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Posts posted by JCmarine

  1. Oh look another one. Why don't you try this outside of the server? "No officer I wasn't hurling abuse at the man, I was just shouting names in his general direction like I always do. The only difference is he got a bit sadder about it" You still can't do **** like that. You wouldn't outside of the server so don't do it on the server. It's not that hard to understand, The group of players general attitude is the worst I have ever seen in an online community. You are all getting worse and it stems from the fact that nothing is being done. As Humans are one of the more popular races newer players will join your group and take the same attitude (See Nathan_Barnett) And will wonder why the rest of the server dislikes them. I think it's about time you realise no one else is laughing with you and you're ruining everyone else's fun in LOTC for your own sake. You need to think about that before you do something.

    wonderful truth.



    Name: Arshia Marlfox


    Age: 456


    Gender: Female


    Race: Half wood elf, half high elf.







    Height: 6'4


    Weight: not telling.


    Body type:


    Eyes: A dark purple


    Hair: Black


    Skin: White


    Markings/Tattoos: A serpent wrapping around a lion on her back.


    Health: Healthy as a horse.


    Inventory: She always carries a book, the writing in it being encrypted using the Ceaser Cipher and 'Japanese'


    Pet/s: A Karin, from Athera.

    -How did she get this Karin to Vailor? That my friend, is a secret.





    Honorable: “I will not harm a man with no weapon.” *puts away sword “If he does so wish, then with fists it shall be fought.”


    -Sometimes she loses all sense of honor, in extreme cases


    Kind: *looks at the beggar “Here.” Pulls out a diamond and gives it to him


    -Has no care for riches nor power, happily giving either up


    Ocassionally suicidal: *Charges at the 3 wolves, giving the others time to escape


    -Only suicidal when there is no other way


    Enraged upon: The death of a innocent person / being dishonored / and betrayal


    Sad upon: Losing her own honor


    Priorites in life:

    1-Create a order of people, who withold honor above all and fight for the nobler side.

    2-Somehow manage to make the nations have some form of peace between each other


    3- * if 1 is completed – To continue this order


    Life philosophy: “Till all are one.”

    Transation?: The descendants came from 4 brothers. Iblees divided them, and the feud is continued to this day. The descendants are the ones who are given a chance to make peace. If only a few would make the first step.


    If granted a wish?: Peace between the nations. Duh.


    Character's soft spot: Animals, children, and those whom wish also for peace amongst the nations.

    -Obviousness?: 7, 3, 9


    Greatest strength: Honor.


    Greatest Weakness: Her sense of Honor sometimes prevents her from doing what is neccasary

    Other weaknesses:

    -If her honor is stripped away, she becomes reckless and destructive.

    -If her pet Karin is hurt, she will do her best to rush to it's aid

    -If her pet Karin were killed, she would mourn its loss and be heavily depressed


    Greatest Acomplishment: - - - unkown


    Character's darkest secret: Having killed her birth parents.

    Does anyone else know?: Her only sibling





    Drives and motivations: A desire for peace amongst the nations, and her very high sense of honor.


    Immediate goals:


    -Find her sibling

    -Make peace with her sibling

    -Create the order of the (Blank) not tellin ya dat name.


    Long term goals: Peace for the nations.






    Homeland: Unkown

    Type of childhood: Bad. Her mother and father were drunkards, psychos, and abusive. She ran away and found other parents.


    Pets: She had a small bird, but she accidentally killed it.


    First Memory: Unkown

    Why?: She blocked out the first couple years of her life from her mind.


    Childhood hero/s: Her adoptive human parents.


    Education: 7-9. She knows easterner, commoner, basic elvish phrases, and creates new weapons occasionally.


    Religion: Unkown


    Beliefs: Judge not a book by its cover / To live a good life perhaps leads to a better place. To live a bad life would perhaps lead to far worse place.


    Finances: None.





    Current Home: none


    Pets: A 7ft long, 215lb crystalline cat called a Karin, she got it from Atgaard in Athera, a few years before the trip to Vailor.




    Huntress: Killing small animals so she may sell them for a bit of cash


    Finances: Enough to just buy food and something to drink




    Birth mother: Alish, Deceased, killed

    Birth Father: Arsht, Deceased, killed


    Why are they dead?: Arishia killed them.


    Adoptive mother: Ashia Marlfox, Deceased, Age


    Adoptive Father: Phil Marlfox, Deceased, Age


    Why are they dead?: Died of age


    How many sibling?: one.



    Now on to FAVORITES finally


    Color: White


    Least favorite color: Black


    Music: Flute and piano


    Form of entertainment: Writing in her book/Traveling through the woods to see where she goes/inventing things and carving lil wood figures


    Transportation?: Usually foot. In Athera she always wanted to get a Wrysa to ride on, but now in Vailor she wishes for a horse.


    Most prized possesion/s: Her book, and her pet Karin.




    Hobbies: Quietly humming to herself, and inventing random weapons


    Spending habits: Food and water.


    Smokes or uses drugs?: N.O


    Skilled at: after spending 300 years of hunting i'm sure you can make a guess.

    Unskilled: Being Social




    Confident-or not?: She sometimes loses confidence in her own abilities to do things


    Introvert or extrovert?: That is for the other person to decide! Haha.


    Logical or emotional?: She tends to be logical around people she doesnt know, but around friends or her sibling she would be emotional. She sometimes wraps herself into a lil logical shell that is very hard to most people to break.


    Cautious or Daredevil?: Cautious when around strangers, but if a person is in danger she will go to any length, even if insane.

    Pessimist or Optimist: Optimistic in the fact that one day, with help, the nations shall be united. She is rarely ever Pessimistic about anything.


    On a scale of 1-10 how much does she like animals?: 100!!! Unless it wants to kill her.


    And now on to SELF-PERCEPTION perhaps the hardest to make.


    How Arishia feels about herself: She does not think of that, she wishes not to.


    One word Arishia would use to describe herself?: Honorable.


    Self description!: “I am merely another elf, no more no less. I go through the world, trying to make peace. Doing the obvious, but yet unobvious. Just another elf, but that is the dangerous thing.”


    Best personality she thinks see in herself: Honorable


    Worst personality she sees in herself: Doesnt think of that.


    What she thinks others see her as: “Just another Elf, just a bit different, but frankly I care not. Long as insulting opinions are not spoken.”


    *Thinks of nothing else of her own self perception










    • A water skin

    • A carving knife she uses for wood

    • Her 7ft long 200lb pet Karin, named Kishta?




    -Occasionally a simple lightweight chain, sometimes a staff, and sometimes a sword.

    -hands. Just like every other descendant, the greatest weapon ever.



    -Hands! Just like every other descendant, the greatest tool ever.



    - Archery: After 300 years of hunting.

      • Making bows: After 300 years you gotta make a a lot of bows, especcially when you... “Ahem” lose them.

      • Disguises

      • traveling randomly, always scanning for something to do.

      • Listening to others around her, even if they don't know it.





    Chaotic good


    Sometimes over extends logical boundaries, blurring good and evil.





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