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Posts posted by Haribo

  1. Piero Gradic stands up, he adjusts his hat before clearing his throat, he begins to speak.


    "If we simply make sure the Imperial liaison and the mayor keep close oversight of the position it could be functional. With these well appointed men deciding who should be the City Clerk I have absolute faith in the position serving in that capacity."


    He pauses, "With that in mind I vote aye."

  2. 16 hours ago, Miquill said:

    As A Group:

    Serjeant’s Name (RP / MC): Roth (Miquill)

    Serjeant’s Aviary (Skype): (Given)

    Number in Lance: 4

    Soldiers’ Names (RP / MC): Telrus (Dice_Knight), (Chimlet), Darynn (C421)

    Soldiers’ Aviary (Skype): (Will Give)

    Does you Serjeant have the ability to command and to listen to commands, (TS3?): Yes (Yes)

    Accepted, please report to Ard Ghorrock for further orders.

  3. Piero Gradic looks around the gathered citizens and travelers, as he does so he folds his hands in front of his stomach neatly.


    "Citizens of Felsen! I am here to announce that despite my intention to continue helping Felsen and her people, I am not running for re-election. I had served as mayor for 4 years to the best of my abilities, and I would continue to do so if I had not the amount of respect for the Commandant de Rolle as I have now. He has faithfully served and protected the city alongside his loyal guardsmen, and yet in that time has no demanded not one mina for his own person despite the amount of work and effort he has put into the city and the Felsen Guard. I would not only be honored but proud to have my successor be Markese de Rolle. On that note, I will be taking a less active role in the running of Felsen and help administrate it as the Head Steward per the Emperor's command.


    Thank you and vote Commandant de Rolle for Mayor!"

  4. (Put your RP name, followed by your Minecraft username))

    Name ((OOC Name)): John Leopold Horen ((NordLord1))

    Date of Birth ((Example: 11th of Sun’s Smile, 1520)): 10th of The Deep Cold, 1546
    Gender: Male
    Race: Human
    Citizenship Class (A or B): A

    Physical Description

    Height: 5'6
    Weight: 130
    Eye Color: Greyish blue
    Hair Color: Light brown
    Skin Color/Shade: White
    Outstanding Markings/Tattoos: None

    Personal Information

    Home Address (Leave blank if unknown):
    Region of Residence (Leave blank if unknown): Vandoria
    Profession/Occupation: Prince of Vandoria

    Have you paid your processing fee (CLASS A CITIZENS ONLY!): Yes.

    ((Please provide a screenshot of the payment.))


  5. To the good subjects of Vandoria,


    It is hereby proclaimed that the Lord Paramount of Vandoria is now assuming the title of Prince of Vandoria and the entity of Vandoria shall henceforth be known as the Principality of Vandoria.


    With that news, the Lord Paramount of Vandoria, John Leopold Horen hereby declares that he abdicates the title Lord Paramount along with it's responsibilities to the honorable Count Neero Sarr of Aethermoor.


    The Lord Paramount has decided that the title should be bestowed onto the most powerful and honorable lord of the realm as the title designates. He has decided to let the Vandorians rule Vandoria whilst remaining head of state as Prince of Vandoria.

    Lord Paramount John Leopold of the House of Horen of Vandoria, Lord Paramount of the Palatinate of Vandoria, Archduke of Preussen, Duke of Hallowvale, Margrave of Krinford, Count of Ard Ghorrock and Krinford, etcetera.


    ((Mc Name: NordLord1))


    Name: Piero Gradic


    Age: 23


    Profession: Leatherworker/City Clerk




    As a child I recall my father telling me that New Felsen was only as old as I am; yet, even in that moment, the city already had more to offer than any other in the Empire. Perhaps I too have something to offer you today, my fellow citizens.


    It was as an adult that I arrived to our most glorious capital, but its awe-inspiring nature made me feel as gleeful and as small as a boy. I saw a city unlike any. The buildings sturdy and the church towering - a cathedral that was, and still is, truly worthy of the Creator and all his saints and followers. It was no wonder to me that people flocked to the city by the hundreds, for they as well as I had been told of a place where a man was beholden to none but his God, his emperor as well as his coin.  When I had arrived the city was managed by an astute and clever elf named Mylas. The city thrived under his leadership and he was beloved and respected by all. Yet the city was only kept together by him, and this is only further exemplified by the situation Felsen was left in upon his decision to not run for re-election. The city government has run around like a headless chicken attempting to replicate the successes of Mylas.


    My message to you - the citizenry of Felsen - is that we cannot afford to wait for another great steward or genius organizer to arrive. We cannot afford to sit by and wait for another Mylas to appear. We must establish a foundation built from laws and tradition on which to establish a successful and long lasting city. One that will not rise and decline with the change of mayors. That is my aim: to at last see the government, laws and electoral system documented and made available to every townsman. This would also provide the future mayors of Felsen with material with which to run the city efficiently. In addition, I solemnly promise to provide citizens with the opportunity to become more involved in the administration of Felsen with the addition of a Civil Bench to the current governing council. This would consist entirely of qualified citizens who are picked via lot(?). To better undertake such endeavours, I will be petitioning the crown in an attempt to establish an organized code of law and way of justice for our fair city.. If this is achieved we will finally have a judicial system to protect citizens from unjust persecution. Brigands and miscreants will be dealt severely and with an iron-clad fist. You all will have nothing to fear, with aid from the Gold Corps of Felsen, threats both internal and external will be eliminated.  I will, in addition to all aforementioned, be enticing more merchants to live in Felsen by implementing a system of registered Felsenic companies which will be qualified for both tax breaks and low-interest city loans.


    Thank you and vote Piero Gradic for Mayor!


  7. 1 minute ago, Heff said:



    MC Name: ryanheff74

    Skype: ugotit



    Name: Gianberto Gradic

    Age: 25

    Race: Felsenite

    Faith: Gereonic


    A reply is sent to the applicants.

    "The Watch welcomes it's new recruits and await your arrival at Saint Emma's Bastille.  Seek out Commandant Balthazar(bungo), City Marshal Giancarlo Gradic(NordLord1), or Lieutenant Brutalis Thersist(Alterazgohg)."

  8. 1 minute ago, Teegah said:


    MC Name: teegah

    Skype: teegahh



    Name: Tarron

    Age: 290

    Race: High Elf

    Faith: Non-religious

    A reply is sent to the applicants.

    "The Watch welcomes it's new recruits and await your arrival at Saint Emma's Bastille.  Seek out Commandant Balthazar(bungo), City Marshal Giancarlo Gradic(NordLord1), or Lieutenant Brutalis Thersist(Alterazgohg)."

  9. 12 hours ago, TallynBlade said:


    MC Name:KingTallyn




    Name:Rick Grimes





    12 hours ago, kjjorgens said:



    MC Name: kjjorgens

    Skype: kjjorgens



    Name: Roning Thrill

    Age: 20

    Race: Human

    Faith: Non-religous


    A reply is sent to the applicants.

    "The Watch welcomes it's new recruits and await your arrival at Saint Emma's Bastille.  Seek out Commandant Balthazar(bungo), City Marshal Giancarlo Gradic(NordLord1), or Lieutenant Brutalis Thersist(Alterazgohg)."

  10. 6 hours ago, mafiaxsaint said:



    MC Name: hmu4loud

    Skype: mafiaxsaint



    Name: Mackenzie Hollande

    Age: 19

    Race: Human

    Faith: God


    A reply is sent to the applicants.

    "The Watch welcomes it's new recruits and await your arrival at Saint Emma's Bastille.  Seek out Commandant Balthazar(bungo), City Marshal Giancarlo Gradic(NordLord1), or Lieutenant Brutalis Thersist(Alterazgohg)."

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