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The Real Burger

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Posts posted by The Real Burger

  1. Application:

    MC Name: TopRamenFlavour

    RP Name: Thojjod Graytooth

    What is your level in mining?: Veteran

    Skype name: Cianan, I've got a picture of a duck.

    Are you able to use Teamspeak?: Yeah.

    How many hours both week and weekend are you available?:  I try to put a couple hours a week into the server at least.

    What is your timezone?: UTC +0

  2. Something that changes the world and makes it not seem like it's in it's own little bubble, as far as I am aware there are other people living elsewhere in LoTC's world, why don't we hear from them a bit? Maybe they get pissed off at a particular nation for not sorting something out. 

    Dunno, thought I'd say something different other than repeating whatever one else is saying.

  3. MC name: cianann1212
    Skype: You have it.

    Do you wish to be provided with housing?: I expect to have sizeable underground area with many stalagmites and tites. 

    Previous occupations: Ore Slave, Your Dwed Chum, Manservant, Professional Insulter, Stone fucker, Architech.  

    I expect to be started off as a Ehrengarde or otherwise my talents will be wasted.

  4. I mean this honestly is a **** show, I think it just reflects badly on staff not the player base. This scene21 guy just invites one of the few youtubers who do anything near what LoTC does and then throws him at two people (who I assume were clueless how to show them around).

    Feel bad for Grizzly though, as far as I am aware you were just trying to help us and you seem pretty understanding of this whole thing. 

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