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Posts posted by Roggvir

  1. After reading this, I headed to the doctor's for a physical. I've been diagnosed with every type of cancer known to man. He asked me if I'd been browsing any forums recently, and I brought him to this thread, and after reading the initial post, he had me immediately begin chemotherapy treatment.

  2. What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: - Roggvir.

    How old are you?: - 16.

    Have you ever roleplayed on a minecraft server before? If so, where?: - Yes, both Legend of Aelryth and Exodus.

    Have you applied to this server before? (Please link past applications): - No.


    How did you hear about us?: - My pal AlpineAl told me about it.

    What do you think the server will be like? - Pretty fun Fantasy Roleplaying server with a dedicated playerbase.

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: - Yes.

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: - Lore breaking is not allowed.

    Do you understand combat rules, and what you can and can’t do if you do choose to roleplay as a villain?:- Yes.

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?(If so maybe we can help clear it up! You will not be denied for having a question on the rules):- No.




    These terms are a major part of the server and in a few of our rules. Please define them so that we can get an understanding of how much you know about roleplaying. Feel free to Google the answers or check on our wiki, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not those of another website or person!


    What is roleplaying?: - Roleplaying is assuming the role of a character in a fictional world, using their emotions and thought process to define your actions.


    What’s metagaming?: - Metagaming is using information gained out of character, in character.


    What’s powergaming?: - Powergaming is roleplaying beyond your character’s abilities or forcing an action onto another player.


    In-Character Information


    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that you follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.


    What’s your character called?: - Roggvir Skalliege.


    What race are they? (and sub-race if applicable): - Cave Dwarf.


    What gender are they?: - Male.


    How old are they?: - 199.


    Give us a highlight of their past, What life events make your character the person they are today? This is your character's biography. It is also required to include server lore when writing. (Names of towns, major server events, ect. Most lore can be found on our wiki.): -


    Roggvir was born into the small commoner clan known as Skalliege, during the battle of the crossroads in Anthos.. From a young age he was put under the mentorship of Yavir Skalliege, the Clan’s current scribe. Roggvir was taught the many ways of being a scribe as he approached his trials, which he passed with ease. After his trials his mentoring continued for many years, he was even given a section of Yavir’s work as he began to succumb to age and old wounds.

    Roggvir began to take an interest in the kingdom of Kal’Urguan’s history. He would often go to the great library to read journals of past politicians, kings and strategists. One of his favorite books to read was one that described Kjell Ireheart’s military strategies and dragon slaying techniques. At the time of old Yavir’s death, Roggvir took his position as Clan Scribe. Roggvir now had access to the Clan’s documents and history, he used this to further study military and political strategy. Another one of his favorite things to read about was the battle of the crossroads, the one he was born during.

    With the return of Skalliege to dwarvern society, Roggvir hopes to re-integrate into society and rise to power. Starting off with joining the Remembrancer guild.

    Roggvir moved with the rest of his nation into the fringe where he resides today, continuing to learn the ways of politics and beginning to make his way up the ladder with the hopes of one day fulfilling his ambitions.


    What are they like? (personality): - Roggvir is a dwarf that is highly dedicated to tradition. He also respects military strategy and politics. To him, Dwarvern Traditions come before anything else. He also has a distaste for non-dwarves.


    What are their ambitions?: - To one day hold a place of power in the dwarvern political system or the military.


    Do they have any special skills? What are their weaknesses? (Try to list a few of both): - Roggvir has a high intellect compared to the modern dwarf. He is quite often too smart for his own good, or forces dwarvern traditions onto people who do not want it. This can often cause quite a problem. While he does have the basic combat training of all Skallieges, he does not have the combat abilities of most dwarves or soldiers.


    Give us a description of how they look?: - Roggvir is thinner than most dwarves due to his Skalliege bloodline, although he is a bit thicker than most of them. He has this form due to his pursuing of intellectual pursuits over that of combat. He has dark brown hair and brown eyes.


    Please give us a screenshot of your character’s skin: - http://i.imgur.com/4M98Z30.png


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