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Everything posted by supermasterball1

  1. supermasterball1


    She was born in the outskirts of the city Scutia to a Adunian merchant and his wife. She was raised in the ways of the Adunian Canonism by her parents which developed into a devout person of the faith. The ships going in and out of port always had her interest since she has a little girl and she would often talk about it with her friends. It would evolve into an interest of exploring the world. Her parents on the other hand viewed this as an obstacle to her eventually marrying when she came of age. They pressured her to hide her passion which she did and she became very reserve on how she acted. One day she decided on a whim to travel after hearing her parents murmur about something going on in another country. She got the first ship she could with what she could bring with her and has been traveling since. On a visit back to the city, her parents welcomed her back and they shared stories of what had happen while she was away. There was also much discussion of what to do for the future. It was not to be decided that visit for Ulnari decided that night to chase another rumor that caught her fancy. She currently finds heading towards the Silver State of Haelun'or.
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