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Posts posted by Leetles

  1. Relien just trains and works for minas, having no goodbye or farewell, but she still feels a bit sour in her feelings. As if something is not right. She hopes her brother Seiya would come back one day.. But she shrugs it off, while sighing, continue to train her fighting with Neci. 

    ((You forgot your second little sister ;~;))

  2. *Marie Winter sees the note while walking on the main road, reading it carefully, as she raises her left eyebrow, with a slight grin, she reads up the name, and heads to her home, starting to write a note carefully to Lilliana* "Dear miss Lilliana, I am interested in one of your sketches, I wish for a Fullbody sketch with my lover. I hope we can see each other soon. Sincerely -Marie Winter." There's a signature of her name written at the bottom of the note, being in neatly french script, but easily to read.

    MC Name: iAmLeets

    Reference Skin: Otto Rovin The Bald

    Marie Winter


    Fullbody or Head: Fullbody, actually it needs to be 2 characters.
    Details: I want the man be hugging the woman, as if it is a pose for a photograph. Marie is 18 and Otto around 24. Pose:


    Marie has long silky hair, going almost down to her waist. And Otto is bald, and has a goatee?
    Are you aware this wont be colored?: Yes
    Are you willing to find me in game after its done to pay me and receive it RPly?: Yes
    I'm also willing to pay 100 mina extra, as a tip.

    Edit: Take your time.

  3. Zach is very well known with alot of lore, he sure is helpfull, and always tries to think of something to resolve the problem. He is one of the best players I've seen, and I think he's ready for the job! +1

  4. Frankly I just feel your personality and the way you act in general currently doesn't fit the job at hand. From my experience with you haven't actually shown much maturity, The same reason I didn't agree with your original GM application :p I just can't see you as a FM right now.


    Aha, I assure you I've matured alot since then. And I was just new on this server when I did the GM application >.< So far, I'll try to better, and try to convince you that I am ready to be a FM, thanks for the feedback.

  5. The bird is sent via a bird, with a letter in its beak



    Name: Rinrae

    Reason for wanting to join: I would like to be part of a group, but I'd like to tell my real reason personally.


    “Does thou agree to serve the master? ----. Does thou agree to honor thy brother, to uphold thou sister? ----.”

    I'll see about that, if I like to stay into the guild or not.


    OOC (optional)

    Minecraft name: Leetles

    Skype: iAmLeetz

  6. Three questions:

    1.) What has been your favourite event in your whole LotC experience?


    2.) If I told you I had a shekel for every time your character did an edgy act, how many shekels would I have? (rough estimate)


    3.) Let f be a function of two variables, f(x,y) and consider the following change of variables:

    x=e^t, y=t^3 + t^2 + 1

    Use the chain rule to compute ft and ftt in terms of first and second order partial derivatives of f with respect to x and y.


    1. Ehmm,  I haven't been participated in most events (Because they're mostly focused on the american timezone -.-), and forgot most of them.


    2. Hmm.. 5 Shekels.


    3. I don't even know what the **** you mean.

  7. ((PMing directions to you, look forward to the RP~))




    Yvette goes to pack up a newly made dress, folding it neatly, as she wraps it around paper, going to tie it closed with some thread, and sends out her raven, hopefully can carry the dress


    ((Here is a skin showcase!!



    Edit: ((I sent the skin through skype))

  8. Yvette looks at the note, sighing a little, as she goes to write back, her quill scribbling onto the paper, in a nice handwriting, seeming its scandinavian "Dear sir Mizziyrn, I'm afraid I have to refuse this offer, because I  have no experience with carpenting. And I already have found a place to work, I am deeply sorry. - Yvette."



    Yvette goes to write an other note to Menarra, but this time the sheet of paper much larger, seeming its for a map "Dear Miss Menarra, could you please show the directions on this sheet of paper, from the cloudtemple, to grey(Or gray)haven, please send this sheet back, and I'll come immediatly. - Yvette"

  9. Yvette looks at the two notes, as she keeps gazing between them, putting a finger up her chin, looking idly for a moment, before starting to write two letters, the first one to Kardel "Dear Sir whatever your name is, I'm afraid I have to refuse your offer, since I have recieved an other one, wich I would be gladly go to, I'm sorry for any trouble. - Yvette"


    Yvette grabs an other tiny sheet of paper, dipping her quill in a bottle of ink, writing carefully, before sending it with the raven "Dear Miss Menarra, I would be glad to serve you, of what you have offered me. I would try my best, and furfill your wishes what you want from me. But I won't accept any offers about intercourse. - Yvette"

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