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- Aether VIP -
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Status Updates posted by YFKTF

  1. I'm mostly likely going to be leaving LoTC for a while. I've suddenly had some insults delivered OOC, and I'm not going to talk about it to avoid being hated more. Thanks, Techy

  2. I did a fun serial killer 'event' today. Thanks to everyone who participated!

  3. I did a fun serial killer 'event' today. Thanks to everyone who participated!

  4. *temptation to make a halfling with the last name Swaggins rises*

  5. *intensely considers donating to Bedrock VIP*

  6. Damn you server... I was dealing with Branaford and the PVP crew ;___;

  7. Happy 'Murica day y'all.

  8. What's up with the server constantly timing out?

  9. I've had about the best few days of RP I've had in a while.

  10. Are firepits still a thing? Like can we buy the kit from somewhere, or from a GM?

  11. Little did I know my status would be locked and trigger a fight... o_o

  12. Was just sacrificed to Knox. Jee jee.

  13. "Some people just aren't worth giving your life for."-Kinra2k15

  14. Not going to be on the server for a few days, computer was confiscated after I spoofed my Mac address. Note to self, don't try to fight the network engineer father on Internet restrictions.

  15. I'm back! :D

  16. Where's a nations forum RP at? D:

  17. I'm happy to say all three versions of the Modpack are working well and are complete! Check them out!

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