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Posts posted by ArborGold

  1. As someone on the Safety Team I want to make it clear that I absolutely, without reservation, agree with Telanir and his decision to end the ‘Safety Team’. I joined the safety team because I am very unknown, unbiased, and have experience with the things the community was suffering from at the time, and probably still does. I came on board to stop predatory actions, sexual harassment, and other dangerous activities that actively harm community members. I never wanted the team to have power, nor was it meant to as Telanir stated.


    What I envisioned for the team was it being the friendly, open, and honest voice that could reach out to each and everyone of you, as well as being there when you needed someone to reach out to. We weren’t meant to be mods and the mis-characterization, overstepping of our bounds, and lack of any agreed upon document is the reason for the teams failure, not Telanir or any communication.


    To this day I think the lack of defined rules, channels, and community based definitions are a failure of the rule-system and the staff team. Defining and setting up more effective and personal measures to report violations such as discrimination, doxxing, sexual harassment, and harassment in general in a public setting are still something that will plague the community until it is addressed in one manner or another. The team was supposed to be there as trusted members, figures if you will, that acted professionally towards everyone and could communicate with each other, staff, the respondent, and the claimant.


    In short, I tried my best but other members on the team wanted far more than just a group of people who cared, wanted to make the difference, and were able to listen to all sides. It’s an issue in the community, staff, and very core. As sad as that is to say. I’ve been here for a while, off and on because of life, but things will change someday, I hope.


    Just thought I’d put my points in before it got swept under the rug.


    (PS: To clarify I actively campaigned against Draeris announcing the team, especially on a case that had nothing to do with us while Telanir was away. I do not support his actions nor did I think it was a case that was in the jurisdiction of the Safety Team, but in fact was in the jurisdiction of the Moderator team who should’ve self-policed or had admin support, not us getting involved.)



    Summation of The Johanese Restoration

    Spoken by the Noble Prince Johan After the Coup.




    “Such foul traitor can be so plain

    and so liberally disperse the death they sow?

    Upon his royal head once sat a crown

    and where his power felt, just was that reign.

    In this late hour, for it is midnight,

    traitorous treason rings out those princely windows.


    I was four years younger when the same windows

    cascaded merriment, cheers, and churchly bells plain

    as every man heard them till late night.

    Yet, renegades reap not, for they do not sow

    and tending to their own, not watering His princely oak with rain.

    Aspiring upstarts, wretches, devious claimants to his crown!


    None but he can wear that sweet crown

    and gather common admiration from his window!

    It will be the tears and wails of the people that will reign

    supreme and condemn such apostates to a devilish plane!

    Be his death so,

    regicidal turncoats will have new hempen necklaces tonight!”


    Many years imposters befell fair Aumarchen. Knights

    swore thorny oaths of betrayal to a new hollow crown.

    Young King Johan sowed

    in distant lands, gazing out tall windows

    at his amassing arms, assembling in the plain

    below, above him a steady rain.


    “Mark down my reign

    as being reclaimed this good night,

    for as all men may bear witness to my plain

    justice with which I shall recover my father’s regal crown.

    For their obscene deeds, find high windows

    and defenestrate fiends, be their timely end so.”


    Battle ensued, as men of Aumarchen so

    profaned their new king’s reign.

    Above, in slits and windows,

    arrows poured, yet by the fall of night

    Johan found, upon his head, his birthright crown.

    Ascend his highness to the throne from the plane.


    Bells once again struck from princely windows through those fair nights.

    Yet as for nature’s cruelty, so short a reign

    he would have. Crowns are fixations of jealousy if they rest with men who speak plainly.



  3. ((MC Name: ArborGold))

    ((Discord: ArborGold#7019))

    Name: Edwin Belhurst

    Age: 27

    Place of Birth: Avalain, Curonia

    Position Being Applied For: Artisan (Painter, Pamphleteer, Playwright, Musician, and Poet)

    Previous Job Experience: Been employed by several individuals for plays. Performed for the last year on Helena’s streets.






    The theater was abuzz with the commoner’s excitement. Behind the curtain was a collection of wildly dressed individuals who yearned at their first appearance to the masses. From the comically short and obese to those who were the true stars of this production ,the variety would strike any fair eye as unusual, to say the very least. Their creator, the man who had brought them together, stood anxiously at their head. He gripped his palms open, then closed, and open again. His sweat seeped from his pores, excreting his nervousness but joyfulness that his work would finally not be constrained by the courts.


    The shawns, sackbuts, crumhorns, and pifferos harmonized with the cacophony of the rising drums. Stirred by this noise the awaiting commoners wrenched their attentions from the small performers who had taken to small acts, such as juggling, before the shows. Above the pitiful Helena, side-alley, stage was a clumsily painted sign, with large red lettering, that read “La Renaissance.” Out on the stage struck our man, the writer who wished only to have his works finally heard. His name, as announced by a maestro being overran by the band, was Edwin Belhurst.


    At first the crowd was silent as the man stood, looking at the planked boards below him. The sounds from offstage petered out. Within a flash he had jutted his hand upward, announcing to the crowd with a grievous conviction, “While wars tend to start, we’ll bring you moments of culture and art.” The crowd looked around, nervous of what was to come. He continued, this time with more force on his rhyme scheme. “Welcome to La Renaissance! With poets, painters, and bon vivants. And merry minstrels, who stroll the streets of Helena a’strummin’ their lutes.”


    From behind the curtain three men peaked their heads out and replied with the quip, “in puffy pants and pointy leather boots!” With that the stage was flooded with the actors, joining in the recitation of the opening. “Welcome to La Renaissance, where we ‘o’ and ‘a’ you with ambiance. The latest and the greatest, we bring it to you – with much ado.” The troupe would cock its heads to see Edwin, who would speak loudly but with a calm demeanor, “The Camorin Conundrum!”


    As the music once again rose to a crescendo the players rushed off their grandstand to once again leave the bold Edwin to begin the drama. He swaggered to the middle of the platform, peering off into the audience. He begun, “Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown. As we set our scene upon a reddish ground.” With striking conviction he lowered his tone, offering a stooped bow to address the masses. “Fairies near, for they lie in waiting.” Just then, several faeries had danced across the scene, wearing beautiful pastels of purple and off-whites. Their faces were adorned with stage white powder, plentiful blush to accommodate their red wigs, and various vegetation hanging from their braids above.


    The narrator continued on, “among them young Tigoria, o’ how captivating.” He raised his eyebrows towards the crowd, looking between the gallery and the voluptuous heroine who now stepped out from among the group. With surprising swiftness he suddenly pointed, fingering several members of the audience, “Eyes do lock upon her fallen figure! I have seen how thy faces quickly transfigured. Who am I, I see thy jest, that I shall be opposed to lust? Well thee should know who doth offer this address, none other than a slice from the upper crust!” With that he pranced about, his nose up-turned, in a fashion of entitlement. With a flash, fake gold pieces dashed in the air towards the onlookers. Several scrambled to collect on the fool’s treasure, several hurling themselves before realizing the flair was merely a jest.


    The narrator once again bent himself, hushing his tone to that of a stage-whisper. “Back to quiet, my most noble brothers; I do not intend to tell thy mothers! Quickly we again must focus young Camorin soon fights Melanocus: A giant who, both in girth and weight, do defy the needs of a mate!” As Edwin began to pace he recited the introduction, “O’ be it so, Camorin defeats the beast he shall join Tigoria in one mighty feast,” a soft wink was offered with this pause, “be it so, Camorin ends in perish he shall take up residency at thy local parish. Yet promised victory Camorin hast been such, with but a mention of Tigoria’s divine touch. As devils swirl in our fraught air, these two may make a tumultuous pair!”


    A flash of purple-hued fabrics joined by vines preceded a woman of beauty, she spoke to her sisters as she offered a side-cocked stance for the audience to engage with the dialogue. “My fellow fae come gather and see, my soon-to-be royal decree. I say unto thee, let it reign true, that mighty Camorin shall rally as my retinue”


    The faeries called in response, a harmonizing tone that drove itself with shrill notes, “Ay, my sister but how shalt thou persuade his mortal soul, when ours be as black as sooty coal?”


    The staged Tigoria turned to her sisters with a furrowed brow. Upset at their lack of intuition she divulged her plans to the attentive gathering before her. “Men are fickle beasts, not all can be as unfaithful to their sex as priests. Let him then be swayed by my persuasion,” she said as she shook her hips at the front row. “So that he may rise to the occasion.” The men, catching on to the jest, offered a wily round of applause and whistles. She strode across the stage to this thundering ovation from the males, her followers nipping at her heels. “I shall strike at the loathly, swag-bellied starve-lackey Melanocus, while Camorin is under my hypnosis. Once I lure the giant close, into the open meadows, I shall loose, as an eagle on high, plenty of rocks that can fly. Upon the behemoth they shall land, and Camorin and I shall rule the woodlands.”


    The fae-sisters, giggling with sinister excitement, called a unified response once more. “Yes sister, make it so. Alas, he sits under a willow!” The faeries peered across the stage, blocking the sun from their eyes with hands strewn across their foreheads. The newly entered Camorin, a man with mock elf ears attached, has taken a seat and wiped his damp brow.


    Camorin sighed, staring off high above the audience and proclaiming, “’Tis a world that is cruel to make a man walk without shoes. Such fawning light bringeth growth yet compounds my oath. I shall not cease, or rest one day, until I find my royal way.”


    Tigoria’s feet twiddled across the rostrum, imitating floating. She veered towards the seated hero, her hair flowing and eyes watering, “Most gracious warrior, I plead to thee. Protect me from the terror and thee shall reign lordly.”


    Camorin perked up, jumping to his feet in an extraordinary fashion. One of the player’s ears flew off into a puddle off-stage. “Most holy blessings upon thine beauty, I shall raise to the courage to pursue death’s duty!” He drew his sword, flashing it about. From a distance the faeries let out a shrill laugh that matched with the crowd’s. The attempted gloatery fell flat but Camorin hardly noticed. The fae’s posture straightened only once Tigoria offered them a grueling stare.


    The enchantress returned her gaze to the musty elf, offering a faint smile to him and a disgusted look to the audience. “Oh such sweet man, thy sword reigns as sharp as thine ears! First among attractive volunteers.” 


    The resounding response from Camorin was clear as he planted his sword in the ground, narrowly missing his foot with the point of the blade. He placed his hand on his hips, which elicited several cheers from the masculine side of the group, and announces, “Who shall be my overgorged prey, one that I shall skewer and advance their die away?”


    “Melanocus,” Tigoria replied with a damaging description, “the beslubbering, clay-brained, giant who reigns over the brushland defiant of her people, dastard weasel.” She shook her head, dramatically feigning a distraught nature accompanied by a stage-faint into the arms of the elf.


    He caught her and went about planting her back upright. Camorin then grasped her hand, bending on one knee, “Worry not, my true enchantress of the eyes. I shall return with nothing short of his head as a prize!” Then he  rose and sprinted off stage in the oddest fashion possible, his legs touching his chest.


    The fae-beaut turned to the audience, shaking her head at the overzealous, awkward, spirit she was tasked with overcoming. Finally her sisters swarmed around her and let out a piercing heaven-aimed cackle. A short chorus was offered by the faeries. “He thinks he found love, a sweet mellow dove! But soon he will be under our swaaaaaaay!!!” Following the boo’s resonating from the audience the stage was cleared of actors as the witches quickly wisp their way behind the patched curtains. However, on their exit, drums began to beat to a slow march. Melanocus lumbered onto the stage. A beast of a man, carrying a tree for clubbing in one hand and a drinking horn in the other, he stood proudly center stage.


    Fixed upon his head was a butterfly crown of great beauty. His beard was wet with wine as he finished the horn’s worth of alcoholic sustenance and thrust it off-stage. He then spoke in a thundering voice, “I am the Melanocus who rules these lands, and I issue this command!” With that his club swung down to the stage, “If any shall lay eyes upon the witch fairy, who hast barrened my wives plentiful fields, then send her to my mortuary where bugs shall feast on her without yield.”


    Without much merit to his stealth Camorin peaked from around the corner, staring at the wine-guzzling spectacle. He offered an aside as he pranced out into the daylight, “Alas, as I crush the infamous thing, and I shall find love for those who love me.” The hero drew his sword to the cheering of the onlookers. “Sweet Tigoria, I will live in thy heart, die in thy lap, and be buried in thy eyes if I am to survive.” The dirty reference, overlooked by many, was clapped at by a few in the rear of the mob.


    The giant turned as the royal-seeking elf took sudden rise against him. In response the powerful giant struck once in an upper fashion, then swung his stump high into the air, it lauding over the now prone Camorin, “Die now, obscene, flap-eared villain! As thy may break words with me, yet thee charge forlorn into battle. Ay, as now I shall break it in thy face, so as not to break it from my behind!” Rounds of unmatched laughter swelled from the commoners, enjoying a joke on flatulence.


    Just as all seemed lost, and the guffawing of the rabble died, several rocks fell from above, hitting the giant’s bald head. A bird’s self-glorifying screech was projected from behind the curtain and the mighty giant falls.

    “Sun, hide thy valiant beams! For Melanocus hast done his reign.” A resounding reverberation struck as the giant fell, dead, his tongue comically sliding out of his mouth.


    Several midget-actors, dressed a jesters, rushed onto the stage to start a painfully slow drag of the corpse. The second act started with the body still being unsuccessfully drug. Edwin returned to the stage to deliver the second prologue. “Such entrail-faced fawning given by our lady, no doubt her intentions shady. Yet more is to come, so stay seated my friends. Enjoy the spirited rum and the newlyweds shall tell thee of their amends. Camorin hath beheaded the brute, securing a fairy and crown as his loot. Yet on their way home a terrible bite shall lead to discord by midnight. If not enough, the death hath given rise to a new prosecutor, one that spells the end for the seducer. Though she may fall, Camorin shall rule over all woodland sprawl, then consign his broke heart to his internal walls.”


    With that the narrator left as Camorin trotted onto stage holding a clearly fake severed head, mirrored after the giant. He would grasp Tigoria by the waist and say, “Crowned I shall be, and crowned I shall remain. Under this tree and near my fallen foe my reign hath begun!” The newly crowned king saddled himself and his bride-to-be on his black mule, Nevagios, and screamed, “COME my fair lady, my home awaits. There we shall forever entwine our fates.” He sppured the mule onward.


    As the two frolicked, straddling a mule’s head on a stick, the evil-doer Queen looked down, lifting a hand with a small amount of blood on it. “The head, for which this elf hast attached to his saddle, hath bitten me on our travel. ‘Tis merely a cut, nothing more than that. Another slit a nun shall work at.” Some members gasp at the sacrilegious remark while others, the less religiously attached of the lot, let a laugh escape.


    As the couple exited from view the sisters emerged to the evoking of hisses from the assembly. They offered another aside. “Fellow wickeds, we feel our plan hath been undone before she hath birthed him a son. Taken away, our victory yet begun, we shall be taken one by one. First her, then us. We prefer her cuts!” They all exited with a terrible squealing, sobbing, trail in their wake.


    Sawing began behind the stage, as commoners and nobles watching from the main thoroughfare were struck with confusion. Mr. Belhurst emerged again, “Terrible news, my most competent observers. Tigoria’s leg has taken to the bite poorly. Such a fever is fervor, doctors are quite sure she’ll lose the leg.”


    A woman screamed offstage, drawing everyone’s attention. “MY LEG! PLACE NOT ONE HA- TIS GONE!”


    With an uneasy smile the narrator turns back, “I believe she hath been abandoned by one-fourth her lower half,” raises his finger and mimes writing it down, “an excellent epitaph!” He left to an applause mixed with hooting.


    After a few moments, where the crowd was left talking amongst themselves, Tigoria stumbled from the curtain’s mid-gap, her leg painted to appear wooden. “Damn that cow-pizzled ox-head that did this to me! I have in my right mind a good thought to flee.” Just then the drums started to pound a marching beat. Tigoria looked to the sound and saw the emerging giant woman, fear animating her face. “Such sights my eyes have since avoided, ‘tis the one who’s fertility I devoided.”


    The same giant as before, just missing the fake beard and wearing a woman’s wig trudged onto the stage. Between the frizzled locks of the giantess’ hair she saw Tigoria and blew her rage, exclaiming to the crowd, “I have but lost my production but it appears my perpetrator is not without reduction.” After examining the fae from a distance, she spotted the leg missing, purposefully exuding her plan, “one leg off, I shall take it up quick, and bash thine skull into a paste so slick!” With that she charged the witching fairy, ripping off her wooden appendage and bashing her with it. The crowd ripped into a volley of laughter, insults, and cheering as the brawl began. The strikes of the giant and over-exaggerated acting of Tigoria drew amusement from even the most tight-lipped individuals.


    Tigoria howled, crying for Camorin, “Why should a dog, a horse, a rat, have life, and thou no breath at all? Thou shalt come no more, never, never, never, never, never! I can no more, be it, I die.” She went limp and spread on the ground.


    The giant declared her victory, speaking to the sky as the audience jeered the dead witch. “Husband, thou’st put in my hands thy limb of wrath!” She would drop the pegleg and continue on, “I hath crushed down with heavy fall the rascally, shallow, knave! A coward and taker of our mongrel daughter.”


    The unsuspected hero entered, as Melanocus’ wife exited, stage opposite. He fell to his knees at his love’s corpse, unaware of her plans to ruin him. He begins his monologue, addressing the audience with pain tingling in his voice. “Why, this is torment, nor shall I ever escape it. Think’st thou that I, who saw the face of a goddess and was primed to taste the eternal joys of heaven, am deprived with ten thousand deaths of my beloved.” The king pauses, standing and pointing to the body as he developed his plan. “In being deprived of everlasting bliss am I to seek after destruction of myself? Nay, I shall lead on, to be enthroned over all my elven-kind. The evil that men do live is too often interred with their bones, so let me atone for injustices and spend endless years within my home. Be it that one day I shall again gain favor, with higher beings erasing this disfavor.”


    As his sobbing turned into him clutching his face, the attending masses let out a sympathetic sigh. Camorin stood, faced the crowd, and bowed as the sighs and sadness turned to a jubilation at the extent of the playgoers enjoyment. The cast would join them, including Edwin, and offer a collective bow and respectful nod to the band. Several minas landed in the pots situated at the front of the stage and Edwin stepped forward to make a final pitch out of rhyme.


    “When asked, the nobles of the courts couldn’t find time to partake in our play. I had to find players of my own to perform it, and even then, the high-ended braggarts wouldn’t listen to this eloquence. What majesty has to flow from our pens? If you have interest in joining our motley bunch and performing more shows live, as we do travel, please do approach me soon! Furthermore, if you find your noble court or household lacking good works of art, poetry, and plays then contact Edwin Belhurst, myself, about granting us your employ. From Elven to common, I have no issue with writing in different vernaculars.”


    He concluded, “La Renaissance believes that we need art in our world and we intend to create pieces that last for generations. Histories and dramas, tragedies and comedies, music and paintings should once again be the enjoyment of both the rich and the common. Rebirth the arts and sciences to end such petty things as wars and conflict. Blessings upon you all, and may you find us here next week.” With that, the crowd dispersed and the players took to recovering props and instruments. Another night complete, but many more to come.




    I tried to perform this play IRP but ran into the issue of no one wanting to participate. I’m not sure if it will be feasible to have the plays done on stage and emoted, originally that is how I wrote this piece, but I still cling to that hope. I dedicated a decent amount of my time to writing this work and making sure the scheme was in order with period choices while not being unbearable for modern readers. I felt it would be an injustice to not offer it to the community. As stated in the play, my character is available for commissions on poetry and plays if you find you like that sort of thing.


    Any comments, concerns, or questions would be much appreciated. Anyone who actually wants to emote a play would be a great friend of mine! A decent sized troupe of three to four committed individuals would make for an amazing event that we could run weekly or bi-weekly. Perhaps we could even get a theatre to replace one of those barbaric and out of dating jousting grounds?




    Related image

    Novatian and his followers nailing a letter to the entrance of the Cathedral of the Holy Martyrs,  Late 1693


    Novatian’s sandals felt heavy as he returned to a city he had once forsaken. Some time ago, when his hair was of a different shade and his face was less marked then today, he was a curator of the cathedral he now approached. The few who had accompanied him were not all men of the word, for some were the protection he most certainly would need after his upcoming acts of defiance. Several other men scampered across the known roads of the Empire and beyond, lacing the trails, posts, and cities with identical works. With great haste he withdrew a hammer and a single nail, now walking with the slow pace expected of a man his age. With every step he worried he would be struck down, but he was not. By the time he was there, at the entrance of the place he once lived, he paused, unaware of anyone’s reactions to his motions. All of it faded away as his time in solitude, a self-imposed exile, ended and he held up a piece of parchment to the door. With several thuds, each more laborious than the last in his old age, he completed what had been months in the making. Now as the times collided and the Church he once knew disintegrated for a second time Novatian made his stand, one that may very well cost him his life. But Novatian was old, and without the worries of the youthful man he once was. His time, following his tenure in the upper echelons of Church, was one of simple living and studious study of the world. From one schism to another Novatian had remained a silent servant and in times of unity he would be diligent in spreading the word and advocating for the quietest of voices in Marna and beyond. Now he would share his thoughts with the world and change how others viewed the Church, GOD’s Church, a Church meant for the people, not the few fat priests who had destroyed and hidden away what GOD meant to make free. Novatian would break their artificial chains by which they bind His Divine Word, with his life if necessary.


    Novatian turned, and walked off. All that was left was his work, as it swayed gently in the evening breeze. Any who approached would see a sprawling script until they finally could read,




    VERY DEAR BRETHREN – Peace to you and with us, that is, with the Cannonist Faith, the mother of all, both us and you, love and concord from GOD, the Almighty, to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever. 


    My Word lasts into the eve of the world, and the fruit of virtue cannot rot.
    Horen 1:1




    It has always appeared to us that you never needed my aid, which assuredly would have been most readily given, but hitherto no occasion presented itself to us. Now, however, of a truth, not only has an opportunity occurred, but necessity is laid upon me to demonstrate in what way I feel affected towards you, if I would maintain my fidelity towards Almighty GOD, and faith towards my neighbor. For, after it was brought to my ears that certain crafty men, enemies of peace and the Church, had in like manner, as they had previously done, cast among you, and in HIS Church, the wicked seeds of discord, had turned the faithful people of GOD aside from the way of their fathers and ancestors, and from the perpetual sentiments of the Church, and filled all places with strife and sedition. Such is always the appropriate course of those who seek new power and new honors for themselves, by assailing the authority of the Church, I declare before Almighty GOD, who is always present beholding my inmost thoughts, that I was exceedingly grieved and affected with a kind of double pity, when, on the one hand, I thought it known the groans of the Church our mother, weeping and lamenting at being deprived and, on the other, dearest brethren, I was concerned at your losses and dangers. I trust, however, that after explaining the nature of my undertaking, I shall not only be exempted from all blame, but there will not be an individual who will not admit that the cause which I have undertaken I could not on any account have abandoned without basely deserting my duty as a member of the flock of GOD.


    Since there are three things on which the safety of the Church is founded: doctrine, discipline, and the sacraments, and to these a fourth is added, those being ceremonies, by which to exercise the people in offices of piety, in order that we may be most sparing of the honor of your Church, by which of these things would you have us to judge her? The truth of doctrine, on which the Church ought to be founded, has not only in a great measure perished in your Church, but is violently driven away by fire and sword. Will you obtrude upon me, for the Church, a body which furiously persecutes everything sanctioned by our religion, both as delivered by the oracles of GOD, and embodied in the writings of holy Fathers, and approved by ancient Councils? Where, pray, exist among you any vestiges of that true and holy discipline, which the ancient bishops exercised in the Church? Under which can the people know the truth when you have gone through lengths, for centuries, to hide this from them? Have you not scorned all the ancient institutions in your thoughtless actions, one which demonstrates the truth of human debauchery? Have you not trampled all the Canon under foot? Then, your nefarious profanation of the sacraments I cannot think of without the utmost horror.


    I will not permit you, by inscribing the name of Church on such abominations, both to defame her against all holy law and justice, and prejudice the ignorant against us, as if we were determined to wage war with the Church. For though we admit that in ancient times some seeds of superstition were sown, which detracted somewhat from the purity of the word, still you know, that it is not so long ago since those monsters of impiety with which we war were born or, at least, grew to such a size. Indeed, in attacking, breaking down, and destroying your control, we are armed not only with the energy of the Divine Word, but with the aid of the holy Fathers and righteous GOD Himself. But what arrogance, we say, to boast that the Church is with you alone, and to deny it to all the world besides! The Church of GOD belongs to the PEOPLE OF GOD!


    “And so I shall guide thee in the theatre of virtue, and the most
    virtuous shall not live without Me and My Word.”

    Horen 1:2


    Let it be fully known, without any doubt from the flock of the One True GOD, that the Canon, the scrolls which bind us together, have a right to be freely distributed and read among all of the Faith. This being so that the masses can understand the foundational doctrine one Church, a false one of a lower breed than any before, claims to hold dominion over, when in fact they hold little weight when the light of the Divine Word of GOD is thrust upon them. GOD surely means that His Church cannot fail, and so we must multiply those who can see His word. All who believe that this is truth, and that the Divine Word of the Holy Canon should be spread within our flock should proudly undertake efforts to forfeit the corruptors of their foundational power in these misinterpretations. Let Our Church refuse to leave our wits at the gates when a villain undertakes the mantle of our leadership and will corrupt our most sacred of texts for a wicked use. Those who speak otherwise, I admit, dearest brethren, are those of simple minds, and of men who are by nature of duller intellect.


    Wherefore we admit that Our Church has a necessity to teach through a dissemination of the Holy Canon we admit that His Church is truly a Church not for the few elites, but truly of us all. We shall impress the truth of the scrolls upon the minds of not the limited of us who speak in an ancient tongue, but those who speak the common tongue. GOD wills His words to be shouted, not in the submission of walls to defend from the many, but in a crowd of the faithful.




    - Novatian Besel of Nasiqua

    The 18th of the Deep Cold, In The Year of Our Lord, 1693








    • Free the Holy Canon by making it distributed in the common tongue
    • Demand an end to the corrupt Church that exists for the Emperor and NOT the people
      • GOD’s Church is created for all of His people, not to service the elite
      • Stop politicizing the Church in an unnecessary and wholly uncanonist way
    • Establishes a basis that the Church of “Elwood” is false and has violated GOD's Church for political, not religious, reasoning
      • Denounces this for points mentioned above
    • Denounces everything about the Church keeping the texts, the foundational concepts and words of the Church, basically a secret
      • Expresses a belief that GOD commands the texts to the people, not the Church


    Also, just read the letter from the paragraph that begins with “Let it be fully known,” for easy understanding.


  6. Let me take a few minutes to point out some of the good points made and some of the points that fall inconsistent with the real reasons behind this protection of the document.


    11 hours ago, Suxals said:

    If the document exists ic then it belongs to Lotc and thus you can irply publish it in the forums.


    Is this so? I cannot find a rule stipulating this, however, this may be in the terms of registration that everyone reads past. If this is the case does all work published on this site fall under that claim? Does that void all rights held before posting on this server? Does this mean LOTC claims all non-cited work, including those from off-site sources such as deviantart or other well known websites creating images used by several members of the community in role-play posts?


    1 hour ago, ImperialTortoise said:

    Don’t speak about something which you have no knowledge of, as mog stated above basically nobody has the scrolls in rp, instead they have snippets and quotes. So if somebody gave you this in rp then they were powergaming 


    Never claimed this, read the OP please.


    1 hour ago, Heathen said:

    If you don’t have the document in-Characterly, publishing it as your character would be meta-gaming. 


    This does not address many of my points. Does the rule cited above, PR3, mean that all work must be cited and/or permission given from the creator to be used? If this is the case why can the scrolls be quoted freely without following this guideline? Why has a piece of material seemingly owned by outside sources that refuse to give access to the community allowed to be integral to the role-play of an entire race? Furthermore, my claims of power-gaming were blatantly ignored. How is it possible that this document can be fully remembered when one of the authors claims only two people/ one person and a family have access to the scrolls in their written form? How is it that they can be seamlessly remembered for hundreds of years without a change or edit once taking place? The definition provided, by the server’s wiki team I may add, cites unrealistic acts as power-gaming. I will address this further when responding to Mog as I feel it becoming that he gets a longer response.


    And under your comment, can the document be published OOCly? Without permission and with proper citation? Does not citing any work imply you are claiming ownership? According to PR3 it does, since an individual needs to cite and/or gain permission of the author.


    Is this the logic other players have been banned for publishing the scrolls for in the past? Or was it an act of suppression? I am generally uninformed.


    1 hour ago, drfate786 said:


    It makes no sense and I agree, if someone infiltrates a church holding a scroll and then copies it and leaks its contents for the whole world to see then by all means that is dynamic RP and NOT against the rules. My guess is that they keep it written on some google document and don’t actually have it written down on any books in-game, which is actually meta since it wouldn’t exist IRP. It’s probably also a copy paste of the dead sea scrolls or something hideously copied in that nature.


    Read what I said, there’d be no way to obtain the document if they keep it on a google document and don’t have it in-game as an actual item.


    I would like to know if the scrolls are actually an in-game item? Or is this all solely off of a google doc that several people have access to, including myself. The document is roughly 10000 words long, give or take a hundred or so because of formatting with titles and all. It is a 24 page document as well. The church cites it often but remember that, as stated by Mog, basically nobody has laid eyes on the text. I go more into this soon.


    49 minutes ago, Old Man Boiendl said:

    I would like to address your claims of its not realistic to memorize these writings. 


    First it isn’t horrendously long. 


    It is completely plausible and possible for a clergyman to memorize things which are orally passed down. It’s how oral traditions arise in the first place and how many of the stories we know in contemporary society have come about. 


    As Mogroka said, oocly priests and others are granted access to the scrolls because it’s a matter of ease of access. When this ease of access is allowed, it follows suit that there probably won’t be variations in the writings of priests. But that isn’t particularly a matter of RP, it’s just the realities of life and the limitation of a block building game. 


    I understand and agree with you, to an extent. I agree 24 pages, 10,000+ words, isn’t that long for a holy book, but it is for a minecraft server.


    Oral history stands up nicely except if you look at the reality of the societies you cite. First off, while they do not write down these stories they are changed. Over generations the original meaning, symbolism, wording, phrasing, rhythm, and more are changed or lost. This is not the case for the canon, is it now? No, it had stayed the same and not one bit has been lost by the clergy who some how managed to memorize the entire thing, unchanging, for generations upon generations.


    Now someone will say, certain members of Islam memorize the entire Koran. Yes, they do. And they have referenced work to read off of. They memorize from a book. Canonist do not. They memorize out of thin air. They simply have left 10000+ words unchanged for hundreds of years, and that is believable to you?


    In fact, in the religions Canonism attempts to mirror there were in fact variations in writings, that is the simple fact. The fact is the church, and certain players as well apparently, do not want the Canon getting out. It is simply there way of holding onto power and using the text as they see fit to drive their role-play, while using it against others. While I mean no disrespect, I will call it how it is. It is a matter of RP when they keep all RP writings standardized as a result OOC control over the document and rules.


    2 hours ago, Sultan said:


    Simply fact of the matter there are no Copies of the Scrolls, there is only one of each its a unique thing. Some of the Scrolls are not even within the grasp of the Church. 


    Priests do not get to read the Scrolls, they do not get to see the Scrolls at best a Priest would have access to transcripts written by High Pontiffs with quotes. They get what they are taught at “Priest teaching” or whatever you want to call it. For ease of access oocly you are given access to the OOC documents containing this info. IRP you would never have such a document at hand or ever see it in your life. There are a handful of people that have access to them one being the High Pontiff the Scroll of Owyn and the Scroll of Sigmund / The Patriarch of Horen family has the Scroll of Godfrey + The Scroll of Horen.


    And the legal owners of the writing are here, myself being one of them.


    And to the author you are mixing OOC and IRP. In IRP 99% of Humans, Priests included have no access to the Scrolls, just because you have access to a doc, does not qualify as you in RP having access to them.  


    So let’s continue to analyze these statements. Keeping in mind all the above information I have written about how the full memorization of oral history unchanged for hundreds of year is in fact unrealistic, and power-gaming as a result. That is the crux of the argument. Since no one has these referenced materials that actually uses them, besides the two aforementioned people in Mog’s post, how is it that the wording, grammar, pronunciation, and everything in unchanged for hundreds of years? I need an explanation to how this is legitimate and how this is not unrealistic, and hence power-gaming.


    Could you name the other writers of the document, I simply do not know them. Have you and the other authors given permission and/or have been credited for the aforementioned, a many more, uses of the scrolls on the forums? If not, why are these people not being found guilty of PR3.


    I in no way confuse the two, however I believe that there is a reliance on OOC to defend IC power. The scrolls are protected by an unwritten OOC rule and the people who use them in the Church as if they are fully memorized are committing power-gaming as they cannot possibly have had this unwritten oral history and have it unchanged for hundreds of years, especially when it isn’t even their goal to memorize the document nor is it possible for them to correct mistakes by going to look it up.


    12 minutes ago, Nathan_Barnett36 said:

    Did you read mogs response? Nobody has access to the scrolls. If you were given them in to then fine, but no one has. Releasing them is both metagaming and powergaming if you have no to access to it. You really do hate the empire and it clearly shows. Anything anti empire/ human, you pounce on it.


    I will reply to this as an edit. He in fact did not say “nobody has access to the scrolls.” He explicitly mentioned two people who do, see the above quoted section for clarification. No one should’ve claimed to have the scrolls in-character, nor did I ever claim this. The two people with access will not release them, obviously, but how did the priests learn to memorize 10,000+ words with no changes for hundreds of years. Power-gaming has to be the reason, plain and simple.



    I think I will lay out my points in a list later, in an effort to help get straight answers from the staff and other members of the community. Thank you for helping in this discussion and I hope we can find answers to these questions.

  7. I’ll start this off by saying I sent an issue very similar to this to several staff members, who I will not name, and did not receive any response from them for a considerable amount of time. As a result I have ended up posting here and in coordination with the recent post of unread rules. I usually stalk the forums for the most part, as I have a lot of things to do in real-life and not much time left for the server, but I decided it would be a good time to ask this question and discuss this issue with people. Here is what I bring before you all for help with and perhaps a bit of transparent clarification:


    The rule I question is referred in the “Forum Rules” as “Posting Rule #3” (PR3) and reads, “Plagiarism is prohibited. What counts as plagiarism? As long as you credit the author, you are safe. If you obtain permission from the author, you may use their work without crediting them. However, if you neither credit the author nor obtain permission—you violate this rule. Art, literature, builds, and other content are covered under plagiarism” (Telanir, 2018).

    I believe the intentions of the supposed bans need to be clarified or the players using the rule to enforce their role-play power need to be informed this is not the case. Furthermore, I question that if the owner of the work is not attainable for permission does the work fall defunct? For example, if a player uses a picture from an artist off this site, without their permission as they most likely do not know them, and they do not explicitly credit the image to that individual/group does this violate the rule? Plainly, does a lack of citation imply claiming the work as your own? So if you do not have permission because the person is unknown to you and you cannot credit them because you do not know who made the image does this violate PR3? The old rule, “Forum Rule 6” (FR6) defined plagiarism as “the act of passing off someone else’s work as your own.” This new rule doesn’t entirely agree with this stance. One could lack citation due to them being unable to cite effectively and permission but that does not imply they have claimed the work as their own. Would a simple “I do not own, nor claim to own, any of the above works of art or literature above, unless otherwise specified within the text.”


    The reason for me bringing this up falls mostly on one issue I have had for well over a year in the LOTC community, when I do manage to have time to play consistently. Firstly, I will explain the context of how I feel the rule is being abused. In LOTC there is a rather large player-built religion called Canonism. It is a mixed of many of the Abrahamic religions and its existence on the server has evolved over six years. Undoubtedly you and your fellow staff members have heard of it, as it is somewhat large and essential to the human role-play both currently and historically. Within the Canonist system the "holy book" of sorts is four scrolls written by four players of the server, some of which no longer play the game. Their teachings are equated to the words of Canonism and the "God" that is underpinning the whole religion. In the current state of the religion the texts are protected by the clergy and only members of the clergy read and have access to these scrolls. Some players within the religion have informed me there are no physical copies or there is only one, which is held by the High Pontiff. If so, the scrolls are memorized by priests over their lifetimes and the teachings and quotations of this text are strictly limited to the memorization of the character, which I will later address as a separate issue as it does not pertain directly to FR6.


    The reason for my comments are the supposed enforcement of these plagiarism rules by both the staff and certainly members of the community who operate in the Canonist Church. I have been told repeatedly that any attempt to publish the scrolls in any capacity would see me banned from the server for some considerable amount of time, and that is where I draw an issue with the rule, the staff enforcement of the rule, and the player interpretation of it.


    Understandably a publishing of the Holy Scrolls, verbatim, as a direct copy and paste accompanied by the publisher claiming to have authored the texts would be in violation of the rules, which previously defined plagiarism as, "the act of passing off someone else’s work as your own" (FR6). However, even citation is not necessary as noted in FR6's previous statement that, "Using someone else’s work is fine, and while crediting them is always encouraged it is not required" (FR6). This draws a question: If the work is credited to other players, named or unnamed, who wrote the text, such as the Holy Scrolls, and/or the person publishing the document RPly and OOCly does not claim ownership of the content, rather simply revealing its existence and contents to the public fall under "fair use?” In the instance above the player is not passing off someone else's work as their own and is fully recognizing, both OOCly and RPly, that the documents were not written by the publishing individual.


    Within the same conversations with some of the members who operate within the Canonist chats I have heard that the staff has banned people in the past under the guidance of the aforementioned previous rule, and rules before that, when they attempted to publish the document. I was told that the staff "meticulously scrubs out the Holy Scrolls on the forums," by deleting posts and banning players for extended periods of time under the intention that they are the worst violators of plagiarism. Noted I do not know if they claimed full rights to these works but failing to credit those who are not reachable to give consent to the publishing should also be enforced on those using the scrolls for all uses then. For example, if a member of the Church uses these scrolls and quotes from them they are not required to cite, despite the fact they are in fact using another person’s words without giving permission or citing. If the punishment goes to those who do not cite and ask permission because the players that wrote the text are gone and unreachable why does the punishment not go to those in the Church who do the same things. Look to this post where quotes from the scrolls are released verbatim with IC citations but fail to use OOC citation or recognize the author/gain their express permission. So, would this count as plagiarism and is this person to be banned? Would this post count as plagiarism for the same reason? Just as well, look to posts with even pictures from off-site sources. Would this post equate to the punishment as he has not cited the picture?


    Theoretically, if someone released the scrolls or a book of the scrolls due to the memorization the Church claims, which will be addressed later, and they did not cite the people who wrote the document, who they do not know or know even play the server anymore, and they do not ask permission, as for the same reason, are they in violation of this rule? And if so why can the text be used freely by Canonist Church members without being held to the same standards? Should they not also be forced to get the express permission and/or the correct OOC citation in every post where they plagiarize/copy work they did not write in the form of a quote from the scrolls?




    Simply, does a lack of citation mean you are in violation of the rule? Does a lack of citation and permission because the author/creator of the content is unknown or impossible to reach for the purposes of minecraft role-play servers mean the material is fine to use without permission and citation? That is the ultimate point of this post, and also to figure out if there were bans for this reason, and why were they enforced this way and other not?


    Finally, and in close relation to my previous point, the players who run the Canonist Church could be guilty of power-gaming to a degree, in my opinion, but that the enforcement of OOC rules to prevent role-play is both in bad taste and extremely disappointing for any true role-player in the community. Defining power-gaming as “the act of any character doing something they'd realistically be unable to which is detrimental to Roleplaying through the breaking of immersion, and a loss for fairness to other players” (Cited from LOTC Wiki). Firstly, to address my accusations of power-gaming, if the church solely operates off memorization how is it that members of the Church can recall the entire wording of the document and are given a document OOCly to cite from instead of being taught these skills in-game? How is that a 'bible-sized' document can be perfectly remembered for generations upon generations without a single word or comma falling out of place or changing? On top of this no one has even seen the text since they are not allowed to make copies? So, they are simply memorizing a book perfectly for hundred of years and don’t have the referenced material on-hand, as it is locked up? Sounds far-fetched to me. To this I say that the book has been written down and that it has been written down on plenty of occasions, the excuse of it being solely verbal or that a single source exists and is rarely ever seen was created with the express purpose of deterring people from releasing the Scrolls on the forums or in other public domains. This is accompanied by unfair enforcement of the hazy rules that exist around the subject.


    Just as well, OOC rules are not meant to be structured as to suppress role-play. Here, however, they clearly are. Players openly know that the scrolls are essential to the human culture and they state that the supposed rules prevents any individual from "ever" releasing the scrolls under any circumstances since they did not write them and all players who wrote them did not consent to their publication. And if that is so, why are they free to use them without the written consent or OOC citation required by others? I find this a gross abuse of rules to suppress player-driven role-play. They claim that since players created the lore they cannot be published when many people have open access to the document themselves. I argue that these intentions are solely biased and, as stated earlier, some of the players do not play the game anymore making their release, under the Church's opinion, impossible.


    Is this so? I would like to know why? Why is it structured this way and unevenly enforced? If the scrolls are IC related things leave them to that realm and cease a system where small caveats for certain groups exist.




    I do not want any trouble, I just want answers and clarification. In no way was this meant to step on anyone’s toes or make them upset, I simply want an answer to my questions from people qualified. Since I did not get a reply in private from members of the forum and admin team I have brought the issue to light and in a space where the public can voice their opinion and concerns, over me or the rules. I hope it will be a fruitful discussion. Hopefully I wasn’t too ramble”y”. I apologize of the long post and any mistake I have made in my grammar.





  8. Non Abbiamo Bisogno

    “We Do Not Need”


    Blessed Art Thou Travels


    Blessed Art Thou Travels, 1621



    We, the One True and Holy Church of GOD, do not need; For ours is the wealth of spirit (Owyn, 2:3). There is naught an equivalent upon His creation, so we must take up these abundant riches with devotion and diligence (Owyn, 2:2). Search not for truth in stockpiled luxuries, considerable estates, silken robes, or bejeweled croziers, for all fall short of the glory of GOD (Owyn, 2:4). We are all birthed and we all shall perish in time, as does the coinage of men gust and fall, akin to the wind’s very nature. But, accompanying His blessed glory are the Seven Skies, and this divine place for His devout community of worshipers has no end and is eternal (Horen, 1:3).


    “For I have ordained for thee a destination of virtue, and I have set within thy path the key to the gate of the Seven Skies. And thou shalt take only the path of virtue and shalt not stray into clearer paths, for though they be clearer they lead to impure ends.” (Owyn, 1:3)


    Within His words GOD tells of the Seven Skies and their obtainability for all who practice and uphold the virtues of His Church and Holy Word. In these words, with His power as GOD, He condemns the comforts of the world presented by Iblees: wine, wealth, women, and more (Owyn, 3:3-4). He implores us all to uptake a simple and pure life, one of fasting and prayer. One where looking to the Skies is a cry of recognition from the Heavenly Father but also one of love; One where we embrace both the trials He bestows upon our life-long journey and the joy He brings to us, death and birth respectively.


    In our righteous pursuit to live a simple life glorifying Him and seeking atonement we must forsake certain possessions and comforts, while adopting virtuous practices in their stead: First, we must seek to give what we have to those in need, for whatever ye have or hold, He has given you (Owyn, 2:3). Do not count the cost of selling thine wares or sustenance to the downtrodden; give openly with a kind and gentle hand. Love for thy brother and sister should manifest in deeds and words, but deeds paramount.


    Seek next to deny carnal desires, as they tempt thine flesh. Extricate yourself from the taverns and bawdy prose of the troubadours that adorn their halls. Forbear and abstain from the fermented vintages that sour and muddy the intellect (Sigesmund, 1:5). For it was Iblees who first delivered such temptations to the tribe of Horen and it has fallen to us, brothers and sister, to vehemently rebuke the dens of worldly vanities, and sin itself (Horen, 2:7). For as the Scrolls read, “the blessings of heaven shall fall before the righteous who do not indulge” (Owyn, 3:5).


    He who goes about to reform the world must begin with himself, or he loses his labor in the process. Foundational faith in GOD is essential and with this, and the denial of earthly offenses, one must keep their soul in peace and harmony with Him (Owyn, 1:2), confessing upon sins regularly and avoiding them elsewise. Let thy soul be worked upon by GOD, Our Lord, in the ways He sees fit and act as if everything depended on you; trust as if everything depended on GOD.


    By living a simple life one can achieve the fundamental human want to live for something more than just ourselves. The very concept of the awe-inspiring being of GOD often dumbfounds the non-believers, some who know nothing of His power and grace. GOD may call you to seek out these brothers and sisters and preach the Holy Truth to them, guiding them by the hand, and such is only just by those who disavow the same earthly pleasures they preach against and reaffirm the Holy Word in their actions.



    The Church does not need, but His children do.






    Father Novation Besel of Nasiqua





  9. WiKPF8J.png




    Many have not tasted the amazingness of sushi before, and now is your time to embrace the power of flavor! The Naganori family has been in the business of supply fast and delicious food, never having to sacrifice quality for speed with our top-of-the-line and world class trained sushi chefs, for over five decades. The Naganori's founded their business way back in 1591 and the traditions and secrets to creating the powerful food have been closely guarded and protected. By using rice soaked in various substances and garnishing the delicacy with various fish, vegetables, and other ingredients the Naganori have made dishes fit for kings! Watch for a new Sharkfin Family Sushi Shop to open in your area, and embrace the flavor!


    -=- Locations -=-


    Coming to this new world has allowed us the ability to begin chain producing our restaurants and planning large expansions to the process by which we get food to you. Currently there are plans to allow for ride-thrus, which will allow customers to simply ride up to a window on the side of the store and order from there, cutting wait times by an estimated 300%! Similarly, the additions of kid-pens, for the annoying children who attempt to enter our fine establishment of cuisine extravagance, will be made. Delivery has been ruled out for the next several reporting market quarters as there has not been a large response to the survey's printed on the back of our napkins.


    Cloud Temple Highway - South Nations Location

    (140, 65, 580)






    -=- Menu -=-


    At Sharkfin Sushi Shop you are guaranteed to find something you like. As the only sushi shop in the lands we offer a variety of special rolls that we can guarantee are unique to our shop, and our shop alone. There are amazing rolls, like our owner's favorite, the Playboy Roll, which is an explosion of taste from the ocean. The Sunrise and Fire Engine rolls are our most recent edition and the former include bits of broiled eel, a delicacy you have most likely never tasted. Prices remain at an all time low, our most expensive dish only being five minas, and our cheapest, and majority, being one mina. Drinks are extra for refills and there are two options, rice wine, which we brew in-house, or water, which we find in a stagnant pond nearby.





    Warning Consuming raw or undercooked meats, poultry, seafood, shellfish, unclean water, dirty things, or eggs may increase your risk of foodborne illness.


    -=- About The Owner -=-





    Hayashide Sanetomo Naganori


    "Thiz iz de bezt zuzhi zhop uhrownd, cume in uht uhce!"


    Hayashide, or Mr. Sushi Master, as he is more affectionately known by his customers learned the secrets of making sushi from his father, Yukimuro Iro Naganori, who learned it from his father. As the third-generation owner and chef of the Sharkfin Family Sushi Shop Inc. Mr. Naganori is very excited to see his company thrive and produce "Fod duht iz excelect, cheuhp, uhnd fuhzt."



    -=- Economic Information -=-


    In depth analysis of the economic standings of the company hold true, and Sharkfin Sushi Shop is rated in the top 100% of the all companies in existence. The Sushi Rating Service (SRS) said, "Well, it is the only sushi shop, but that doesn't mean it's go-." For some reason the comment cut off but it was most assuredly positive. Financially the money is spent relatively efficiently, as the charts prove below, and most of the money is spent into the company's betterment plan, Building Ultimate Loopholed Giant Affective Raging Improvement Aims (BULGARIA).



    The firm who manages the financials, Mrs. Naganori's Desk (MND), also want to point out the success of the company's stocks, demonstrated below. At the solid number two it has held a relative normal average, setting the tone of the growing stock exchange of Atlas. Without your support in buying shares the company could fall through in the next three hundred and fifty, years. Do not let your great-great-great-great-great grandchildren go without Sharkfin Sushi Shops, INVEST TODAY!








    -=- Customer Reviews -=-









    "This stuff makes my skin crawl, in a good way."

    - Jarod from Subway


    "It is not cat... Well, it is, but the cat doesn't really look much like a cat anymore so I am okay with it."

    - High Pontiff Everard II


    "Good sushi, but I always used to go after the owner's daughter. That was, until the skate store opened up next door. Then one of those elven guys with the big holes in their ears got her pregnant. I was upset, but you know, sometimes you just gotta let them go. Anyways, yeah, the food isn't that bad. I normally let my dog finish half the box and he enjoyed it. 7/10  10/10."

    - That one druggie kid from Jr. high







  10. 10 hours ago, NotEvilAtAll said:

    How are you going to do Races? Will it just be culture or something?


    ((Also, if you need any info on halfling families/history/culture/whatever feel free to ask me))



    Yes, culture will be the way you change your race. Delves, Helves, Kha, Humans, Orcs, and more will be added to the game as well as cultures for the humans (Savoyard, Orenian, etc.), at first, and eventually all other races.


    3 hours ago, Balthasar said:

    Has work on the mod actually started?



    With my finals ending in tomorrow, not really. I have some work done on the first layer of the mapping process but thirty page papers don't write themselves.

  11. 3 minutes ago, The Combatant said:

    Make sure you add notable heroes and events like 'the Coalition War' (First one) and General Jacque de Felsen.



    My knowledge of all LOTC history is limited but members who join the team to act as historians and know their lore will enable a faster development of the mod. Without the community's support slogging through minute families who own one county will be quite a drag.


    12 minutes ago, Travista said:

    People still use Skype?



    I have added my Discord account, as I am part of the LOTC group, so I can be contacted there as well. Thank you!

  12. z7NPik5.png



    The most anticipated mod of the century is here: Introducing the LOTC CK2 Mod!



    This project is currently being undertaken by a group of dedicated modders and members of the community but additional help is needed! History, families, coat of arms, graphics, and much more has to be fully developed and mapped out in order to make this mod a reality. The mod will take place on the map of Axios and additional maps can be added overtime when the team feels it would be best.





    Beta testers with ALL DLC released for CK2 will eventually be necessary and helpful in finding and fixing bug related issues.


    Beta access is NOT available at this time





    This mod will include:


    • An accurate map of Axios
    • Detailed family dynasties
    • Custom coat of arms
    • Custom formable kingdom/duchies
    • Hidden community Easter Eggs!
    • AND MORE!!!




    Contact OverlordCommand/ArborGold on Skype

    or Discord for more information on inquiries on how

    you can help the development of this mod.


    Skype - BDJ12341

    Discord - ArborGold #7019




    Screenshots of map coming soon...

  13. Fractos Societatis


    In the present times there seems to be the fixated and peculiar notion that merit and virtue correspond to rank, class, and status in our society. This false idea is propagated and teaches that those who do good will be blessed to succeed in their pursuits and rise into positions of dominance or prosperity while those who do evil will be punished to fail in their pursuits and fall into obliviousness and poverty.


    As a result humanity has developed that the capacity of an individual to generate capital from his own labor, or the collection of wealth from the honest laborer in the case of the nobility and other prominent subjects, is a decree of accomplishment and shows in accordance with GOD’s will for men to do work and do their work to the highest potential degree (Horen 4:3). This has then led those who are of the affluent classes in the empire, gentry and peerage alike, to see a display of wealth and fame as honorable and righteous, as opposed in Horen 7:3-4, yet some are lacking in a free disbursement of that wealth in a generous nature when the downtrodden, such as beggars, approach their residences, against the word of GOD in Horen 2:2-3. They find if a man exhibits what he has done in accordance with GOD’s will, acquiring wealth and a reputation being seen as such, then it is just.  And since this has become accepted others boast the greatness of the empire, in wealth and territory, as a sign of the collective merits of its population and former glorious rulers, as if GOD has rewarded this empire’s virtue and greatness with this large dominion, this pride being directly warned against in Siegmund 1:3.


    I, Novation Besel of Nasiqua, would dare speak against the debauch and truly unholy practices of this philosophy and interpretation of the Holy Word of GOD. These are such arrogant, boastful and cruel claims indeed. Justice never was nor could be found in our, very much, human realm. Men of luxury have no place to espouse their virtue in such a manner when GOD has no dealings with rewarding those of good virtue with good fortune which results in a comfortable life, wealth, and power; nor punishing those with little virtue with lacking fortune which results in a necessitous life, poverty and inability.


    The structured order of society which we all have come to know is muddled with those who are deserving of their rank and those who are not. A man of great virtue is not to be strictly found in the higher courts nor is a man of little virtue to be found begging along a muddy street side. In fact, there are many of the upper class who lack goodness but are believed to have reliable virtue due to their rank in the humanly order of things, while there are many of the lower class who have plenty of goodness but are believed to have no virtue due to their rank. We live in a society which is pervasively flawed, where money never accurately tracks virtue, and the fully fair distribution of blessed rewards and boons are not something we can or should expect while we live alongside men.


    Furthermore, any feeble attempt of a human to judge another as being on any side of the spectrum, that being they are superiorly or inferiorly virtuous to another, based on a positioning in society is a sin in the eyes of GOD Himself. Man has no place as the arbiter of outward or inner success except on what is defined in the Holy Scrolls of GOD. Poverty and obscurity are hardly reliable indicators of vice just as wealth and renown are hardly reliable indicators of virtue, even though men wrongfully judge both as such. Those at the top naturally will not all be good nor those at the bottom, bad, and vice versa.




    Cited Canonical Passages


    Horen 4:3 - “For I have blessed thee with a facsimile of my miracle of creation, and thou shalt draw nearer to my throne by your labors. And thou shalt discover the strength of heart as thou workest the forge and the plow.”



    Horen 7:3-4 - “For I have given to thee the theatre of virtue, and I have ordered the estates of the beasts of the earth and the men who walketh upon it. And thou shalt be without pretense or conceit, for before the mountain, the ant and the aurochs are equally small.


    So I am the Most High, and in pursuit of My Virtue, I bid thee, My faithful, this: Thou shalt not judge the sufficiency of thy Virtue, be it great or small, for all magnitudes fall short of Me.”



    Horen 2:2-3 - “I am the Lord God without peer, and I created the metals of the earth, and the onyx and alabaster, and placed within thy groves the trees of incense and resin, and gave unto the beasts of the earth their fine coats. And so I have placed into thy hearts the blessing of abundance, and the virtuous wealth of the spirit. And as I have given unto thee, my child, the blessing of spiritual abundance, so shalt thou give unto thy fellows the blessing of My Word and My Love.


    For I placed into thy heart a wealth of virtue, and I have created for thee a garden of abundance. And thou shalt give unto the world the physical abundance of fullness and warmth, and the virtuous wealth of the spirit. For the wealth of the spirit is never divided, but multiplied.”



    Siegmund 1:3 - “And there are come three Deceivers in the guise of messengers, and their wings are of cold fire, and their names are Justice, and Glory, and Reward. And before the priests, the first exalteth wrath. And before the kings, the second exalteth pride. And before the merchants the last exalteth greed. And the great plan is perverted by iniquity.”

  14. 592c986b92e28_Cancersymbol.png.678e40407bf6a30e2a81d76d4f1c60e2.png




    Followers of the Righteous Path





    Gaelism is a school of thought, or an active life philosophy, based on the teachings of Quinton Gael, or the Hierophant, who, through his travels, experienced a profound realization of the nature of life, death, and existence. Gael sought enlightenment and to become awakened from the cloudy state all were in due to the way society functioned.


    Teaching the ways of Gaelism is the most important aspect of the philosophy but never is a Gaelist to teach what he or she has realized; only that through the righteous ways of the philosophy can any person discover the true meaning of enlightenment. It is a main tenet of the beliefs of Gaelism that there is no conscious higher being that controls the universe, as many religions would contradict. Gods themselves do not serve to aid a person on the journey through life so were rejected by the Hierophant directly.


    Alongside this the belief is that until one can live in enlightenment that individual is reborn in a new life. Reincarnation occurs through two means: One is through life recalling an unenlightened person because of their attachment here on earth. The second is through voluntary choice by an ordained man of the following whose work is not done in this world. Once enlightenment is reached and accompanied with a true life the soul of that individual is released from the recurring cycle of rebirth and let loose into the universe to roam freely.


    The doctrines and beliefs of the practice follow Gael’s desire to throw out the ways of memorization and collective worship. “Practice, not scripture shall save us all,” he said while talking to a group of young followers, “every living being has the ability to discover enlightenment on their own. Belief itself is lost without exploration of its meaning. That is what I urge in all my fellow members of mankind.”




    The Initial Principles



    Fundamental to the understanding of Gaelism is the four principles dictated to all by the Hierophant. They explain the spiritual potential of not only the following of the true path but the experience brought about by doing so. After the travels abroad the Hierophant wrote these texts which, when compiled, are the holy texts for the Followers of the Righteous Path.


    There are four divine principles the mind must comprehend and place trust in, and so they are the only true and just interpretation of the world in which we all endure:


    Firstly, life carried out in normality is bound to have hardships and suffering. Denial of this is dishonest to the souls of every living being. The world offers buffers to block out the realities of life, but even if insulated the existence of the problem is sustained, just dealt with for the time being. To identify the difficulty, discomforts, and pains in life is to diagnosis one’s self, the first step to enlightenment.


    Secondly, if one knows anguish to be natural in the course of living he should seek to resolve it. Through my odyssey I have disinterred that afflictions of the soul are caused by the soul’s attachment and cravings for the defenses extended to it by civilization. Urges spread wide and take the faces of many forms. Anger, greed, ignorance, violence, and lust are all branches from the tree of cravings, although they are not the only.


    Additionally I have learned from many wise men that the cessation of misery is possible yet requires the follower to venture on an arduous trek. To remove all desires is to achieve enlightenment which in turn brings an end to the torment of life.


    Finally, there is a certifiable path to which one can escape the repetition of troubles. Years have been spent in thought on which elements of this track truly succeed in their ultimate goal of achieving enlightenment. Fasting, humility, and simplicity were some of the aspects that showed their power to myself. Moderation and temperance accompanied them as the extremes of life often imbalance the person or people it affects.


    It would be sensible to all men to seek this middle path in their own way while still following enlightenment. For enlightenment can neither be obtained through self-torment or overindulgence, instead the median should be sought for, not the boundaries.


    In Review of the Initial Principles



    I      - Throughout the course of ordinary life suffering occurs to all living beings.

    II     - The origin of this suffering is attachment to our worldly defenses.

    III    - There is a way to end the feeling of suffering.

    IV     - By living a truly enlightened life and following the middle road in the process one can rid themselves of suffering and escape the cycle.




    The Enlightened Measures



    In order for one to achieve enlightenment one must practice a wholesome life to the fullest. These eight defining degrees are on which life should be carried out by a follower of the philosophy of Gael:


    I         -   True Understanding

    The first step one’s mind must take to accepted the righteous path is that all things affect one another. A cause is always paired with an effect and all people of the philosophy of Gael should grasp this. Just as well the personal exploration of the Four Initial Principles should take place prior to the other Measures.


    II        -   True Intentions

    Avoiding, overcoming, and shedding evil or unwholesome states of mind is the next decision one must make upon their journey. To harbor ill-will such as greed, anger, or jealousy is not enlightened and only works against the ways of the path.


    III       -   True Speech

    Speak knowing that what is said is what people judge you and your way of life on. Do not gossip, speak ill, or lie to another living being. Honesty is a valued commodity that should not be traded but always given as a token of friendship. Speak plainly to friends and enemies alike.


    IV        -   True Actions

    Actions echo in the minds of all people. Do not take any life, including your own. Do not take what is not yours, harm another to any degree physically, or commit trespasses such as lying with another man’s wife.


    V      -   True Livelihood

    Labor that is honest and benefits others is blessed. Labor that works upon the suffering of other living beings is wrong and unjust. Work for the betterment of all creatures, not solely your own. Share what is earned with those who are incapable or at a loss, the favor will be returned in time.


    VI     -   True Effort

    When practicing the tenets do not idly follow in suit of superiors. Gaelism urges all to follow their own personal path to enlightenment with the help of guidance, not absolute direction. Take initiative and seek out introspection.


    VII     -   True Mindfulness

    Do not slack in one's mental thoughts. Become aware of yourself, others, and the surroundings that are unknowingly interacting in harmony. Stay attentive when necessary and never cloud one's mind with any substance that seeks to do so. Avoid the influence of the bottle, mug, and hookah.


    VIII   -   True Concentration

    Through meditation and contemplation one should maintain a steady and astute mind. Seek not to break composure for emotions that are of this world. By practicing the other measures the true nature of things can be understood in this measure.




    The Divisions of the Mind



    There are three pairs that define the mind of all creatures. The consciousness is constantly under the influence of one or more of these six states. Their division should be noticed by followers. Negative states should be urged against with the might of the body in its entirety; while positive states should be kept with the hope of combining all three in harmony to better live out the philosophy taught by the Hierophant.


    Generosity is countered by Greed

    Love is countered by Hatred

    Wisdom is countered by Delusion




    The Noble Benevolence



    Kindness, and the true human nature of love, should be offered to everything inside the universe. However, in order to achieve a state such as this, along with all the other tenets of Gaelism, one must provide loving-kindness to different sources.


    • Love for yourself is the initial beginning to loving all living creatures. This is not meant in a vain manner but instead in a way that urges acceptance for one's physical appearances, emotional traits, and mental capabilities.


    • Friends are people who are naturally offered kindness. Although it is natural schisms between friends can occur, but in time, can be healed, as all wounds of this manner should be. Forgive all people for their trespasses, not in the sense of punishment, but in the sense of ceasing to offering them the same treatment as all men deserve.


    • Neutral people, most likely people you have little connections or interactions with come easier to offer kindness to than others, but often are forgotten. Since every living being is entitled to the kindness being sure to grant this to people you know little of will often earn you their trust and friendship.


    • Difficult people are those who have harmed you or others and may be difficult to forgive, although that is the correct thing to do. Challenging as it seems every person should be treated with respect and kindness, including those who oppress you, for they too are part of the cycle. People who stray from the Righteous Path or have never seen it are not exempt from this guarantee. Teaching is vital to spread this philosophy.


    • The Universe as a whole deserves our benevolence. Not only does this level encompass all before it, with their own unique difficulties, but it brings about the respect and love for nature, the cosmos, and every living thing upon the earth. To offer kindness to nature is to never take it for granted and give back what is taken in the due process of life.






    The Way of Meditation







    Though the Path does not require a specified form to meditation, a necessary tool to reach the exemption from reincarnation and enlightenment, there are certain piece of vital information regarding meditation that should be addressed.


    The Hierophant suggested seven key features that should be taken into account when meditating. Physical aspects are only mentioned by Gael but meditation, and its goals, are described in various other passages. To repeat them here, the goals of meditation are: to clear the mind of all attachment to the world for a temporary period of time in hopes of finding enlightenment which is permanent if in accordance with the tenets of the philosophy, to offer solace and a place of introspection to all those who seek it, and to allow the practice of the Path to not only be confined to the mind but take physical manifestation.


    The practice of meditation should be reached by positioning the legs crossed in what is known as the lotus position, pushing the shoulders back to bring forward the heart; the location of the soul, and straightening the back to further enhance posture and breathing abilities. Next the hands should be laid upon either knee of grasped in a relaxed; unstressed; manner in front of the heart. Following this the head should be straightened to look forward and be supported by the neck along with the tongue being placed rested against the bottom of the mouth to avoid any interruption once meditation has begun. Once this is all in place the eyes should be closed gently, as to not disturb the meditation arrangement. These steps are not definitive and the concept of Gaelism asks each person to find their own way to enlightenment, no exception to meditation.




    The Acolytes of Gaelism



    Quinton Gael stressed individualism for the sake that no two are exactly the same, especially when the two are on their own path to enlightenment. Large religions with conformity and strict ceremonies, such as Cannonism, acted only as a confine to humans, not a release for the cycle of life and suffering. As a result no title of priesthood was established, nor should be, until absolutely necessary to maintain a large number of followers. Those who wish to become acolytes, the only title denoting understanding of the philosophies of the Hierophant, should seek out the Hierophant and speak directly to him.


    Just as well, places of worships were not deemed necessary by Gael when they were brought before him for discussion. Instead he spoke clearly, "Do not come from distance villages to pray upon the crest of a hill or in a stone house built by men. Go to where you are guided, go to where you feel at ease. That is your place to be." Many followers come together to complete pilgrimages in order to find a place of their own while some find more local locations and set up meditation areas. Gaelism has no need to temples or opulent palaces, instead the earth is the temple to Gaelists. "Take to it and find harmony in its nature," the Hierophant once said.




    On the Idea of a Higher Being


    Relations with Other Faiths



    Every being is entitled to their own belief, though enlightenment is only found in casting off the bindings of this world. The Hierophant spoke plainly when he said “there is no god.” Gaelists have been rejected and called blasphemers on this point since its creation as a school of thought. Gael, however, strongly agreed with the idea that there exists no heavenly creature or creator.


    Religion, a major part why Gaelism does not consider itself a religion or faith but rather a life philosophy, is created from fear. The origins of man is from nothing. Before us there was nothing: no lands controlled by nobles, no fields with seeds sown, and no words written on paper. Over time all races and beings created their way of life from nothing. Religion, and their gods, came from nothing. Its roots are in fear of death and being’s want to believe in something higher, and perhaps an afterlife of joyfulness. A church or faith is a security created as a buffer to the real world and its trials.


    For those who follow the words of Gael their belief should be placed in humans superseding the troubles of this world, not in some far-reaching omnipresent being of greatness. Look to your fellow beings, look to your families and look to the world around you. This is what was created by man, this is what was created in harmony and can so easily be destroyed by man and its vulnerability when not on the righteous path.


    It should also be taken into account that the world is not without a cycle. As seen before worlds have fallen or been torn apart. Just as all living creatures have a cycle to live the world follows suit. From nothing to rebirth to death, all in one glorious continual cycle. Its end will not be seen, for the world itself cannot escape the very troubles it is plagued by.


    From Canonism to the Druids all have their versions of a higher being, though Gaelists are urged not to look to labels to define others. All of their followers compete to prove which is truly superior or truly exists. Rather if a being is called ‘God’ or ‘Allah’ there is no difference. No matter the amount of time given to followers of any religion they will never all agree. So while founded in fear all religions, as a matter of denial of others, act as a continual separation that is entirely perpetuated by religious figures themselves.


    Gaelism, as the Hierophant asked, does not demand the word of Gael be taken as the truth solely for the fact that it was written by a wise man. Instead, as all good theories should, the philosophy can openly be tested. Taking the word of a priest is little if he does not allow oneself to experience and practice what is preached. Being a part of the philosophy of Gael is an active experience, where one should discover themselves and the truth in the words of the Hierophant by study and practice alike.


    That being said, all religions and beliefs are respected by Gaelism. To act against another being for the reason that they are different than you is an error in not only the aggressor but all living creatures. Harmony, as spoken by the Hierophant, is the way of progression in this world. By acting out or against another belief group a person only acts counterproductive to the ideals of the philosophy.




    The Inspired Texts of Gaelism



    There are two texts considered sacred and enlightened to Gaelists. The first is "A Search for Sense" which details the seven year journey of Quinton Gael among the various races and cultures of the world in search for true enlightenment. Its words are formulated by the Hierophant himself and act as the defining tale for the philosophy. Without the travels and the corresponding work many people would still be uncertain about the basis on which the lifestyle was founded on. The second text considered as justifiable is the "Compendium of Wisdom," which is a compilation of many of the words of Gael throughout his travels and teachings. Even though the Hierophant still lives his words are recorded now for posterity's sake and for the eventual usage by any acolytes. Both of these texts are kept secured but are accessible through more direct means.


    The first chapter, and corresponding forward, are demonstrated below for the general use. At the discretion of the Hierophant more may be made public:


    A Search for Sense




    "Never run, always walk, for those who run often fall." Those are the words that dissolved into my mind as I walked along a muddy path skirting the round edge of a mountain. For nearly seven years I walked on a journey, one that was not light feat to undertake. Yet, for those years I searched for something I felt was lost to not only but all the people and races alike: Enlightenment. My arduous travels were beset with their own periods of waxing and waning but in the end I think I found the answer. Through a dispensation of a record of my voyages upon the seas, through the fields and valleys, and across the entire world it is my belief that others can see the true wisdom which I sought after.


    __Chapter 1__


    My honest labor before my departure was as a scholar of the Library of Draugr where I met, with each new dawn, the seemingly endless accumulation of tomes upon the ongoing and past business of the world. Each day brought a repetitive familiarity that I believed to be sustenance itself. My neatly pressed and colorful outfits of the finest linens were adorned and my body misted with perfumes. These actions were always accompanied with my high regard for how I presented myself physically, leaving my emotional and social presentation noticeably lacking.


    Although I could catch the eye of visitors to the Library and my mind was keen to react there was no possible way for me to bring myself out of my awkward reclusiveness. Instead of dressing for the want of receiving a woman's affections I dressed for my books. The flow of their pages were my embrace, admittingly through far too many years of my life.


    For years this stimulating drudgery kept me in line and accord but then it occurred to me, among my many pilings of writing, that a mortal like myself had only a short amount of time upon this earth and I, as a man who had dedicated his life to the fine things and to the pursuit of knowledge, lacked the one thing many strove to achieve: Enlightenment. I took upon myself an effort to leave the Library for some time and seek out the elusive non-physical idea that had only recently caught my attention after unnoticeably chasing after it for years.


    Before I left for any quest though I rode off to Johannesburg to acquire my own necessities. It is truly worthy to note that I, as a scholar who was unfamiliar with much of the outside world and having been brought up in a more affluent family, lacked the sense of the true holdings of this world, my obliviousness only sheltered by my line of employment. Being in my own self-interests I requested and rode in a carriage towards the city, yet my inquisitive mind took upon looking more deeply on the common normalities seen by men of this world.


    Initially the coachmen, by the name of Dorran as he later disclosed to me, passed by a man of great age, clearly seen from the slouch of his back and the white-shade that had overrun his hair, whatever color it had once been lost to time. Thinking, I remarked to my companion if the beggar commonly frequented the lane or if this was at all the norm in these lands. Dorran responded by saying, "Age is a matter of life. We all mature and tire, 'tis the way it is and shall be till the end of time. Every creature and living being rises and falls when it has to deal with vitality." The words took hold and echo inside my mind even to this day.


    As the two of us pressed on we passed through a "village of despair," as Dorran put it. Bodies, some dead and some only half-living, were strewn across the alleyways and various steps of the mud hovels. A rotting disease had taken hold of the families that once worked the fields and some extended their hands towards the rolling wheels, as if to grasp to hope and the life it brings with it. Dorran explained, “It’s rare for any person to go through life without experiencing disease or pain.” The thought itself is an odd one to encounter if inspected. No single person can go throughout his or her life without experiencing pain, suffering, and discomfort, all taking their own manifestations.


    I only had a few minutes, but what seemed like hours, to ponder my previous introspection before the next sight was upon us both. There, swinging in the dreadful breeze was a body tied to a tree branch by a noose. His limp corpse was adorned with some forgettable offense of a minor manner. Dorran shifted in his seat, most likely disturbed by the shocking cruelty of men. After, with the sight now several hills behind the cart, he spoke. “He probably endured a lot before they decided to exact their own form of justice upon him.” The thought turned the limited contents of my stomach. The inevitable, inescapable death, for that man was plagued by pain and suffering that was unnecessary.


    Horse’s hooves plodded along as the more defined roads overtook the paths of dirt ruts. My fourth and final sight came from an unforgettable commoner dressed in simple rags. He found pleasure in self-denying himself the pleasures of the world, or so he told me when we stopped to address him. Originally I took him as a simpleton but soon I recognized his rejection of many of the world’s offerings had allowed him to over a fake happiness that encompasses much of the population. How he did it is for further discussion because the realization of this man’s meaning was not at first seen by myself or Dorran however the epiphany he later brought is vital to my grasp of the true sense of life and enlightenment.






    OOC Stuff [Not a TLDR, nice try]


    Big shout out to @Amordrin and @Baeht for proof-reading, suggesting things, and generally giving me the courage to post this project. It has been a bit in the making and hopefully will encourage a lot of interesting role-play. The purpose of the life-philosophy/quasi-religion that I have created is to spark deeper character development and a unique role-play experience for all who it may influence. I hope some of you give it a shot and let me just clear up a few things:


    • The philosophy is heavily based on Theravada Buddhism but draws from several other Asiatic religions. I first began working on this piece in March of this year but took a lot of time off because of finals and moving. When I finally returned to my development of the idea, and a little bit before I was about to go public with this, a large rant began on the forums about unoriginal religions and religions being based solely off of OOC equivalents. I'm not taking sides, I'm just addressing the issue itself. I was hesitant to release this version of my work but decided, with the support of several other people I met, to let it out there. (PS: Please do note that borrowing from the Buddhist philosophy, Buddha, and his story is not meant to be disrespectful. I have made variations from the works of Buddhism. Just as well, the 'religion' follows the tale of Quinton Gael, my character, and a lot of other interesting events. Leading to my next point...)


    • My goal for this is to allow a 'faith' to develop in-game. No large creation tale is included, no mystic founders from ages ago. It is here and now and in the present. Everyone can experience it for themselves with just a little effort. Hopefully, if this lives on and isn't labeled as a 'weeb religion' or a 'pixelated version of buddhism' I hope for Gael to eventually die and see what happens then. Many religions, notably Islam and Buddhism itself, had founders that died and then afterwards large shifts occurred. Both aforementioned religions saw sects and schools of thought emerge and begin to divide a united front. Schisms could well occur, and I would not be upset or worried about it. This is the point of this project and experiment.


    Anyways, thank you all so much for reading this bit. If you made it through all the other stuff as well, wow.


    Please feel free to contact me with any questions, concerns, or anything at all really I'm generally a pretty talkative, although admittedly a little weird, guy.


  15. Piety Versus Heresy


    The Distinctions of the Church of God




    "The Exalted Owyn leads God's Church from Iblees' corruption."



    By the approval and echoed wishes of the High Priest, His Holy Highness Callixtus Primus, and the Ecumenical Council of the Church this missive is sent forth to act as clarification and a declaration of the differences of the Faith and the False Canonist Church along with its fabricated pontificate. Contained herein are the proclaimed distinctions and their reasoned course of logic. For the sake of all persons the wording has been simplified and demonstrated in plain form while still providing the rationale behind each disagreement. Accountable for this document is Sister Gertrude of the Order of Saint Julia. Her commandment of the argument is supported, in full, by the Council, Church, and High Priest. The Church itself reserves to magnify or subtract from this compiled list, at a further time, for the sake of up-keeping all relevant church information. Furthermore this missive is publicly available to all and openly presented as a formal documentation of the outstanding issues between the Church and the False Canonists.



    • The False Canonist Church follows Four Prophets while The Faith believes in Two:

      • Exalted Horen - “The Father” is the first prophet and accepted by both communities.

      • Exalted Owyn - “The Purifier” is the second and accepted by both communities.

      • Godfrey is not accepted by the Faith.

        • His life was more political than religious.

          • He was an Emperor, not a religious figure.

          • He led a sinful life with little religion.

        • His works are a conglomeration of other’s works.

          • Priests who worked to create the wording in his false Scroll are the true writers, not GOD.

          • GOD would deliver divine inspiration to any man truly intended to write His word.

        • His scroll is incomplete and GOD does not leave unfinished works.

          • Meaning the words are not from GOD, but man.

      • Siegmund is not accepted by the Faith.

        • His life was too earthbound and sinful to be chosen to deliver GOD’s word.

          • Exalted Horen was a rightful and divinely chosen leader to his tribe.

          • Exalted Owyn was orphaned and fought to regain his grandfather’s title and free humanity.

          • Siegmund was born an entitled and well-off noble with little to struggle for.

        • His scroll is incomplete and GOD does not leave unfinished works.

          • Meaning the words are not from GOD, but man.


    • The title of "Pontiff" was created by men of the False Canonist Church.

      • "High Priest" was the original title for leaders of the Faith of Horen and Owyn.

      • Even the False Canonist Church's listing of Pontiffs suddenly switches to their fabricated title.

        • The reason for this is their invention of the title and the pontificate.

        • The Scrolls speak that no man shall alter the Church.

          • Hence this False Canonist Church has violated the word of GOD.

      • The creation of the pontificate brought about the idea of an infallible "Pontiff."

        • No man is infallible, nor immune to sinfulness.

        • Pontiffs usurped this power and abused it.

        • The False Canonist Church openly testifies to previous "High Pontiffs'" sinful behavior

          • Yet fervently maintained the post's infallibility, a lapse of logic.

        • Note that the False Canonist Church has not seen its Pontiff as infallible since the Second Council of Metz in 1534.

          • Yet it took men to turn an institution that is inherently fallible into one that was regarded as such.

      • The first "Pontiff" was Pius I, a high elf born of noble blood.

        • High elves cannot, by Church law, undertake the sacraments of ordination.

        • Furthermore Pius I's pontificate, the first pontificate of the False Canonist Church, was one of debauchery.

          • Pius I fornicated openly with noble women and was violent towards others.

          • His actions were viewed as infallible at the time as his pontificate precedes 1534.


    • The Church was meant to be governed by a collective body of priests, as was the way since the day of Exalted Owyn.

      • A council should attend to the affairs of the Church, the Faith does this in the form of the Ecumenical Council.

        • Religious minds put together make the difference in matters of faith.

        • A council disrupts and controls corruption, easily found in the False Canonist Church.

      • The False Canonist Church maintains a College of Cardinals.

        • This assembly acts not as a congregation to decide matters of faith but rather a rubber stamp for the "Pontiff's" agenda.

        • This assembly has fallen into the politics and pockets of humanity far too many times.


    • The Faith emulates the Prophets of Exalted Horen and Exalted Owyn in our ways, vestments, and sacraments.

      • The False Canonist Church has very loose sacraments.

        • The False Canonist Church deviates from the sacraments practiced during the times of olde.

        • The False Canonist Church practices the sacraments of:

          • Ordination

          • Consecration

          • Baptism

          • Matrimony

        • While not practicing the valid sacraments of:

          • Divine Word - Hearing the word of the Holy Scrolls.

          • Reconciliation - The act of confessing and receiving penance for sins.

      • Bishops and the High Priest wear laurels fixed upon their heads.

        • Exalted Horen received laurels from GOD through one of His Aenguls at Gamesh.

        • Exalted Owyn handed down laurels to the appointed High Priests of his reign.

      • The Faith performs baptismal ceremonies in a grotto.

        • This emulates the blessings received by Exalted Horen from the Aengul at Gamesh.


    Speak to a member of the Church's clergy for more information.

  16. OOC:

    MC Name: ArborGold

    Skype Name: bdj12341

    Do you have TS?: Yes



    Name: Quinton Gael

    Race: Human

    Age: 29

    Past Experience: I have worked and studied at the Library of Dragur for many years and practiced my skills as a surgeon multiple times. By studying the human body, operating, and healing my professional expertise is honed, far better than what it was when I was a teenager, and still worthy of real world application.

    Why do you desire to serve House Ashford de Anjou?: My services are not limited to House Ashford and I work for the betterment of all individuals, friends or foe. If accepted it is notable that I will not raise a hand against another living creature or witness such actions. As a result any of my skills must be used off-site or after the fact. If this is unacceptable I asked to be denied.

  17. What’s the name of the Minecraft account you're applying for?: ArborGold

    What's your MAIN Minecraft Account name?: OverlordCommand (It Was)


    Do you agree to follow the rules on your new account?: Yes

    Do you understand you cannot be on both of these accounts at once? This will result in a ban if you are caught!: Yes

    Do you understand that if one account is banned, so will be the other(s)?: Yes

    How long have you been on LotC?: January 26th, 2013

    How many accounts do you currently have whitelisted (including main)?: I had my old account, OverlordCommand, but because of the new update and my inability to gather my purchase ID or my e-mail I used when creating the account I cannot change skin and have been locked out of my account. This is my new bought account and I will be making it my new main account.

  18. Thanks for all the suggestions guys but I think I found one that will work for me. Wisearces made a good suggestion by asking me to extend my reach and feel outside my comfort zone of playing the smart human. So I picked a Kharajyr kitten as my character. After playing him for only about an hour or so I think I got the feel for it and liked how it felt. Since he was underage and doesn't speak or walk he is pretty much a cat. Rarely have I ever had to role-play with only emotes and it makes it a fun challenge and interesting role-play for all who are involved. To keep with the tone of not being common with a character I made him a kitten in the Orenian capital. I feel like it will go well. Although he is an innocent kitten now he is a Kha'Tigrasi which means he will bloom into quite the capable warrior, something I've never attempted to do. Altogether I think this will be a good fit for now but once I have these two characters under control I may try a third or delete the human character that I'm finding a bit bland. Thank you all for the suggestions, especially the ones involving broadening my horizons and playing something that isn't commonly played. I don't know how common the Kharajyr are but I haven't seen many so it will be a new experience for not just me hopefully.

  19. So I've gotten back into the server and really like the feel to it, but the character I created is just 'eh' and average for me. I feel like I could have a more fulfilling experience if I had a character that was better for the environment. With little friends on the server I need help from you, the people of the inter-webs and the forums, to aid in my quest to find a character that is needed on the server. I don't want anything big or important but something that can keep me entertained as much as it will others. Of course, the end goal should be to produce interesting role-play, however, I don't feel like all your suggestions will fall into this category. So if you're going to post something to the tune of 'mage with bubble-gum shooting powers,' or 'princess of the dragons of the moon,' try to resist your urge just this once.


    So commonly I play characters that try to weasel their way into politics. Book smart, never overly brutish, mostly due to the fact that I am pitiful with combat role-play compared to many. I'd prefer something that wasn't religious, and sorry to all those religious orders out there. Its not because I don't like religious role-play, which I do as I do it commonly, I just don't have enough experience with the church lore to be anything to them. Building a business is a possible option but normally businesses stagnate and get very little role-play. Also keep in mind I don't have any superior applications accepted so it will have to be no magic for me. Basically I like playing character who are crafty but are still cordial and respectable. If anyone wants me to join them in anything just post below and I will get back to you as quick as I can, and if I am interested in an offer, I will take to sending you a message via to forums or skype, if you'd like to leave your information below.


    Also, as a side note, even though I have only recently returned to role-play on LotC I still have precious experience. Besides have various genres under my belt I have roughly ten years of role-play experience in and outside of the game, be it Dungeons and Dragons or forum role-play. I enjoy it all, but I'd like to see how I can play a part in this community. If you need anything more than this information, please, contact me as I have stated above.


    Thanks again!

  20. Salladhor-Saan.jpg


    Enzar Ahlin

    Basic Information

    Nicknames: The Poet

    Age: 34

    Gender: Male

    Race: Human (Farfolk)

    Status: Single - Romantically Uninvolved


    Height: 5' 8''

    Weight: 167 lbs.

    Body Type: Average Non-Muscular

    Eyes: Dark Brown / Black

    Hair: Black and Short

    Skin: Dark and Clear

    Markings/Tattoos: None of either

    Health: Average

    Inventory: Chain armor under clothes if needed and various writing tools

    Character Traits (Good):


    Character Flaws:


    Further Details:

    Life Style

    Alignment: Lawful Evil with aspects of True Neutrality



    Alliance/Nation/Home: The Caliphate

    Job/Class: Author and Poet

    Title(s): None

    Profession(s): Poet

  21. OOC: I am sorry for the picture and have gotten it revised. I am currently on a mobile phone so I cannot switch it right away. I am sorry for the show of the bears... special areas.

    *Sends a bird in reply

    "I am not sure what you mean? Are you coming to the Isles to meet us? I in all have no clue what you are actually writing about. Please explain why you sent this query?"

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