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Posts posted by hotbox_monk

  1. Minecraft Name



    Discord ID






    Which sect were you interested in applying in?

    Lore / Event


    What skills can you apply in your role as a Story Team member?


    The skills that I can apply to the team vary in acting and simply being well versed in the history and current events of the server’s lore.  I have been roleplaying on LoTC since 2014, so 10 years now.  I have been known to host a plethora of player-events stylized through my own character creations.  I have told numerous stories since Athera with my characters and I have written meaningful posts that adhere to the lore and build upon it;  Much of these that are still referred to by players years since I wrote them.  


    When it comes to my emoting skills I can hopefully say that there are many who can attest to my capabilities and the care I take when describing action, setting or emotion.  I truly take pride in assuming my role and being true to my character as a whole.  This goes as far to extent that I am an avid PK’er and I have undergone the consequences of choice in this world we continue to grow in together.  I think that this is only a few of my skills, but are also the most important when it comes to being a Story Team member who acts and gives constructive criticism on lore.



    How can we as the Story Team contribute toward the server's story?


    We as the Story Team are here to help stories be told and to provide a unique setting for them to take place within.  This can range from derelict castles and keeps to ruinous caverns beholden to cultists with a story that ties itself to the players that engage.  These are often referred to as ‘events’ and their importance is a fact of survival for the community.  These events can make or break activity for communities with great potential but oft lack the ability to create a setting for a thrilling or intriguing story to take place.  As well as,  for the Lore Team, its equally as important to provide constant and watchful eyes over the server’s lore additions to ensure inconsistencies do not occur betwixt.  It is also imperative for the members that are reviewing a lore piece to provide a thoughtful answer as to why the their piece is going to be denied, if that is the result.  On top of that before such a conclusion is reached;  If there is a chance that the submitted lore piece could fit into the server’s story but does not meet certain requirements.  Then a Lore Member should make a list based on their careful evaluation and offer that player the chance to amend their lore so that it may possibly be accepted.


    This is some of what I believe Story Members can contribute to the ever expanding lore/story of LoTC.



    Link insightful feedback that speaks personally to you.




    Attach any relevant media, links, or screenshots of previous work you want to share. (Your Portfolio)





    (A dream of the Age of Darkness;  The Gates of Ibliss’ domain.)


    𖤓 Order;  My Lord, My father 𖤓





    When I was a youth I had trained in the yards of Sunbreak and toiled under the radiance of Order and His eminence.  The tenets of the embered carried me through darkness and temptation, but I sit here now as I pen this letter in contemplation.  There is no one among the divine who has chosen to stand against Azdromoth alike that of those who had descended down upon mortal-kind and waged war against the Inferi and its False Princes and Prophets.  These acts of righteous authority seemingly have become inert and remain facets of a time bygone;  Devoured by time instead of the Wyrm-Emperor. 





    Heed this call and raise thy banner by sword.  Look to the light of Order in the sky and remind it that We the descendents are the force that uphold the Heavens above.  If we shall fall then so too will the light of the world come sundering under smog and fire.  There will be none to weep for the fallen when darkness rises.  Muster thy strength and cut down wyrm and undeath alike.  For the two do not discern betixt one and other;  Both stand against Order.  Both shall fall.  Both shall meet a fate worse than the death they so cowardly evade.

    But hear me cravens of darkness and fire;  I come bearing a gift.

    The Gift of Your
    Destined Death.





    My name is Order;  Mine blade will cleavest the darkest of lords.


    My name is Maximus;  Mine light within will not wane in the face of wyrms.


    I am the son of Xan and I urge any and all to hear my call and join me in this war for mortal-kind;  Before it is too late.


    The Sun Reigns;  Darkness Fears


    𖤓 Ad Victoriam! 𖤓


  3. -=o=-O-=X=-O-=-o







    I N C A R I O L  stood upon the walls of Haelun' looking down upon the tide with relentless thoughts biting at every move he made.  As the page arrived with a missive in his hand he seemingly shook himself from that solitary state of rumination.  The startled lord accepted the document and opened it hastily;  Two pale eyes glossed with pride.  "We have much to accomplish my dear brother.  .  .  We will return the great vitality of our home.   .    .  To Silver Ascendancy."  The Okarir'sil chanted amidst the halls.





  4. Sumbakar stood before an altar of flame and shadow;  A claymore of monumental size leveled itself upon each splayed palm of his.  Ash and cinders idly blew off of its surface as the voice of A Z D R O M O T H hissed and whispered within his mind.  His Father’s unrivaled spirit had bestowed an incalculable amount of rage within his son.  


    The pact was made.  The fate of Order was sealed.  


    RUIN.”. The prolific nephilim chanted among an audience of none, only He and the extension of Him;  Arthonath, The Conqueror’s Blade.  


    The Sword, Sumbakar, reveled mightily.  The Redmont shook in the wake of its roar.  This was its Asioth.  It had been born a vessel of war.  An instrument of His Father, and a tool to bring oblivion upon the Heavens.



  5. The Sword observed Haelun’;  The Silver Blood had runneth ill, rancid and putrid with the stench of greed and laze.  .  .  The pupil of Kiljarys an Iarwain would remain a neutral force until the fates would have it be otherwise. 

  6. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:

             kindemperor, Jentos


    Creator's RP Name:

             Azlihessan, An-Gho


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Nephilim or dragonkin are the children of Azdromoth who serve as his undying inquisitors in the mortal realm.  Often are they to either be seen helping the likes of the descendants or punishing them just as well.  Such is the nature of the would-be drakes as fire does not discern between light or dark, same would apply to the nephilim.  Their ranks have historically always been split with many seeking Ruin and others seeking salvation through knowledge and other worldly things that do not necessarily entail their father's wishes. 

    Azdrazi are capable of wielding dragonsflame based upon a unit and exhaustion count.  They have a plethora of spells based around combat and non-combat and also know the esoteric smithing technique of the dragons;  Vehement Smithing.  Each Azdrazi refer to one and other as 'brother' and 'sister' and this is because inherently they all share the same blood, flame and connection to their father Azdromoth.  Thus, this tightly knit group forms a dragonsflight and thusly sticks to a more pack-like behaviour whilst being capable of rendering mighty foes null even by themselves. 

    All in all, nephilim are resiliant and convicted in their beliefs.  Often faced with consequences of their actions of war and corrupted philosophies about Asioth, they still persevere and their ranks bolster.  Though, in the chance or situation that a nephilim is killed by worldly means - They revive at their drakeshrine.  If they are fully corrupted or turned to stone, then that is it for them.  But turning to stone is seen as an honorable choice rather than corruption.


    There remains one singular way to put out a nephilim's inner flame forever and that is Severance.  The rites of this draan are known only to few and once done will afford the nephilim a destined death.



    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 


    Each Azdrazi can be unique in terms of color and types of horns they grow or eyes they have.  But all in all, they will inevitably resemble Azdromoth.  This is an unavoidable fact and so if you wish to draw any comparison for Azdrazi and their form, then draw it to that of Azdromoth.  Though, simply put they are serpentine in nature; or draconic.  And when in their polymorph form may assume possibly multiple identities should they wish or get creative enough.  This ability is confined to their race and nothing of drastic changes to their height or facial hair or actual hair. 


    Emusfayl is described as being, “A draconic prince standing at 7’6ft tall with a crown of dark crimson horns and silver locks of hair which rested upon its shoulders.  His eyes were golden and radiant like that of Azdromoth’s own.  His features were still elven, yet serpentine, naturally. His flesh was marred with dark crimson scales almost black.  A mark would glow red upon its chest and would resemble an eye of fire.”



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this creature is shelved, your character may be given the option to revert or be indefinitely shelved?



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I Understand.


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  7. A drakaarling;  One of The King of King’s chosen would be seen toiling in the ash, dawn till dawn, for the next thirteen days.  Trees were seemingly imported on carts and planted within the day in company of flowers which would illuminate the darkness with their blazing petals.  


    Audo’s Grotto was lain deep in the ash-fields and serves as an eternal and stark reminder of the Eternal War we wage and those who have fallen in its wake.


    The Age of Dragons is nigh and those fallen would not be forgotten.  Eternal is the memory of Flame. 


  8. A dark hammer struck down upon The Doom Forge upon Dwelgin’s departure to the Halls of Dungrimm and it would be his ancestors, heroes and legends alike who would welcome their kin to the Eternal Feast.  


    Dwelgin’s name soon appeared in every scroll and tome beholden to the Doomforged clan;  For he would be remembered.  



    The Sage’s Six





    (The mouth of Azdromoth bestowing prophecy unto The Father’s Herald)





    Among those who wander wearily beneath the light of Ebrietes, there are those who would heed the tablets set into the grassy flesh of Eos and Aos.  Her trees would offer shelter from the rain and wind while the eternal embers which cradled these shrines or tablets of stone would give warmth and protection from the cold.  Prayer and ritual were made here to Her King, The Dragon-God;  Two, but One.  For, this god to which these sages paid great homage was forged from the mountainous ire of Her; The World.  And so, these wandering sages bade the will of their Dragon-God and the earth to which he was bound to rule as He once had in an age not long ago from the immortal eyes of Dragonkin;  Remembrance.





    Docar; or "Fire".  The first tablet was carved and chiseled within the Ashlands of the West.  Enwreathed in dragonsflame this shrine of stone lies within the crevices of a lone volcano which is said to be dormant, but lay waiting to spew its fire upon the land once again when its maker returns to reclaim His Kingdom.  


    Fire is both creation and destruction;  It casts both shadow and light. The sage teaches us not to discern, for the Sunlit Inquisition remains beneath our heel just as those wrought of Undeath.





    Valandar; or "Balance."  This shrine represents much to many but the sage teaches that it is the equilibrium between the forces of light and dark that we, The Children of Azdromoth, stand between.  


    This balance is but temporary and simply puts into perspective of the Eternal War which wages on between Aenguls and Daemons.  With mortal kind at the whim of their power, it is the Dragonkin who repeatedly repel them from the realm to which their Father rules.





    Vosmirak; or "Eternal Flame."  The sage tells within the draconic inscriptions which lay ablaze upon the tablet’s surface that it is the Eternal Flame within His Children which hold the knowledge of past, present, and future.  The story of creation is within their inner flame and it is unto them to persist through time with this ancient lexicon.


    The Order of Nephilim has naught been only that of war but of scholars as well and that in itself is the true nature of the dragon.  To hoard knowledge from all corners of Eos and Aos so that it may survive Ibliss’ oblivion.





    Thulmaraak; or "Transformation."  The sage meant by this in that one must understand the processes of change one goes through within the Order of Nephilim.  Many Dragonkin lose sight of their past selves or their former state of being and often embrace a ‘newfound Asioth’, though the sage urges us not to look beyond, to look within.  It is there that lies the inner flame and the story of their ‘creation’.  We are as evolving as the world and lands about us;  We must not forget the story the sage tells within the tablet.


    Like a river shifting directions over time bygone so too does our direction but we must never be misled by the fallacies of Our Father’s corrupter.





    Drakendor; or "Unity."  The sage has seen an age of civil war within the Order of Nephilim and never again should a time of blood ever return amongst The Father’s own children.  We are His Chosen and the sage teaches that Dragon does not eat Dragon.


    If the Dragon devours itself - Oblivion will consume the world as we know it.  The Dragon must not devour itself.  The sage teaches this idea in the sense of urgency and simplicity so that all might understand it.





    Aklarnox; or "Enlightenment".  The pursuit of enlightenment is oft the path that those who learn of Asioth set upon.  And it is taught by the sage that this must be continued and passed on.  Without Asioth there exists no path to enlightenment within The Order of Nephilim.


    The sage describes this within the burning sigils upon the stone tablet.  Once again he does so in urgency and simplicity to that all might understand its teachings.





    Within the mountains and deep in the caves and upon Her rolling hills these tablets would be sat within.  Tales are told of a wandering sage who teaches of a time coming just beyond the horizon.  “Wings will shroud the sky and Aengudaemonica will sunder from the heavens.”  Some tavern keeper might have repeated. 




    Footnote: There will be six builds showing up throughout the map to represent each of these shrines. This is the first of three posts I will be releasing. This one, albeit tied to my character - referred to as the sage, is for all the heralds and newcomers to our merry little dragon lover group. Also, havent written in a while so dont kill me.


    If you read it with the music its more fun :)

  10. Azhorgrond turned to face a council of ancient Dwedkin, many with eyes alit with flame.  The progeny of The Great Hero had been sequestered in shadow and unseen for long enough.  


    A hammer struck.


    Sparks flew and the wind blew violently through a stygian hall with none, but the writhing flames from within the black forge.  


    The Gears of War had begun to turn beneath the earth of Urguan.  


    The Watchers have come.   

  11. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Kassian Nullivari


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Ordained Herald


    Teacher's MC Name:

             kindEmperor / _Sug


    Teacher's RP Name:

             Azlihessan / Balthazar


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  12. Kargarn is welcomed by familiar faces at the long table of Dungrimm’s Hall.  “Narvak oz Dorkadrel.”  The gathered Doomforged would declare as their kin rejoiced with the rest of Urguan’s fallen heroes.

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