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Posts posted by MaybeDamo

  1. What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: - Halomanter12

    How old are you?: - 14

    What time-zone do you live in?: - Eastern

    Have you ever roleplayed before - if you have, how?: - Yes, many Bethesda and Blizzard games

    Have you been on any other roleplaying servers?: - No

    Have you applied to this server before?(Please link past applications): - Yes



    How did you hear about us?: -Some really good frineds

    What do you think the server will be like? - Fun gaming experiance

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: - Yes

    What’s your favourite rule / the rule you agree with the most?: - You don't need to permanently kill your character

    when you die. However, if you commit suicide, your character is

    perma-killed. When you die, you simply go back to the Cloud Temple and

    forget all memory of the death. You can't go back to where you died for a

    full thirty minutes. If you perma-kill your character, you have a one

    week grace period in which you can return your character from the dead.

    After the one week is over, your character can no longer be brought back

    from the grave.



    is simply so that we can get an understanding of how much you know

    about roleplaying. Feel free to Google the answers, but make sure that

    you write the reply in your own words, not another website / person's!

    What is roleplaying?: - Making a character and giving him life and personalities

    What’s metagaming?: - Using outof game information in game

    What’s powergaming?: - Forcing emots on characters leading to unfair rp

    In-Character Information


    you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable!

    Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with

    a character that you actually want to play.

    What’s your character called?: - Merilon

    What race are they (and sub-race)?: - Elf, High elf

    What sex are they?: - Male

    How old are they?: - 51

    Give us a brief description of their life - their story, childhood, family (Include server lore when writing): -

    Not much of my childhood was spent on land , my father was a pirate and

    my mother was a ***** but my parents still loved each other, my father

    was a heavy drinker like I and his crew suffered many losses in battle

    ending up in lose of lives and gold. I loved living in Anthros but living on water is what made me happy , my father and would fish and drink till we passed out upon the ship and he told me story of the White Rose and how he survived the prison camps . I made many friends in New Abresi and there I found a beautiful woman named Gamdess and there she tought me about minor magic and we've had many fun adventures together, we've been to the city of Kal'Azgoth and being arrested for stealing gold from the drawfs. I was soon to start pirating with her before Gamdess before she slipped me a drink and took advantadge of me , she stole my gold and my raiper. Her location is unknown but i will find her soon, before i do i must travel the vast lands and make a pirate crew and take after my father."Itll be dangerous!" my mother argued "He's a strong young lad nor worry or fear flows through his blood aye." I was long gone before the conversation was over. My mother and send messages by bird to each and I visit her because she worries for my health and she love to tell me stories of how her and my father sailed the seas and the treasures they found. My mom taught me to continue fighting and exploring for goods and riches.

    What are they like (personality)?: - Smart, Heavy drinker, smart mouth, and loves gold and women, also has a very short temper

    What are their ambitions?: - Travel the seas and look for Gamdess the thief

    Do they have any special skills?: - Faily good with raipers and fist fighting and minor magic, also is very sneaky and strong

    What are their weaknesses?: - Since Merilon is a heavy drinker it has come back to haunt him because he can never put down the bottle at a bar so it leads to various fights and arguements that can lead to his death or lose of friends such as when his run in with Gamdess the theif

    Give us a description of how they look (not a screenshot yet!)?: - Tall, light blue eyes and blonde hair with a strong build

    Anything else you want to say about them?: - Though Merilon is strong and sneaky he isnt very quiet with his movements

    Please give us a screenshot of your character’s skin: - http://www.planetmin...kin/pirate-elf/ (my computer takes to big of screenshots)

  2. The simplest section of the application! Simply answer these questions so we can get to know you a bit better.

    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: - Halomanter12
    How old are you?: - 14
    What time-zone do you live in?: - Eastern

    Have you ever roleplayed before - if you have, how?: - Yes, many Bethesda and Blizzard games
    Have you been on any other roleplaying servers?: - No
    Have you applied to this server before?(Please link past applications): - Yes

    How did you hear about us?: -Some really good frineds
    What do you think the server will be like? - Fun gaming experiance
    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: - Yes
    What’s your favourite rule / the rule you agree with the most?: - You don't need to permanently kill your character
    when you die. However, if you commit suicide, your character is
    perma-killed. When you die, you simply go back to the Cloud Temple and
    forget all memory of the death. You can't go back to where you died for a
    full thirty minutes. If you perma-kill your character, you have a one
    week grace period in which you can return your character from the dead.
    After the one week is over, your character can no longer be brought back
    from the grave.


    is simply so that we can get an understanding of how much you know
    about roleplaying. Feel free to Google the answers, but make sure that
    you write the reply in your own words, not another website / person's!

    What is roleplaying?: - Fun character creating and giving him life

    What’s metagaming?: - Using out of game in game

    What’s powergaming?: - Forcing emots on characters

    In-Character Information

    you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable!
    Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with
    a character that you actually want to play.

    What’s your character called?: - Merilon

    What race are they (and sub-race)?: - Elf, High elf

    What sex are they?: - Male

    How old are they?: - 51

    Give us a brief description of their life - their story, childhood, family (Include server lore when writing): - Not much of my childhood was spent on land , my father was a pirate and my mother was a ***** but my parents still loved each other, my father was a heavy drinker like I and his crew suffered many losses in battle ending up in lose of lives and gold

    What are they like (personality)?: - Smart, Heavy drinker, smart mouth, and loves gold and women, also has a very short temper

    What are their ambitions?: - Wants to travel the seas again

    Do they have any special skills?: - Faily good with raipers and fist fighting and minor magic, also is very sneaky and strong

    What are their weaknesses?: - Since Merilon is a heavy drinker it has come back to haunt him because he can never put down the bottle at a bar so it leads to various fights and arguements that can lead to his death or lose of friends

    Give us a description of how they look (not a screenshot yet!)?: - Tall, light blue eyes and blonde hair with a strong build

    Anything else you want to say about them?: - Though Merilon is strong and sneaky he isnt very quiet with his movements

    Please give us a screenshot of your character’s skin: - http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/pirate-elf/ (my computer takes to big of screenshots)

  3. The simplest section of the application! Simply answer these questions so we can get to know you a bit better.

    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: - Halomanter12
    How old are you?: - 14
    What time-zone do you live in?: - Eastern

    Have you ever roleplayed before - if you have, how?: - Yes, Fallout 3 ,Skyrim , pretty much any bethesda and blizzard gaming.
    Have you been on any other roleplaying servers?: - No
    Have you applied to this server before?(Please link past applications): - Yes http://www.lordofthecraft.net/user/63702-halomanter12/

    How did you hear about us?: -A few good buddies of mine
    What do you think the server will be like? - Fun gaming experiance for me and for all others who join
    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: - Yes
    What’s your favourite rule / the rule you agree with the most?: - All of them , especially this one "We don't allow 'cybering', paedophilia,
    bestiality, necrophilia, rape, or anything akin to that - if you're not
    sure whether what you're doing is allowed - your best bet is: to not do


    is simply so that we can get an understanding of how much you know
    about roleplaying. Feel free to Google the answers, but make sure that
    you write the reply in your own words, not another website / person's!

    What is roleplaying?: - Roleplaying is making characters and giving them personalities an lives

    What’s metagaming?: - The use of out of game knowledge in game

    What’s powergaming?: - The use of forcing emots on other player

    In-Character Information

    you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable!
    Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with
    a character that you actually want to play.

    What’s your character called?: - Merilon

    What race are they (and sub-race)?: - Elf, High elf

    What sex are they?: -Male

    How old are they?: - 41

    Give us a brief description of their life - their story, childhood, family (Include server lore when writing): -I grew up in Anthos with my mom, my father left my mom when she was pregnant with my younger brother who died during child birth. My mother and I lived in a cabin in the town of Kal'Azgoth when the raid begun and a group of pirates captured me and killed most the people of the town. Aboard the ship I begun to grow and live upon the men and learned how to sail and learn that what i want is for the taking. I at the age of 17 soon begun to miss my mother and thus I stole the boat at the strike of midnight. Across the seas a storm begun to brew and lightining stuck the seas and soon after bolt of fury from the sky hit the boat and it bursted in great flames, there was fire and death everywhere. There I saw the captain trapped in his quarters beneath a mast engulfed in flames. I could barely lift it enough for him to just slide under he escaped but with bad third degree burns upon his body, i couldnt save him he died with the ship and his other crew members but me. I soon returned back to my home in Kal'Azgoth and spent the rest of my days drowning in the foam of ale and surrounded by gold and women.

    What are they like (personality)?: - Smart, a heavy drinker and very motivated to do anyting he wants

    What are their ambitions?: - To find his parents and seek out members for a new crew he will form

    Do they have any special skills?: -Minor sword fighting and decent fist fighting and very sneaky has a broad knowledge of magic and pick pocketing

    What are their weaknesses?: - Though Merilon is smart he does drink a lot of ale so he does get taken advantage of under the influeance

    Give us a description of how they look (not a screenshot yet!)?: - Tall, light blue eyes , blonde hair and very muscular

    Anything else you want to say about them?: - Though he is very sneaky and smart he lacks in speed and and will lose in gambling

    Please give us a screenshot of your character’s skin: - http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/elf-2466109/ ( My computer takes weird screen shots sorry)


  4. What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: - Halomanter12

    How old are you?: - 14
    What time-zone do you live in?: - Eastern

    Have you ever roleplayed before - if you have, how?: - Yes,video games
    Have you been on any other roleplaying servers?: - no
    Have you applied to this server before?(Please link past applications): - http://www.lordofthecraft.net/user/63702-halomanter12/

    How did you hear about us?: -A few friends
    What do you think the server will be like? - Fun learning experiance
    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: - yes
    What’s your favourite rule / the rule you agree with the most?: - Racism is allowed in-character, but make sure you don't do it out-of-character - it can only be towards other in-game races.


    is simply so that we can get an understanding of how much you know
    about roleplaying. Feel free to Google the answers, but make sure that
    you write the reply in your own words, not another website / person's!

    What is roleplaying?: - a fun experiance of making chars with awesome personalities

    What’s metagaming?: - The use of out game information in game

    What’s powergaming?: - Forcing emots on other chars

    In-Character Information

    you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable!
    Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with
    a character that you actually want to play.

    What’s your character called?: - Merilon

    What race are they (and sub-race)?: -Elf,High elf

    What sex are they?: - Male

    How old are they?: -29

    Give us a brief description of their life - their story, childhood, family (Include server lore when writing): - I was abuducted by a mean crew of pirates who turned out to raise me like ne of their own. Being the 16 year old I thought itd be a good idea to steal gold, that got me intouble with the captian and i was tied and left out in sea to rot, A year and a half later i found my old crew and i had learned of the cpatians death. I soon took over the ship and one windy cold night lightining had stuck the boat and the boat bursted in flames and my crew diead and i was the only surviver. Now i have to find my old family and form a new crew to rule the seas

    What are they like (personality)?: - A heavy drinker and a bit of an adventourous man with the passion for women and gold.

    What are their ambitions?: - To rule the seas and give gold to the poor country men

    Do they have any special skills?: -Sneaking and decent sword fighting with a great bare fist fighting skill, also a great swimmer

    What are their weaknesses?: - His heavy drinking habits have left him in certain positions that lead to loss of memory and bad headaches

    Give us a description of how they look (not a screenshot yet!)?: - Tall, Blonde hair , light blue eyes and muscular build

    Anything else you want to say about them?: -He has a fiery passion for explosives and sailing the seven seas

    Please give us a screenshot of your character’s skin: - http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/pirate-elf/


  5. What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: - Halomanter12
    How old are you?: - 14
    What time-zone do you live in?: - Eastern

    Have you ever roleplayed before - if you have, how?: - yes, over the phone with my friends
    Have you been on any other roleplaying servers?: - no
    Have you applied to this server before?(Please link past applications): - 

    How did you hear about us?: -mthdominater introduced me to it
    What do you think the server will be like? - A great fun roleplaying experiance
    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: - yes
    What’s your favourite rule / the rule you agree with the most?: - no chat spamming


    is simply so that we can get an understanding of how much you know
    about roleplaying. Feel free to Google the answers, but make sure that
    you write the reply in your own words, not another website / person's!

    What is roleplaying?: - Making a char and adding real life qualities and ambitions

    What’s metagaming?: - using out of character knownladge in game

    What’s powergaming?: - The use of unfair advantages in roleplay such as an over powered character

    In-Character Information

    you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable!
    Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with
    a character that you actually want to play.

    What’s your character called?: - Orion

    What race are they (and sub-race)?: -Dark elf

    What sex are they?: - Male

    How old are they?: - 52

    Give us a brief description of their life - their story, childhood, family (Include server lore when writing): - From the great land of Aegus, Orion grew up a timid and shy dark elf. Orion would never play with any of the other dark elves. Until the White Rose took over and he was at the young age of 32 and realized something inside him changed, he had awaken with his mother to see she was dead. He and his father mourned the greif at the death camp. Orion knew he had to find the men who had killed his mother. Orion had very strong hatred toward the human race until he met a woman named Melo who soon became the love of his life. Orion and Melody were soon to be married before Orion's father died. Orion couldnt bare the pain of losing anymore of his loved ones and so he tried to die fighting agaist the White Rose and in the battle Melody died. Orion soon finally decided to give up , he Had lost all hope for his life and his hatred soon fueled him to contiue fighting.

    What are they like (personality)?: - Strong and Brave but will betray you if you are not to be trusted

    What are their ambitions?: -To annailate the humans

    Do they have any special skills?: - Archery, theiving, and minor potion skills. Also a little bit of sword fighting

    What are their weaknesses?: - Cats and cocoa beans

    Give us a description of how they look (not a screenshot yet!)?: - Tall, white hair , purple eyes, muscular and very angry looking with a scar above the eyes

    Anything else you want to say about them?: -Orion is the great leader of many men 

    Please give us a screenshot of your character’s skin: - 
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