportance. The worst cases even seem to have etched these symbols into their own flesh. Along with this near addiction to using magic, the natural disregard that dependency brings causes the natural physical degradation of being in touch with the void to amplify, making them frail both in body and mind.

    Red lines

    -While implosions and matter-eating blobs of energy can certainly be useful for destroying walls, one should keep MC mechanics in mind, and obtain ooc consent if destroying something major. If said consent is un-obtained, the magic would.. Er.. Fizzle.

    -No instant casting.

    -Line of sight must be kept.

    -While your mage does not ‘feel’ the fatigue while fully attuned to their voidal observer, their body does. This means they are weakened physically, prone to pushing themselves over the edge and passing out, unable to truly perform any great feats of strength, (not that their excessively withered forms are capable of them) are are often rather sluggish.

    -Not feeling fatigue does not mean they do not feel pain. Concentration can be lost, and that can prematurely toss you out of your connection, making you suffer the backlash right away.

    -Up until tier five, two emotes should be spent “Connecting fully”. This can probably be skipped in scenarios where the passage of time isn’t such an issue.


    Tl:dr Mages get touched by Orgalorg the tentacular, it messes with their connection. Their original magic is distorted, and they can cast a new thingy. But it's bad for them. And for everyone around them. Why would you want this?



    Idea and all the work and writing: Me.

    Ideas on how to handle arcanism: BrandNewKitten

    Helpful tips on how to write lore, plus brilliant ideas: Swgrclan


  8. 7 hours ago, TheCritsyBear said:

    I love this idea! I would definitely pick this up on my "some day" magic man character. Perhaps take it to a sort of pseudo-obsession with his observer, if the mage even knows for sure that they're present. Who knows.


    But, I do have two questions...


    Are the anomalies listed here the comprehensive end-all be-all of what this magic can do, or could it depend on the nature of the being the mage is connected to? This could give the potential for some really diverse, really interesting RP... But also open up a gateway for some really edgy or really power game-y stuff.


    Would the mage have any sort of relationship with their spectator, (E.G. "Orgalorg enjoys mortal literature, therefore I must please him by reading aloud to him every night at bed time with a warm glass of milk.") or is it entirely one-sided, and any illusion of a relationship would need to be a figment of the mage's insanity? I'd like either one.


    To the first question; No! Although I'm unsure of how lenient I can be with lore like this, but for all I care, go buck wild if you stick with the theme and the general feel, and don't make it too OP. But mayhap for the sake of balance, its best to have it restrained to the options I've presented, since I've tried my best to give all the more powerful anomalies rather glaring weaknesses, and situational usefulness.

    To the second question; It would be mostly one-sided, with the voidal spectator unable to truly relay it's wishes due to both a dimensional, and language gap. Mayhap some crafty mages might discern the intentions, but I'd leave that up for the roleplayers themselves!

  9. "Does the damn treaty mean nothing...? Bickering children, brash individuals on both side. Now there will be even more precarious truces and agreements to juggle."  Grumbled a certain elf as he got news of this particular happenstance, displeasure clearly painted across his features.

  10. 8 hours ago, Stobohobo2 said:

    I like it, it seems like an interesting idea, but I can see some people power-gaming it if their role is high enough.   


    Well, that's a concern with every magic, isn't it? Plus, the magic is supposed to be a bit strong at it's full potential. The trade off, is that it can equally as likely be a complete dud. Though 'mastery' greatly reduces the chances of that. Adjustments can surely be made to balance though, suggestions are welcome!


    7 hours ago, Demotheus said:

    So basically it renders an illusionist completely useless since sensory illusion has to make sense, be believeable, etc. And generally speaking, trying to do something monstrous doesn't work very well. 


    Not completely useless against the inexperienced and superstitious ! But, think about it for a moment: You're trying to convince your spectator to believe a sight, while supposedly mad and plagued with visions. Some arcane arts work better with that, some work worse. Plus, that's only for one of the various cases. You're able to cast it normally still, or at double the strain, or double the efficiency depending on your luck. Then again, if you've got suggestions on how to better illusion while sticking to the unstable-madness theme, they are appreciated!

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