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Bashar al-Assad

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Posts posted by Bashar al-Assad

  1. A small bird is sent to the Emperor and High Pontiff, bearing a small letter.


    "I Goddard. Hereby request His Holiness to grace his august presence to read this edict detailing the creation of the diocese of Lenfarthing. This diocese will imperially assist us in furthering the Church of the True Faith."


    Edict of the Diocese of Lenfarthing


    Section I:

    The Metropolitan-Bishop has supreme authority over any clergyman serving within the diocese of Lenfarthing.


    Section II:

    The Bishop of Lenfarthing will govern the diocese of Lenfarthing in all religious matter in accordance with all current canon law which has been promulgated.


    Section III:

    The seat of Lenfarthing has been given to Friar Boniface of the Friars of St. Amyas. He is to serve as Bishop of Lenfarthing.


    Section IV:

    A chapel shall be constructed within the diocese of Lenfarthing to serve as the seat of His Worship, the Bishop of Lenfarthing.


    ((Yes AiiM wrote that letter and has created the diocese.))

  2. (( Honor is not part of the Orcish race itself. It is part of the culture. Cultures change often, friend. Honor is not something that is inside a being, it is an expression. There is no piss or flaming on the lore. ))

    ((Exactly my point.))

  3. ((Would you like to imprison Empress Mother Rose? -80 relations with Empress Mother Rose. -20 relations with your courtiers. -10 relations with your vassals. Based off your intrigue level Empress Mother Rose has a 0% chance of escaping.))

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