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Posts posted by Pixelation4

  1. The name “Boneuk’Raguk” had almost all but been forgotten among the Orcs.  He had not been seen since he vowed vengeance on those who had wronged him, many moons ago.  When he heard the news that Raguk had been banished from the Uzg, he would think it promising, and, strapping on what was left of his worn Bloodsteel armour, he would set out to find his lost brothers, and make amends.






    Wargoth Boneuk'Raguk stood atop one of the tallest towers in San'Raahk.  The pale green orc gazed over the desert landscape, as he did often when he was deep in his thoughts.  The distant clang of hammers of the Raguk Clan against their anvils once excited him and gave him purpose, however, that had long since faded.  The uruk sighed deeply, before pulling out a pipe, dropping a nugget of cactus green into it and lighting it up.  As he stood thinking everything over, he thought of his purpose, which once was clear: lead Raguk in the right direction.  But how am I meant to know which direction is right, Boneuk thought.  His thoughts soon turned from self-pity to anger, as had been happening to him more and more frequently recently, he became easily agitated at the smallest things, and often ended up taking it out on the rest of his Clan he was meant to be leading.  His thoughts swarmed over him and crashed down on him along with his anger, he threw his pipe down, a large crack formed down it, he sighed and turned to leave, but was met by Hazurk'Raguk.


    "How long have lat been stood there?" Boneuk asked

    "Long enough to know lat am nub fit to lead a clan", the Red Uruk replied.

    Boneuk nods at this, "Lat can think what lat wants, at the end of the day, mi am still the Wargoth."

    "Nub for long."

    Boneuk turned to face him, his eyes moving up and down his body, as if sizing him up, in the end he seemed to make a decision, drawing near to Hazurk, he'd say quietly, as if he didn't want to be overheard, "Lat would do hozh to remember lat's place"

    "Lat would do well to think about lat's. MI am Hazurk ZKAH’N Raguk, zon ub Turkurz’Raguk, klanzman to Malgunuz’Raguk agh Kharak’Raguk! Lat, am nubth’n."


    There was a long pause after this however, one thing was clear; Boneuk had grown complacent and lazy.

    It was obvious to a number of orcs, and it was obvious to Hazurk, who decided to do something about it.


    "Do lat wish to klomp me, boy?" he chuckled "Mi knew lats popo, lat know",  His eyes narrowed, "He was just as stubborn as lat".

    Hazurk's eyes grew dark, a scowl appearing on his face, "Mi will take wub am mine, agh mi will forge a new era for Raguk, mi will take Wargoth; Agh it will be through a klomp."

    However, the Wargoth just smirked at this suggestion, going to push past Hazurk and walk off.

    Before he could go, Hazurk shouted "Dere am nub a ounze ub Honor dat kourzes through lat’z veinz! Agh zo it am tik to zpill zaid honorlezz blood."

    Boneuk stopped dead, turning to face him, “Do nub blah to me about Honor.  Mi was there in the dark days of the Orcs when wi was hunted and flat’d for our tusks, when wi was murdered for being Orcs, when lat’s popo was Wargoth and Malgunuz was Rex…” he’d trail off after this.

    Hazurk’s brow furrowed, his mouth settling into an intimidating scowl, “Mi am UNBROKEN; lat can nub endure Zhara’s wrath, lat am weak agh pitiful.”  Hazurk took a step forward, repeating the words drilled into every Raguk child, “If a cog am broken, it muzt be cazt away.”

    The corners of Boneuk’s mouth twitched into a snarl, “Lat am juzt a boy, lat am nubting” his words carried a certain venom to them now.

    “Mi am the future of Raguk.  Enough blah, wi settle this with a klomp!” The Orc’s voice would be raised to a shout by now.

    Boneuk, however just laughed at the suggerstion, “Mi have no tik for lat’z klomp.”

    Hazurk’s anger boiled over, he charged the Wargoth, grabbing him by the throat, “Mi have nub idea what mi dizgrace of a popo peep’d in lat!” he’d shout, there was a madness in his eyes now.

    Though struggling for breath, Boneuk would manage to free himself from Hazurk’s grasp, “Maybe if lat’z popo was there, hi could have taught lat rezpect!”

    “Hi am flat!  Flat az whitewazh!” Hazurk hissed, jumping backwards, a steely glower on his face, “Lat will nub flat by an Uruk’z hand, az he did, but lat will flat without achievement, without title!”

    “Mi am the Wargoth of Raguk, wub doez lat gruk of Titles?” Boneuk retorted

    “Mi am Hazurk’Raguk, right hand uruk alongzide Leydluk’Raguk, uzurper ub Gurak’Yar agh Kezhigbozz ub Krugmar. Lat am a halfbreed, blue agh dizguztin’.” Hazurk then charged forward, going to send a fist down on Boneuk’s jaw.

    Boneuk opened his mouth wide, presumably to respond to Hazurk’s halfbreed comment, however he was cut short by a red fist slamming against his jaw.  When he stood up again, his mouth was bloody, he spat out a tooth. Hazurk, once again; delivered a snarl of authorative fashion. “Zumbit, or mi beat lat’z face to a pulp; Hand over da Wargothdom.”

    “Mi zubmit to nub azh.  Mi am nub lat’z popo!” his voice would be raised to a shout at the end

    “Mi nub care about mi popo. . All daht matterz, am da Warnation agh da Klan; agh he, Turkurz’Raguk, wuz a dizgraze to both. Get up agh klomp.”

    At this Boneuk sighed, “Mi did nub want to do thiz”, he’d draw his sword, “But lat need to learn to rezpect lat’z zuperirors.”  With this boneuk attempted to run him through with his blade.

    However, knowing the strength and durability of his Bloodsteel plate, Hazurk stretched his right gauntlet forward, in an attempt to grab the blade before it had reached him. A gutteral snarl emitting from his throat.

    Boneuk swore loudly, his blade wrenched out of his grasp by Hazurk, weaponless and defenceless he accepted his fate, “Go on then.” He removed his breastplate, letting it drop to the ground, “Do it, finizh the job.”

    Hazurk lofted the blade proudly, it hovering above his head; ready to strike. The clad Uruk then brought it down, but not towards Boneuk, but off the ledge they stood on. “Mi, am RAGUK.” He replied proudly, showcasing his Honor. His hands moved behind his back aswell, loosening the knots that held his Breastplate in place.

    For a minute Boneuk was too stunned to respond, before smirking and saying, “Lat really am denze.”  With this he threw a right hook, aimed at Hazurk’s temple.

    Falling to the right, Hazurk drew dangerously near to the edge, Both of his palms settled on the ground and him dazed. Though, in his fury, he turned and jumped up; going to send a knee into Boneuk’s stomach.

    Thinking the Red Uruk was all but defeated, Boneuk was too busy being overly-satisfied with this guaranteed victory to notice the knee, until it thudded against his unprotected mid-section.  With a heavy grunt he stumbled back a few steps, until it was now him who was nearing the edge.

    In his anger, Hazurk charged forward, going to repeat Boneuk’s manouvre and send a fist to his head; Though this time it was aimed towards his jaw.

    As the blow connected Boneuk’s vision began to blur, his head suddenly felt heavier on his shoulders and he was starting to see stars.

    In a repetition of the beginning of the Conflict, Hazurk marched forward to grab Boneuk’s throat, his golden-tinted eyes burning with anger.

    This time, Boneuk had nothing to say, his vision was starting to darken and it was almost as if a fog was descending on him, the longer Hazurk held him for, the longer his brain was being denied oxygen.  The realisation he had lost his Wargothdom washed over him, and in his last conscious thought he vowed revenge on all Orcs who opposed him.

    “Lat, am Weak.” Hazurk said before turning over his shoulder, away from the ledge; His arm shooting forward to slam Boneuk onto the floor; Him bending down and retrieving the Staff of Kulthark; which once belonged to him. With disgust plastered over his face, he marched away from the scene.


    Boneuk awoke hours later with a splitting headache.  As he tried to remember the days events it dawned on him he’d lost his staff, suddenly all his memories washed back over him.  He grew angry; angry with Hazurk; angry with the Raguks who opposed him; angry with the Rex and other Wargoths.  As he looked out over the desert landscape once more, this time not as a Wargoth he swore revenge on Hazurk.

    For he was the rightful Wargoth of Raguk, and he would reclaim what was his.














  3. Elder Boneuk of Clan Raguk would be the next to speak up.

    "Brothers and Sisters"

    He would say addressing the orcs present,

    "We need to address the issue of snaga."

    He would pause, taking a breath.

    "Snaga are a part of our culture, they represent our most primal insticts.  Power and Dominance.

    However, owning snaga and snaga hunting seems to have gone out of fashion.

    Why?  Simple.  We were weak.

    We were weak in numbers.  We were weak in physical strength, compared to those who wished to eradicate us.


    He pauses once more, drawing breath before continuing on his tangent.

    "We were weak, but no longer.

    Oren sought to eradicate us, wipe us from existence, even.

    We endured.

    We rebuilt from the ashes of the old uzg.

    We rose up, and we destroyed Oren.

    So now I ask all of you here:

    Why do we not keep slaves?

    We have the power, we have the strength.

    However it is clear we are in need of some changes."

    He would glance around, looking into the faces of those present

    "I propose this:

    A new system for snaga.

    Instead of individuals owning them, they shall be owned by clans.

    Clans may pit their snaga against eachother in klomps.

    These klomps can be used as a way to settle disputes, should the Orcs be unable to step into the the klomp pit themselves.

    Orcs may also bet on these matches themselves.

    However Orcs from one clan may not bet on the opposing clans' snaga.

    If match-fixing occurs, all winnings from the guilty clan, and all who were involved, shall go to the opposition, any who lose from match-fixing will be compensated."

    Once more, he draws breath.

    "Furthermore, clans could buy and sell snaga, or auction them off to the highest bidder.

    The new Snagagoth would take care of all business involving auctions, klomps and trading.

    Auctions would take place regularly, as long as there are fresh snaga.

    The Snagagoth shall also be responsible for keeping a register of all the snaga and their wins and losses in the pit.

    A snaga's price will go up if they win a lot, and will go down if they lose.

    All snaga most be registered with the Snagagoth.

    If a clan captures a snaga, but does not wish to auction or trade it, they may keep it themselves, however it must still be registered.

    Lastly, I propose communal housing for snaga.

    Perhaps a small village where each clan has a hall and in each hall reside all the snaga of that clan.

    The most dominant snaga in the pit in each hall, shall be in charge of all in-house affairs for that specific hall.

    Spirit worship should also be a thing in the snaga's life.

    Snaga should worship the most popular spirits in their respective clans.

    All these snaga will probably wish to be honourarys one day, and introducing them to this hierarchy of power, these klomps and spirit worship should give them a taste of the Orcish lifestyle."

    He nods to Kuntklobbera, indicating that he is finished.



    There you go, my ideas for slavery in the uzg, feel free to leave any suggestions/ways I could improve upon this formula.






  4. THE Half-Uruk Elder of Raguk, Boneuk, would just have returned from a pilgrimage, to grow closer to the spirits, which last several years, and would be at a loss for words upon hearing about the death of Aukha'Raguk, Jukha'Lur, and his old friend and former Wargoth of Raguk, Turkurz.

  5. Is Oren trying to win the server?  Yes.


    Does that have to be a problem?  No.  Admittedly with the almost constant warclaims and such, it can get pretty annoying, but I think everyone's focusing on making their own RP enjoyable.  If Oren enjoys being in power, I'm okay with it, as long as they're not salty OOCly and make RP enjoyable.


    And let's be real, any other race would be trying to "Win the server" if they had Oren's numbers and power.


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