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Status Updates posted by L0rdLawyer

  1. Internet is fishy so I am going offline for a bit. Casey and Buff, I dropped the supplies off last night, good luck. Burky, don't ruin the war nation without me. Gug'ye meh buddies. Cya when meh internet gets fixed.

  2. Dis is why you test plugins. D:

  3. Hahaha, this is why I screenshot my /sk list every day

  4. Hu-din doesn't approve that message.

  5. Person Reported: Alakabam

  6. So, martial law ftw?

  7. So, um. server down?

  8. Yay, banished over ooc reasons. Bringing ooc into rp is really fun! :D

  9. I AM STILL FIGHTING!!!!!! But server crash?

  10. If you haven't turned on the news, I suggest you do. RIP France, my prayers go to you.

  11. Can I pvp default the forums to get the old shiz back?

  12. I like it now, Please keep!

  13. Dunamis Pride Worldwide

  14. Erik and Maur are being sent home it seems.

  15. Just got off the phone with Samsung's customer support. Apparently asking them if they see a camel walking past them outside is offensive... I do better speaking with the Bosnians and Mog then I do with customer support.

  16. When Dohvi thinks he's cool for **** talking on the forums.

  17. Krug. Make an uruk today!

  18. Kowaman owes me $20. I told him FT's would break in less then a month again.

  19. Are we not allowed to talk about FM drama now. Why can everyone talk about tahmas and not dohvi?

  20. Did kilgrim finish the new map yet?  might need it.

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