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Posts posted by Taylor

  1. gonna give some plain criticism in relation to this feat’s mechanics. I’ll leave aesthetics and narrative fluff out of this. the seed creation process is interesting, there’s some neat stuff thematically, just not what I’m gonna talk about here.


    the seed of fluctuance providing its host with a feat, void stalking in this instance, seems like the main appeal. I’d argue this is a negative aspect of the lore—the feat itself should be the main appeal, not the idea of getting a different feat. it’s a bit odd how you become a void stalker at tier five, but can’t reach tier four unless you’re a void stalker? could be a typo, but I digress. “the calling” is a problematic spell for one obvious reason: metagaming. pieces have been denied for similar mechanics on a lesser scale, and of course, birds have recently been reworked to prevent stuff like this. if it were a fixed location one could create, that might not be as much of a problem. “eldritch sight” would need some clarification when it comes to the phrase “all forms of energy.” you should flesh out the process and effects of “deep bonds” as well. I understand that you could do some kind of astral projection to represent an IRP absent player, but there are no redlines or guidelines that allude to such. it’s an assumption I’m making based on presented themes.


    to be honest, I was writing this as a response to the unedited piece with the “pale magic” section, but it’s since been removed. I’ll leave the feat feedback regardless, and I wish you luck.

  2. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:

             Several hundreds of years old due to the CA wipe—biologically in his late 40s.


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Azdrazi are the result of a ritual created by Azdromoth, dubbed the Transference. They're dragons created from descendants, gaining a plethora of abilities and features exclusive to them and their kind. The transformation also comes with its mental alterations, an inability to learn and cast a variety of magics, and an alternate method of revival in the form of shrines. Azdrazi have something known as the 'inner-flame,' which is effectively their lifeblood and casting resource. It carries eight units of dragonsflame, and if all eight units are to be used up, then an azdrazi will perish. Although this new flame and body grant them immortality, they're unable to learn void magics and magics that alter the soul in any way; furthermore, they're unable to pursue any other sort of transformative creature application. Their spells are known as enrapturements—many of these spells are cast with dragonsflame, which is similar to mundane fire with the caveat that ghosts and undead will react to it in a manner similar to aurum, if they have a weakness to such. Azdrazi are capable of lesser polymorphing, allowing them to change minor details in their appearances—things such as body type, facial hair, and the bone structure of one's face aren't possible to modify.


    It might be important to note that azdrazi's minds work somewhat differently than descendants due to their immortal nature; this results in the loss of human aspects: they'll likely become obsessed with certain objects, resulting in hoarding; they'll lose the ability to taste food and drinks; they could be hungry without truly experiencing hunger. Their minds are warped due to their nature, which typically acts as a drawback. Azdrazi are also capable of corruption at the hands of several dark magics. Upon having eight units of dragonsflame corrupted, an azdrazi will lose their immortality, resulting in their permanent demise come their next death. Dark magics that can corrupt an azdrazi are: necromancy, naztherak, the presence of cursed idols, boons and banes from naztherak, zar'akal, and both infernal and black alchemy. With corruption comes a slightly modified version of dragonsflame units, though if each unit is used up, it will still result in a pk. Furthermore, shrines are given a different aesthetic, the corrupted azdrazi will have a sort of undead appearance accompanied by a warped and wholly negative mentality. Corrupted azdrazi gain several new enrapturements and a modified version of polymorphing—this variation of polymorphing is purely for aesthetics, and gives no benefit over default polymorphing.


    Azdrazi are able to create underlings known as heralds, with each azdrazi that knows the dratho rihk inscription capable of having three heralds underneath them at one time. Heralds must be taught each of their abilities.


    To briefly touch upon some of their other traits: azdrazi are immune to diseases and poisons of a mundane nature; azdrazi are weak to the cold, which chips at their inner flame—such can become debilitating if in the form of ice evocation or frost witch magic; thanhic-steel also causes horrible effects, with an azdrazi's skin splitting and cracking upon contact. Azdrazi become draconic in nature post-transformation, acquiring scales, horns, slitted eyes, etc. These scales must range from red to black, and they provide no added defense—they are purely for aesthetics. 


    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 

    Siawn's skin is a sort of dark, off-red; hair is black, horns are a lighter red. 


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Do you understand that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             i can dig it.


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  3. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Than Celia'ilum


    Character's Age:

             Early twenties


    Character's Race:

             Dark elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Animii Crafting


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:

             I do.


    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, that you may no longer use it in character?

             I am.

  4. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:

             Several-hundred years.


    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Ordained Heraldry


    Teacher's MC Name:

             SquakHawk, Kneeeil


    Teacher's RP Name:

             Sand, Allant


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:

             https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/209444-heraldry-fa-nameistaylor/?tab=comments#comment-1892299 Pretty sure I wouldn't have this variation of heraldry anymore.


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:

             I do.


    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, that you may no longer use it in character?

             I am.

  5. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:

             Several hundred years old at this point.


    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:

             Grandfathered, link to former Azdrazi application: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/162885-caazdrazi-spiffytaylor/?tab=comments#comment-1540472


    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:

             I do.


    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:

             I haven't.


    Are you aware that if this feat is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the feat? And that if it is apart of the Lore Games, it might drastically change soon?:

             I am.


  6. 1 hour ago, Luciloo said:

    It's a bad rewrite, get better taste.


    please leave my friend Jacob alone, I wrote the last rewrite, he just posted it.


    57 minutes ago, Milenkhov said:



    First and foremost, I'd like to say that I think this rewrite is more defined and balanced than the last one, and I support it. It doesn't have the same vagueness that the one I wrote did, and I'm sure it'll be less confusing for players to use properly. That being said, I'd like to note that I wrote various iterations that included a cold weakness, weakness to Palladianism, and an inner flame corruptible by dark magic; you can read it here, for those who might think I'm just talking ****https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/173422-the-children-of-azdromoth/ I was asked to remove each of them. Every edit I made was at the behest of staff.


    I fully understand that staff teams go through changes to both their roster and leadership, but this lore specifically has been given the most roundabout requests since 2018. I haven't played on the server in a year at this point, but having spent an unexaggerated two years trying to get the previous iteration accepted, I'd hate to see these guys be forced into a similar pending-hell due to non-sensical and ever-changing balance philosophies further down the road. Regardless, I'm confident in Joel and his team—it's just a matter of who comes after.




  7. haven’t been too into the server lately but Abresi rp with you and the boys was peak. I’m pretty **** at keeping in contact with people as you know, but I hope all’s well and that you keep doin big tings brother.

  8. Azdrazi and Herald Guide
    This piece is meant to summarize existing Herald and Azdrazi lore, and is also meant to help new and old players understand their mechanics. If additions or changes are made to the lore, they’ll be reflected here.


    Azdrazi are a type of dragonkin created by the Archdragaar Azdromoth prior to his corruption. Although some view them as a descendant-dragonkin hybrid, they’re an entirely different subspecies of sentient dragons. Their bodies are changed internally and externally to accommodate the inner flame (their replacement for mana and main source for casting) and its many boons.


    Heralds, in a sense, are a hybrid between descendant and dragonkin. They’re descendants that have been granted limited draconic capabilities in the form of tattoos drawn with draconic blood that Azdrazi can effectively “charge” with prepared spells. Without Azdrazi, Heralds cannot exist.


    General Redlines

    • Azdrazi are incapable of learning every magic with the exceptions of Kani, and are also capable of learning every feat.
    • Heralds are incapable of learning paladinism.


    Whelplings and Creation
    When a descendant pursues the Azdrazi transformation, they’ll first have to become a whelpling, which is, in essence, a stage in the transformation process dedicated entirely to proving your worth and devotion to the task. A descendant becomes a whelpling when an Azdrazi deems them worthy of training, crafting a wardren with their newly found apprentice and binding it to them, which in turn, grants them a relatively unstable yet workable inner flame. Unlike the Azdrazi inner flame, however, this flame is more like a spark, one that grows with each task completed by the whelpling. Being a whelpling grants no benefits or visible changes—the main purpose of their inner “ember” if you will is to allow them the ability to summon their wardren at will, and to plant a seed that will grow as they make progress.


    Azdrazi create wardren by creating a sphere or cube of dralachite, soaking it in an equal mixture of both their blood as well as their apprentice’s blood, and imbuing it with the draan of Atumei Laas (further explained in the draan section). Only those who know the Atumei Laas draan and are marked with draconic tattoos on both sides of their torso are capable of creating whelplings. After the descendant has been bound to the wardren and been made into a whelpling, the trials begin. The trials are fairly simple to initiate, requiring an Azdrazi to speak a task with instructions into their whelpling’s wardren. When the whelpling completes said task, progress will be displayed by the wardren in the form of a partial glow, one that becomes fuller with each completed task. Once a set of 4-6 tasks have been completed, the wardren should be full, indicating a whelpling’s ability to become a full fledged Azdrazi.


    The transformation from whelpling to Azdrazi is fairly simple, requiring an Azdrazi that knows the draan of Vahzah Laas that also has the tattoos mentioned earlier (which is elaborated on in the draan section) to cast said draan in the form of a ritual. This ritual always ends in the whelpling and their wardren being shoved into a pyre of dragonsflame, where they either perish or complete their transformation into an Azdrazi.


    Physical Changes
    Azdrazi are much different than descendants in both appearance and physical capabilities. In their natural draconic form, nails and teeth are slightly sharpened, skin is replaced with scales ranging from red to black, similarly colored horns protrude from the skull, and once normal eyes take on a reptilian look. An Azdrazi’s muscles will also grow larger, allowing them to go toe-to-toe with the likes of an uruk. This slight yet noticeable change in musculature forces the draconic body to undergo a change in height up to a whole foot upon transformation, but this height benefit stops out at 7’6.


    Mechanics and Redlines

    • Azdrazi are NOT capable of gaining height past 7’6—if, for example, a descendant is 7’1 and is turned into an Azdrazi, they’ll only gain 5 inches in height, maxing out at 7’6.
    • Uruks (unless they’re exceptionally weak, comparatively speaking) don’t gain any muscular/strength related benefits, as they’re already considered to be in peak physical condition.
    • Azdrazi are capable of standing their ground against an uruk in one on one combat—this does NOT mean they are able to overpower them with raw strength alone.


    Mental Changes
    An Azdrazi will also undergo various mental changes upon transformation, oftentimes taking on various common draconic traits. This change can show itself in various ways, whether it be arrogance, conceit, or overconfidence. Some changes, however, extend to every Azdrazi—the hoarders mentality, and the ability to grasp concepts and memories with ease. If an Azdrazi fails to hoard items related to those they deemed important in their descendant life, the urge will only grow stronger until it becomes the only thing they think about, and thus, unavoidable. As for their ability to learn and recall information with ease, this is rather self explanatory; Azdrazi are capable of learning skills at an increased rate and thanks to their ability to recall information and events with uncanny precision.


    Mechanics and Redlines

    • Hoarding is effectively an addictive desire that Azdrazi are REQUIRED to fulfill.; what an Azdrazi hoards is their business, whether it be cutlery, books, weapons, etcetera, but it is a necessity.
    • If an Azdrazi fails to add an item to their collection for an extended length of time (per week, for example) they MUST roleplay the addictive urge to collect.
    • An Azdrazi’s ability to learn at an elevated pace does NOT extend to the few magics they can learn.
    • An Azdrazi’s ability to recall information is NOT an excuse to metagame; they can better recall information they’ve already learned.


    Dracanium Armory
    Dracanium weapons and armor are integral to an Azdrazi thanks to their ability to bind it to their inner flame with their blood, allowing them to summon and dismiss different pieces of their armory at will. Dracanium is an alloy created by steel and dralachite, a mineral that’s formed from the bones of dragonkin over the ages with an outrageously high melting point. Thanks to Azdrazi’s heritage and their inner flame, however, their dragonsflame is capable of melting dralachite rather easily, making it a conventional choice for smithing. Summoning weapons should be seen as a flavorful alternative to sheathing and unsheathing, meaning one emote is required for both summoning and dismissing a weapon. Summoning armor on the other hand requires a little more thought, ranging from 1-3 emotes depending on what’s being summoned.
    [1 emote to summon or dismiss a bound weapon or 1 or 2 pieces of armor, 3 emotes required to summon a whole set of armor.]


    Mechanics and Redlines

    • Only Azdrazi can bind these items because the weapons are bound to their inner flames and not their draconic souls.
    • Though a descendant could possess dracanium weapons and armor of their own (if they find a way to produce a hot enough fire), due to their lack of an inner flame, it wouldn’t be possible to reap the benefit of summoning.
    • Willing away and summoning one’s weapon is, in essence, a sort of aesthetic alternative to sheathing and unsheathing, and therefore takes one full emote to do.
    • If an Azdrazi’s hands or wrists are physically bound, they’ll find themselves incapable of summoning pieces of their arsenal.


    Enrapturements are spells for Azdrazi, requiring the inner flame to cast. The fire produced by these spells is called dragonsflame, a fire that is only slightly hotter than fire produced by voidal mages. This fire deals concussive damage to entities of spectral origin, regardless of origin, and is also innately capable of smelting dracanium despite dralachite’s high melting point. Because of the very minor difference, it’s often hard to make a distinction. Anytime an Azdrazi summons fire, polymorphs, or grants draan, the inner flame is at work. Simple enrapturements and polymorph will be detailed below, draconic branding will be detailed below that (as it requires a bit more explanation) and draan will be detailed both below that and in the Heralds section (as it requires its own section).


    Polymorphing is typically the first enrapturement an Azdrazi picks up once they complete their transformation. It’s typically used to maintain the look of a descendant, allowing one to more easily interact with them without instilling fear. Polymorph is sustained with minimal effort by the inner flame, however, this means that resources are, in fact, spent by polymorphing as long as one isn’t in their true draconic form. Because of this, when an Azdrazi casts more demanding enrapturements—fiery breath, kindling, scorching scales, etc.—if necessary, the disguise will break itself down to grant a more demanding enrapturement more resources to pull from. If an Azdrazi casts scorching scales on both arms, for example, they may find that the disguise that once replaced their scaled arms with skin fades, revealing those blackened scales. Polymorphing has few visual limitations, although larger scale disguises, i.e. ones that are not an Azdrazi’s own, typically take longer to produce. Additionally, an Azdrazi cannot polymorph themselves to modify their physical prowess, as this stays the same across all forms. Lastly, it’s good to note that Azdrazi can polymorph back down to their original height, but cannot make themselves taller than the transformation already has.
    [1-4 emotes depending on scale of changes.]

    Redlines and Examples

    • An Azdrazi CANNOT adjust physical prowess, i.e. increasing strength by gaining larger muscles, nor can they make themselves quicker, smarter, etc.
    • An Azdrazi can’t regenerate using this spell.
    • An Azdrazi cannot polymorph to grow over one-foot from original descendant height. If they were 6 ft. prior to their transformation (meaning they are now 7 ft. in their draconic form) then they cannot go below 6 ft. or above 7 ft. with polymorph.


    [Azdrazi]’s head twitches as her horns begin to sink back into her skull, her eyes taking on a more familiar appearance after a few blinks.

    As the horns vanish beneath newly grown hair, some scales recede back into the flesh, the fine spaces in between each of said scales rapidly connecting the gaps and gaining a fleshy color.

    Quickly, every scale vanishes, all replaced by flesh as [Azdrazi] takes on her much more familiar and friendly human form.


    This is the simplest enrapturement at an Azdrazi’s disposal, allowing one to set their weapon ablaze with dragonsflame.
    [1 emote to ignite the weapon.]


    Redlines and Example

    • Kindled weapons must be in an Azdrazi’s grasp at all times; this means throwables and things such as arrowheads/bolts cannot be kindled.


    [Azdrazi] steps forward as her dracanium blade is rapidly engulfed in dragonsflame, stray embers finding their way onto the snow below.


    Fiery Breath
    Azdrazi are capable of rousing their inner flame, allowing it to build within themselves before releasing it in a continuous torrent from their mouth in any direction. This torrent can be released at a distance of up to 4 meters (or blocks). This torrent can be sustained at maximum range for a total of two emotes; three and two meters can be sustained for a total of three emotes; one meter can be sustained for four emotes.
    [2 emotes to build up the flame within, 1 emote to release it in the desired direction.]


    Redlines and Examples

    • An Azdrazi cannot sustain a four meter torrent for over two emotes, a three/two meter torrent for over three emotes, and a one meter torrent for over four emotes. These are hard limits set before the inner flame (and the Azdrazi) need a moment to breathe.


    [Azdrazi] takes slow steps forward, his blade limp in his grasp. He takes a deep inhale, chin lowering as a low orange light slips out from beneath his helm.

    [Azdrazi] stands before the wounded enemy, slow breaths becoming rhythmic as faintly burning cinders drift out from in between parted lips and through the grooves of the metal mask.

    With one final inhale, followed by a mighty exhale, [Azdrazi] lets out a torrent of dragonsflame in the fallen foes direction, attempting to engulf him in the inferno.


    Burning Heat
    Azdrazi are capable of healing minor wounds on both themselves and other Azdrazi with specially purposed and concentrated dragonsflame. Minor wounds include things such as external lacerations and bruises. Internal damages and damages such as broken bones cannot be healed with this spell. It can, however, cleanse other Azdrazi of impending corruption, but not one’s own corruption.
    [1 emote to spark the dragonsflame in both hands, 1 emote to grow the flame, 1-2 emotes to close wounds.]

    Redlines and Examples

    • This spell does NOT possess healing capabilities on par with holy magic.
    • Burning heat cannot be used as intended on any creature other than Azdrazi—this will simply cause said creature pain and burn their flesh.


    [Azdrazi] holds both hands close together, palms facing one another. Within mere moments, a spark is born, hovering in the space between.

    The flame grows for a few moments, although its size remains relatively small. Rather, the flames condense themselves, as if concentrating on a point in between [Azdrazi]’s palms.

    [Azdrazi] slowly drags the focused flame across her fallen comrade’s lacerations, the process of closing the wounds gradual but effective.

    As the flame nears the end of the wound, it fades, scales and flesh having been successfully merged back together. She helps the other Azdrazi up, preparing to continue on the journey ahead.


    Scorching Scales
    Azdrazi are able to set their own individual limbs on fire for improvised combat. Depending on the number of limbs an Azdrazi wishes to set on fire and maintain, the casting time will differ. Setting an arm or leg on fire will take 1 summoning emote while setting two arms or two legs (or a combination of the two) will take 2 focus emotes. Setting one’s entire body aflame will take 4 focus emotes. While 1-2 limbs can be sustained for several minutes, a full body cast will only hold for about thirty seconds due to the inner flame requiring a breath, similar to fiery breath.
    [1-4 emotes to begin summoning the flame depending on what limbs are being targeted, 1 emote to actually set said limb(s) aflame.]

    Redlines and Examples

    • This spell CANNOT be used to summon projectiles of any sort; the dragonsflame produced with this spell will very simply hug an Azdrazi’s body.
    • This spell CANNOT be used to mass heal one’s body—that is reserved for the concentrated dragonsflame from burning heat.


    [Azdrazi] drops his blade, lifting his bare arms in a fighter’s stance. Within moments, low embers begin to congregate around his left arm, said embers drifting to the ground and vanishing without a trace.

    As his opponent approaches, a similar effect appears about his right arm, low remnants of fire drifting about his bicep, forearm, and hand. As expected, they too vanish upon hitting the ground.

    [Azdrazi] makes a slow retreat as his arms flex, the cinders rapidly building into violent flames that hug his arms, embers drifting away from the fiery assembly and licking at the air around.


    Dragon’s Spear
    This enrapturement allows an Azdrazi to produce a tangible rod of dragonsflame, allowing its caster to wield and use it as if it were so. Such a fiery weapon can be used like a normal spear, i.e. for blocking, parrying, striking, piercing, etc. Additionally, when this weapon comes in contact with flesh, naturally, it will burn. This spear can be thrown, however, once the spear comes in contact with any surface (and is no longer in the caster’s grasp)  it will disperse in a manner similar to a fireball.
    [1 emote to conjure cinders, 1 emote to form said embers into a spear, 1 emote to give it tangibility and form.]

    Redlines and Examples

    • This enrapturement/weapon will disappear in a manner similar to fireball if it comes in contact with a surface and ISN’T in its caster’s grasp. This also means that it can only be wielded by the summoning Azdrazi.


    [Azdrazi] extends his hand out to the side, hand clenching as if his fingers were grasping at an invisible object. Within the space in between his fingers, embers form, drifting about in an aimless manner.

    Gradually, these embers extend upward and downward, taking on the rough shape of some sort of rod with a pointed tip—a spear, to be sure. As the flames become more defined, they pack themselves into this shape.

    Finally, the shape is complete: a once intangible and rough spear turns into one with definition and, seemingly, tangibility. [Azdrazi] takes it into his grasp fully and gives it a twirl, aiming it at his opponent.

    Draconic Branding
    Draconic branding is a form of punishment crafted by the Azdrazi wherein an Azdrazi will imbue their inner flame with negative effects and mark an individual, forcing said effects onto them. These brands are visible to everyone, appearing as a red handprint in the desired space, but they don’t cause pain upon creation. There are three types of brands: Tozein, Lotgral, and Faaz. These brands last for one week by default, (though they can last longer with out of character consent) and each have slightly different effects. An individual branded with tozein will make mistakes when carrying out an Azdrazi’s chosen subject matter, those branded with Lotgral will experience physical and mental impairments, and those branded with Faaz will be stricken with a fiery pain.

    These effects can be removed in three ways: Paladins and Azdrazi are both capable of removing the brand painlessly, leaving no trace. A third form of removal is available in the form of repentance, requiring a marked individual to hold an active flame to the affected area. This hurts immensely, regardless of the flame’s size, and will turn the red handprint into a blackened burn which requires proper medical attention, but it also entirely erases a draconic brand’s effects.
    [1 emote to summon dragonsflame in hand, 1 emote to “imbue” it with its desired effect, 1 emote to physically brand target]

    Redlines and Examples

    • An Azdrazi cannot force a draconic brand onto a player for more than 1 out of character week.
    • Only one draconic brand can be active at a time.
    • Draconic brands don’t cause pain upon creation.
    • Brands can only be removed in the three ways listed above, and not roleplaying the side effects of the third method of removal is considered powergaming.


    [Azdrazi] exhales as a spark lights above his armored palm, rapidly flickering into an ember.
    [Azdrazi] grows nearer as the fire grows, flames licking at the air around before flattening against his gauntlet, enveloping it in its entirety.
    As [Azdrazi] comes face to face with his target, brand at the ready, he lashes out with his flaming gauntlet, attempting to take hold of the man’s bare forearm.


    In this next example, we’ll be looking at brief emotes/examples from the perspective of a blacksmith that has been branded by an Azdrazi and is attempting to make weapons.


    Branded by Tozein:
    The blacksmith brings the hammer down upon her creation one last time before setting it aside, deeming it complete. She lifts it from the anvil, brows furrowing in anger as she realizes she’s made yet another metal plate. Furious, she hurls it across the room, the poorly made metal dinner plate crashing into the wall before clattering into the pile of other failed “longswords.”


    Branded by Lotgral:
    The blacksmith lifts the hammer above her head in another preparatory attempt, though to no avail. Her entire arm begins to shake violently, the weight of the moderately sized tool suddenly proving to be too much weight. She drops it, her arm’s incessant shaking ceasing immediately. Frustrated, she turns, taking hold of and lifting a nearby pickaxe with little-to-no effort. In a rage, she strikes at the nearby stone wall, the draconic brand evidently having a hand in her inability to lift the smither’s tool.


    Branded by Faaz:
    The blacksmith reaches for the hammer atop the anvil, taking hold of said tool and letting out a shriek. A grimace finds its way across her features as she grips her forearm, the location of the draconic brand. These conditions were unworkable, infuriating, and frustrating. Gripping the tool felt like grabbing fire, but even worse, it crept along her arm as if the flames were in her very being, crawling through her veins and boiling the blood within.


    Draan are rituals and blessings that Azdrazi use for various reasons: creating whelplings, creating other Azdrazi, and for powering their Heralds. Draan have a cost that comes in the form of “slots” that recharge every day after personal meditation. Important draan may cost more than one slot to cast, such as the draan for creating whelplings and the draan for creating Azdrazi. By default, every Azdrazi has two slots in the form of their wardren, however, this number can be increased up to four if an Azdrazi tattoos both sides of their torso and its corresponding bicep with draconic blood, similar to Heralds, minus the descendant blood; this means they’d have three slots if they did one side, and four if they did both sides. Some draan require four slots to cast, meaning they require an Azdrazi to have both sides of their torso tattooed for extra storage.


    The main purpose for draan, however, isn’t for Azdrazi to cast them, but for Heralds to cast them. Azdrazi can expend slots and give Heralds access to a given draan for a limited amount of time. Two draan a day without tattoos, and three or four with tattoos. The way Heralds use these tattoos will be detailed in the Herald’s draan section further along in this guide.


    This is the list of draan currently available to Azdrazi—the Herald list will be in the Herald’s draan section to avoid confusion:


    Nahl Wardren
    This draan is used on those who’ve been marked with the draconic blood or ink (created by mixing descendant and draconic blood for heralds), turning them into true Heralds if they’re descendants, or granting them extra draan slots if they’re an Azdrazi—one extra slot if one side and the corresponding bicep are marked, two if both sides of the torso and both biceps have been marked.
    [1 emote to begin ritual, followed by any amount of preparation emotes (the ritual is fairly open-ended)]
    This draan costs 2 slots and can only be used by Azdrazi.

    Redlines, Mechanics, and Examples



    • Can only be used on Azdrazi and descendants that have been marked with draconic blood or ink.
    • Cannot be used without target’s out of character consent.
    • If this is used on somebody, they have to create a magic application to reap the benefits of a Herald, otherwise the ritual simply doesn’t work.


    [Azdrazi] brushes his hand along the soon-to-be Herald’s tattoos, uttering a guttural phrase.

    Soon thereafter, the markings upon the descendant’s body are briefly set ablaze, though quickly and painlessly, these flames die, revealing a plethora of draconic red markings along the man’s body.



    Faalvo-nahl Wardren 
    This draan is used to eliminate a Herald’s tattoos, stripping them of their Herald status and leaving temporary/permanent scarring where the tattoos once were.
    [1 emote to begin ritual, followed by any amount of preparation emotes (the ritual is fairly open-ended)]
    This draan costs 2 slots and can only be used by Azdrazi.

    Redlines, Mechanics, and Examples



    • When this draan is used on a Herald, they’ll be forced to relinquish their magic application, no longer a Herald.
    • Can only be used on Heralds.


    [Azdrazi] brushes his hand over the descendant’s tattoos, said tattoos being set ablaze just as they were upon creation.

    This time, however, the flames linger, searing at the marked flesh. Eventually, the tattoos are gone, burns and scalded flesh taking their place.



    Atumei Laas
    This draan is used to create wardren, and thus, Whelplings.
    This draan costs 3 slots and can only be used by Azdrazi—must be taught.
    [1 emote to imbue a wardren]

    Redlines, Mechanics, and Examples



    • Those that have been taught this ritual must have such stated on their application.


    [Azdrazi] takes the wardren into her hands, uttering an incomprehensible draconic phrase. Within mere moments, the wardren is filled with orange light, ready to be transferred to the soon-to-be whelpling.


    Vahzah Laas
    This draan is used in the final ritual, in which an Azdrazi tosses a whelpling into a pyre of dragonsflame, marking their transformation into a full fledged Azdrazi.
    This draan costs 4 slots and can only be used by Azdrazi—must be taught.
    [1 emote to begin ritual, followed by any amount of preparation emotes (the ritual is fairly open-ended)]

    Redlines, Mechanics, and Examples



    • Those that have been taught this ritual must have such stated on their application.
    • Cannot be used without target’s out of character consent.


    [Azdrazi] nods to the whelpling, placing their wardren in their hands. With one more inquisitive look, he grabs hold of the whelpling’s shoulder, uttering a brief phrase.

    After a short congratulations, the Azdrazi shoves the whelpling into the roaring pyre, watching as they writhe amongst the inferno—pure agony, for now.



    Heralds don’t require nearly as much explanation as Azdrazi, however, their mechanics are significantly different. So that Heralds don’t have to read through the Azdrazi section to understand their magic, I’m making this section separate from the rest.


    Heralds are created when an Azdrazi marks a descendant with a mixture of one part descendant to one part draconic blood, carries out a ritual, and casts the draan of Nahl Wardren on their person. Heralds don’t differ very much from normal descendants—as they themselves are still descendants—however, being a Herald comes with the ability to store draconic blessings and words—called draan—within one’s tattoos, which they gain at the end of the aforementioned ritual. Heralds are considered an essential part of the Azdrazi hierarchy. Some are seen as equals, while others are seen as valuable acquaintances, but Heralds are rarely seen as inferior or burdens; they’re typically treated with respect from their draconic peers.


    As stated above, Heralds store draan in their tattoos, allowing them to call upon draconic powers at a later date; it’s similar to prepared spell casting in the sense that you get your abilities from another entity so that you can cast them at your own discretion within a window of time. Heralds can store up to six draan in their tattoos at any given time. These draan will take up a slot until their window has closed. One draan will take up one slot (no matter how many slots it takes for an Azdrazi to use it) and can be casted at any given time within one week from casting it for the first time. An example would be, if a Herald was given Bel Zahkrii on January 1st, but didn’t cast it until January 3rd, they would be able to cast Bel Zahkrii all the way up until January 10th, as that’s one week AFTER they casted it. Alternatively, an Azdrazi can bypass this time restraint by allowing a draan to take up two slots rather than one, in which case they’d be able to cast it indefinitely until they themselves choose to expel it.


    Mechanics and Redlines

    • Azdrazi are required to document what draan they have given to a Herald on their Herald application along with when they gave it to them. If this isn’t possible, document it elsewhere with timestamps.


    Allows a Herald to understand the draconic language in its entirety and grants them the ability to form complex yet muddled sentences, making them capable of brief bouts of broken draconic conversation.
    [1 emote to activate]
    Herald only.

    Redlines, Mechanics, and Examples



    • Descendants are unable to speak in perfect draconic, simply due to their biology.


    [Herald] utters a guttural and broken draconic phrase, twitching twice as his ears adjust to the Azdrazi’s harsh words.



     Bel Zahkrii
    Similar to Azdrazi, this draan allows a Herald to summon two draan-bound weapons of their choice; this can be done as many times as one would like, and cannot be used on/moved to a different weapon. Weapons of the Heralds blessed with this draan have an ashy aesthetic versus the fiery one Azdrazi have by default, allowing one to differentiate between a draconic and mock summon. You can not “conjure” weapons with this draan—you can only summon existing bound weapons. This is purely an aesthetic ability, and therefore takes one emote to summon; this is the same amount of emotes as it would take to unsheathe and sheathe a weapon.
    [1 emote to summon the weapon, 1 emote to banish the weapon; similar to sheathing a weapon]
    Herald only.

    Redlines, Mechanics, and Examples



    • Summoning a weapon you don’t have bound.


    [Herald] extends his arm out to the left, a blade suddenly materializing out of ash, firmly placed in his grasp.


    Heralds blessed with this draan will find themselves capable of setting their weapons alight with mundane fire, the metal blades/heads of their weapons temporarily morphing into dracanium and thus preventing them from becoming worn. This draan can be used in conjunction with Bel Zahkrii, and weapons such as bluesteel, boomsteel, or any other sort of metal will take on the properties of dracanium and thus temporarily override properties of the previous material.
    [1 emote to activate]
    Herald only.

    Redlines, Mechanics, and Examples



    • Not having a metal weapon’s blade/head temporarily turn into dracanium.


    [Herald] mumbles a soft phrase, giving her weapon a gentle flick as it becomes engulfed in dragonsflame.



  9. MC Name: 



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:

    Ra'Rhavourzul the Woesome


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:

     A Zar’akal is the final form for those naztherak willing to become the very chaos they control. To achieve such a state, a master Naztherak must defeat and devour a Zar’kiel lord, more commonly known as Zentherak. Upon feasting, naztherak will find their bodies warping in hellish ways—be they subtle or be they obvious—thus becoming a demonic creature. As such, Zar’akal are especially susceptible to shamanic spirits, their transformation proving to be spiritually corrupt. They’ll also find that they’re capable of taking on an additional malice, which is provided by the Zentherak they devoured, and that they’re now immune to the degradation malflame brings to their bodies. Furthermore, Zar’akal are capable of evoking malflame and malice without the aid of their grimoires, their bodies now riddled with the maleus they’d once used to cast.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Are you aware that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Do you consent to accepting what may happen to this character?:



    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  10. MC Name: 



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:

    Automatons—alternatively known as animati or animii—are a complicated form of construct made of complex, inorganic materials. These materials are all crafted into various different parts, each necessary for an animii to function: tubes, cogs, eyes, a heart, a brain, etc.. The tubes and cogs are relatively straightforward when it comes to an animii’s overall make, while things such as an animii’s brain, heart, eyes, and senses are fueled by an alchemical fluid carried by the aforementioned tubes. This fluid acts as a mechanical substitute for blood, and as such is required to fuel an animii; if one’s tubes are to be severed or damaged to the point of excessive leakage, then they would die. Each of these components must be placed within an inorganic frame to properly function, acting as a mechanical skeleton.


    Animii hearts are created with springs and cogs, their brains comprised of folds; their intelligence is measured based upon these folds, the more an animii has, the smarter they are. The reason for such is due to the extra amount of space that can be dedicated to the alchemical fluid. Animii personalities and senses are also formed by alchemical reagents, each giving them some form of individuality and humanity, in a sense. These mechanical beings are also capable of pushing their bodies beyond what they were previously capable of, their hearts ‘overclocking’ to a degree. Such a thing is only maintainable for so long, though, and if an animii is to overclock for too long, they’ll find themselves exhausted for hours to come, if not dead. The larger an animii is, the more alchemical fluid necessary and the larger the parts must be.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Are you aware that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Do you consent to accepting what may happen to this character?:



    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  11. Mcname : Kanadensare, minaeordie


    UUID : c4fee194-1efe-4901-8307-84b1f4009f7e, 2c07c436-abe6-49f2-a344-64422f7942d5


    Reason for blacklist : Poor villainy roleplay; repeated violation of the halt rules when partaking in road banditry.


    Conditions of Blacklist : In effect immediately, ends on December 1st , no appeal required.

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