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Everything posted by Kamikaze_Koala

  1. Kamikaze_Koala


    He grew up in a family of nature loving forest dwarves, strict adherents of the Brathmordakin faith. Their worship focused on Anbella in particular. as a child, Ingemar was always fascinated with how life worked and the harmony of all things — always more curious than his younger sister Solheim, he constantly reminded her how much smarter he was at least in his own mind. As he got older, he kept his head in books and studies of plants and herbal remedies, finding anatomy and herbalism fascinating all while asking the elders their knowledge on the world, landscape and all the creatures within it. unlike a lot of dwarves, Ingemar’s skill set was more on paper than it was physical labour. Despite being quite clever for his age, wisdom wasn't his strong suit and he often took pleasure in letting others know how smart he was and grew rather egotistical. That being said, his will is good and Ingemar will always strive to do what he believes to be the right thing and cares deeply for his family.
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