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Posts posted by Rethai

  1. Not really sure if I'm supposed to respond to these comments, but thank you all for your feedback! I'm trying to improve more and more daily, sorry that I seem ass-y to you! D: I will do my best to be as far from that as possible

  2. MCname:AfricanGlasses


    Forum Name:AfricanGlasses


    Skype Name:JillyFilled


    Do you feel you have a solid grasp on our lore and an understanding of the standards we have for applications? Indeed I do, in fact - almost every day I read, and re-read the different lore pages on the Wiki to stay fresh and to retain as much as possible.


    Why do you want to be an AT member and do you have the ability to work with others? I want to become an AT member because not only do I love to write, and critique others with their writing, but I like to help others. Ever since I can remember, I've been helping in the WS chat, asking if they needed tips, instructions, ect . and although I am content with this, I feel it is my time to become an AT, and to spread my name in a good way. As many of you know, I was banned for being a toxic player several months ago, and I admit I was extremely toxic. Every time I lost items, got killed, or simply disrespected I acted out like a child. I have tried my best to perfect myself from doing this again. (Not that big of an accomplishment but so far 21 days in the clear!!). I will do everything I can to be like other AT if not better, and to make sure every Wandering Soul feels welcomed onto LOTC. Surprisingly, my patience level has gone tremendously high, along with myself being open-minded, so nobody really bothers me anymore. I can easily navigate WS to the Application, and further direct them if they need. The first thing I did when I was unbanned was ask in the WS chat if they needed help. (Actually, that was the third thing I did.. 1st was screaming/jumping up and down 2. was eating some bread b/c I was dying of hunger. lol). Not only does this show my dedication, but my love for helping WS grow out of that rank, and into ACCEPTED. I will leave NO wandering soul behind. I will not act as a gate keeper of LoTC, but rather a director on how to get in.


    Do you recognize that you will be given extra responsibilities such as working on the LoTC wiki, assisting the AT in creating guides and helping new players with their questions upon logging into LoTC? I do, And I feel I am ready for these responsibilities and can handle them in a timely manner.

    Is there anything else you would like to add? I know its hard, but try not to think of me as a Toxic player willing to change, but a changed player. I want to keep my toxic behavior in the past, and my disciplined, and principled behavior in the present, and future. I would like to apologize, once more to all of those I was toxic to if you didnt see it in my ban appeal, or on the server/skype. Thank you for reading this, hope to hear back from you shortly.






  3. I'm in for ideas, as this has been an issue with me from the creation of Athera. Hopefully this works out, I think it wil. I'm on my phone, so I didnt get a good chance to see that map, but is the plan to make a seperate road, or have the current road pvp-true and the surrounding land pvp-false?

  4.    Echo walks through Petrus, pasting small pieces of parchment onto the corner-sides of homes. As he pastes the few reamining flyers, a voice from behind picks up "Ug, Whab dat be". Echo turns, to see a teal Orc standing before him. he looks back into his bag, then back to the Orc, shaking a bit "A-a Flyer". The Orc growls as he responds "fur whub". Echo inahles deeply as he speaks "Workers are wanted at my Gracedel Manor, East of Salvus, South of Atgaard." The Orc looks at Echo as if he were to say something but just walked off, not saying a word.






    If you are interested, please msg me on the Forums, and I will reply with the coordinates, and other information!





  5. What’s the name of the Minecraft account you're applying for?: - americanglasses

    What's your MAIN Minecraft Account name?:-africanglasses

    Do you agree to follow the rules on your new account?: Yes

    You understand you can not be on both of these accounts at once?: Yes

    You understand that if one account is banned, so will the other(s)?: Yes

    In-Character Information

    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.

    What’s your character called?: - Barollosa Grace

    What race are they (and sub-race)?: - Human

    What sex are they?: - Male

    How old are they?: - 26

    Give us a brief description of their life - their story, childhood, family: - Sister of Echo Grace, she strives to make a legacy for their family. She still struggles with the fact that her parents disowned her and Echo at an early age for no apparent reason. She constantly obtains flashbacks of her life before being alone in poverty with her brother. She cries at night everytime she remembers what she had to do for a loaf of bread. As she deals witht his, shes managed to keep Echo absent from her flashbacks and her defective actions in the past. She tries to get a job anywhere she can to support her and her brother but keeps losing them. No matter what, she is determined and will not give up. ((Sorry for the short bio))

    What are they like (personality)?: - Soft and nice, but very obvilious to the world around her.

    What are their ambitions?: - Build towns, and make a name and a legacy for her family.

    Do they have any special skills?: - Archery and wood cutting are her main skills

    What are their weaknesses?: - The fact that she is oblivious to the world and that she trusts all.

    Give us a description of how they look (not a screenshot yet!)?: - Milky blue eyes, warm lips with pale skin. Her hair is completely white with one black streak going down the side. she is well built and has six toes.

    Anything else you want to say about them?: - n/a

    Please give us a screenshot of your character’s skin: - I am still designing the skin. sorry!

  6. MCname: AfricanGlasses


    Forum Name: AfricanGlasses


    Skype Name: Will hand that out later. Don't want to put it on here where everybody can see it ;)




    Do you feel you have a solid grasp on our lore and an understanding of the standards we have for applications?: Yes, I have watched almost if not all of the videos, and memorized the lore's for fun and now its coming in handy!



    Why do you want to become an AT member?: I want to become an AT member because I love to help out with things in general. I love to read and review things to make them better or congratulate those who write perfectly! (I know.. Im weird!). I really enjoy seeing new players getting into the server but I wont be easy. If I get put onto the AT team I will make sure that the Application is written the best it can be, that way when they come onto the server they are more educated about the lore which is usually the part where people get confused and mess up on their applications, to make the server better! I love to see the people come on and ask questions because I love to answer! I am very friendly and easy to talk to. I am on EVERY DAY of the week so I WILL make sure to be on and to scout out for any questions. I want the best for the server and I think I can bring it.




    Anything else you would like to add?: I was banned about five months ago for OOC killing. Not to be a suck up, but my parents were fighting and it was just a bad day. I killed one person and was rightfully banned within 24 hours. I would like to asure you that this attitude is rare if not non existent and it will NEVER happen again. I don't want what I did five months ago to reflect on me now because it is not who I truly am.



    Thank you for your time and I have you have a wonderful day and a wonderful last few days of summer.




                    ~~~Lord Of The Craft~~~

                                      ~~~Application Team application~~~ 

  7. Ok, I have fixed everything you wanted me to fix in my application! :D Hope this one gets accepted! Thanks for being so patient and Im glad to almost be a part of a server like this! Its awesome!



    Duck said that my application was good accept for my bio! So here is my bio: Axel has had a hard childhood with his mom dieing when he was five and his dad being hung because he raped the princess at age ten. Axel was born into royalty on his moms side but now all anybody wants to do is kill him because of his father. Axel has two brothers, Connor and Dezmand but once he turned twenty one, he left home when they were asleep. He heard in the news that they were both executed but doesn't know if its true. He no longer has a family.



    Server Lore: Came from the town of Anthos, Mother was born into royality but once she died and his father raped his cousin (The Princess) They disbaned him and now the High Prince Eleron wants to burn Axel on the cross, just like they did to his brothers and father, for breaking church law.



    Ok, I know this wasn't the best application ever (This isn't all of it but I couldn't upload it back up for whatever reason, these are the parts that I needed to correct.) PLEASE ACCEPT

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