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Status Updates posted by Savoyard

  1. The dank levels are off the charts

  2. RIP "The Wild Wold" :(

  3. RIP "The Wild Wolf" :(

  4. What a.. Depressing day, hope you guys are enjoying it more than I.

  5. This is gettin' juicy

  6. http://gyazo.com/e02fc3e6c9dce325bde127295f45156e Respect for the guy who was /God/ for the fourth time
  7. These memes are too sweet

  8. Now if I could just get my 1.8 skin I would be content

  9. Tis I, the Bane of the Weaboo's

  10. Fear not, the Weaboo's hath been slain.

  11. Defcon 1 in Karovia!!

  12. This lag is pissing me off lol

  13. Any alternative IP's to LotC?

  14. So basically I just got into skinning and I could use some practice. If anyone wants some small edits I'll do 'em for free! (I can deny the ones I feel are out of my league)

  15. I didn't like Chivalry too much tbh

  16. Sinklars Visa

  17. Trust no one. Not even your Bonzi buddy..

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