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Posts posted by Divinae

  1. I wanted to do a version of this written entirely in an Auvergian accent, but I think anyone reading would murder me slowly. If you would like to imagine it's in a very heavy French accent, go nuts. <3


    I am Ciera Lefevre: tavern owner, lover of knowledge, cunning, persistent, woman, and human.

    My arrival in Thales was not warm--in fact, the opposite. A great frost took the land, and if I was not already stricken, harried, and hungry, it only made my grievance worse… but not even the harsh, eternal winter would not freeze the kind hearts of strangers. A woolen cloak, a vial of medicine, good food… all given with bright smiles. These things kindled a small light of hope in my own frozen heart, giving me a reason to persevere on.

    However, my worries these days have little to do with bitter cold.

    Shadows threaten all I hold dear. My home, my friends, my love… all tangled in sinister threads spun by Descendant hearts. I have watched those I love pay for the sins of others, in blood and broken spirit. Looming above all, the greatest evil, rising from his prison to cast darkness upon the world.

    When one lights a candle in a dark room, no matter how small the flame, even the shadows must flee. My hope will be the beacon that pierces the darkness. I may only be one, but I will protect those I love, and prevail for those who cannot find the strength to fight for themselves. My hearth is a sanctuary, my heart is my strength, and my wit a weapon.

    I am Ciera Lefevre, and this is MY Lord of the Craft.



  2. "I do 'ope eet's a rather nice shovel," she comments aloud, eying the poster with a raised brow. It was amusing, though she was more baffled by the list of offenses than the rewards.


    "At least zey are simple problems..." She sighs. "I suppose eef I 'appen across 'im, I'll do zeh service, though I 'ave no use for a shovel or being recognized as a 'alfling."

  3. OOC
    Minecraft Name:
    Timezone: PST or GMT -8
    Skype: -will disclose upon PM-
    Anything you'd like us to know?: I have no life, tend to be on Skype most of my waking time via my cellphone, and love to help in any way. College can bite though, and I can be called away for things IC and OOC.

    Ciera Lefevre
    Age: 19
    Race: Farfolk, Human
    Gender: Female
    Alignments: Association: Aldersburg - Neutral/In Good Standing

    - Cooking

    - Herbalism/Knowledge with Herbal Medicine

    - Farm Work

    - Deductive Reasoning

    - Business Management

    - Intelligence Work

    - Novice Arcane Knowledge


    Anything you'd like us to know?: I own the Sun's Solace, which I would more than happily have open for Seeker use as long as members respect the laws of town. However, I seek adventure on my own accord, and to experience the world and learn.

  4. Those same 9ft orcs don't seem to have issues walking into human buildings and through human doors without crouching or slouching due to their height. Hm.


    I still am baffled how a 12 foot tall Oolg can somehow manage to get through my 6-7 foot doorframe to my pub... but he was hitting his head on the support beams constantly.


    Interesting read. Don't have much input so I'm going to sit here with my popcorn and watch the discussion unfold. Perhaps put my two-cents in.


  5. It takes Ciera a moment to recompose herself, seeing the gruesome corpse of a woman. She shivered.


    The last thing we need is chaos, in times like these... She thinks to herself, glancing to the note and frowning. I will need to warn Aldersburg.


    She putters off quickly to the county nearby, to relay the message.

  6. OOC

    Minecraft Username: TheSilentRogue

    Age: 21

    Please write a small portion of RP depicting you using magic of your choice, this should be done as if it were an emote and not include internal though processes: 


    Ciera takes a moment to still herself, holding her hands before her.

    She takes a slow, and deep breath, her gaze becoming distant.

    The hem of her skirt begins to ruffle lightly around her feet, and the irises of her eyes begin to glow faintly.

    With a swift motion of her hands, a small puff of air rustles up dust and dirt into the air, breaking her concentration and bringing about a bout of coughing.


    ((Pardon for errors. First time in attempting magic RP on this server))



    Name: Ciera

    Age: 18

    Race: Human

    Known Magic: None

    Are you capable of teaching this magic: No


    ((Edit: Who is the weirdo who +1'd my app? XD))

  7. Ciera Lefevre comes across a copied notice, and midway through the reading, the young woman bursts into intense giggling.


    "Zeh druids 'ave an interesting method of punishments!" She wipes tears from her eyes. "Zough... tickle torture does not sound in any ways soft as eet implies. Actually, pretty evil..."

  8. Celia'ilum tilts her head curiously, pondering the tale. Her ear tips twitch slightly in her contemplation.


    "Shame I couldn't see him," she thinks to herself. "All I've found in the north has been weird dwarves who thought I was an illusion and wild forest that goes forever..."


    Though, any news of a dead Aengul seemed worrisome enough. Celia didn't know much, being so young, but deductive reasoning. She definitely intended to keep her ears perked for this matter.

  9. Out-Of-Character Information


    The simplest section of the application. Answer these questions so we can get to know you a bit more. Please do your best to correct spelling and grammatical errors, this is an RP server and writing is the main form of communication!


    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: - TheSilentRogue

    How old are you?: - 21

    Have you ever roleplayed on a minecraft server before? If so, where?: - A while back, on a small server that is long, long gone. I have roleplayed for years elsewhere off of Minecraft RP.

    Have you applied to this server before? (Please link past applications): -  No.


    How did you hear about us?: - Word of Mouth

    What do you think the server will be like? -  I’ve toured the map as a guest, and I have high hopes I can make friendships and alliances with the community. It is quite bustling and active!

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: - Yes, and I agree to them.

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: - This server’s mention of making sure you’re not making characters to grief on people’s fun is perhaps the most important rule to me, and I’m thankful you have a point out to it.

    Do you understand combat rules, and what you can and can’t do if you do choose to roleplay as a villain?:- I fully agree to the combat rules. I also understand the specific list of cans and can’t-dos for villainous roles.

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?(If so maybe we can help clear it up! You will not be denied for having a question on the rules):- This stuff’s pretty standard to me, and familiar, so I don’t have any questions really.



    These terms are a major part of the server and in a few of our rules. Please define them so that we can get an understanding of how much you know about roleplaying. Feel free to Google the answers or check on our wiki, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not those of another website or person!


    What is roleplaying?: - If the world is a stage, we are actors upon it… we craft unique personas to play a role in a great story that we share with others.


    What’s metagaming?: - Metagaming is using OOC information (things you’ve learned outside of the game, or overheard on another character) within IC situations.


    What’s powergaming?: - When all you care about is winning. Unfortunately, not in a socially accepted manner. Powergaming is using godmode or other methods to come out on top.


    In-Character Information


    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that you follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.


    What’s your character called?: -  Ciera Lefevre


    What race are they? (and sub-race if applicable): - Human Farfolk


    What gender are they?: - Female


    How old are they?: - 18


    Give us a highlight of their past, What life events make your character the person they are today? This is your character's biography. It is also required to include server lore when writing. (Names of towns, major server events, ect. Most lore can be found on our wiki.): -

    Ciera Lefevre was the youngest daughter of a simple blacksmith. Her childhood was constantly colored by the strain between her mother, her father, about her older half-brother and her unborn younger sister. Despite the love she felt for her family as a whole, Ciera drifted away from the favor of her father, instead looking up to her brother’s wisdom and guidance.  Despite their low, simple standing, little Ciera enjoyed what books she could get her hands on, stories of the Elves of Malinor, Aenguls and daemons, and tales of magic that filled her dreams.

    All as refugees living in Kaldona, no one in the family was prepared for the war and the Grip that claimed her pregnant mother and her father, leaving Ciera with only her beloved half-brother to stay by her side through the terrible strife in the Fringe. They found comfort in each other, but only for so long, as the drought forced her brother to seek means to support them both, and disappeared some time before Kaldona made its exodus to Thales, a final reprieve from the dying realm. She finds her refuge in Tempum, hoping to chance upon her brother and pursue a new life free from the bindings of misfortune.

    What are they like? (personality): - In her best spirits, she’s a quippy, fun-loving woman, in love with life and everything about it. She is difficult to discourage from something she sets her mind on, and if brought down to her absolute worst, she become spiteful and sharp-tongued, jabbing at the vulnerabilities of others.


    What are their ambitions?: - Spending much too long on a filthy, run-down, and disease-ridden conditions, Ciera would rather not continue her existence as a low-class citizen. She is curious about magic, hoping to possibly obtain a teacher to mentor her. A wish still remains in her heart that her half-brother escaped the fringe and wanders Thales, in search of her.


    Do they have any special skills? What are their weaknesses? (Try to list a few of both): - Ciera has really yet to completely discover all of her potential, but she has a keen eye to detail and cleverness at her disposal. Famine and illness has made her body physically weak, and a fear of repeating events of the past often spur her to take whatever measures necessary to keep herself from falling that low again.


    Give us a description of how they look?: - Ciera is a youthful girl, yet her hardships have hardened her round face. Her hair is short, almost medium-length, and a shade of mahogany. Already having a tanned skintone, she looks to be a young woman who has spent a lot of time in the sunlight. Irises are a pale hazel color, a mixture of green and light brown. Her clothing ravaged most of her clothing as of current, a coat loaned to her by an Orean priest, and everything is ill-fitting on her frame. Ciera may have been a healthy, active girl before, but the trip to her current destination has stripped her of most of any sort of babyfat she may have had left on her and given her a sickly pallor.   


    Please give us a screenshot of your character’s skin: -



    Minecraft will not display my skin properly, so I had to use another program to look up my username. :<



    Good luck and thank you for applying to the server!

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