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Posts posted by iris1612


    Never, ever use that pathetically rigged and utterly terrible video as supporting evidence whatsoever. It is utterly false and inaccurate. They even made the swords out of different quality metals to what they would be forged with. The longsword even appears to have rust for christ's sake!


    The katana really has no place on LotC, as most European armours render it nigh on useless. And what sort of armour does everyone wear, you may ask? European armour.


    I don't follow you. The longsword does not have any kind of rust on it, as seen in the first pan-around of the sword. You are probably just seeing some weird camera angle. And how would you know if they made the swords out of different quality metals? Were you involved in the making of the video?


    *looks at map of Anthos*

    Nope, no Japan. I guess that means no Japanese swords. Sorry about that.

    Oh, and I'm having trouble spotting Europe too. No European swords or armour then.

    What we have is Anthosian armour, and Anthosian swords. And no matter what shape you make your Anthosian sword, it won't have an advantage over another.



    I respectfully disagree. "Anthos" is a fictional world, based off of many multiple cultures in the real world. The longswords we use are all of original European design. So is most of our armour. In fact, most of our blacksmiths and leather workers  are doing nothing more than saying "Bob smiths a sword" and waiting a few days. I don't mean to be cynical, but LotC did take a very large inspiration from the real world, and I don't think it's fair to say that all of our designs are original, and that no sword is better than the other, because that's not true. And furthermore, this discussion isn't about a Longsword vs a Katana (Although I might have turned it into that by accident >.<), It is about the effectiveness of a Katana against various armours. Sorry if I sound rude.

  2. Let me direct you to this video:



    It has pretty much everything I need to say. Now before you start telling me "Oh, but Max, the metal armour in that was very thin! It wasn't /real/ plate mail!" I know that. A Katana, as you've pointed out, is nowhere near from the godly, all-powerful sword people make it out to be. However, it is far from pathetic. A Katana, as shown in the video, is a much better slicing and stabbing weapon than the longsword, but this doesn't mean it can pierce through plate. But again, calling it Pathetic is highly inaccurate

  3. Morgan sighs. "Hey look, anothah' nation, with anothah' armeh, which will eventualleh' collapse 'n form into a different armeh', which will end up in some great bloodeh' war which will end with it bein' destroyed, and' then th' whole bloodeh' cycle all ovah' again.


    ((I'm sorry for the mean post. I have nothing against this OOCly.))

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