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Posts posted by mystic

  1. So I was Informed that our Citadel has a Ibleez Shrine thats is very high quality

    We didn't really know it but Figuring the Dread Knights came to us, people seem to think

    that we are we are cultist figuring we have a direct link to the past I need some kind of

    person of the Temple to come to The Citidel of Slovo

    and explain what this is....


    *There was very Inept Caligraphy that can't be decypered past here*

  2. I feel like this is the tickle belt from songebob that got you this idea, I.... How would you combat it'd I'd just say Im not tickleish than do a powergamey flying ninja kick to your temple, killing you :D

  3. OOC

    MinecrFt nMe: GASOLIME

    timezone: cental

    skype gasolime

    Anythingto know? i like to stop and take screenshots :/ shoult bother but ifyouwonder why I stop a bit, yeah...


    Nae Yogiivir Brabec

    Age 19

    race: HighlNder (tougher than a dwarf!)

    Gender Male


    Land of Slovo (Promise)

    Skills: Lumberjack, experianced fighter, master fistcuffs

    Anything to knoww? yogi has already made his ownband of adventurers called prometheus and explored 3 doungens so far and multiple ruins of the last

    *yogi dumps the sand out of his fur boot and reads the flyer*

    "hmm like minded people, count me in!" *signs name*

  4. "Just been unbanned" as my ban was a 1 week ban 5 months ago... You guys literally and only you guys post on my applications because you must be subscribed to me and get a notification when I do post because you four are literally the only persons that comment on anything and I did not just get back... It'd been 5 months of me not posting anything on the forums, I'd still been here, Ive been here since Elysium (Before Anthos) this is just a 3rd Forum Account I've been apart of LoTC since Oct. 3 of 2012 and the only problems that arrised is when Usopp and his buddys had started to harrass me (need proof see all the back seat moderating done by filter and the abusive ooc done by usopp) not only that but you four are the only people who post on my things! Literally after 5 months I checked all of your profiles and you seemed inactive and I literally thought you had left the server,nso I gathered the confidence and Encouragment and posted my ET but I was Crestfallen, and in shock when the Original 4 people continued to gang up on me through the Forums For some reason I feel I am being scowled because I am not a donator, and that Usopp is power hungry and preys on people he doesn't like to maintain some status? I've already tried to explain the melovent Social Hierarchy that Usopp feels Don't believe me? Look, Usopp and Filtermon follow eachother around in game and are close friends not saying that should affect anything but just look at it from my perspective, 5 months ago these were the only people harrassing me, 5 months later it seems done and they are back. Is there a block button? Because they truly are the only people to post on my posts... And I'm sick of it as well as you 3 IC'ly are prominent powerfamers just look at Jelly's BR by another player Rest assured I don't want them posting because they can't get over a small problem that occured 5 months ago

  5. I don't know what you have against me? yes I understand we've rivaled in the past but It's been a Extrwamly long time and you seemingly have a grudge?  I' Don't know and I built very Little of fenna dn it was never removed + where were you? I do not remember you, I had an Mod say I should make one haha... I look forward to ET or at least a shot at it, theres no hurting anyway :)  If your problem was my previous roleplay, just know that i did include it as it asked I wasn't lying am I regretful to what I did in the past yes! did I own up to it? yes! and I'm on good terms I believe Usopp if you stop harrassing me and give me a chance?  Edit: With all due respect, you've harrassed me for a very long time and It was last year as of june, last year It's changed now, and alot of people here respect me I came back because I love the community and it's a shame you just -1'd me for no apperant reason besides still having a grudge I hope you take into a count that I am not the one... Usopp has literally been the only person to ever comment on anything I've posted? yes, there was a time I had changed my name to mark and it pissed ou off thats understandable, had it happened again? no. I've been here for an extreamly long time before I made another post, and it's seems you follow me...

  6. Minecraft name:GASOLIME

    Skype ID:gasolime

    Timezone:Central Mountain Time

    Have you had any bans or strikes? If yes give a link: Had one, on June 24th last year... Because my name was Mark Zuckerburg and I was roleplaying a Book merchant Selling books on the Human Anatomy of the Face made a good youtube video..

    Why do you want to be both a builder and an actor for the ET? Im very Capable of both, anything to make this a Fun place

    What are some of your most treasured builds? (screenshots if possible): I built Ravincia In the Server as well as alot of Fenn, the 4th Floor in the Arcane School, Out of server I do alot of Tower’s and Fortresses I also Like Steam punk building Odd enough but that’s beside the Point BathRugMan can Commend me he’s a ET himself and is Very Active builder and told me to Make this ( I feel like a Side b***h)

    Do you hold any other staff positions? No, Hopefully 3000 Post’s From now maybe

    What are your characters? Yogiviir Vrabec and I have open slots like 2?

    Pick three of the following building styles, and show us a build, of yours, that corresponds to each choice.(terraforming, organic, medieval, high fantasy, underground) As of Today I was working on a Massive Library that’s Upside down on the bottom of a mountain, that’’s pretty Fantasy also I do alot of Massive Tree’s In High Fantasy it’d Correspond to the Migratory tree’s of the Wood Elves I build alot of Nordic theme’d Buildings Also Underground is Good I’ve built for alot of Dwarves and Like I said the Ravincia City on the LoTC server and Fenn ( Snelf City)

    Are you an independent builder, and are you capable of handling all aspects of a build? I Consider myself an Independent Builder who can work for a long time but theres a time when I eyes hurt, and I have to get a cup of tea , Yet Beause I was apart of Previous Build team yet I like when other people offer Input and Add on/ Modify things I do… I work great with others and am considered a nice guy

    Create two distinct RP scenarios/events that you would organize. 1) For a group of 5-10 2) For a group of 20+
    Small group: RP scenario maybe a bad Confrontation such as Run in with Bandit's or bad people in general ending in RP a Fight Hopefully... Maybe a pre rigged result such as getting 2-3 people arrested but Escape obvious but getting caught, Big group of 20 plus probally a siege, on a Tower or Small town because people like that or even a Dispute between the two groups with nothing but volleys of arrows barraging each other's sides I am willing to work with other ET's on setting these up to improve the Server and make it funner (Yeah I know that's not a word :3)

    How long does it take for you to complete a build? Depends on the size really a Small building could be 10-45 Minutes Medium about 2-4 Hours and a Large scale from 2 days to 2 Weeks Depends because I like to Put in Maximal Effort

    Tell us how you plan on constructing a large build, a medium build, and a small build. Small on my own pu in a good amount of time, ask people how I can Improve which I shouldn't need too medium Do it again myself or with another person, maybe include Non ET for Roleplay Large Builds By myself or with other ET's Putting in ALOT of time to make it as sexy as it's size

    Additional details (Do you know how to Voxel? World Edit? Craftbook? Etc...):   Nah but I can learn fast

    How long do you plan to stay in the ET? As long as possible, Sure to help the people who are after me.

    Tell me a trick about building (eg: floating torches, custom heads) The Floating torches was actually what I was going to say but… Sign’s and Paintings… Making hidden Room’s

    Tell me what you want from the ET.
    Well… Not another plague I really want to fringe to not Randomly move to 4.0 I want a big event of the Fringe getting a Ice Age tempeture drops Severely all crops frosted over… people forced to leave the Fringe!


    I made this Application because 2 other ET's had Requested me to do so, I'm sorry but I have no Screenshot's because I factory Reset my PC I am also soon going to do a Media Application as well but not now, But Me Making an Application was Requested by ET's to do so, and it sounds fun anyway to create a more Immersive Environment for our Players   

  7. Triple you wouldn't know that the Only person around when I RP'd Mark was Mark how would you know I did that there was no OOC with that char it was as a joke right to Usopp when he entered Fenn  your Metaing Life because your Usopps friend doesn't mean you can go against me man

  8. -1 your griefing Definition isn't correct         Correct Definition:Griefing is the act of irritating and angering people in video games through the use of destruction, construction, or social engineering. Popularized in Minecraft by teams, griefing has become a serious problem for server administrators who wish to foster building and protect builders.

    Please understand this and let me Email you the Entire Uneditied compressed .mp4 Video file that was recorded when I 'Griefed' His house was Under 1 block of dirt in the middle of Nowhere and I didn't even go In I went down and seen Stone bricks and was like... yeah.. /looc Sorry man *Dirts up 2 Blocks* (( Usopp Bitching in Looc because im black))

  9. -1 your griefing Definition isn't correct         Correct Definition:Griefing is the act of irritating and angering people in video games through the use of destruction, construction, or social engineering. Popularized in Minecraft by teams, griefing has become a serious problem for server administrators who wish to foster building and protect builders.

    Please understand this and let me Email you the Entire Uneditied compressed .mp4 Video file that was recorded when I 'Griefed' His house was Under 1 block of dirt in the middle of Nowhere and I didn't even go In I went down and seen Stone bricks and was like... yeah.. /looc Sorry man *Dirts up 2 Blocks* (( Usopp Bitching in Looc because im black))

  10. Well... that's the end... within less than a minute of my Application that I spent the last hour on.. Shot down in 43 seconds 23 Miliseconds (Used the Stop watch on my G510 Keyboard...) I really thought Applications were supposed to be judged on what was read... :c Not based on Haters with Donator Respects *Cries*

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