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Posts posted by KBR


    20th of Godfrey’s Triumph, 1868








    In light of the will of our late monarchs, the great Philip III and Anastasia I, upon their death, the County of Susa hereby pledges its fealty to King Frederick I, rightful King of Oren. Having fought and served in the previous war against the dwarves, I personally noticed a lack of presence from the supposed heir to the Empire, the pretender Peter Augustus. However, always standing beside me, always fighting, was the young Prince Frederick Charles. He has proven himself to be in the mold of his parents. It is his cause that I shall serve, and it is for his cause that I shall die for if needed. House Basrid stands beside their rightful king and devote our blades against the insurgency of the pretender.



    Anastasios Basrid, Count of Susa

  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7Vwzw2WTzk








        Waves of heat told the story of the harsh sunlight that bore down upon the rolling dunes of the Kharasi Desert. A sea of gold, unwelcoming and called home by a sparse few, nomads, would-be prophets, and those of the Fahkr Oasis. This environment so far south captivated little attention from most, despite its storied history detailed by the many ruins, statues, and fossils. The thought of the untold riches that lay below the sand brought with them two men, Mohammed Hassan and Al-Hakam. Ambitious and honorable they set out upon camelback to witness these wonders themselves, and wonders they did see in their travels. It was upon their return that The Kharasi Corsairs were founded, in the pursuit of both gold and glory. An invitation sent out to any man who would join them and claim his share.



    While the Kharasi Corsair’s primary objective was focused within the deserts they called home, they realized the worth in selling their swords to foreign crowns. It was this realization that brought with it their reputation of mercenaries, or sellswords, though still they remain bound by honor.



    While the Kharasi do not opt to sell their services for an entirety of any given war, they offer war contracts in periods of one year (1 week), during this period the men will rally for any skirmish, defense, or offensive warclaim.



    The Kharasi would offer to bolster the forces of any, though to conduct a raid entirely themselves they expect a higher price.



    The Kharasi offer security contracts over the period of one day (1 hour), during this time they would protect against any raid, or otherwise. 


    Alternative Contracts*

    The contents of an alternative contract are up for discussion.


    *All contract payments are decided upon negotiation. 




    The Reis are the leaders of the Corsairs, having no affiliation or bias to any nation, settlement, or otherwise. The Reis are expected to make neutral decisions out of the best interest of the company, and all members of the company answer to them as the main authority figures. 



    The bulk of the company, all Corsairs are viewed as equal, though they serve to hold many different occupations within the company. 




    MC Name: Your MC name.


    RP Name: Your IC name.


    Discord: Your discord, needed to be invited to our server. 


    Skills/Reason for Joining: A reason for wanting to join the group, and any skills you can bring to the table.

  3. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, that you may no longer use it in character?

             it's only happened to me 5 times now. yes

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