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Status Updates posted by oblivionsbane

  1. Finally done streaming. Thanks to everyone who dropped in! I probably won't stream any more of it for a few days (or longer). I've got school stuff to focus on as it's finals week and I think I'm getting sick. Anyways, thanks again!

  2. Tomorrow I turn 21

  3. Edited up this new profile picture thing.

  4. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/136331-lore-explosive-ballista-bolt/ If any of you haven't seen this I'd appreciate you giving feedback and reading.

  5. Really? I play a human IC and OOC, believe it or not. Hahaha , old joke of mine. :)

  6. In Florida for football tournament. Be back early next week at the latest!

  7. Happy Thanksgiving! 'MERICA.:P

  8. Shooting trebuchets at towers is fun.

  9. With Knox gone the only person Mark has ever been afraid of is gone. It is kind of sad. Thanks for being cool, Benbo.

  10. I just bought beer for the first time, stayed up till 12 to do it... AND THEY DIDN'T CARD ME!!!! AHHHHHHHHH

  11. I am annoyed, but I will survive.

  12. Holy crap the server just got a bomb dropped on it.

  13. Up, that time of night again when the server crashed for 8 hours...

  14. http://i.imgur.com/OQphE.jpg Pretty accurate, although it shows something more interesting. It is hard to ultimately classify dynamic characters to be a certain alignment, their alignment can change at the drop of a hat.
  15. I'll try uploading my Anthos save file so whoever wants to can explore it. It's not perfect, but it's pretty early on in Anthos. I'll have it up tomorrow. Goodnight

  16. No, no, NOT AGAIN, NO.

  17. http://mtgcardsmith.com/view/kalen-forseth#.VJO_6sAOQ The ability apparently refuses to fit, but it goes on to say at the beginning of the next turn both cards are exiled. Wish I could find a better picture too, but meh.
  18. The hell, I just got banned for a whole 30 seconds for saying autistic, get on my level.

  19. So I was listening to an anime opening and in 2 watch next's, I got this

    I know how you guys are, so enjoy.
  20. Those of you that haven't seen this before, you should.

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