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Application Comments posted by z3m0s

  1. Changed Status to Under Review



    Welcome to LoTC! Upon setting your application to accepted you should be automatically whitelisted on the server. Should there be issues with your whitelisting please contact me on discord or over the forums.


    If you’d like in-game assistance, feel free to contact me or any Community Team Member, and as for a Wilven Monk, or otherwise just ask for assistance with becoming acclimated to LoTC. You can perform /creq I would like a Wilven Monk please in-game as well for assistance.


    • We encourage you to join our New Player Discord to meet current players and ask our Community Team Members for assistance or any questions you may have.

    • We encourage you to read our New Player Guide, which provides detailed information about LoTC and roleplay itself.

    • Since your character is a {INSERT RACE}, we encourage you to read about the {INSERT RACES} Nations and Major Charters. In addition, check our our Settlement Guides for other places you may be interested in!


    Should you need any help at any point in the future, please contact me on discord at z3m0s#6599. You can also /creq (message) on the server to open a Community Staff Ticket.

  2. Changed Status to Under Review



    Welcome to LoTC! Upon setting your application to accepted you should be automatically whitelisted on the server. Should there be issues with your whitelisting please contact me on discord or over the forums.


    If you’d like in-game assistance, feel free to contact me or any Community Team Member, and as for a Wilven Monk, or otherwise just ask for assistance with becoming acclimated to LoTC. You can perform /creq I would like a Wilven Monk please in-game as well for assistance.


    • We encourage you to join our New Player Discord to meet current players and ask our Community Team Members for assistance or any questions you may have.

    • We encourage you to read our New Player Guide, which provides detailed information about LoTC and roleplay itself.

    • Since your character is a Human, we encourage you to read about the Human Nations and Major Charters. In addition, check our our Settlement Guides for other places you may be interested in!


    Should you need any help at any point in the future, please contact me on discord at z3m0s#6599. You can also /creq (message) on the server to open a Community Staff Ticket.

  3. q1wRCLuNzTJH9DWGYWAl7oif-KZdmNfZYIK4F4PYYdvUbQ08XQH3IHIX-75vhBI-MSxmf6IuhCCdT_I8lGBv3vw2WRbNw96gUGEPhkYu8so2w6P2MF9odeOYY2U9POg5wK6-SSk7


    Welcome to LoTC! Upon setting your application to accepted you should be automatically whitelisted on the server. Should there be issues with your whitelisting please contact me on discord or over the forums.


    If you’d like in-game assistance, feel free to contact me or any Community Team Member, and as for a Wilven Monk, or otherwise just ask for assistance with becoming acclimated to LoTC. You can perform /creq I would like a Wilven Monk please in-game as well for assistance.


    • We encourage you to join our New Player Discord to meet current players and ask our Community Team Members for assistance or any questions you may have.

    • We encourage you to read our New Player Guide, which provides detailed information about LoTC and roleplay itself.

    • Since your character is a High Elf, we encourage you to read about the High Elven Nations and Major Charters. In addition, check our our Settlement Guides for other places you may be interested in!


    Should you need any help at any point in the future, please contact me on discord at z3m0s#6599. You can also /creq (message) on the server to open a Community Staff Ticket.

  4. q1wRCLuNzTJH9DWGYWAl7oif-KZdmNfZYIK4F4PYYdvUbQ08XQH3IHIX-75vhBI-MSxmf6IuhCCdT_I8lGBv3vw2WRbNw96gUGEPhkYu8so2w6P2MF9odeOYY2U9POg5wK6-SSk7



    Welcome to LoTC! Upon setting your application to accepted you should be automatically whitelisted on the server. Should there be issues with your whitelisting please contact me on discord or over the forums.


    If you’d like in-game assistance, feel free to contact me or any Community Team Member, and as for a Wilven Monk, or otherwise just ask for assistance with becoming acclimated to LoTC. You can perform /creq I would like a Wilven Monk please in-game as well for assistance.


    • We encourage you to join our New Player Discord to meet current players and ask our Community Team Members for assistance or any questions you may have.

    • We encourage you to read our New Player Guide, which provides detailed information about LoTC and roleplay itself.

    • Since your character is a Dwarf, we encourage you to read about the Dwarf Nations and Major Charters. In addition, check our our Settlement Guides for other places you may be interested in!


    Should you need any help at any point in the future, please contact me on discord at z3m0s#6599. You can also /creq (message) on the server to open a Community Staff Ticket.

  5. TBL6qu9iavBsVVVdpoxkarVmzJ6U9zZUxJPog8DHSKdjzoHcFFdCzbS3xIbpNnrkR-Vi1V7YETrD2P3QMK2-20qHYmrs63qEwUVm45uE1h0KY01W6XWV2WbyvpcdegWjmlKxtLK6


    • Unfortunately you’re not allowed to join as apart of a Noteable Family, that being the Doomforged for the Dwarves, you must seek them out in roleplay and join their clan. That is very much the only issue with your application as a whole.

    • Also just for reference being a Dwarven player myself, your skin isn’t sufficient for a Doomforged player, I would suggest starting out as a Cave Dwarf if you like the dark look of the Doomforged, though setting your race to simply “Dwarf” gives you a free range to move a bit as you find your place in roleplay.


    You can find information pertaining to Dwarves Here! Or more specifically the Doomforged Here! if you’d like to read more about them. I look forward to seeing you in-game.


    Your application was generally satisfactory, however there are some issues that need editing. You have 24 hours to make these changes. Please message me on discord once the requested changes have been made.


    The server Wiki Page has a great deal of important lore information, as well as the meta-gaming and power-gaming definitions, please refer back to this. You can also join our New player Discord where you can ask questions to our Community Staff, and meet other server players.

    For future assistance/ or questions, feel free to contact me through discord at z3m0s#6599, or by issuing a /msg z3m0s in-game.  You can also issues /creq on the server to open a Community Staff ticket.

  6. q1wRCLuNzTJH9DWGYWAl7oif-KZdmNfZYIK4F4PYYdvUbQ08XQH3IHIX-75vhBI-MSxmf6IuhCCdT_I8lGBv3vw2WRbNw96gUGEPhkYu8so2w6P2MF9odeOYY2U9POg5wK6-SSk7


    Welcome to LoTC! Upon setting your application to accepted you should be automatically whitelisted on the server. Should there be issues with your whitelisting please contact me on discord or over the forums. (z3m0s#6599)


    If you’d like in-game assistance, feel free to contact me or any Community Team Member, and as for a Wilven Monk, or otherwise just ask for assistance with becoming acclimated to LoTC. You can perform /creq I would like a Wilven Monk please in-game as well for assistance.


    • We encourage you to join our New Player Discord to meet current players and ask our Community Team Members for assistance or any questions you may have.
    • We encourage you to read our New Player Guide, which provides detailed information about LoTC and roleplay itself.
    • Since your character is a Dwarf, we encourage you to read about the Dwarven Nations and Major Charters. In addition, check our our Settlement Guides for other places you may be interested in!


    Should you need any help at any point in the future, please contact me on discord at z3m0s#6599. You can also /creq (message) on the server to open a Community Staff Ticket.


    Personal recommendations

    • The name Durin is a large dwarven stereotype and I would recommend changing it upon joining.
    • As is having your parents die via a raid/bandit attack/orcs, I would advise changing that also.
    • Were you to integrate at all into Dwarven society the last name La'Vassieur would not be the norm as most Dwarves take the name of their clan. You can see more about that Here on the Dwarven wiki page.
    • You’ve listed your hair as brown while your skin shows red, just a small thing I noticed.


  7. Rn9opsW.png

    On behalf of the server and Community Team members, I’d like to welcome you to LOTC! As soon as this is posted, you should be whitelisted onto the server. Contact me or make an /creq if there’s any issues with whitelisting or similar.


    Feel free to browse the Wiki, and you can also join our New Player Discord, which is a wonderful place where you can ask questions to our various staff teams, meet other server players, and learn about new roleplay opportunities for all character races! The new player discord is a great help in getting you situated into our server.


    I hope you enjoy your time on the server, and if you ever have any questions or need help please feel free to contact me here on the forums, through my discord z3m0s#6599, or by /msg z3m0s in-game.

    Also feel free to check out our new player guide below

    Happy roleplaying!


  8. Your application has sadly been denied as you’ve failed to make the listed changes within 24 hours.

    Don’t fret though, you can re-apply with the needed changes and we’ll be happy to process your application again as soon as one of our team members is available.

  9. Congratulations on submitting your Application, I’ve placed it on pending as I’ve got a few things to speak with you about to get your application looking perfect so we can get you online and enjoying The Lord of the Craft! ?

    Firstly your biography lacks any lore from our server, I’d recommend looking here to further flesh out your dwarven character.


    In the link above you can look further into the various dwarven clans, the various different types of dwarves, the dwarven pantheon, how dwarven minecraft skins look, and a host of other information.

    You have 24 hours to add more detail to your application, thanks again for applying and I look forward to working with you to get you online and roleplaying in no time.

    Feel free to drop any questions you have here or you can privately message me on my profile, thanks again.

  10. Yo this is amazing my dude, you mentioned the Iron honor as well which I ran (Kalviin), really really nice to see a “new guy” with so much lore and knowledge on the dwarven history of LOTC. I’d love to rp with you and get you setup nicely in our new city of Agnarum with a house etc. If you’re not familiar we use a voice chat system called discord, if you make an account (Or already have one) you can add me at z3m0s#6599, would love to talk with you. Message me on the forums here by going to my profile if you have any problems.

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