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Posts posted by MintyBirds

  1. O'daz'badurz-rud daz'idin.

    O'daz'kuram hkaev,

    O'daz'badurz-rud daz'idin.

    Daz'kuram O-okren?

    Sthalme, sthlame, sthalme.

    O'daz'kuram calfax, calfax-ihil.

    Yfad snad al'tharp-singdaar.

    O'rhagor koneg o'sek akra.

    Pelosr-nozlot akra-nozlot.

    Pelosr-nozlot akra-nozlot.





    ((Yes, it's a horrible poem but I wanted to do something withe the language. It looked fun :P))

  2. *There is a note spread all throughout The Fringe*



    All Races Welcome!




    Item: Distillery ((Brewing Stand))

    Amount: 1

    Price: 500 minas or less

    Meeting Place: The Bancraiceann Bakery in Eastgate, next to Kaledonia, in the Kindom of Oren


    Item: Sand

    Amount: Less than 128

    Price: 3 minas / each

    Meeting Place: The Bancraiceann Bakery in Eastgate, next to Kaledonia, in the Kindom of Oren







    Item: Cake

    Amount: Made to order

    Price: 8 minas / each

    Meeting Place: The Bancraiceann Bakery in Eastgate, next to Kaledonia, in the Kingdom of Oren


    Item: Bread

    Amount: Made to order

    Price: 0.5 minas / each

    Meeting Place: The Bancraiceann Bakery in Eastgate, next to Kaledonia, in the Kingdom of Oren


    Item: Pumpkin Pie

    Amount: Made to order

    Price: 4 minas / each

    Meeting Place: The Bancraiceann Bakery in Eastgate, next to Kaledonia, in the Kingdom of Oren


    Item: Books

    Amount: Made to order

    Price: 2 minas / each

    Meeting Place: The Bancraiceann Bakery in Eastgate, next to Kaledonia, in the Kingdom of Oren


    Item: Sugar

    Amount: Made to order

    Price: 0.75 minas / each

    Meeting Place: The Bancraiceann Bakery in Eastgate, next to Kaledonia, in the Kingdom of Oren


    Item: Eggs

    Amount: However many the chickens lay

    Price: Free

    Meeting Place: The coop right outside The Bancraiceann Bakery in Eastgate, next to Keldonia, in the Kindom of Oren


    Item: Baked Potatoes

    Amount: Made to order

    Price: 1 mina / each

    Meeting Place: The Bancraiceann Bakery in Eastgate, next to Kaledonia, in the Kingdom of Oren




    Send a bird to place an order!

  3. As someone who has suffered from Paranoid Schizophrenia, I'm not sure what I should act like. Should I act as I was, or should I act all fakey? I'm confused. :s


    Also! The way Gronkk acts is NOT like schizophrenics, especially with the whole belly button talking thing. Our hallucinations are usually very realistic and very unlike hallucinations you would get from hallucinogens.

  4. <sidenote> This is technically my little brother's application, but we had account creation problems :P </sidenote>


    Out-Of-Character Information

    The simplest section of the application! Simply answer these questions so we can get to know you a bit better.

    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: - Creepermoo1
    How old are you?: - 10
    What time-zone do you live in?: - EST

    Have you ever roleplayed before - if you have, how?: - Yes, I LARP every so often
    Have you been on any other roleplaying servers?: - No, unfortunately
    Have you applied to this server before? (Please link past applications): - Nope!

    How did you hear about us?: -I heard about it from my big brother
    What do you think the server will be like? - I think the server will be very fun with many opportunities to roleplay and I hope to be able to roleplay as if I was LARPing, in aw way of how submersive it is.
    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: - Yes
    What’s your favourite rule / the rule you agree with the most?: - My favorite rule is no griefing, because I hate it when my house is always destroyed and everything remotely valable is stolen from it D:


    This is simply so that we can get an understanding of how much you know about roleplaying. Feel free to Google the answers, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not another website / person's!

    What is roleplaying?: - Roleplaying is being an assigned character and reacting to that character's rhetorical thoughts ideals, positions, upbringings, etc. realistically through that given character.

    What’s metagaming?: - Metagaming is using information given out of roleplay and using it inside your roleplay, and is usually something your character didn't even know could happen.

    What’s powergaming?: - Powergaming is like forcing another player against their will, kind of if you said "*choipped off his head" or something like that, that would be powergaming. To avoid powergaming, really you should just say attempted to. It's not that hard to type and I don' know why people don't do that more often. Seriously, guys. USE "ATTEMPTED TO"

    In-Character Information

    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.

    What’s your character called?: - Michael Fearloch

    What race are they (and sub-race)?: - Human, northerner

    What sex are they?: - Male

    How old are they?: - 19

    Give us a brief description of their life - their story, childhood, family (Include server lore when writing): - Michael grew up on the streets of Abresi until around the age of 9, when he was caught stealing food from a stand by a man about 15 years older than him. The man, instead of turning the boy into the guards, took him in. Little did Michael know that this man was a priest, who had a very strong connection with the Creator, or so he said. As the priest raised and took care for the orphan, the priest discovered that this kid was an absolute idiot - a perfect way to get a knight loyal to the Creator to kill heretics without having a second thought. During one Feast of the Spring, Michael saw a dog hiding behind a pile of hay. "Here, boy" he said. The dog whimpered and cowered slightly away from the canine. "Here, want some food? I got some right... here." he said while he put some beef down for the dog to eat. The dog came over to the food, started eating it, but as soon as Michael reached out to pet him, the dog ran away faster than it took the four brothers to be cursed adn took the beef with it. The priest that took care of him walked up behind him and said, "You see? That is what happens when you try to comfort a heretic. They take things away even when you try to be nice to them. They're horrible people - no. They aren't even people. They're lower than orcs!". "Really?" Mike said. "Yes, and I shall teach you so that you can fight these heretics and kill them, as that is what they deserve." the priest said. Up until the fall of Anthos, which happened when he was only a couple months younger, he was taught by the priest, who was left behind to carry the rest of the survivors onto the ship and was praised as a martyr. This is where Michael's true story begins.

    What are they like (personality)?: - Funny; loyal to his word, friends, etc.; and unhesitant.

    What are their ambitions?: - To kill all the heretics in the land - whether it be The Fringe or the next realm that humans wish to live in.

    Do they have any special skills?: - Excells at swordfighting, and decent with a bow, and very strong.

    What are their weaknesses?: - He is a full on idiot, and also can't read.

    Give us a description of how they look (not a screenshot yet!)?: - Mike is a tall, muscular fellow, who has pale skin and a chestnut hair which is long enough to cover his ears, and brown eyes. Going down the body his shoulders are unusually wide, muscular arms, and leather-stained hands. Going down the body you can see that it gets slightly more slim, but it is still very muscular.

    Anything else you want to say about them?: - Nope! :3

    Please give us a screenshot of your character’s skin: - http://imgur.com/pQm5vIp

  5. So I made this thing, and it's a thing that I made :3


    Feel free to use it for anything, but it would be nice if you would just let me know if you used it, just to know if I should be making magic typey things in the future.




  6. Out-Of-Character Information
    The simplest section of the application! Simply answer these questions so we can get to know you a bit better.
    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: - Cockatricevenom
    How old are you?: - 13
    What time-zone do you live in?: - Eastern Time Zone
    Have you ever roleplayed before - if you have, how?: - Yes, I have roleplayed in many experiences in roleplay such as: rp'ing with my friends in the park, playing Lord of The Rings Online, and playing on a Minecraft server called Rise of Kings.
    Have you been on any other roleplaying servers?: - Yes, as mentioned before I have played Rise Of Kings
    Have you applied to this server before? (Please link past applications): - Yes, here: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/110526-pending-application-for-cockatricevenom/
    How did you hear about us?: - My little brother told me about you guys and I thought it might be fun!
    What do you think the server will be like? - Well, so far from researching I have found that I am looking forward to a very in-depth roleplay experience, even for Minecraft! I expect to not only play my character, but to play in this new world!
    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: - Yes.
    What’s your favourite rule / the rule you agree with the most?: - My personal favorite rule is how we have to roleplay more often than being in OOC, as I have had too many experiences with people giving out meta on Rise Of Kings, so I stopped going on that server. I hope it's for the best of me, my experiences and the server!
    This is simply so that we can get an understanding of how much you know about roleplaying. Feel free to Google the answers, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not another website / person's!
    What is roleplaying?: - Roleplaying by defenition is playing a given role whether it be on Earth or Middle-Earth. It's so much more than that, though. Roleplaying is being that character, experiencing his/her experiences and feeling his/her feelings, making realistic decisions based off of the times, social policies, morals, and background of a character along with their personality. In essence, you ARE the character!
    What’s metagaming?: - Metagaming is first of all: annoying. Metagaming in my definition is using information inside roleplay, given that the information used the character would never know. It becomes frustrating to other players and it ruins the fun of learning and growing through roleplay.
    What’s powergaming?: - Powergaming is also very annoying. Powergaming is usually taken in the form of not giving an option any chance of failure or succession. In other words, it's forcing your ideal action that benefits to a specific party without consent. Powergaming also means just saying out of the blue: "_______ stuck a sword through _______'s skull". You see what I mean? It also ruins the fun. Which is bad. BadbadbadbadBAD!
    In-Character Information
    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.
    What’s your character called?: - Clistefear Bancraiceann (KLIS-tuh-feer ban-KRAY-seen)
    What race are they (and sub-race)?: - Human. No sub-race. (If he had to be a subrace though, he would be a Northerner, hence the irish name)
    What sex are they?: - Male
    How old are they?: - 19
    Give us a brief description of their life - their story, childhood, family (Include server lore when writing): - Clistefear grew up in the town of Arethor. During his childhood, he has suffered from many severe depressions that has almost put him in a state of insanity. However, he likes to suppress his insecure mentalities by pursuing knowledge and teaching others. His parents realized this very early, and started schooling him at the Bancraiceann family home. At the age of 17, he, unfortunately, had another very severe depression, unlike any other before. This one devastated his mind so far, not even his beloved studies could pull him out of the insanity. He tried hanging himself and crushing himself under the mountains of books he had. He was seeing things. However, he claims to not have been seeing hallucinations, but rather seeing Aengul coming down from the sky to carry him into heaven. His parents had practically no other choice. They contacted a local witcher, who lived  
    over a day's worth away, and asked him if he could save their child. The witcher did accept, however, the witcher warned the parents that this was not a cure; that he would not harm himself or others, but he would still se many hallucinations throughout his life. Also, the spell had a price: The parents had to give up their own lives to save the insane child's. The parents accepted this dangerous toll to heart, and welcomed their deaths for the future and life of their son. The boy was taken in and then released from the witcher's care at his current age. When he moved over to the Fringe, he was excited, as he could start a new life and get new information.
    What are they like (personality)?: - Introverted intellectual who would rather be in the library. However, many think of him as a very social person, as he is quite charismatic and contrary to his belief, is liked by many. He also tends to take things literally and very personally. He CANNOT take an insult.
    What are their ambitions?: - Clistefear hopes to learn all that he can about the land of Anthos, The Fringe, and the inhabitants of both. He also wishes to learn illusion magic to keep his hallucinations in check (by using magics like Mental Magic and Cognitism).
    Do they have any special skills?: - Clistefear reads faster than most humans in Anthos. While his speed is comparable to the elves, some of his fastest times clock up to 300 completely read words per minute.
    What are their weaknesses?: - Clistefear, unlike most in his family because of his insanities is extremely weak. He would be punched in the gut by an elf with his fist and he would have almost been knocked out. Also he is very weak to a good read.
    Give us a description of how they look (not a screenshot yet!)?: - He is very pale with hair similar to copper wire. His jawline is very defined with and has ivy colored eyes. His nose is fairly pointy, but not quite. He has a medium sized adam's apple and a broad shoulderline. His arms are spindly and bony as well as his fingers. However, his finger are a bit beefier than the rest of his body due to his constantly flipping pages. His torso is very skinny, but has enough fat to keep his ribcage slightly covered. Very little muscle. The legs, as well as the arms are not very attractive, as they are long and spindly.His feet though, look like they belong on an albino orc for the size that they are.
    Anything else you want to say about them?: - He likes to get drunk. He talks with a Scottish accent. Name literally translates to Smart-man white-skin.
    Please give us a screenshot of your character’s skin: - Right in there, but just in case http://imgur.com/RIgQFtE
    Edited to accommodate to Application Team's request
  7. Here is my application. My computer is stupid and would not copy onto the text box, but it would put it into Notepad (I do not have Word). I hope this is an acceptable format and if you are not able to view either the application itself or the image attached, message me. Sorry for the inconvenience! Application to accommodate recent lore.


    I need help!

  8. [b]Out-Of-Character Information[/b]
    Please fill out the following questions as accurately as possible, and ensure the essential details are accurate.

    Minecraft Account Name: Cockatricevenom
    How old are you?: 12,13 very soon
    Time-Zone: Eastern Standard Time
    Have you read, understood and agreed to the rules?: Yes, of course!
    What previous experience have you had in role-playing?: I am on other roleplay servers, one of them I was accepted to by doing an application very similar to this. :D
    How did you hear about the the Lord of the Craft?: I was searching for actual roleplay servers, the others weren't my speed.
    Link any applications that you have previously made for the server: None
    Have you posted this application on the Minecraft Forum? If not, then please do so (link above): Yes
    Have you read the Elven lore, and shall you ensure you make use of it and follow it in your biography?: Yes

    In your own words define the following terms. Do not take any definitions from elsewhere!:

    Role-playing: The act of choosing, or being chosen, a role to play in a game. This can include realistic chat, fantasy or not, in Minecraft. Minecraft is not the only way you can roleplay though, you can roleplay with your friends in a park or at your house even. Other games are strictly roleplay such as: Wizard 101, World of Warcraft, or Civilazation V.
    Meta-gaming: Turning the tides in your or someone else's favor by using information that is otherwise impossible or unknown to others. Some examples may include: "*Dodges attack, strikes at the hole in the armour right next to the heart with a killing blow*" or just abusing mechanics.
    Power-emoting: Power-emoting is a simple concept, a player forces another group/player so that it benefits the player that forces the action. Some examples may include: "*Turns into an ocelot and runs*" or "*Steals 100 Mina from xRpm14x*"

    In-Character Information:
    Complete the following biography on your character:

    Full Name: Ame'ibar Taynuel'lenniel
    Current Age: 102
    Sub-race (if any): Wood Elf
    Past /
    History (include childhood, major-events, etc. 2+ paragraphs long): I was raised in a roomy tree with my mom and my dad in Elandriel. I worked with my mom and dad at the local inn we took care of until I was about 18. We lived peacefully, and on my 20th birthday, I got a wolf. I was a hunter in Elandriel, and a decent one with a bow. The hunting was good until around about 50, I was severely wounded by an enderman. I was out in the wilderness at that time, so I used the familiar herbs in the unfamiliar surroundings to temporarily heal the wound. The last thing I knew was a creeper hiss right behind me, I was knocked out.

    I woke up in a shabby hut, and along with the hut came with a geriatric human female. The time that I realized that I was almost dead, I asked the woman why she saved me. She said, "I need you for a favor young man, I need you to venture out to the middle of the world, aquire me three wither skelton skulls, and bring them back to me." "Why?" I asked, "Do you want your family never to be hurt by sickness? Do you want your family to be faster than an ocelot? What about having your family being the fastest workers? If you want any of these things, bring the skulls to me, and I will tell you what you need from there." She commanded. There was no point arguing, after all, she did save me out there I thought. So from there I set off to the center of the world, which is where my real story begins.

    Ambitions for the Future: To get back to my family, and prosper once I have completed my quest.
    Personality: I am very passionate, yet I am an introvert, so I do not get along with others as well as other elves. I am caring, naïve, and timid.
    Skills: Good with a bow, redstone, and the hospitality business too
    Appearance (this must include an in-game screenshot of your skin): Come see it here! http://imgur.com/GdtJ8QR
    Any other details you wish to share about your character: My weakness is a good ol' pumpkin pie

    [i]Each question in this section must be answered with a minimum of one paragraph which must describe the event in full. Please be as descriptive as possible and do not break character or lore at any point.[/i]

    [b]1. As you walk through the deep forests you hear the sound of whispering and snickering. Upon inspection you realize that a group of older elves are mocking a small elven child. How do you react?[/b]

    Answer: I would very sneakily go behind the older elves. The small elf glances at me taking my bow out and his eyeballs bulge, mouth wide open, and whimpering. I get nervous, and shoot one of the older elves so that the little on gets the point. I hide behind a tree. A skeleton walks up behind me, and fortunately, the older elves attack the skeleton, so I nock my arrow against my bow again. The elves see my arrow poking beside the tree, and come closer to find a wood elf with a bow. I would jump out the other end of the tree, and hand a sword to the small elf. The small elf goes under the older ones, knocking their legs with his sword. I shoot a couple in the eye. One of the group dies, and they run away.

    [b]2. Whilst wandering through the Elven forests you come across a frail old man with a walking stick. He collapses in front of you, falling to the ground with a sharp thud. Out of his pocket falls a small pouch of gold coins, which hits the ground and splits open spreading coins across the pathway. The man lies there, defenseless - what do you do?[/b]

    Answer: I pick up his coins, put the coins back in the pouch, and notices that his walking stick is broken. I go away and try to find a sturdy mahogany, known for their strong and cherry hued wood. I find a mahogany and break a branch similar in size to the walking stick. I quickly hurry to the old man, and find him still lying there. I help the man up to his new walking stick, and I notice the bag is in my pocket. I give the bag to him, all his money back.

    [b]3. Whilst traversing the Elven Woodlands, you come across a small clearing in which a colored carriage sits. A trader stands outside of it and calls you over, telling you of his wares. He points out that his carriage sells just about everything, and that he's willing for you to haggle for a price. What does your character do? (Please include:- item, haggling for prices and the discussion involved).

    Answer: I ask, "Well really? If in that case you might have 3 wither skeleton skulls? Tell me how much," "1000 minas each bud, or you can negotiate a bit. It would be smart not to!" I thought about his offer, and shouted, "750 minas!" The man looked at me with disgust. "800 minas, each!" He offered with annoyance. "That's about 2 times the price of a diamond!" I shouted. "I know, but wither skulls are on high demand in the spring, so 775 minas, take it or leave it!" "Leave it," and at that, I left.

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