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Status Updates posted by L0rdLawyer

  1. Fill out da Census of Athera

  2. Time for everyone to hate meh! Posting a 'interesting' post in the rp ideas area that will have a [WIP] In it for a title!

  3. Get in the Krugmas mood and join in on the uruk caroling groups or join in the festive events happening!! :D

  4. To all those on Cappy's side, you're in the wrong. To all those on Burk's side, you're in the wrong. GET ALONG SERVER. JUST GET ALONG. YOU COMPLAIN ABOUT STAFF, PLUGINS, RP QUALITY, AND EVERYTHING ELSE. There was a misunderstanding today, we all get it. So cry meh a river, build meh a bridge, and GET OVER IT. We are a server, it is all for one and one for all. Get used to it.

  5. It is a sad day when you realize a ET tried to Minas or Die you in a different wording.

  6. Anyone looking to join a group of Vikings. If so, pm meh in game or over forums.

  7. I love when I am having a nice time doing a mini game on minecraft. Then a little kid gets upset and tries to hack me.

  8. Please, learn how to count down for pvp correctly people. Just please!

  9. Bravo was on Sup's side the whole time and noone realized this fact, what a shame. He was fighting for the same cause, but everyone couldn't tell.

  10. Punch me, I warn you.

  11. Punch me, I warn you. Hit me again, I warn you. Hit me three times and your dead.

  12. Yay, I got another thing to add of my list of achievements: Eat pie in LOTC

  13. Just some days, I want to kill half the people on the server. Relog to fix meh lag and I come back to 10 attack emotes without rp. Just, wow.

  14. Violation of good spirit? What in gods name does that mean. 

  15. Wow, just figured out that the old uruks were telling the truth when they said shamanism and uruk lore changes whenever staff dont like how it is. Just great.

  16. I knew it, the server would fall because it was ran on a potato. Who would figure the guy who gave out potatos would do it though.

  17. I knew it, the server would fall because it was run on a potato. Who would figure the guy gave out potatos would do it thought.

  18. If you take a look at recent events and events unknown to the server. Staff should force a ceasefire for a week.

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