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Posts posted by Kairn.

  1. *Hastily written fliers are nailed to roadsides along the Anthos Highway.*


    "Young Dwarf lookin' tah git stuck in the world. Willin' tah learn a trade or d'ue surface work.


    Skilled axe thrower, apprentice Alchemist, and an' average lads capacity fir' moinin'.


    Send 'yer birds tue meh, or ye can jus' leave a note under 'ere."

  2. The Black Boasting Book of Brews:





    The Kingslayer: This infamous concoction is widely sought after by men with a death wish. At the low price of 4 minas per tankard, it can be found in nearly every cellar of the Anthosian port cities. the brew is held in high regard by many brigands and mercenaries throughout the land, being a favored drink in after-battle parties. The breweries which produce the Kingslayer boast it to be the strongest in the world.






    Embertree Absinthe: The ingredients of this rare jewel are well guarded by it's proprietors in Malinor, and flavorings vary throughout the various districts of the forest city. the Absinthe is carefully prepared down in the root cellars of multiple inns and taverns, well away from the  prying eyes of would-be counterfeiters. The strength of this brew is heavily dependent on it's concentration, as it is diluted with cold spring water before consumption. Most consumers note that it smells faintly of apples.


    A brief guide to preparing Absinthe: 


    - fill a small portion of the beverage into a thick glass.

    -place an Absinthe spoon or similar grated device over the concoction.

    -Put a small amount of sugar on the spoon.

    -run cold spring water onto the spoon until the sugar is fully dissolved.

    -use the spoon to ensure that your drink has been adequately mixed. 





    (This thread will be added to over time, as more brews become widely known.  Feel free to post your own in the comments, and I'll add them up here.)

  3. *posts a note on the other mans poster* 


    What Class would you wish to be? Oakenshield, Forester, Cook, or Blacksmith? Due to your skill in alchemy I think that being a cook would be good, you would still be trained in the ways of the Foresters or Oakenshields. Just choose which one. 


    *posts a small footnote*  "Oakenshields, tah be sh'ure."

  4. Application:
    Ooc Info:
    MC Name: connman
    Do You Belong to any Nation: "Nay, mah toime wit' Urguan has left me in exile from tha mountain 'omes whilst rebels an' tyrants fight for scraps."
    Name: Kairn Stormcaller
    Race: Dwarf
    Current Skills In Anythings ((swordsmanship, farming, cooking, etc.)): An apprentice Alchemist, versed in the brewing of weaker potions and crude alcohols. (trying to find an experienced poisoner/ expirementing with local flora.) 
    Weapons wishing to use:
    Long Range:  Crossbow
    Mid Range: throwing axes
    Close-Quarters: hatchets and kitchen knives.
    Why Do Ye Wish To Join: "Ah'm left 'omeless, and me studies'uv gon' up in flames. I want tah practice alchemy fir' a purpose, and besides, tha' woods're a danger 'fir a lone dwarf.
    Do Ye Agree With Our Code: Aye, thrue'n thrue."


    "If ye need anneh clarificatin' on the above, stick a note on this'ere sheet."

  5. Kairn saunters by the same location late in the evening. Scratches his beard over the odd sign before leaving back to civilization. 


    (You should totally revive the fishing guild, making it seem as though the guild was simply doing some undercover nautical experiments. haha)

  6. Throughout the Depths of Kal'Azgoth and into the surrounding mountains, A faint Clanging can be heard...


    It comes from many sources, each one with it's own purpose:


    -The Miners pick breaks methodically through layers of stone, searching for valuable ores.


    -The Masons Cement brick after brick into the newly carved halls, Ready to house a budding Clan.


    -The Blacksmiths  hammer beats on red hot steel, crafting the next axe head for A legionnaire to wield.


    -The Alchemists mortar and pestle's grind together to blend all sorts of mystic reagents.


    -The Clerics chanting echoes from every devout mouth, in honor of the mighty Brathmordakin.


    -The Women's hands firmly patting their beardling's back, to ensure he digests his 'shroom stew 'n' milk. 


    -The Legions Boots stomping through the Great gates in ranks of five by five, rushing to defend the Dwarven interests on the surface.


    ...And the kings gold, exchanging hands from the noble-dwarves to the hardy workmen.



    The Kingdom of Urguan rises once again, and the surface shall soon hear our chanting, see our banners, and watch the imperfections being purged from their feeble Nations.


  7. *The Paragon finishes reading the Dwarvish text and decides to approach the beardling who wrote it with a complaint.*

    "Oi! Ah'm nae leafy prince, Ah'm a bludeh Dwarvish Lord an' Paragon. Me finks ye need ta fix dis!"

    *Kairn bumps into Kjell in the main hall.* "Ah did'nae mean you, Paragon. I was talkin' uv 'k'H'el oh the dark elves." 


    (couldn't find any spelling errors, but Khel is what the current prince of Malinor is going by.)

  8. M
    MC name: connman

    Name: Kairn Stormborn

    Toime servin' da dwurven kingdum:  Since tha great migrat'n from Asulon.

    Age: 110

    Clan: Stormborn

    Resen fer joinin (At least 1 paragraph): I seek tah unwrap the mysteries of tha Earth'n it's components. Since I was nay larger th'n a beardlin' i've always wanted the chance teh' study in such an esteemed guild as the Alchemists oh' Dwarf-kind.  I spend every day in blacklight immersed in the stone,soil'n'life there, try'n mah best t'e find answers tue' the problems of the deep. I shall study long an'ard until the guild deems fit to allow me into ther' ranks!

    Ye swear yer loyalty ta da Guild an' Ogradhad?:Oh'course, Aye!

  9. (note that this lore is intended for dwarven roleplay: it is based on actual events on the server, and written from a dwarven perspective. All propaganda and grandeur is intentional, and I hope you'll enjoy reading.)
    *You pick up a hefty tome, and drop it onto the nearest reading desk. The cover is bronze, with oxidized copper accenting patterned across it's surface. The Title is written in modern Dwarvish, and translates into "Gorum's Charge." The book bears no lock, and you are able to open it with a grunt and a heave.  Inside you find a collection of preserved stone slabs, each bound to the outer layer by thick rings of various common metals, predominantly iron. *
    *~You begin reading...*
    Tensions 'tween tha elves oh Mali'nur an' tha Dorfs uv Urguan had risen te tha point' oh violence on tha Isles uv' Elysium. Dorfin pris'ners 'ad been freed frum tha knife'ears jail, an'stead oh disc'ah'plin'n ther' own lads, prince Khel'd demanded counsel wiff'tha "Under-dwellers." As 'ee called us. Te' Elfin princeling demanded 'fir us tah come tue'im, in tha middle uv 'is lands, an 'e had tha nerve te say "bring no armmehs" ....As'f we were 'bout tah let dat 'appen.
    I dun know who gave the orders, but soon's tha call was made tha legion g't reddeh'n plans. I wuz in tha Militia ranks, an'we were at the back once the column 'ad been assembled. On tha light'uv dawn, dwarves were pourin' from the mountianhomes an' marchin' tue Maleh-nur. Tha round was 'ard, but know'en dared tah impede a Dorfen battle march! The trip tue malleh was nothin'ta boast about, mostleh dorfs bein crammed in tha stone-clad 'Bearded Lady.' Excitment brewed in'er hull: While tha lads polished boots'n helms, hammers were tested on tha dummehs, an' my Cross-bow was sturdy as stone.
    We were dropped off by tha Beach an' told where teh meet up in tha harbor. Needless teh say, many a dwarven Ale-gut'd been emptied frum dat voyage... But we were readdeh tah bring hon'ur fir our clans an' all Dwarf Kind. When all tha platoons'd been gathered under the shade'oh elven sails in the market distr'ct, we began teh make quoite a ruckus! Shields an' axes were banged 'n' clanged until we got tha attention oh tha Knife-ear king 'imself, an'ee was none too pleased with these mighty dwarves standin' on's doorstep. Ther' was much talk'n lolleh-gaggin about before the quarrel'in began 'fir real, an' I c'n tell ye I wasn't tha Dwarf tah start it. 
    The Elven ranks wer' filled with uruk mercenaries an' pompous tall folk from every foul camp'n Malleh, while the Dwarven ranks were lined with well diciplined troops. We were loike a well oiled machine. standin' shoulder tah shoulder, but them 'fair-folk' new these lands better th'n we did. I was hold'n my line, on tha fisher-folks hovels by tha docks, dwarven cross bow men hidin' behind e'rry wall we could find. Clashin' with tha elven front was'nae tha hard part, t'was there archers who wer' given us three flavors oh hell!
    It Soon became apperent tha whut'ever we did, these elves'ud just keep draggin ther' wounded away an' replacin'em with fresh reserves. Tha commanders Called full retreat, an' we were loosin' bolts loike no tomorrow teh cover our kin as they moved out oh tha market-town. I cannae list all tha brave Dorfs who gave ther lives that day, but let it be carved that we would 'nae have lived if it wer'nt fir Gorum an' his comrades.  He stood bruised and weary on tha front loine as both our flanks folded, readdeh teh flee at a moments notice. tha leafy-Prince Kjell sae our strife, an' sent's men tah charge ours in force, but 'eed 'ave tah git through Gorum an's lads tah do that. The Dwarven warriors rallied an' led a glorius counter-charge intah ev'ry weaklin' elf in sight, an' not a man was spared ther wrath! This was when mah squadron was ordered teh pull back fir safer ground, an' we left with empty quivers an' grim faces.
    The story goes that Gorum was able teh cover our escape, an lead a brave few out tha side uv' the thick elven ranks. 'Twas a day mourning fir our lost kin, and many a drink was 'ad, an' none could deny that Gorum's brave few allowed a major'ty oh legionairres'n militia tah escape alive. Gorum was grant'd lordship for his valiant efforts by high king Omithiel....Among other tasks performed fir tha mountain homes.
    Carved'n'compiled by: Kairn oh clan Stormborn.
  10. Out-Of-Character Details

    Minecraft Account Name: connman

    How old are you?: 15

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence: Mountain time (Canada/U.S.) Residing in: Canada.

    Do you have a good grip on English grammar and the English language?: Yes.

    Have you had any previous experience in roleplaying?: Yes. (primarily on a dwarf fortress RP server)

    Have you read and understood and agree to the rules?: Yes.

    How did you hear about the Lord of the Craft?: Through various youtube videos/channels.

    Link any previous applications you have made to the Lord of the Craft: This is my first.

    Have you posted this application on Minecraft Forum? If not, post it here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/832121-the-lord-of-the-craft-enter-the-world-of-asulon-o-f-f-i-c-i-a-l-l-y-t-h-e-n-o-1-r-p-s-e-r-v-e-r-100-unique-gameplay/! :


    In your own words, define what the act of roleplaying is: Roleplaying is the act of assuming the persona of a character, and behaving and interacting in the world as you believe that character would.

    In your own words, define what the act of meta-gaming is: Using knowledge/methods which you have either gained on another character or behaving in a way which destroys immersion for personal gain.

    In your own words, define what the act of power-emoting is: Power emoting is the act of using the emote system to describe an action in which the other characters being affected by it have no way to react. ex."Varien raised his sword and inflicted a fatal stab wound on the orc shaman."

    In-Character Details

    Character Name: Kairn Stormborn.

    Character Race: Dwarf.

    Character biography - Make this at least 2 paragraphs long, which must explain your character’s history, appearance, personality, age and any other details you deem necessary:

    Kairn Grandaxe is 323 years of age, according to the cycle of the humans. He stands fairly tall for a dwarf, at 5 foot 5 inches. this is would go largely unnoticed by humans and elves, but it causes Kairn to stick out in the fashion of a "discolored stone." His eyes are green, and his hair is a dark red color, slightly unusual, but not unheard of for a dwarf of the stony peaks of asulon.

    Kairn is the only son of Dagvar Stormborn, a dwarf who was exiled from the mountains while Kairn was still a beardling. Dagvar was a petty thief, and it was questioned as to what would become of the boy. In the end, Kairn was allowed to stay, and grew to be a promising scholar in service to the Dwindling Stormborn clan. Kairn Stormborn is unlike the stereotypical mountain dwarf. He prefers studying ancient texts to crafting a noblemans axe. This dwarf would wish to see the return of dwarven society to it's former glory, though he intends to do it through the shadows, rather than on an open battlefield. Kairn is scarcely an adult by dwarven standards, and often refered to by his elders as "the largest beardling in the mountain range." the only trait that keeps him from appearing too different from his kinsmen is his love of food. Of all the scholars that have ever blesssed clan Stormborn with their achievements, Kairn is the most adept in the culinary arts, dispite his young age. While he may not be able to hunt and forage for meat and berries under the open sky like other dwarves in the clan, he finds joy in the preparation of feasts, and makes sure to eat more than his fair share of it.

    If any two words can sum up Kairn Stormborn, they are Cunning, and Greed. Not the common greed held by most dwarves, a deep want for gold and jewels, but a lust for knowledge, and a hunger for the unknown. This Hunger can never be sated, and so he spends long hours at desks, and libraries, trying to glean as much information as the halls will provide.

    What are your characters ambitions?: The persuit of forbidden knowledge, and the unification of the dwarven clans into a single governing body.

    Please provide an in-game screenshot of your skin here: To assure that I don't mess up again, i'll link the skin aswell. Sorry for the inconvenience! The skin can be found here: http://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/708789/gloin-the-dwarf/

    Is there anything else you would like to say about your character: No, I believe that the biography covers everything I wished to state.


    Each question here must be answered with a minimum of one full paragraph, and detail the scene you are given in the way it would happen in roleplay. These questions should be answered in first person. Be detailed, not short.

    Upon entering the Mighty Human City of Arethor, you come across a shop-keeper calling out to sell his wares to passers-by. The shopkeeper is not a Human, he is a poor dwarf looking to make a living in a new city. What is your response? I approach the lowly worker, whose wares are little more than old furs and battered leather. I exchange a short greeting as I bend to examine one of the newer helmets which litter his stall. Kairn: "Greetins', fellow earth dweller. What brings you this far from home?" Vendor: "Work in the fortresses and holds is fleeting, and I have no strength to mine." The vendor holds up one arm, and it is scarcely more than a stump, covered in a metal sheath. Kairn: "Most unfortunate, I am Kairn, of clan StormBorn." I thrust out my hand, and the vendor is quick to grasp it with his working appendage.

    "I am Stedren...Though I do not have a clan to call my own." Kairn: "And why is that? Every dwarf comes from somewhere. Stedren:" Aye, but my village found in by a river bank, cold and alone. With no one to claim me, I simply went by my first name, which I was given by the townsfolk." Placing the helm down, and looking at my pocket watch, I realize that I am late for a meeting with an elder colleague at the local tavern. Kairn:" I am sorry to cut this short, friend, but I must make haste to find someone!" Placing a small bag of Minas on the table, I run through the market, and make my way to my desired location. I give no time to see the vendors reaction.

    You’re wandering the Oren Road late at night, when a large Orc begins to threaten a nearby dwarf. There is no help nearby, and the situation looks like it will escalate into violence soon, what does your character do?

    Without revealing myself, I quickly walk off the road. Once I am under the cover of the forest, I am able to sneak forward through the under brush. Orc:"BAAH! you lousy dwarves'll pay for what you been doin to mah tribe." Dwarf: "Once by clan hears of your treachery, we'll be back to gut the rest of you for raiding our farms." The dwarf begins to cough blood, and immediately collapses onto the road. The orc lets out a wary cry, and begins to walk towards the fallen dwarf. thinking quickly, I grab the nearest rock I can find, and ready myself.

    As I am doing this, the dwarf begins to shiver, and focuses all his energy on grabbing a nearby dagger head from the side of the road. As the Orc stands above the seemingly defenseless dwarf, I hurl the rock with all my might. It sails through the air, and hits the orc squarely in the shoulder. Orc:" OWW, who...threw...THAT RO-" His sentence is cut short by a blur of movement. In the blink of an eye, the fallen dwarf managed to rise and stab the orc in his jugular vain, just to the side of his adams apple. As the greenskin stumbles to the pavement, bleeding to death, I make an effort to run to the dwarves aid. He has fallen unconscious, and Various wounds are visible through his tattered armor. It takes a great deal of effort to bandage him up, and remove his armor, but he never wakes up. After several hours of this. I simply get up and run for the nearest settlement.

    Whilst walking down the road to Malinor, you stumble upon an old man. His walking stick , looks weak and frail, and just as you are about to ask something, the stick breaks, and the man falls to the ground. As he falls down, a bag of Minas falls to the ground, and splits open. As you watch the multiple coins spill out, you peer down at the defenceless man. What does your character do?:

    I move to help the man to his feet, but he quickly holds up a hand. Oldman:" no, no. That's quite alright, I can handle this myself." I stand awkwardly as the elder fumbles about on the ground, gathers each and every minas as hastily as his body allows. In an attempt to diffuse tension, I speak up. Kairn:" I wouldn'y mind fetching a new walking stick from the forest if you would like one." the old man look up, suspicously. Oldaman: "and what would you be asking in return?" He speaks swiftly, with an air of suspicion. Kairn: "Nothing, I am simply doing a fellow traveler a service." After the man is re-equipped and on his feet, we nod in acknowledgement, and head our separate ways.

    (If the word Grandaxe remains in any sense, it is because I'm terrible at proof reading, not intentional.)

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