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Posts posted by Silevon

  1. Imperial Citizenship Form 1.0.0

    Name: My name is Wolfe.
    Surname/House: My surname is Dalynridge.
    Age: I am 22 years of age.
    Gender: I am male.
    Race: I am a Human Northerner.
    Citizen Ship Class (A or B): Class A.

    Physical Description
    Height: I am about 6 feet tall.
    Weight: I am about 160 pounds.
    Eye Color: I have blue eyes.
    Hair Color: I have brown hair.
    Skin Color/Shade: I have fair skin.
    Outstanding Markings/Tattoos: None.

    Personal Information
    Home Address (Leave blank if unknown):
    Nation of Residence (Choose one: Renatus, Salvus, Hanseti, Seventis): I reside in Salvus.
    Profession/Occupation: Soon to be Salvus Shield.

    Oath(s) of Loyalty

    For all classes of Citizenship (fill your name in the blanks):

    "I, Wolfe Dalynridge, hereby swear my loyalty the Emperor of the Holy Oren Empire entirely by my free will. I swear to read and obey the laws of the Empire and understand the punishments and penalties that will be incurred should I violate the law."

  2. Username: My username is oHawkZo.

    Character applying for: I am applying for Ascher.

    General activity level: On school days, I am commonly online from 6PM to 11PM-12AM. On weekends I am on quite a lot through day.

    Characters you play currently and a brief description of them: I currently roleplay as a Human named Watje. Watje is a talkative and extremely loyal citizen of Salvus. He aspires to be a shopkeeper but always ends up in a bad position. Watje usually runs his mouth much too often and recieves much physical abuse for it. I basically only play Humans when I roleplay, though I am not afraid to roleplay a different race.

    Characters you have played in the past and a brief description of them: My past character is Thrasybulos. He was a Human that resided within Salvus as well. He was the town-crier of Salvus and was often liked for it. He was an intelligent man and did not enjoy much comat.

    Have you rpd with the Greens before? I have spoken to Count Green at least once or twice, but that is it.

    Have you rpd with the Hightowers before? I roleplay with the Hightowers almost every single day, as they are the rulers of my character's city. I enjoy roleplaying with the Hightowers very much.

    What do you envision the character's personality being like? I do not enjoy much combat roleplay, so he will most likely be more sophisticated and have a big personality. He is very jealous of Lancel as he is heir to the throne. He would often try to kiss up or hang around Lancel just to gain the experience of what it would be like to be in such a high position. He is very friendly with those of lower class, as he much enjoys the company of men and women of all kinds around him. He is more charitable than other nobles and would probably be scolded for it.

    Have you played a child before? I have never roleplayed a child, but I get the gist of it. After all, I was a child myself once and understand the events of maturity and growing up. I hope this will be my first child character so that I gain the experience of roleplaying one.

    What age would you like to start playing? I would enjoy starting the child at age 8-10 years old.

    Proved an rp sample; this can be screenshots, or chat logs. If you have none of the above, write a situational story about something happening to the character. You may use any topic, and write at any point during the child's life.


    Ascher was the age of 12 when he first realized what poverty was like. What it caused people to do, how it effected people's actions, the like. He was strolling down an alley way when him and one of his good friends, a commoner, were held up. The cutt-throat was a gritty old man, with most of his teeth missing. He did not wear shoes and it was obvious the last bath he took was when he was dumped in the capital bay or something like that. Ascher was terrified, too terrified to even holler for the Shields to aid him. 


    "You... ye... aye, I know o' yeh... ye'am Prince Ascher," the cutt-throat muttered under his breath, slowly moving his rusted dagger in and out towards Ascher. "I'll make a fortune off yeh, innit. Jus' picture 'et.. me, holdin' a son o' teh King for ransom.. I'll ask fer 5,000 coins, no, 10,000..."


    The man continued to mumble as he examined Ascher and his friend up and down, up and down. A cold atmosphere was wrapped around the thief, and Ascher knew from the start he was troubled. 


    "N-No sir, no. I ask of you, I plead of you," Ascher begged of the thief. "I am but a boy, a boy of your kind," Ascher removed his crown (circlet?), and brought it to his chest. "You will n-not get anything from my father, sir.. he is of old age. All you will do is bring his end."


    The thief inclined his head at the thought of causing pain and death to an old, kind man like King James. His mouth opened and closed, as if he was thinking. The man laid his dagger down in a mutual understanding with Ascher. Ascher smiled, bowing his head slightly.


    "I... I am sorry, me Prince," the thief went on to apologize to Ascher and his friend. "I didn't think o' it, causin' someone all tha' pain.."


    Ascher nodded to the thief.


    "It is of no problem to me, sir; however, a bigger dilemma to me is what brought you to this stage. Of what brought you to robbing other citizens," 


    The thief frowned. "I... I dun' 'ave much coin, 'ye.."


    Ascher responded once more with a nod. He laid a bag of coins close to the thief, who responded with wide-eyes.


    "F-Fer me, m'prince? I... I thank yeh," the man, thief no longer, picked up the coins and ran off gleefully, almost jumping with joy.


    Ascher smiled, knowing he donated to something that would make the streets of Salvus safer. Satisfied, him and his friend walked to Dawn's Bakery to grab a snack.

  3. A slim Wood Elf enters through the gates of Leumalin, taking a deep breath of fresh air. "Wonderful, I must have made it," the Elf says to himself as he looks around. He spies a group of Elves conversing by the center well (?) and approaches them.

    "Greetings fellow Elves," the Wood Elf greets the group, awaiting a reply should they choose to respond.

    ((Just an RP thread, if you wish to join in and converse with my character or others just post.))

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