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Posts posted by Archbishop




    Brother Boniface

    Chapel of Helena

    Malcolm Goldhand




    Lucy Avern, Baerin, Katya Volskaya

    Imperial Army









    The situation began on the main path into Helena by the chapel to which I administer to. I was speaking with the guardswoman, Lucy, telling her she ought to self-confine herself due to her rapidly spreading affliction which has not blackened both of her eyes and making her severely ill. I had told them that magic has no place in a human society to which a woman named Katya Volskaya said no monks or priests have a place in human society. Keen to learn more of what she meant, she continued, saying that the scrolls were all false, all dogma and teaching from GOD were written by drunkards who wanted attention, she wailed about how our faith is nothing but lies. The guards present, Lucy Avern and Baerin refused to arrest her, instead threatening to set the afflicted woman, Lucy, ‘on me’. They then threatened me with arrest for ‘breaking the peace’. Instead of arresting the woman they let her leave and told us not to follow, myself and a few holy men followed and saw that they all went into a building with one guard, Baerin standing outside refusing to arrest the woman until we bought a judge, completely contradicting his duties. After much discussion and refusal to arrest the woman for her blasphemy, he eventually left and the woman came out to face arrest.





    Zaite de Alba

    Daniel of Bourdon

    Malcolm Goldhand

    Jon-Paul de Leumont





    Within the week.


    ((can do anytime this week))





    Chapel near to Gatehouse




  2. 4 hours ago, Nectorist said:

    his is not a war of righteousness, as you claim it is, but rather one of extermination. It is clear that the end result for those that oppose you and your Orenian overlords is utter destruction and genocide. We will not stand by idly while our true friends are being massacred by your hands, nor will we be complicit in the slaughter that you shall perpetuate.

    “Hold on, you declared war on us, marched out of your city gates towards Haelun’or then promptly turned and ran back to your gates with your tail between your legs. After killing our ambassadors and marching upon our cities why do you continuously act as if you are victims, you started this war not us.” said Boniface.

  3. 3 hours ago, ABruhhMoment said:

    Once again, do I hear Orenian aggressors march upon the gates of beloved allies. Once again, do the Haelunorian lap dogs bend to the will of their Valah slave masters. Once again, will I put the lives of my soldiers, as well as my own to ensure peace.

    “You butchered our diplomat and now march on our allies gates... yet you paint yourself as victims... you are deluded.” said Boniface.

  4. 23 hours ago, Pun said:

    Finally the LotC discord, shall be getting an overhaul this coming month, to make it more useable and useful for all. 

    On the topic of LotC discord, fireheart banned me from it for ‘harassing moderators’ when this was the only messages that I had sent.

    My /areq asking why he had banned me was left open for over two weeks and was closed whilst I was offline, without a response I might add.



    How does one go about getting unbanned from the discord when the ban itself was absolutely pathetic.

  5. 1 hour ago, Piov said:

    The Empress-Mother is struck by the knife and killed by the blow to the chest.  The pregnant corpse of the Empress-Mother lays in the center aisle as Indra Barbeas performs a Cesarina-section.* The baby cries out, indicating its survival and successful deliverance into the world. 

    “How is that possible.. you stabbed her in the chest..?” asked Maurice

  6. 3 minutes ago, sergisala said:

    The Duke of Vintas wonders "If the Duke of Lorraine believed that he was innocent why he didn't attend the trial before the Imperial Court when he was summoned? You can't attend a trial and then ask the Empress-Mother to save your life, It's not how it works in a serious Empire"

    “There was no date for the trial.” said Maurice.

  7. “The King of Kaedrin executed his own officers who came to his court to give their witness accounts, under the excuse of an ‘attempted coup’. A sham, Adria openly rallied alongside Blackhills and reivers when they came to our keep with 30 odd people for no reason, Vesnian officers were present and called us to Vesnian court to give our testimony but this was cut short as the King of Kaedrin had been plotting with the arch chancellor and did not appear until they did. He executed the Vesnian officers who attempted to give their testimony and handed over Lorrainians to the Arch Chancellor.” said Maurice.

  8. 6 minutes ago, hotboss said:

    Claudius would put a hand to his face with a sigh, hearing of the betrayal of his Lorrainian friends. As he had frequently remembered having fought against many of the Adrian’s ‘alternate bodies’ dressed as servants of IBLEES.  ”The TRUE enemy is the one that employs bandits to pillage from the PEOPLE of Oren, so that they may use such stolen resources and finances to fund the construction of their WEAK civilization.  When their plan’s origin was derived from IBLEES himself, as his followers fuel crime and hatred within OUR EMPIRE.  The INEPT, SUBSTANDARD, and INCOMPETENT LORDS believe they may accuse another house of unlawful acts before the EMPIRE so that they may strip them of their holdings, to assist their TRUE MOTIVE, to sit upon the d’Amaury seat of Lorraine, as THE LORRAINE CASTLE CASTS A SHADOW OVER ADRIA, and therefor prevents sunlight from reaching their SMALL AND WEAK fields.  The Adrian’s have always been rebellious traitors whom’s intentions will never be with the EMPIRE... AND WILL NEVER BE FOR THE PEOPLE!”  

    “Don’t forget that Duke Adrian rebelled against his previous Emperor because he simply said ‘if Sarkozic cause **** we’ll destroy them’.” said Maurice

  9. 4 hours ago, Pancakehz said:

    "Imagine thinking Lorraine is a competent force thats fights off bandits." says Cedric Dayne, remembering fighting Lorrainian bandits off from Curon roads.

    “You literally had blackhill bandits and pertinaxi rally you for with haense...” said Maurice, remembering the blackhills and pertinaxi who all the kadreini men witnessed too.

  10. “Er, what of the blackhills and pertinaxi that rally with Adria, that was witnessed by many men of Kaedreni, but of course you would throw this aside but justice is not what you truly care for, rather you care for a man with no morals who betrayed his last emperor because he said ‘if sarkozic does anything we’ll destroy them.” said Maurice

  11. 5 minutes ago, SquakHawk said:

    Illythia wept for one of her friends, now lost to corruption, greed, and snakery.

    ”Killed on his knees before a corrupt leader, a great bastion of faith in what it means to be a true man, passed away today.”

    Illythia said, rubbing her face to the impending conflicts.

    ”Reckoning and hellfire upon them.”

    “Go back to you cave darkling, you’re no longer welcome here.” said Thorley

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