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Posts posted by theflyingpen

  1. Researcher or Laborer

    Your Name: Valmir Audane

    Your MCName: theflyingpen

    Your Skype: I believe you have it.


    Race: Mali'Aheral.

    Age: 300 years young.

    Gender: Male.

    Do you require housing?: Absolutely


    Division Sought: Research and Retrieval .

    Magical Ability: Sensory Illusion, lightning evocation.

    If None, Willingness to Learn: Only a fool would refuse to learn.

  2. Minecraft username:  Theflyingpen



    Age:  21



    Time zone:  EST (-6:00 EST)



    What is a GM’s role in the community, and how would you see yourself fitting in it as a GM?:


    To me a GM provides flexible support for the server as a whole.  A GM should be able to assist anyone from the staff or the playerbase while being a part of both.  A Gm should be able to provie roleplay through their own charcters and also putting forth minor events.  I’ve had GMs interact with protected areas and appear as lore based creatures just because the names of the creature were spoken in hushed whispers.  To me a GM should be contributing to every aspect of the server while not serving as a judge during disputes.

    In cases of dispute a GM was selected for the fact they best represent the desired attitude of the server and are able to take criticism and negativity as many actions involving different groups of players will end with a polarizing solution.  However this does not mean that a GM can or should solve all situations by saying one side is in the right. A GM should do everything in their power for the outcome to be acceptable for both parties involved.




    Why are you applying to be a GM?:


    I have been a member of the server for over two years as I write this and whenever I have taken a break or tried to leave, I had always missed the server.  I have tried numerous RP platforms and have always found something missing that only this server seemed to be able to feed me.  There have been bad times on the server as I’m sure everyone has had.  I have always kept the server in the back of my head reminiscing over my great experiences though.

    I’ve always wanted to contribute more to the server than just as a player.  If I were capable of programming I would have wanted to submit an application for a dev position but that is sadly not the case at this time.  I feel that with my experience as moderator and admin on a smaller roleplay server for two years before I came to LoTC would be beneficial to the server.




    The most impactful GM’s the server has had have always done more than the basic duties of a Global Moderator. What aspects of LotC aside from universal GM duties would you be willing to delve into?:


    I’ve recently returned to college and taken up a major in computer engineering which requires me to pick a programming language to take alongside my other pre-requisites.  I’ve been slowly teaching myself the fundamentals of programming but in the following months I will be able to take a course in java which will give me the necessary skills to be able to contribute to the growth and advancement of our current plugins.  While I would be able to gather some much needed experience programming for the server  I feel that I would be much more valuable as a moderator who assists the Dev team in the future then waiting to become a proficient coder before applying.




    What members of the staff and/or community could you look to for guidance of these additional responsibilities?:


    Tythus:  When I had first spoken to Tythus I felt that I was lucky and treated every conversation like an interview so I could learn more about the founding of the server but the more time I spent in conversation with him the more down to Earth he became to me.  I have become friendly with him and I feel that if I ever have a question in regards to how I should handle something or if I should have done something differently I can easily talk to him for a second opinion.


    Supremacy_Ops:  I don’t believe I have ever had a good run in with his character given the difference in who our characters are but I have written and proposed two separate magic lore and on both occasions I was able to speak with him out of game to gain a better understand of why and how the magic system was designed and implemented.  I had assisted him during when a war claim was placed against the High-elves and with a group we spent days trying to find a way to find a way to mcly represent magic when there was no plugin available to players.


    Kalamoot (The Gm formerly known as Kalameet): I had always known Kalameet due to the fact he was a friend of my friends but I never really knew him until he was designated as my overseer during the MA days.  Not only did I learn more about it should be used but, not to copy anything from him, he helped me approach the game for what it was.  I had taken LoTC probably more seriously than I had because I had first started playing it during a very low point in my life.  As he states in his GM app, “it’s best to level with those I’m dealing with, and always remember they’re people too."

    A good example of this was with Patriotic_Fool.  His character, Aislinn, was the /bane/ of my character’s exsistence.  He was constantly my main antagonist for several months and whenever I dealt with him I always had rolled my eyes.  He ended up becoming a very good friend of mine that I try to keep in touch with still.  Originally I thought the constant villains were just jerks but after getting to know he’s just someone looking to have fun and provided a needed role in the server my attitude towards villainous characters had practically turned around.  Now I’m much more accepting of evil doers and I’m often looking forward to how they handle situations instead of being so protective over my colorful pixels.




    What faults do you believe other members of the community see in you, and how do you intend to improve on these perceived faults, if necessary?:


    While I feel as if I don’t have any major flaws I have had a tendency to vent to close friends of mine.  While I really can’t say I’ve ever insulted the player and not the situation except in one extreme scenario I find support from the people I talk most with.


    Other than that I feel that I sometimes talk about my own character and what he or she does more often than I should.  When I look back at some of the time I spend in the teamspeak I feel kind of embarrassed that I held my pixels to such a high regards that I wanted everyone to know what was going on.


    While nothing else comes to mind I’m sure there have been issues players have had with me and I haven’t always been in the right but I feel as if I have had been an ideal player for perhaps 95% of the time I’ve spent on the server.




    How much free time do you have? Will this change in the foreseeable future?:


    My current schedule has me in class until roughly 9 PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays while I work until 6 PM on Fridays and Sundays however I am often up much later than I should be.  Other than those days I am usually filled with nothing but free time and whatever outings I may have are usually sparse due to money constraints.  Fortunately my schedule isn’t going to be changing to any serious degree for the next two months at which point I will be picking my next batch of classes but if it is anything like my current one I am very available.


    Upon hearing the news of the greatest discovery in the world, Valmir's curiosity begins to get the best of him.  He begins gathering supplies and dragging chest after chest to his hidden cove to prepare his ship of legend, the SS Nauttajetski, for her greatest voyage yet.

    Valmir prepares his hidden ship for the treacherous seas, his mind for the grueling voyage, his spirit to keep his faith strong.  He checks the sails, made only on the finest bras of the land, for maximum bust (to catch the most wind of course).  After seeing these are up to par he heads below deck.

    He makes sure his barrels of oil are absolutely full and fully stocked.  His library full of the nation's best adult literature to ensure his travels will not become too dull.

    He ties his authentic Adunian kilt around his waist, ridding himself of the restrictions of undergarments.  He says in his sexy voice.
    "I must wear my kilt... /Real/ men wear kilts."  Quickly realizing his manly garb is incomplete he buckles his fanny pack tightly around his hip before topping his head with his newest hat, a "Fedoro."

    He opens his bar to reveal the best vodkas the Ruskans has to offer, next his one of a kind Hansettian Beer-Shoe.  He sits down for a brief snack of Auvergene bread, which is as hard as always resulting in a cracked tooth.  After shattering three teeth he stands up from the table and pats his Southeron fertility art statue's head before heading upstairs.

    Seeing that his preparations are complete he unmoors his vessel and takes his slav-squatting position by the wheel as his ship drifts out to sea.  He promises himself to not come back until he has found a fine mermaid to bring home preferably one with a large rump for he likes big butts and he cannot lie.

  4. -1 for colors.

    +1 for content and player.

    Rune here has been one of my go to buddies for all sorts of gains RP since I returned to the server at the beginning of 3.0.  I've never seen any complaints against him as he is always the type of person to focus on killing those tree hugging elves making generally fun RP.

    I still laugh when I think back to one moment in specific when he came up to me IC and said "Hey Valmir, let's drink until we can't feel feelings!"

    It has since become part of my every day sayings.

  5. OOC:

    IGN: theflyingpen

    Skype: theflyingpen

    Time Zone: EST



    Name: Valmir Audane

    Age: 180-ish

    Race: Mali'Aheral

    Place of Residence: The Conclave

    Why do you want to become a blacksmith/to join?:
    I am looking to continue my practices after finding out that to make any use of the forge within the Conclave I am required to pay for each and every use regardless upon the intent.


    If you are a blacksmith, how long have you been one?

    I have been a smith for roughly five years after Gwindor had shown me the ropes for two and had helped train me to the point where I was able to practice on my own.

    How experienced do you think you are?

    While I am more of a jeweler by trade and desire I have been more forced to focus on weapons and armor as those are the ones that people are more apt to search for.  I am talented in Jewelry, experienced in weapon forging although I have little practice in any sort of armor crafting besides the most basic types or armor.


    Do you have any techniques or ideas to share or work on within Grand Hammer?:
    While I have created one or two specific masterpieces those only came about after months upon months of metalworking and sharpening.  I attribute their creation to Gwindor's assistance, top quality metals, and sheer luck.

    Tell us about yourself(2 paragraphs max):
    While I was born on Aegis I have no true memories of my life until the very first day of Auslon, I was one of the first off the boat onto the lands that would have been Malinor and began by working hard.  I spent most of my time reading and dreaming of becoming a mage.  On Anthos I had joined the Arcane Delvers and spent nearly two decades there before I finally left and worked my way up the Laurir of Lenniel during the days of Malinor.  My town was claimed from under my feet as I woke up one day and everything in the middle of my town was removed and grown into trees and since then I have been part of the Conclave.

  6. Valmir sighs as he reads the numerous papers that liter the walls and forest floors.  To him it was clear that no one truly researches any of their claims or goals.  The old city is far from salvageable for the time being and with the constant threat of war, simply trying to gather a group of citizens to just ask the council out of position is about the last thing to happen.

    He walks to his home and kisses his fiance deeply before locking himself in his lavish study.  He locks the door behind him and removes his bottle of whiskey and shot glass from his hidden alcove and downs four stiff shots.  He removes a quill and a sheet of paper and begins to write.

    "My love,

    I am writing this note as a farewell.  There is another threat to the Mali as a whole.  This one is more idiotic than the rest.  This is a counter-revolution that wants the same thing as the established revolution that we have worked so hard on.  I must say my farewells now as I must put a stop to this.

    Please take care of our child my love...  Our love was something nothing short of amazing but I am being called."

    He takes a final shot before picking up a hammer at his side.

    He looks to the glass box to his side... the box he wished he would have never needed to open.

    He closes his eyes and shatters the glass with a single blow and reaches in removing a mask from the rack.

    It begins.


  7. Today the Conclave has shown its true face to the people of Malinor... a face that I, along with the High Council, have seen since we discovered its conception. It is a face of greed, manipulation, and a thirst for power... and in all those things, it is the face of their so-called Justicar. He stole the land with the help of the Sky Gods and their magic regions, he built his walls and had them alter the landscape to suit his needs, and now at last he has declared war upon the Princedom of Malinor, a crime that is cursed in the eyes of any mali, regardless of creed. I would have allowed the Conclave to stay peacefully... Indeed, I was willing to let them stew in their Sky God spawned quartz houses. But this... this is a crime of high treason, disgusting and reeking of envy. This is a crime of spite, of hatred, and of disgruntled minor officials seeking an avenue to power heedless of the blood of innocent Elves.


    ((We will not be accepting or denying this warclaim until Kalameet and the Council sit down with an unbiased GM or Admin and discuss terms, location, and whatnot. You have me on Skype, start negotiating.))

    Valmir listens to the words spoken by the new prince and shakes his head thinking to himself of the false accusations made by yet another invisible council member of the nation to this day he still loves.  He had spent the previous fifty years of his life inside of the nation serving not only as a soldier but also as a friend and servant of the people and had built one of if not the most successful Malinor towns to date out of love for his people.

    He looks down to his scared hands as he hears the claims of the sky god granted walls and homes that he has spent the past six months working on.  He has neglected his daughter, his adopted son, and his long time lover.  Disappearing yet again to spend time working for his race instead of his own flesh and blood.  A flash of anger courses through his veins before he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath and thinks.

    "These disappearing leaders know not what they speak of, they have not seen the endless days I or my friends have endured to build these walls, or the endless hours spent in the mines searching for this beautiful stone.  I have spent all of my personal resources to even build any aspect of this town as others have.  This man only speaks out of spite and ignorance without even taking the time to confront a worker that his leadership has alienated."

    "I pray only that my family, friends, and the workers who have toiled for over a year to make a dream a reality may be safe from those who's heads have been topped with their own rears."

  8. I can see this having potential.

    As long as it's really used as a last resort to constant harrassment, honestly trolly RP, and a better catch all for anyone breaking/bending/slipping around previously established rules and not a (And I'm sure some people will pull this card) "I don't like this rp, we have to stop because it's in the rules," it will work.

  9. Half of the fun of magic was the search.  Some people didn't learn magic because of who their characters came off as.  I'm fine with the idea of making things equal in regards to tier, now anyone can call themselves a wizard but their still limited in regards to their level of power, but I feel as if this change might have come a little early without a finished magic plugin for next to no players can actually make use of one.



    well at least plate mail slows people down via nexus

  10. Valmir Audane approaches the lovely town of Lenniel after attending an important business trip, determined to finally rest as he had sorted every issue of that day out early, finished building the last home, finished building the soon to be crowded stalls that lie in the center of the town.  To is dismay he sees the pillar of smoke rising from every house, shop, and stall in the town.  He rushed into the town, the tears flowing from his face.  His one meaning in his life now stood before him, smoldering as the smoke continues staining the clear and bright skies of the day.

    His life meaning lost, the source of his only good memories were destroyed, nothing was left to give him any source of joy.

    As he walked down from the hill side into the town, he looked at the destruction.  "I built that last week... and that this morning..."  Everything beautiful was gone.

    He spotted the eye sore that is the house of Quavinir Signis, still standing as it was left, untouched by destruction.  His emotions over took him as he fell to his knees.

    He was left as he left the town, alone in the center of a dead town.  Seeing people burried alive... burried alive...

    Valmir Shouted, "QUAAAAAAAAV!  


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