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dadmat2 - The Banana King

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Posts posted by dadmat2 - The Banana King

  1. Radars just use entity locations that your client can fetch from the server - exactly the same way nameplates are shown.


    Yep, if you have your render distance on tiny, you would only see players that were within your view range.


    However, if you use a mod that makes your view distance larger, (Is that a real thing?) then in theory, yes, it would show all players on your mini-map's 'map'

  2. The title says most of it, "Many of my comments on posts either magically go away, or get removed by an FM."


    I'm certain, I've posted things on many topics, and people have even done a quote on them. Yet when I look back, my original post isn't there.


    I never post anything against the rules or anything of the sort, they just seem to disappear.

    Either it's some weird problem where they just go away, a FM is randomly removing posts of mine (Or maybe even others.) or some FM is being a Trollate-Rickrollius (See below image.)





    Either way, if anyone can help me on this, or if an FM can tell me if any of my posts have been removed by people, that would be great.



    EDIT - OOPS, forgot to say, (this might help) I have a clean warning sheet.


  3. Please no. But if it would be allowed, should be limited to VERY few people. I'm talking 1-2 per half-breed. And restrict what sort of half-breeds are allowed. ((No half-panther, bear, wolf, etc.))

    Yes, there would be very few people playing, and there would be a set group of half-breeds, and if you wanted to make a new one you would have to ask, then write your own lore and get it accepted.

  4. While messing about, I saw someone with an MPM model of a half-spider, at first I thought they were trolling, but when I went up to them I found out that it was actual RP. She was a SPIDERLING. YEP! Half human (or elf never found out) half spider.


    That got me thinking, why not Centaurs, or Satyrs, etc? Or maybe other well known half-breeds (Why not half turtles? Just a joke.)


    Most people were into it, but not all. (I'm including ALL screen shots of convos, not a single one was left out!)








    Many people liked the idea. How do you feel about it?


    ~ ~ ~

    A small amount of ideas for the half-breeds

    ~ ~ ~


    Half-breeds are rare, there aren't just a ton of them running around in towns. In fact, my idea would be that most of them wouldn't mingle with the populations of towns.

    Since half-breeds aren't just running about willy-nilly, there should be apps for them, like Kha's used to have, to keep the population reasonable.


    ~ ~ ~

    So, how do you feel about it, and what ideas do you have? Drop a comment and give ideas an opinions! And take part in the poll!


    EDIT - After looking into more Mythology, there's a bit of controversy regarding Centaurs, which I'm sure many people would want to play. (Keep in mind, only a few would be allowed to.) Some sources say "A Centaur is the unification of a horse with its rider by magical means" While others say that they were created by the Gods (Of course, in LoTC we don't believe in weird Greek and Roman gods.) to serve as guardians of the woods and forests. So since there is a bit of controversy there, we would have to pick a way they were created, or just write up our own lore.

  5. *the flyers float through the air, you might come across one*


    "After a search through the Mage's Guild Library, The Dwarven Leigion discovered this note, regarding a "Friendship with Iblees"

    This may come as a shock to some, but The Dwarven Legion has suspected the Mage's guild of "Bad Hoo-Doo Ju-Ju Voo-Doo"





    A Public Service Announcement from The Dwarven Legion


  6. plague_doctors_by_ben13241-d66trn1.png

    *Men in these outfits stand in towns, handing out outfits for the plague."


    *One of them hands you one out of a wagon*


    ((Download dat skin))

    ((right click save as))


    "Help the Mourners recover, take this." The man says



    ((Please only use this if you're not infected.))

  7. Just a question, if this hasnt been answered already, or if it was listed in the lore, do Thondors speak? In any way shape or form, and if yes, in what way? Like a golem? Like a normal person? Or what? (this was probably listed in the lore, sorry :P )


    EDIT: forgot, they don't speak except for the divines, sorry :P 

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