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Posts posted by Overland

  1. For centuries this book has lain in a corner of the library. It has been a curiosity to most and a window into the past for others. 


    Recording the history of the Motherland is a mammoth task, one that would take a Human lifetime to create something worthy. For this reason there should be no judging of any council or individual for not adding to this blessed history. 


    Why should they have no blame? It does not matter, for our history comes in cycles. The same characters are played by new actors, or in some cases, the same actor again. Like the waxing and waning of the moon, so does the Motherland become corrupt and then restored. History can attest to this.


    With the High Elven nation in disarray, a new order was founded under the control of the council: the Vigil. With Arche Raell as their leader, their power grew to be immense. Tensions rose with Sanctuary and it appeared all out war would start. But, as with all corrupted versions of the Motherland, Sanctuary simply faded away. The remnants were absorbed by the Dominion of Malin.



    Haelun’or in the days of the schism with Sanctuary. The old city on the left was abandoned when the schism began.


    Like all peoples, the Mali’aheral were never bound to find rest in one land. Soon enough came Axios and many more troubles. The Vigil was now a great force with a new leader: Finnadh. Into the council came Parion Tahn’thill who sought to reform the government. 


    But sensing a threat, Finnadh launched a coup in tandem with the Human Imperial Empire. He had Parion executed and in his place, an Uthir was installed: Orsino Acal’elor. This Uthir’s periods of stability were soon dashed by more periods of violence, expected when the pursuit of wisdom and health is forgotten. Yet Maherals such as Lelien Lazul and Iaria Elevathar held steadfast to the pursuit of wisdom and health.


    So once again, Humans ruled over our Motherland. But the words of Ellir’siol held true and with a great war, the Holy Orenian Empire melted away like snow. Haelun’or was free again, and for a period the land flourished. Under the leadership of Ikur Seregon and his Ikur’onn laws, which provided stability. The beauty of it soon attracted jealous foreigners from other lands, including from the ashes of Sanctuary. Slowly but surely they sought to impress their corruption on the Motherland. The Ikur’onn laws, once used for good, became a tool of stagnation.


    Yet in all times, there is hope. 


    ETHIC, an organisation dedicated to the protection of purity was founded once again. Led by an enigma known only as the ‘Fruit Fly’, it preached against the current council. The Maheral resigned and left no successor.  ETHIC simply proclaimed Andria Fi’talareh as Maheral leading to another restoration. Once again, silver gleamed.



    The Silver State in Axios.


    While the High Elves moved to Atlas, their leaders chose to ignore the maehr’sae hiylun’ehya and its proponents. And like a puddle slowly evaporating, the city emptied of the pure until few remained. At her weakest point, an abomination came over the city and tore her towers down, leaving nothing but ruins.


    But despite all of this, the idea of a Silver State remained steadfast. In the words of the Second of the Twin Moles, Delonna Aeléyèlsa:


    “What many fail to realise is that Haelun'or is not a nation. It is not a state, nor even a city. Haelun'or is wherever the children of Larihei go. Though some may look back at Asulon and consider that to be the real Haelun'or, and perhaps rightfully so, however what we built there lingers. No matter how big or small it becomes, Haelun'or is where the children of silver reside, and silver has found a new home.”


    Far away from where the Silver State had been, several faithful gathered and proclaimed a member of the Visaj bloodline, Dimaethor, as their Maheral. Initially the vassal of a Mali’ame kingdom, this city-state with the name of Fi’halen regained its independence, fueled by the pursuit of Larihei’s wisdom.


    Casting off the chains of their vassalage to a Wood Elven state, the Motherland breathed once again. This reborn Haelun’or became a great power, with the population reaching a number greater than had been for centuries. To house this great populace, the new city of Lareh’thilln was constructed. Wars were waged against the Mali’ame, leading to the victory of Silver. In the midst of all this, Atlas was frozen over and the Mali’aheral made it to the land of Arcas. 





    With a war beginning between the human nations of Renatus and the reformed Holy Orenian Empire, the cursed Snow Elves joined the former. The Mali’fenn sought the annihilation of Haelun’or in return and thus the Silver Elves were pulled into another conflict. Despite being outnumbered, the forces of Haelun’or and the Holy Orenian Empire proved victorious. Where once Larihei’s people had been vassals of Humanity, they were now the deciders of their fate.


    Time passed and an old Maheral from a land long ago, Iaria Elervathar, returned and became the Most Blessed once more. Thus, Dimaethor became the Sohaer of this reborn Haelun’or. Soon they were joined in marriage and thus the Diarchy was forged, being the first time the Sohaer and Maheral were one couple. This Diarchy created a prosperous age that lasted many decades until both sought rest.



    The Diarchy.


    One by the name of Azorella Elibar’acal became Maheral of Haelun’or. As time passed, her council was aggrieved by her vigorous pursuit of health. They, on the other hand, were tempted by decadence. Their ire of their Maheral grew ever greater and some of them then murdered her, the first time a Maheral had been slain by their own council. Larihei would weep.




    A vigil for Maheral Azorella Elibar’acal.


    Acaele Lazul replaced the fallen Maheral and the murderers were punished.  However, soon some of the people called for the trial of some of the remaining councilors.  Some of the supporters of Azorella were then placed on trial themselves by the council. But as every Silver Elf knows, the Maheral is only so because of the people.  Angered by the council, the people rose up and declared Ikur Sullas (Formerly Seregon) to be their new Maheral. 



    The removal of Acaele Lazul as Maheral.


    Ikur brought in another period of strength as the people moved to a new land: Almaris. He and his new council pushed forward the Azorella reforms. Stability prevailed once again, and many leaders came and went peacefully. Soon, one by the name of Othelu Orrar came to be Sohaer. His heart was set on the pursuit of health, but he forgot wisdom. He led the people to forget Tradition. The Maheral was forgotten, along with many other traditions. The pursuit of half of the Universal Truth led to stagnation and soon Othelu passed on.


    The next leadership sought the return of the Maheral. And so another Elervathar, Elesia, became the Most Blessed. But there were elements amongst them who once again lusted after impurity. They attempted a coup, planning to merge Haelun’or with the tainted Mali’fenn. Violence filled the streets of Haelun’or and soon the impures left to found a new Sanctuary: Celia’nor. In the chaos, Sohaers Braxus Ni’leya and Alaion Miravaris led Haelun’or in a war against Celia’nor. Much blood was shed in a war between the children of Light against the Tarnished. 



    The Silver City was painted black in the aftermath of violence between Celia’nor and blessed Haelun’or.


    As part of the peace treaty to end needless bloodshed, the Silver Elves sought a new home, away from the bloodstained city of Karinah’siol. Like the Tomb and the Citadel before it, Asul’hileia provided solace to the Mali’aheral. To provide guidance to the people, the stalwart Seth Calith was proclaimed Maheral. Eternally faithful to the ideals of Larihei and Dio Astoré, the pursuit of wisdom and health continued.



    The city of Asul’hileia.


    Despite the centuries that have passed, the story remains the same. The Mali’aheral are broken between those who pursue wisdom and health, and those who have stepped away. And the cycle shall repeat again and again. Thus, the path of the pursuit of wisdom and health is not like climbing a mountain, but a fierce battle between the forces of impurity and those who are virtuous in the ways of Larihei. All that matters is that there are some willing to hold the traditions of the past to heart.



    A Missive is posted in the inn.


    Fellow Blessed Elves,


    Where would we be if our ancient kin had not recorded their customs and their ideology in the Silver Library?


    Great works of literature, law and records of history mark a civilised people but I do not not see us producing any of those things. You might say: ‘but First Mole, you are wrong, for we have a library that is the brightest jewel in all of the lands!’ I see our library and despair, for it appears stagnant and murky. The most blessed book of Tradition and Silver has had no additions since my departure long ago. Is no one brave enough to record our history?


    Does our history shame you?


    If we did not write the actions of the Butterfly or the Lion, how could we teach the young the faults of the elders? Recount your history and write every last detail so we may progress. Our leaders and guides, remember to tell the people your actions through written word, not for our sake but for our children. This is a must in the maehr’sae hiylun’ehya, for how can we progress if we do not know what we were once like, aside from being driven by the lust of nostalgia?


    Remember why the Worm withheld us from having a Maheral in the days of the Golden Owl. Remember his words to those who sit around and chose not to contribute to the maehr’sae hiylun’ehya in the lands where knowledge is half our reason to exist.


    “You are all tea-drinkers, and nothing more.”


    Heed this warning, Blessed Ones.


    aymaehr’sae hiylun’ehya Larihei’ehya

    Andria Fi’talareh

  3. Some screenshots from Anthos that I uploaded a while back


    Joining the server



    Dawn's Bakery in Salvus


    Old Abresi Habour



    Fight in Salvus



    Being arrested by White Rose!!



    crazyguy's pugsy


    I have a heap more but they're just so painful to go through and upload so maybe later : )



    (Credit to CDProjektRED - https://imgur.com/gallery/n7jpn)

    Somewhere off in the Atlasian wilderness, the Reiters had made camp. Through night and day they toiled, building supplies of metal, grain and many other commodities. The clangs hammers meeting iron and the cracks of axe meeting wood disturbed the otherwise tranquil wilderness. No cricket or owl could rival the sound of a warband being born again.


    Simon was no exception, under a moonlit night he toiled to haul ore from the mines. Despite often cursing due to some new blemish nothing would stop him. This life doesn’t matter after all, he thought in vain. But he knew it would all be worth it in the end.


    For with a new land, comes new opportunities.




    A Missive is posted in the inn and the library.


    To my most blessed people,


    Alas with a heavy heart, I, Andria Fi’talareh, hereby offer my resignation as Maheral. I sought to make change, though all I have done is walked down empty streets. I sought to implement my vision, though my writing hand was too sleepy. I shall post the integral part of my plan soon, but it is up to you if you chose to follow it. I have been humbled, friends.


    To replace me, Cenwall Maeyr’onn will serve as Maheral, for his services to the motherland.


    To my council, your decadence is like those whom we sought to replace. If you cannot be with the motherland like a carer watching over the sick, then simply resign. Be sohaeran, leaders by example and teaching, as I had hoped to be.


    Whatever you do, remember where a lust for both blood and magic have led us.


    maehr’sae hiylun’ehya
    Maheral Andria Fi’talareh
    Maheral Cenwall Maeyr’onn

  6. A missive is sent to all council candidates and pinned outside the camp.


    I have noticed that several candidates for the council have not been present in our refuge. I do not know where they are, however let it be known that if they do not present themselves to work to help me restore our kind, then I shall consider their nominations invalid. In fact, nominees, one could argue it proves you merely wish for power without understanding the responsibility it holds. You, as our future leaders, should be staying with the citizens as often as you can and have your primary residence in the camp.


    If you do not want to be with us at our lowest, you do not deserve to have a say in our future.


    maehr’sae hiylun’ehya

    ~Maheral Andria Fi'talareh




    A letter is posted outside the gate to the Silver City.


    “What many fail to realise is that Haelun'or is not a nation. It is not a state, nor even a city. Haelun'or is wherever the children of Larihei go. Though some may look back at Asulon and consider that to be the real Haelun'or, and perhaps rightfully so, however what we built there lingers. No matter how big or small it becomes, Haelun'or is where the children of silver reside, and silver has found a new home.”

    - Delonna Aeléyèlsa, the second of the Twin Moles, 1475


    It is a shame.


    It is a shame that those who hold power would cling onto it so desperately, though that is the way of the inept.


    No decree will force us to leave the city or prevent us from making Haelun’or what she once was. If they wish to end the city and the Silver State, then they are wrong. No government of any kind has ever held us down, whether it be Orc, Dwarf, Wood Elf, or whatnot. No impure has ever managed to wipe us off the face of the earth despite what they may claim.


    All I see is that life will continue on as usual, they may try to destroy us, but they will fade into ash as Malinor, the Fallen, Celein and many others have tried to before.  We have overcome far worse than an angry interim Sohaer and a decadent council and us, the children of silver, shall carry on.


    Silver light cannot be stopped; the blight of degeneracy shall cower in fear.



    maehr’sae hiylun’ehya

    ~Maheral Andria Ith’ael


    A missive is posted throughout the Silver City and outside on the gate.


    From Ash Comes New Life


    I have been proclaimed Maheral due to my former holding of the title during the dark days of the Aldersberg Citadel, as the previous did not chose a successor. As Maheral in these times, it is my sole purpose to further the maehr’sae hiylun’ehya and protect Larihei’s children from degeneracy.


    For too long the council has been allowed to fester and rot. For too long silence has been the true ruler of our most blessed land. The Ikur’onn laws remain, giving our council absolute power that cannot be challenged. I shall wait no longer, it is time for the people of the Silver State to be delivered from decadence once more.


    Thus, my first order as Maheral shall be to dismiss the entirety of the council. All council members are expected to cease their duty and to come to the Maheral for questioning. Any who refuse to comply shall be arrested and put on trial, but to those who do, I swear on my honour that you shall not be harmed.


    An election to replace the removed council shall be held shortly.


    A warrant of arrest is also put out for the Okarir’maehr, Ljhin Evergale, for attempted stalling of the election for Sohaer.



    maehr’sae hiylun’ehya

    ~Andria Ith’ael née Fi’talareh



    Or if you are more into 1980s Australian Rock:


    A missive is found posted within the inn, it is presented in neat, blue writing.


    What was once sacred are now playthings of decadence.


    How many letters have I written throughout the years criticising the reigns of various demagogues? From the fools of the Elibar’acals to the green and gold Raells, nothing has changed. I have failed, I have sat on the side too long, now I must rise. This is not a new fight, but rather one that has been going on since the beginning of our modern nation.


    “They [the council] feel their word is absolute, preach the upholding of morals while they do nothing to aid the city.”

    ~Ellir’siol, c. 1380


    These foolish Ikur’onn Laws are reminiscent of the days of dictatorships, they bar new blood from other bloodlines or political persuasions  from entering the council, thus it is stagnant. If the Sohaer is going to masquerade as one then he should simply call himself an Uthir if he is going to refuse a challenge.  This Sohaer may be new, though he is responsible for the decadence that was the Isles of Alarhys - an impure state, indeed.


    The blame also lies on the council, for they have sat by and done nothing. The council appears to do the minimal to make themselves appear to do work, they do hold meetings, yes, though nothing has changed in this city for years. Decadence has not only taken root, the council themselves are made of it.


    If the council wishes to hold onto their vile Ikur’onn laws, then so be it. If the Sohaer wishes to make a thinly veiled attempt to push out people (how can you close a city, anyway?) then so be it.  In a world of disgusting politics, one must introduce the radical. Thus I propose an acceptance vote for the council. on behalf of the people of the Silver State.


    The legal reasoning for this is such:

    I. The Maheral is the highest power in Haelun’or and has been since the days of Dio Astóre.

    II. The Maheral, by law, can be removed should the people not accept them.

    III. If the council is below the Maheral and also accountable to the people, then thus the people are permitted to challenge them.

    IIII. This challenge shall take place by vote, as is done with the Maheral.


    If the council refuses this, then they will prove themselves to be the maruthiran they are. If they truly have the support of the people, then let this vote serve as proof of it.


    ~Andria Ith’ael née Fi’talareh


    Below a blank piece of paper awaits, yearning for the signatures of both those who would support it and those who would not.

  10. Alright I guess it's time to contribute another story about nexus is bad for roleplay etc.

    So back in the day in Athera and Vailor I used to grind enchanting (and to an extent blacksmithing) loads. Every morning and every night I'd log in and swap over my enchants. I did this for many months, and honestly the desire to remain in the top of enchanting was big factor in keeping that routine (and me logging on quite often). 

    Then one day it just stopped

    I realised that there was no point in playing the server just for the grinding. Sure it's cool and all, but now when I log in after a 10 month hiatus or something it just becomes unbearable to think of having to go through all of that effort again, for what? I doubt anyone actually wants to grind, but they have to. 

    Even if the admins are adamant with keeping nexus, which I understand, please make it so you can at least get somewhere with minimal effort so people don't have to no life and instead have fun doing rp or pvp. We do need a skill plugin I agree, but having one overly restrictive that resets after less than a year is super demoralising and not appropriate roleplay server when people spend hours not roleplaying but instead grinding. Look at McMMO for example, that isn't overly restrictive and rather focuses on benefits. Moreover, I'm sure there is more creative ways to get donations in if that is what the staff are keeping it around for.

    Come to think about it an McMMO-like skill plugin will be much better than either having nexus or no skill plugin.

  11. logged in just to post on this


    Rael is a brilliant roleplayer and in the past constantly provided me with great story lines with his character Rael Ith'ael. Though I may not be present at all these days I still believe he is far more than capable of providing good events to the server. +1


    10/10 joke btw

  12. As current top enchanter please wipe all skills.


    I don't think removing Nexus is the solution in fact I distinctly recall when there was not skill plugin and was a big push for one, who is to say that in a few months we'll be asking for one yet again? I have no solutions that I can provide of right now, but the staff should encourage the community to come together and design a skills plugin. Will it work in practice? I don't know but I think it's an option that should be explored.

  13. OOC:

    Skype name: overland1998

    Username: Overland



    Name: Andria

    Race: High Elf

    Mage or Warrior?: Warrior

    If Mage, what Magic(s) do you know (If none, specify which you’re willing to learn): Transfiguration perhaps.

    Reasons for applying: I was convinced to do so by Laethis.

    Do you agree to PK if RP is done well?: Aye!

  14. Dawn slowly crept over Peremont, its rays concealed from the view of a lonesome man. Trapped in a dark and mean room he thought of as a cell,  this man’s gaze wandered upon his possessions, all unchanged since the days of Savoyard rule. Not even he had changed that much, his coldness had - quite metaphorically - frozen him in time.


     Cheated, lonely, unwilling and craven was he, and so he began to write a letter and gather some things.  All those regrets, all those mistakes.  But one word rushed through his mind:




     So the de Bar, the last child of a fallen king, the heir to a legacy far greater than he, jumbled bits and pieces that he thought would be useful into his bag. Compulsion lurked in his mind, driving him head first down a deep, unforgiving rabbit hole.  


     But there was nothing else to do. So he let go.


     First a letter was written, perhaps too short to be assuring but long enough to give an  indication of what troubled the man’s mind.


     After writing the piece he stuffed whatever else would fit in his sack, and then prepared his clothes for journeying.


     Everyone would be awake soon.


     Second thoughts clawed at him like a rabid animal manically chasing a rodent, but he remained stalwart. So the man departed with the sun’s rays at his back. And as he trotted along the mottled path, he struggled to hold back a thought:


     The sun of Ashford will rise someday.


      But back in Peremont, a simple letter rested underneath the iconograph of his father:


    “Dearest relatives,

    I am in dire need of a change of scenery, thus I’ve decided to go travel. I will return, but I don’t know when.

    That is all.

    -Joachim de Bar.”


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