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Status Updates posted by EmbryoGod

  1. Message me here on the forums if you want an event for you and/or your friends!

  2. In this time of victimization, scrutinization, and just plain Tom foolery from staff and players alike, let's remember the brave men and women volunteers of CAP who are going down to Missouri to assess flood damage in evacuated areas. Let's all remember that not everyone's a moron, we just seem to get a lot of them on LotC.

  3. P sure they host the server on RHEL/CentOS. Something Red Hat based, if anyone's curious.

  4. Hey hey everyone, need an event done for you and your mates? Message me here or in the game!

  5. If you're an artist who wants to help me with a texture pack project for the server, please message me on the forums!

  6. Free HurferDurfer he dindu nuffin'

  7. Free me I dindu nuffin'

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