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Everything posted by Joey5

  1. Joey5


    Alexandria was born in the Kingdom of Santegia to Alyss and Alexander Hawthorne, a rather rich couple; they had owned a large estate, paired with servants. She was the only child of the small family. As a result, she found herself extremely bored when she was in her home. The early years of her life consisted of mostly education; she was taught a variety of topics, until she was proficient in each of them. Her parents were considered gentle to her with her education; if she couldn't understand a subject, her parents would not punish her, but find ways to help her understand. Alexandria had also spent a great deal of her childhood socializing with her neighbors, and the other children who lived near. She rarely got into trouble, and was extremely patient with the other children. To Alexandria, life was bliss. The early years of her life had to eventually end, however. When she came of age, she was given many tasks that an average lady would do. However, she was not fond of these tasks, and had sought for adventure. As a result, she began to change from being the 'perfect child' who was never getting into trouble to a child who was almost always in trouble. She had always spent her time exploring the countryside, and usually came home with dirty clothes and a smile on her face. On top of that, she had also began to start fights with the other villagers; she was not afraid to speak her mind on certain matters. Her parents were ashamed of her; they preferred that she has a quiet, peaceful life on the estate. One day, however, while Alexandria was exploring the countryside during the night, a small band of the villagers that Alexandria had constantly started fights with were fed up with her. In the darkness of the night, they had set fire to a portion of the Hawthorne Estate. Unfortunately, the fire had spread too quickly, and had claimed the lives of her parents, as well as the house itself. Alexandria was devastated when she discovered the remains of her birthplace. From that point onward, she spent the rest of her teenage years wandering, doing odd jobs, only getting enough money to last a few days. To protect herself, she also took lessons from skilled trainers on the art of swordsmanship and bowmanship. She had become adept at both towards the end of her teenage years, and began to do more skilled jobs. These skilled jobs consisted of a variety of tasks. One job could simply be protecting a caravan, to slaying local predators that roamed the countryside. Alexandria had never made enough money to buy her own apartment or house; she had ended up always spending it on supplies to help her on her next job. Alexandria continues to do this to this day, but yearns for power, and a place to call home again.
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