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Status Updates posted by Dtrik

  1. Imagine the rep from a person making a post about upgrading to more server slots.

  2. Went ets get banned

  3. Found a nalatac.

  4. Slim Jesus, lord and savior

  5. I feel as if the candidates on each side that are pulling barely 1% of the vote are hoping for some god clutching action were the votes get messed up some how and they win. 

  6. Dwarf teamspeak now has server group elf for all of you snow-would-not-exist-without-dwarven-support-elves and menarra dankblades smoking that double edged katana kush.

  7. I feel like Ben Carson is the type of black guy to own slaves

  8. No habla server

  9. Summary of the tiny chat:



    The man, the myth, the legend SCOTT STERLING!!!

  10. Just created a twitter @NapkinFacts Follow for all your daily facts on napkins

  11. Got accepted to Columbus Community :D 

    Damn I am old

  12. Spit on me dadi

  13. I only rp with halflings because they are the only ones that respect thi$ bread.

  14. Few Things:

    R L=J

  15. I feel by next year the GKoU is going to crumble as most of the vet players will be in their senior years or digging deeper into college/work.

  16. When the fart turns out to not be a fart but the harbinger of a greater evil escaping your holy body. #ClanToiletbreaker

  17. If I screenshot named items, I get them in 5.0? /Transfers money to 25 minae tax notes/

  18. Why+does+staff+recycle+their+members+and+then+act+like+nothing+happens+after+they+get+hacked+by+said+recycled+members?

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