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Posts posted by spawnfan55

  1. 1. IGN: spawnfan55

    2. GMT: Central
    3. Country: United States
    4. Do you have skype and/or TS3: Skype
    5. What age do you wish to have your character start as (May start at any age if your feeling confident):meh at about 30
    6. What do you rate your PvP and RP skills on a 1-10 scale? Okay pvp skills about 6-7 unlike all these other idiots that rate it at 10-10 and get killed by a zombie lol.
    7. Suggestions: I wanna be a blacksmith nuff said
  2. 1. IGN: spawnfan55
    2. GMT: Central
    3. Country: United States
    4. Do you have skype and/or TS3: Skype
    5. Do you have any VAs: No
    Your name: Lugo
    Your Age: 25
    Your skills (Bows, swords, spears, ect...): He is good with both spears, and swords. He usually uses spears though.
    Your Labor skills (Farming, mining, ect...): I'm good at mining and gathering wood.
    There is no turning back upon the penalty of death once you enter as a Helot: Yes
    Why do you wish to become one of us: I seek a different kind of Rp. I've been rping as Orcs for a good while now! I'd like to rp as something else for a change.
  3. In the Thrago camp sits an smithy hammering down on a greatsword. He stops for an minute to breathe in the mountain air. He see's an Uruk come up to him. Bodakk states " Nuw weeb hab tuu stub skahun arund latz!". He continues to hammer onto the greatsword for the remainder of the day.


    (Well apparently it seems Stephen and Leonidas have both stepped down from the position. There'll be an meeting AGAIN Monday at 3:00 Central so we can actual get things up and running again.)

  4. MC Name:spawnfan55

    Time zone: Central

    RP Name: Augus Scampton

    Age: 50

    Race: Human

    Sex :Male

    Experience: An experienced fisherman, he is used to sailing the seas and yearns to be able to do that again. Average combat skill.

  5. Out-Of-Character Information
    Please fill out the following questions as accurately as possible, and ensure the essential details are accurate.

    Minecraft Account Name:Spawnfan55
    How old are you?: 14
    Time-Zone: Central Time zone
    Have you read, understood and agreed to the rules?: Yes
    What previous experience have you had in role-playing?: I used to roleplay on this other server crafthammer for a bit.
    How did you hear about the the Lord of the Craft?: Couple of people on one of the older servers I used to play on told me about it a long time ago
    Link any applications that you have previously made for the server: First time applying
    Have you posted this application on the Minecraft Forum? If not, then please do so (link above): Right here.
    Have you read the Human lore, and shall you ensure you make use of it and follow it in your biography?: Yeah

    In your own words define the following terms. Do not take any definitions from elsewhere!:

    Role-playing: Acting as a character or another person drawn from one or anothers imagination.
    Meta-gaming: Using information that your character wouldn't know otherwise. For example lets say you read someone's character description and your character doesnt know their name Ic but you call him by name anyways.
    Power-emoting:Otherwise known as powergaming or god-emoting, when one gives other players no chance to fight back or react. For example *Cuts off John's head*.The player was given no chance to react thus it being power-emoting

    In-Character Information:
    Complete the following biography on your character:

    Full Name: Augus_Scampton
    Current Age: 48
    Sub-race (if any): Northerner
    Past / History (include childhood, major-events, etc. 2+ paragraphs long):Augus Scampton was born to a simple family in the village of Ager.He was put to work at the age of 5 and worked on the farms for a good 6 years.He realized during these 6 years of that there was more to the world than the originally thought so he decided to start reading up on the lands outside of his small village.He was amazed about all these races that he read about that lived outside of the village he called home.One day he caught site of an convoy of orcs while he snuck out of town.He interested by how they fight and interact with each other;this was an wake up call for Augus to start training in combat.

    So Augus spent the rest of his teenage years training with the axe and sword.He lost most of his family during his teenage years to an orc raid that killed off his parents and deprived them of all their money.He was left with his brother Coray Scampton who managed to run away during the raid.He found his brother and they both wandered off into the lands in search for a purpose.They both found short work as woodcutters for an log company for a good bit of their lifetime; while they were working they gained a good bit of muscle from the hundreds of trees they downed.He and his brother both stopped working at the age of 39 when they were both worn out from their long time of cutting down trees.They spent another good bit of years working for a small group of blacksmiths.

    Augus quit his job at the age of 45 and wandered off again to search for a good place where he could spend time alone by himself.He is now trying to find a good city that he can stay in to think about what he should do next.

    Ambitions for the Future: Augus is now just wanting to spend the rest of his life in service to the army

    Personality: Augus is quite a bit anti-social due to the years he spent in solitude wandering.He never really shys away from a fight even if it means losing his life.He tends to stay away from other people unless he has to get supplies.He is fond of other races like orcs,dwarves,and elves because he used to work alongside then though he didnt want to.He usually keeps his mouth shut around other people because what he usually says causes turmoil.

    Skills:Augus isnt neccesarily the best with an axe but he can stand his own in a fight against another person.He is a little bit capable with a bow knowing how to load one,shoot one,and take care of one;He still prefers a trusty crossbow against opponents that used bows.

    Appearance (this must include an in-game screenshot of your skin):Augus stands at least six feet tall and wears an old green cloak that he used to wear during his logging days.i4f52e30d1e56301855949944671882181711877

    Any other details you wish to share about your character:[/b:Nope

    Each question in this section must be answered with a minimum of one paragraph which must describe the event in full. Please be as descriptive as possible and do not break character or lore at any point.

    1. Whilst in the mighty human capital you notice a dark-clothed figure stealthily making his way towards the Emperor’s palace - he is clearly up to no good. There are guards within shouting distance - what do you do?

    I wander over to the guards and tell them "Someone is trying to sneak his way into the damned palace".They reply with "Thanks old man where is this intruder?".I tell them to follow me and we find the figure attempting to get in.The guards apprehend the subject and the dark clothed figure gives Augus a dirty finger sign while she is being pulled away from the palace.

    2. Whilst wandering in the deep oak forest you come across a large clearing, in which sits a small cobbled cottage. Outside it stands an unstable old man armed with a small iron blade, surrounded by two heavily armed bandits - they appear to be threatening him. You are armed with leather armour and an iron longsword, how do you react?
    I wander over to a nearby tree and watch the bandits taunt and threaten the old man. I decide that interfering will be bad for my health and I tell myself that it's the mans problem not mine.I watch the men knock out the old man and steal his belongings.I wander off into the woods to find some game leaving the event behind.

    3. You are standing within the mighty human capital when you notice a small man standing behind a colourful stall. You approach the stall and notice that the man is selling a variety of general goods - he says that he is selling just about anything and that he has no set prices. He is willing to allow you to haggle and choose prices. What do you do? (Explain: your haggling, items of choice and the discussion that happens).

    I notice the man has an orcish axe which turns out to be my favorite kind of axe that I was looking for. I ask him "How much are you giving for that axe there eh?". He replys with "Well that axe there has been on me for quite a while no one seems to buy these.You could have that there axe for three minas if you can get it off my back."I reply excitingly with "Okay then I'll have it". I give the man three minas and he seems happy that I got it off of him. He says "thanks doing business", and I wander off with the axe in hand          

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