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Posts posted by Drazker

  1. 12 hours ago, Aitne said:

    Quite honestly a poor choice for ET. I have known Drazker for a number of years like these others and, for long-term investments, he is poor at delivering a significant positive outcome to any team. He has frequently vanished from active role-playing groups and leaves them to dwindle after a month or two, although is very apt at the start of any efforts made.

    He does have a substantial amount of experience, perhaps upwards of ten years or more although that does not verify his integrity as an LoTC staff member. I feel this position would be better-suited for a more well-rounded figure that has had recent experience on this server rather than past experience from years prior, especially considering the fact that he has only been relevant to the server as of two weeks ago, if not more recent. He doesn't even RP here frequently.


    I think you have a skewed pespective of me and I would beg to differ with you on most of your points such as: not delivering a positive outcome to the teams I've been a part of or vanishing from any active roleplaying groups; I don't know where you got these ideas. I also don't know what makes you think I don't RP on LoTC frequently; I have been and do. In fact I'm in the middle of an RP right now.

  2. Minecraft Name: Drazker

    Skype ID: You already have it!

    Time-zone: Eastern Standard Time (UTC -5)

    Do you, or have you held, any other staff positions: No.

    Where do you grab inspiration from: My roleplay is inspired by a variety of fiction and non-fiction. In a lot of my personal roleplay I draw on the specific and ordinary details of medieval life but also incorporate plenty of fantasy when I have the chance. I have a lot of inspiration from a multitude of fictional worlds like Tolkien, the Elder Scrolls universe, J.K. Rowling's magical world, George R.R. Martin's world depicted in A Song of Ice and Fire, the world of D&D, and more.

    What are your current list of characters, and are you willing to sacrifice any: My only character right now is Cedric Forren, a young man interested in running and operating his own farm. I would be willing to sacrifice him for the purpose of plot but not for no particular reason.

    What race, or group, do your events best cater to: I don't have a specific race or group that my events cater to. I believe the events I create cater to a specific type of players that are interested in detailed, extensive 'heavy' rp.

    What do you believe are they key factors for a successful event: I believe that planning and consideration are important aspects to creating successful events, as well as communication. You can get a sense of what people want without spoiling or ruining the future event by communicating with them and knowing them. There also has to be flexibility, there may be some groups of roleplayers that want something different out of an event than others.

    What strengths would you bring to the team: I have a lot of leadership experience in roleplay on Minecraft and other mediums. I'm the type of person who takes responsibility for the activity of roleplay so you can count on me to be active and try and drive things along since I enjoy getting things done and I'm not content with doing nothing. I also like to pride myself on my roleplay description and the inclusion of detail in every world I create and share with my fellow roleplayers.

    Why do you want to be part of the team: The Event Team is an opportunity to not just make roleplay for myself or my friends but for people on the server overall. I believe it's a great thing to do and I want to be a part of it because I'd like to find out how to improve my own roleplay through meeting members on the Event Team as well as create or augment roleplay for others.

    Create three distinct event scenarios based on the servers lore that you would organize: Having been back on the server about a week and with my character being a farmer, I have a few events I was already planning on setting up.


    - Harvest Festival

    It's the end of the harvest season and the town now has a plenty in their stockpiles! It's time to relax and rejoice now that work is over and before winter comes! Come join the locals in a festival of merriment as bands play to dancing citizens, people bob for apples, others watch as juggernauts engage in eating contests, hay-rides ensue, and of course, the whole town gets hammered.


    Okay so for this scenario there would have to be a good deal of planning and some building would be in order. The idea would be to set the festival up in a high population center and work with the rulers there to set up a location either OUTSIDE the city or inside the town square with enough room for a variety of activities. This kind of event could bring players together in a non-combat style and let them meet and greet and make new relationships with people they may not have met yet, and also allow new players or people new to the community to introduce themselves. There should be plenty of advertising all around so everybody knows where it is, how to get there, and when it is. You also want to have people spreading word of the event to all the different pockets of rp'ers so you get a rich diversity of people who can all come out and enjoy. 


    A funny idea for the haybale rides is you could get someone on a horse and saddle a bunch of pigs for people to sit on, then lead the pigs up and ride off, and you have a makeshift wagon!


    - Haunted House

    An old manor in town has been unoccupied for some time. With no word from the owner, the local authorities posted an eviction notice and soon after sold the place off to a new buyer. The new buyer is not happy, however, when they discover their house is haunted by a violent poltergeist of a spirit. Now they are asking for clergy, local authorities, and volunteers to join them and get to the bottom of the haunting: what caused it and more importantly how to get RID of it.


    This scenario is fun because it's not exactly your typical happy-go-lucky event or involving full-on combat, though you can include some PvE if you'd like, depending on what crowd you're pitching this to. This is a mystery-style event where you lead your party into the house and they quickly discover it's maze-like and give people the opportunity to get lost or separated. You can also involve redstone machinations to make walls separate the group and have extra talent lead the next group off on their own little adventure. The possibilities for this are really endless and can allow for players to explore a really rich story. Actors or supervisors would have to be committed to this event, however, and have some quick typing to keep the attention of their role-players as events that are longer like this and drawn-out can be a challenge. It's really rewarding at the end, though, when the players solve the mystery and end up reaching the conclusion, whether that is exorcising the spirit, laying it to rest, discovering some twist in the story and learning the truth from the ghost, or what have you.


    - The Hunt
    Local livestock have been found dead recently, their corpses torn apart, innards scattered all over leaving ranchers furious and losing profits. A monster-hunter has just entered town and the local authority has taken him on retainer until the beast doing this is slain. Now the monster-hunter is asking for the help of the local guard and volunteers to join him as they venture into the forest to hunt down the thing and bring it's head back for a reward.


    So this is an event that takes players on a hunt for some beast that they'll have to defeat at the end. As they venture into the forest they pick up on clues and have the potential to learn what the beast is before actually confronting it. Eventually they're led into the lair and have to defeat it. Since there is such a rich variety to draw on, some of these creatures can be more mythical and require more extensive means to defeat them, or actually pose different threats than just killing you; for example, a basilisk might petrify some members of the party and require a mirror or a special pair of goggles in order to beat it. Petrified members might then create a side plot where the party delivers them to a healer and that healer then has to procure the right materials to cure their petrification. 

    How long do you plan to be able to work on the team: Right now I don't see a reason I wouldn't ever have to necessarily stop working on the team. Obviously real life will always throw circumstances at us that may decrease activity and if an event like that ever happens I would be sure to communicate through the appropriate channels so I'm not just using up space on the team.

    Tell me a joke: Why did the bogan cross the road?



    To start a fight with a complete stranger for no reason whatsoever.


  3. If these comments are worth anything to the people who review and decide who makes it into the team, know this: Altiak is active, he puts forward the effort to get things done, he's responsible, level-headed, and that's what makes him worthy for the ET. He deserves a chance and if this was my server, you would definitely see him helping orchestrate events.


  4. Name: Volé Lyu'medin.

    ((MC Name)): Drazker.

    Age: Eighty-five.

    Chapter: The Mournful.

    How do you lay claim to the fact you are pure mali'aheral? The Sohaer has observed and confirmed my exhibition of mental purity. My physical purity is a sight for all to see. The house of Lyu'medin, of which I belong to, is one of mali'thill that have preserved the maehr'sae hiylun'ehya for three-hundred years, now.

    How long has one resided in Haelun’or? I have been a citizen of Haelun'or since Anthos, having dwelled shortly in the tomb before arriving in the Fringe.

    Will you place the wellbeing of Haelun'or and the maehr'sae hiylun'ehya before any individual desires of your own? I will.

  5. Volé steps up to whatever podium Iatrilemar had been standing on. As the high elf looks around at his fellows, his facial features tensed up in concentration on what he was about to say. After taking a deep breath, however, he relaxes and a moment of clarity overcomes him.

    "Venerated mali'aheral, I address you today as your Tilruir'sil. I have served in my position some time now. During my experience, I have observed you; I have learned your ways, and I have adapted. I would like to proclaim my intent for the candidacy of the high office of Medi'ir.

    "In this service, I will introduce a new level of communication between government and citizenry. It is imperative that the citizens who elect me know how I am fulfilling my duty as Medi'ir and can replace me swiftly and with ease should I slack in this responsibility. My attitude towards this position is straightforward: I regard all government positions as offices in which to serve the citizens, not as a title or honor, nor a way to propagate some individual agenda. I will involve citizens in the processes of government by holding regular open forums in which we can discuss these matters as a community.

    "Speak the will of the mali'aheral."

    Volé executes a respectful nod to any bystanders, reciting in a fashion similar to Iatrilemar,

    "maehr'sae hiylun'ehya."

  6. In the comfort of his home, Ser Vectis receives the missive, it having found it's way to him. As his eyes find the seal, his heart quickens and his memories take him back to the Oren of Anthos, where mighty armies were host to a singular prince and order reigned. Wrinkling his nose, he breaks the seal and begins to read the letter, remaining silent all the while. By the time he was finished, his wife Penelope came to his side, looking to him concernedly.


    "What is it, Vectis?" she asked. Her gaze was met with the sunken eyes of an old Orener; a knight, a Duke, and a patriot. Chaos had torn apart his home and he had been restless hence. In the darkness, however, now Vectis had found light. A smile curled across his lips.


    "It's a second chance. I must get my banner and ride out immediately, my love."  Vectis rose, catching the attention of his twin children. He looked over the family he'd raised. Perhaps they might have the chance to live once again in a reunited and strong Oren.


    Kissing his wife passionately and hugging his children preceded his donning of armor and the taking up of his standard. Marching out of his house to the accompanying stables, he found Thunder, his destrier. On sight of it's master, the beast whinnied with excitement.


    "Yes, my old friend. We ride once more."




    Prey starts sipping some excellent orcish ale , smirking at the silly man.


    "I don't think anyone could. If you think I'm being stupid , reflect on what you just said. If you can't hold against us , you're going to die before us."



    Vectis's brain begins hemorrhaging as the words are spoken. His head begins to shake violently as sparks erupt from the top of his neck. Repeated metallic clunks are heard as he utters in a  monotonous voice not truly his own,



  8. Medi’iran (First and Second)

    Two officials shall be elected by the Mali’aheral to serve as the Sohaer’s executive cabinet.  The Underlings shall operate as advisory and secondary authorities beneath the Sohaer, and shall perform his or her duties, should he/she be unable.


    Therefore, all duties of the Sohaer are the inherited property of the Medi’iran in circumstances of emergency or absence.  Below are the designated duties of the Medi’iran, which must be performed whilst an active Sohaer is in power. Due to their great responsibility, citizens are encouraged to refer to them as “laurir.”


    Duties of the Medi’iran


    1.) Maintenance.  The library and all responsibilities of its upkeep are the imperatives of the Medi’iran.

    2.) Infrastructure.  The appointment of Tilruiran to position and assignment of duties to these Tilruiran is also the responsibility of a Medi’ir.

    3.) Counsel.  It is the job of the Medi’ir to provide counsel to the Sohaer in order to better inform decision making.  Therefore, Medi’ir must be well informed of all matters involving the City, both in domestic and foreign matters.

    4.) Aiding and abetting.  The Medi’ir must provide aid to the Sohaer in all ways possible to help him/her perform his/her duty.

    5.) Economy.  Management of trade and designation of trading partners of the state are responsibility of the Medi’iran.

    6.) Service.  The Medi’iran must be at the service of the city, with no task for the betterment of all below himself/herself.  The Medi’iran shall perform any task for the advancement and health of the Mali’aheral beneath his or her power.

    7.) Example.  More than anything, the Medi’iran shall represent the best aspects of all Mali’aheral and serve as a role-models for all. With exceptional purity, and exceptional citizenship, the Medi’iran must demonstrate for each citizen the pinnacle of Mali’aheral expectation for behaviour.


    "It is with a heavy heart that today I, Volet Lyu'medin, must highlight a Medi'ir's refusal to their sixth listed duty of service. Delonna Aeleyelsa, whom I hold in very high regard and praise for their success in servicing the city, failed today in his duty.


    "During a discussion in which a mali'aheral mentioned, 'the triumvirate's decision on the mali'ker', I began to inquire in regards to the nature of the reference. As he outright refused to answer my questions on the discussion occurring in our elected government, I grew more persistent. I highlighted his fault in denying me the information, to which he responded 'it does not concern you', and stating, 'I prefer citizens don't go out of their way to bother people about government discussions'.


    "With this sort of attitude displayed in a public setting among a group of elmali'aheral, I can not help but feel that Mr. Aeleyelsa has lost sight of what it means to serve as Medi'ir. The position of a public servant should not be taken for granted and I fear it has in this case. Even more unsettling, however, is the fact two of my fellow citizens in fact reinforced this ideology; Mr. Eleron and another I have not yet acquainted with. It was only once I began to reinforce my argument and that Mr. Caelria joined the dialogue and voiced his agreement that Mr. Eleron switched his platform, and the other elf quieted down.


    "As I stated orally at the time of the encounter, we cannot allow authoritarian practices to go unacknowledged or unpunished. We must have a cihi where mali'aheral may inquire as to their government freely and without impediment. This is why I believe we began to elect officials by majority of the people. Let us not confuse ourselves, lest we forsake our chiefest and most revered principle,


    maehr'sae hiylun'ehya."


    The paper can be found posted in the tavern, in the barracks of elsillumir, in the hall of magi, and by the gate.

  9. OSL dicks around a lot to be fair, but at our core, we are strong serious RPers.


    Hell, read this.


    [8:46:58 PM] LeoBot: [8:31 PM] Ƨ ħ ã ɗ У  Ť α | є š [PROTEST AGAINST LACIST CHARLESRU!]:

    <<< ================Announcement============

    As this as an issue that has occurred before when we first started out, this rule will be reinstated again. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES IS PUGSYING/SENSELESS PvP ALLOWED. Even if it is out of fun. It's counter productive and as we've seen from a more recent incident, it took us forever to rally up our forces to aid Oren. As we are considered IC so long as we are logged into the server, any senseless killing will be considered the murder of a Brother and punishments will happen ICly.

    In response to this; we will not be banning IC duels. We ask that these are a balance of role play and PvP fighting. Those who win the most duels with a DIVERSE amount of wins will be rewarded ICly.

    I also call upon our higher ups, including our sergeants, to take on more leadership. This will be in the form of missions, which will most commonly be patrols. Those who participate will be expected to get on TS. On TS, commanders are to give orders and get others used to hearing commands over TS. Those who show good leadership skills while remaining true to our chain of command will be rewarded as our order grows. And as 4.0 approaches, you bet your sweet ass we'll be growing.

    That's all. And in response to our 4.0 plans, you are all expected to cut down on the trolling. Again, IC consequences.

    That's why I said on a good day you ugly duckling.

  10. If you have any suggestions on who is an actual serious non-trolly Orener, please point me in their direction.

    • Knox213
    • HappyShackles
    • Senda
    • Frigated
    • firestar25
    • merrymoogle
    • Aetosion
    • Altiak
    • Any of the Stafyrs
    • Order of Saint Lucien ( on a good day )

    Just catch them when they aren't raiding or at war, which will of course be rare since they are at war with like four nations right now. ( Urguan, Krugmar, Conclave, and Alras )

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