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Posts posted by Rassidic

  1. 1 hour ago, Wrynntastic. said:

    Well... that's the point - why would anyone do that? People who want to do thievery rp will do that. 


    You're missing the point that's being made- lockpicking, as it was, meant that people were more likely to break into a place in one attempt. It was logical and made sense when it came to taking up the GM's time when handling the modreq. But now, these changes will more than likely lead to more modreqs being made around smashing locks- which also leads to multiple attempts over multiple days.


    We've gone from something that takes one hour on average, to something that will be repeated over days.

  2. To be honest, why would anyone go to the wilderness, hunt around for like an hour, pay 50 minas each...


    When you can just try smashing the door lock or chest lock, and if you fail, come back every day with perhaps a group?


    This hiderance on lockpicking is rather pointless, when you look at the outcome from it- people just smashing locks over and over every day.

  3. 35 minutes ago, Pandan said:

    I’ll also note whilst I’m here we may be changing some donation stuff around soon to become more EULA complacent. We’ll be sure to make posts as they happen, so do keep an eye out for that!


    This part worries me greatly, as someone who has sank a reasonable amount of money into the server for certain perks. Could you perhaps elaborate what you mean by this?

  4. 8 minutes ago, 吳憾戰士14 said:

    You should have acted...

    They are already here...

    The feedback threads told of their return..

    Its removal was merely a delay...

    Until the time after the fringe wars happened

    When the sons of Malinor would spill their own BRs ...

    But no one wanted to believe...

    Believe RP default was ever possible

    And when the truth finally dawned...


    But...there is one they fear

    In their tongue...he is pollwarrior





    I've never cringed so hard.

  5. 2 minutes ago, ShannonLeigh said:

    Heres a solution: Don't raid.


    Solution to Hunger- Don't be hungry.


    Solution to Thirst- Don't be thirsty.


    Solution to death itself- Don't die.


    The mentality of 'don't raid, it's bad' is one I used to have- but raiding creates roleplay, believe it or not. You see all the people saying 'oh **** it's an orc raid' when orcs are around? That's roleplay. It was created by raiding.

  6. 1 minute ago, Pandan said:


    No, it means the city may decide which they wish to use if someone commits a criminal act within their region. 


    So the city's decision over-rides the criminal's decision?


    So, for example, let's say someone tries to murder someone (with just cause) inside a city. The guards can decide the type of combat to use, even if the 'defending victim' chooses the opposite of what the guards pick?


    Just curious.

  7. There have been many times in the past where me and Flamboyant have not seen eye to eye. Personally, I view him as arrogant, rude and somewhat abrupt when it comes to some of the things he says. But ignoring all that, he is rather intelligent when it comes to magic, and how to correctly roleplay it in either a calm or wild scenerio. I feel that, if you can either ignore/deal with his attitude, he'd make a decent member of the MAT.


    Neither a +1 or -1. Just giving my view.

  8. #Nature of the bug: You can no longer call a SpookyHorse to you using the /spooky command


    #First occurrence: About the time I tried out SpookyHorse for the first time, and then realised it was broken. So like, three weeks ago? (Providing an exact time helps us locate the error messages, which can help in fixing the bug)


    # Describe exactly all the actions you took leading up to the bug: I summoned my SpookyHorse, got on my SpookyHorse, rode my SpookyHorse and then ran somewhere. I tried to call my SpookyHorse using /spooky, but it didn't appear.


    # What messages are/aren't you getting that you would/wouldn't get normally : The message that used to appear when you called the SpookyHorse using the /spooky command. (in the event of a crash, please also provide the error log)


    # Frequency of occurrence: Every time.


    # Are you able to reproduce the bug: Read above- every time.

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