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Bedrock VIP
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Status Updates posted by Zhulik

  1. Vote Zhulik for guaranteed good dreams!

  2. I'll do Dirty Deeds done dirt cheap! Send me a forum pm! Also vote Zhulik

  3. I've freed Kincaid, and now I want to free you! VOTE ZHULIK!

  4. This is an actual disgrace. If this doesn't prove we need a better staff, IDK what will. Vote Zhulik for GM!

  5. If the High Elves wish to separate from the Orenian Empire, they need to win a rebellion warclaim (1)

  6. Furthermore, as dictated by the rules from this point onwards, oren is allowed to raid constant with 16 people (2)

  7. Remember to vote Zhulik if you're a moralistic individual!

  8. I claim the kill, first to emote!

  9. anyone got a world download of vailor i feel like stealing back ard'ghorrock

  10. please unlink discord from lotc

  11. Why was leviticus1822 banned for a bible verse username?

  12. Can we ban faiz since his religion is homophobic and demands the killing of infidels?

  13. remove all thought provoking art from signatures please, it shows you have no personality


  15. I am not joking when i say I will pay anyone in vips if they can provide me a functional fringe download with oren in it

  16. will pay top dollar for a masterful chef's golden apple, need one ASAP

  17. Is there a reason it takes me about 15 mins to log onto lotc and only half a second to get onto other servers?

  18. Kill communists

  19. The staff actively spoon feeds the player-base emotes- we must return to laissez faire roleplay. Vote Islamadon for GM

  20. We're being ripped off in roleplay- we need smart leaders, not weak ones. Vote Islamadon for GM 

  21. I'm proud of Aengoth for successfully completing Zhulik's shitposting course, I am now retired!

  22. why am I not admin yet

  23. If you want to hate me or prevent necros from gaining power, +1!

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