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The S.U.R.O Serpent

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Posts posted by The S.U.R.O Serpent

  1. Building A Wall

    Please read this post before hate commenting ^-^

    For years in LOTC there has been only three really significant nations. These nations were The Kingdom of Oren, Malinor and the Uzg. Everything in LOTC has been fine and dandy for my 2 years here except for one thing. This situation, is, has, and always will be; elves. For years these creatures had always fascinated us, with their seemingly never-ending youth, and constant banter and intellect, but an economic issue has arisen, and I, the Flays, and the soon to be 'indentured' halflings, will take care of it. This issue is that elves are constantly multiplying and engaging in magic and romance RP instead of dealing with real first-world problems such as a lack of bread and banter. The fact that they live for several hundred year doesn't help either. So, my LOTC friends and fans, what do we do about this? This, hyper-inflation, imposed peace, and lack of respect for humans everywhere? Well...you already know. We build a wall. It's gonna be great, and everytime someone argues, shitposts, or even really shares an opinion that is not near identical or identical to this one, the wall just gets 10 feet higher. Ad Victoriam, Knights of What's Right. 


    As of 5/25, we happen to have a inspirational, completely rational, promotional video found below.


    This post is a joke, for anyone dumb enough to actually believe me.





  2. Why is your face worth five of ours?

    You're reading into it too much I just wanted a game, also I figured what you said would occur hence why I said 20 replies but on further review and looking into my amount of followers and popularity, rep, etc... I will lower the second down to 10 replies. Just looking for a bit of fun before I go 'giving it away' as you would. Not saying anyone's worth anything, i'm sorry if I came off offensive. I usually just ****-post so the point of this was to try and make a serious post.

  3. MC Name: dragonmaster0219

    RP Name: Ravandier

    Skype Account ((PM me if you wish for it to be private)): dylan.minecraft

    Timezone: EST

    Profession: Any/None

    Do you have Teamspeak?/Are you willing to download it?: Yes (Although mics broke, getting the app for my phone)

    PK Clause Agreement ((Yes or No)): Yes

  4. A guild full of medium-sized creatures prone to hating Adunians.



    How to Join: Hate Adunians



    App Format: 

                       MC Name:


                        Previous Pumpkin Encounters:



  5. NOMEN: Raphael de Sacchetti

    RACE, FOLK: Human

    AGE: 26

    PRIOR EXPERTISE: Dour Watch Knight



    MC name: dragonmaster0219

    Skype ID or Steam name: dylan.minecraft (afghanistan, it's a joke.)

    Do you understand that you will need to be on teamspeak during battles for comms? Yes

    Do you accept that deaths involving legitimate roleplay generally mean you must PK your character? Yes

  6. So today I was waltzing about when suddenly a self-righteous feminist by the name of Natasha decided to send me via Skype. She believed I was a LOTC staff for some reason due to my glorious title "Stone Miner" on the forums. Here is what she had to say. 




     A Major Complaint to the LOTC server and its community.


    Hello, first of all I’d like to introduce myself as Natasha, I am an strong, Independent female currently undergoing courses in Yale University hoping to major in Women’s studies, and after a long day of hard work I thought I would kick back and forget about all the ignorant men that exist in the real world, and just immerse myself in this Role-play server that I heard so much good things about, but to no avail did I find any enjoyment in it due to its sheer abundance of misogyny that it had.

    There were more than just several things that upset me about this server and it’s community, but I’ll try and make it short, first of all, the thing that definitely upset me the most were these “Uruk” people; when I was making my way down a road in hopes of finding educated women such as myself who share my ideology and thinking, these big, hulking savages suddenly told me to “Hult”, I’m pretty sure they’re only 12 year old boys learning how to type, but I guess it’s what happens in an education system ruled by men, but I won’t go into detail about that, but after a while of them blabbering incoherent things one of these uncultured muscle brains called me a “Snagga”,  which I believed was a derogatory term for a woman I was immediately triggered , I don’t know what kind of person would find it fruitful to have fantasy words that oppress woman, but believe me I will absolutely not stand for this, and when I told them to cut it off with these untactful words, next what they did was absolutely despicable, these uncultured slime bags dare knock me out by hitting me in the back of the head, and as this was happening the only thoughts that crossed my mind was that this uneducated race was to scared for me to educate them and prove them wrong about their filthy modern **** culture ideals and so they resorted to what all men decide to fall back on, physical violence.

    When my character woke up, I was in filthy surroundings, which I would have expected no less than these somehow even more ignorant and de-evolved men, after a while of them constantly trying to oppress me and rob me of my pride as proper educated woman, by calling me “Snagga” over and over again, before I even had the chance to forcefully have them check their privilege, I had enough with this oppression in the disguise of “Role-play” and soul stoned away from there, I was tempted to call a mod over before that to ban these brutish men for the mistreatment of a bright woman such as myself, but they can thank their Cis-gender privileged asses I didn’t bother to at the time.

    After going to another direction from the spawn point in hopes of not meeting these uncultured swine I was met with yet another unfortunate situation, two yet again overly privileged men staring directly at me like I was a piece of meat thrown into a starved tiger’s cage, keeping a cool head as to not start any trouble, as I knew I was greatly outnumbered, I politely told them to check their privilege and had the courtesy to educate them on how to do so, as well as to stop staring at me with those lust riddled eyes, in their ignorance they simply told each other a dumb joke to each other that was equivalent to a kinder-gardener making a “Chicken across the road” joke about “Feminazis” or something alike, they then proceeded to sexually assault me by FORCEFULLY grabbing my arm, as they used the blatant excuse of me being in “Private property”, these filthy, ignorant men think they own the whole damned country and think us independent women have no say in it, they needed to be thoroughly educated by someone of upper authority, I told them to immediately unhand me before I report them for ****,  I took this opportunity to call a mod over, as previously stated, these menists needed to be properly educated on at least basic morals in modern day society,  but to no surprise the mod was also a brainwashed man with **** culture burned into his mind, as he had the audacity to exclaim that I was “Over-reacting”, these men were practically undressing me with their eyes in public yet I’m the one over-reacting?! And of course nobody bothered to do anything about it. After the moderator left  with this issue completely “Solved” in the most biased fashion I have ever seen , leaving these issues to handle themselves is practically promoting **** culture, I was tempted to punch the ignorance out of these men, but these beautiful curves only hit so hard, and so I decided to call it a day.


    As you can see, this server riddled with oppression and discrimination against women seriously needs to change, I suggest completely removing these “Uruks” from the server, as they are a race entirely built on a foundation of manifestation of **** culture under the full authority and control of menists, as well as instantly, and permanently ban, with no chance to appeal whatsoever, whoever would dare sexually harass or hit bright and independent women such as myself.


    ~Sincerely to all men, check your privilege, Natasha

    TL;DR: Check your privilege.

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