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Posts posted by DoomedDM

  1. Imperial Republic of Mankind


    Location: Novam Domum, Imperial palace, Imperial office

    The light was on in the imperial office even as it was almost completely dark outside except for few spots of lights indicating other places where people were still awake. Here Alexander Varellion emperor of the IRM thought about the current situation at hand. The southern galactic war was the biggest war the humans had ever seen, it was almost beyond what people could have imagined back on earth. Corrupters and Keerim in the east, the Karrass civil war in the west and the Kalronians in the south all potentially dangerous for the IRM. Of those Alexander worried mainly about the Kalronians. 


    They had a reputation of being fanatic purgers and were known for not being the most tolerant of beings. 

    And the IRM had a former asset of theirs above their very heads as Alexander looked into the sky where the moon was. It could prove a huge potential boon in the future yet for now it also proved a great liability and possible target for the Kalronians. Even if the Kalronians wouldn't attack there were still the Han to worry about who would attack them if they ever showed that they were weak. Yes many threats and possible threats were there for the IRM. Some might call Alexander paranoid but paranoia had made him become one of the largest corporations on earth and managing to get him to have a colony ship to Mars originally. Paranoia whilst unfound could either prove a slight disadvantage or a great boon, mostly the latter when you were leading a nation, especially one with the circumstances the current colonies were in. Luckily he had gotten what he possibly needed and now the time was there to prepare. Soon the Kalronians would attack, it was almost inevitable in Alexander's mind, they would come to get the facility to produce more replicants in the war against the Ganvius where very extra boon could be just what tipped the balance. 

    That war would be huge, these two colossi had been preparing for this war for decades and in this situation all human colonies were just ants, though possibly really helpful or annoying ants. Soon the day of reckoning would come for the IRM in one way or another. Soon it would be seen who lives and survives and all this was on his shoulders, every death would be his fault as well as every survivor, it was a hard burden knowing a whole nation depended on you, though not a populous nation it was still a nation with more than 300.000 brave souls living in it. Yes it was time to prepare to make sure that the IRM would survive the storm to come, he felt that he was being judged by the gods or some other great beings, this would either be his greatest achievement or his greatest achievement.


    War was coming 





    5 ap is spent fortifying the planet of Novam Domum 

    5 ap is spent fortifying the moon base

    In both projects, especially the moon base one, the newly gained technology will be applied

    0 ap is spent colonizing the planet with xylorite on it 

    0 ap is spent making sure only high command knows of what some of the weapons are used for and the inquisition makes sure it is kept that way




    4500 soldiers in mark I power armor 

    10.000 soldiers total 

    10.000 citizens registered as reserves 

    40.000 militia in case of an invasion 



    population: 310,500


  2. Imperial Republic of Mankind


    Location: Novam Domum, Imperial palace, Imperial office

    Alexander Varellion emperor of the IRM and protector of humanity contemplated the current galactic situation, inside of his office. Things were not looking good. The southern galaxy was in crisis, the Keerim and Corrupters just kept growing stronger and even now a civil war was going on inside the Karras Dominion. Things were not looking good and from now on things were only going to escalate. At least he could hope that the Keerim did not unleash something beyond their power if they attacked the Ganvius nation. Whilst Alexander did fear the Keerim he feared the Ystor much much more. Whilst the Keerim would annex them and oppress them if they could even reach the IRM and defeat the Trialition and the Protorians and Redons they would at least not purge them in comparison to the Ystor. Yes, he needed to provide adequate defenses. Yet he knew that there could be a possible exchange and he should if he could help the Karras with their internal war. He would do this since the Ystor were a good trading partner and it could provide better relations with the loyalists. Yes he had some things on mind.


    Another note to self Alexander though, he would need to get better education, maybe he could get some aliens to give them a galactic standard education but for now he would simply improve the education he has.

    Yes things would be good eventually. 


    5 ap is spent on producing weapons and ammunation for the Karras loyalists in the civil war

    2 ap is spent on project shadowblade

    1 ap is spent on improving education 

    (Rp will be added later, this is just so you won't have to wait for me)


    population: 295,000




    Imperial Republic of Mankind


    Location: Novam Domum, industrial district, warehouse


    Joshua Smith was not a man that would stand out in a crowd.

    He seemed as regular as a person could be, he had normal jeans, shoes and shirt and to the untrained eye he would seem to be a normal person.

    Yet those trained to truly see a person could see with his body language and eyes that he was no normal person and was rather shady.

    This was true, Joshua Smith was the leader of a local gang of drug dealers called the harbingers. 

    This group had been established around 12 years AIM (After Imperial founding,the unofficial calendar in the IRM)  and had managed to mostly stay hidden.

    For now.


    Joshua was looking over the men working in the warehouse on top of the raised platform from which he could see all that was going on inside the factory.

    There were around a dozen guards standing guard and a few dozen men working on processing the cocaine plants into the good stuff. Joshua took pride in knowing that he was the largest drug dealer and one of the large boys on the small criminal sector of the IRM.  He sold regular amounts of cocaine and other drugs to the poorer parts of society who had a low income and were in a bad state emotionally taking advantage of them. From this Joshua gained a large amount of money which he used to expand and maintain his operations whilst also giving himself some luxuries.

    Then suddenly Joshua felt a feeling of dread and felt goosebumps spreading around him as if a forewarning. But that is unlikely, what could happen they were safe secure and had been working for years not being noticed under being the guise of being a normal storage warehouse.


    Then Joshua saw some of the doors open lightly and almost unnoticeably like they had simply been opened by the wind and were not secured properly but the weird thing was that they were all opening a small part all at the same time. Then Joshua just at the edge of his senses felt something clanging against the door and tried to give a warning before large flashes came and his senses were overwhelmed for around 10 seconds. 


    As he returned to his senses Joshua quickly noticed that in the short time almost all of his guards had been taken out and a large group of men with black clothing and golden trimmings in their clothes made of a secure material. Seeing the hopeless situation Joshua tried to flee through the back door before he was roughly lifted up by his shoulders and he got smashed in the stomach by a hard cold fist, most likely some gloves padded with a strong material. Then after the pain settled Joshua looked up at the man in front of him. The man looked to be around his 30's and had a scar on his face and a grim look in his face. Though at the moment he had a malicious grin plastered on his face which gave Joshua a feeling of dread.

    Then as Joshua looked up at the man with around the same standard clothes as the rest of the men who stormed the compound but with more decorations and a small golden double headed eagle at the right side of his chest he felt his curiosity outweigh his sense of safety and sense.


    "Who....o... are you all and what are you doing here ?" Joshua said trying to look and sound brave but ending up sounding scared and fearful.

    Then if possible the malicious smile on top of the man's face grew even larger and Joshua felt his goosebumps and fear getting even worse as the man spoke few words.

    "No one expects the Imperial inquisition." Joshua heard before he saw the fist of the large man approach his head before feeling a sharp pain around his temple and then there was nothing.


    Location: Novam Domum, Imperial palace, Imperial office

    Alexander Varellion, first of his name emperor of the IRM, protector of humanity and guardian of freedom as called so by many was in a call with inquisitor Allisandor Carrow.

    "So how did the raid go agent carrow ?" Alexandra asked through the call with an inquisitive look on his face. It all went according to plan and efficiently, there were no casualties, only a few small wounds and the leader of the operation has been captured and is being prepared for interrogation." 

    Alexander then mused to himself for a few moments before making a decision "Go medium interrogation level on him, mostly psychological and light physical interrogation. Yes my lord." Allisandor responded showing only a slight displeasure before Alexander shut off his com and thought back on his recent action.

    Whilst there had not been any spies found inside the colony the inquistion had proven sufficient in tracking down criminal groups and other dangerous organizations and Alexander was pleased.


    Yet now it was time not to focus anymore on tech, politics or even the military, this year it was time to do some good old domestic investment.

    For some time he had focused on preparing for battle and getting soldiers to battle and that had proven sufficient in accomplishing his goals, though the incident in Han space was definetely less than satisfactory the losses were acceptable  considering that there was not much invested into the fleet anyway.

    Now with his personal opinion and several factions pushing for it the IRM was going more isolationistic which now included simply focus on matters inside the state.

    Things were going to be good and soon all would go as planned





    4 ap is spent investing into industry to make more and better quality products for citizens inside the IRM and any excess products to be sold to their trade partners.

    2 ap is spent into finishing the colony ship

    2 ap is spent on a campaign to encourage people to have more children, around 6 per family preferably and to improve child services to help parents take care of the children. Furthermore the more children a family has the family gets larger tax cuts.

    0 ap is spent on Imperial elections after some issues with the voting system



    10.000 soldiers

    4500 men in power armor 


    population: 281,250 Imperials 

  4. County of Evermore 


    Uther looked from his letter in concentration and a snarl on his face as he had heard the news.

    There had been a victory and Wayrest had been conquered but at what cost, his army was depleted and he was vulnerable to any possible counter attacks, he would need to make sure the consolidate his position first before making any more offensive moves. His enemy would most likely come to attack his position and try to drive him out of Wayrest. Now he had to make sure that the people in Wayrest would not be able to or would want to revolt against him and he needed to prepare for the inevitable attack that was cominig. Uther feared what might be ahead of him, he felt that the threat was greater than he had originally appreciated and that whilst he would most likely win this conflict it would possible be at grave costs as seen by the first strike. 


    It would be nice if he could have some people helping him with taking out the Orisimer and then he realised something.

    He had been an idiot, whilst he had sent men to his neighbours in High Rock he hadn't send any to other people in High Rock. Even though they would most likely not immediately join in with the war he could at least know what the stance was of the other provinces and what the best approach would be to them, he did not hope war, a peaceful annexation was much more preferable.





    2 ap is spent recruiting 500 more men 

    1 ap is spent on consolidating power in Wayrest by putting the former guards out of service and to go through extensive testing to see if he was loyal to lord Uther and by giving gifts and entertainment to the people of Evermore

    1 ap is spent preparing for a possible counter-attack

    0 ap is spent sending diplomats to all provinces of High Rock, except Wayrest which he was at war with and Farrun and Gehenna where the situation was complicated to say the least.

    1 ap is spent giving any hunter or other people who have information on any approaching armies a decent amount of gold so he would have an initial warning of where and when the Orisimir army came from and to get enough time to get a response, further if possible small group of soldiers with help of the hunters will attempt to ambush the supply lines of any approaching armies 

  5. Imperial Republic of Mankind


    4 ap is spent on public projects to increase the entertainment value in the IRM and morale

    2 ap is spent establishing the inquisition, a counter-espionage organization to deal with any foreign spies.

    2 ap is spent Working on a colony ship

    0 ap the elections happen


    Location: Novam Domum, Imperial palace, Imperial office

    Alexander Varellion thrice elected emperor of the IRM looked down from the high point in his office to the city below him.

    He had achieved so much in these two decades, he had seen a new generation be born and made the IRM prosper. But now he wondered if he was really teh one for the job, especially after the catastrophe. So much Imperial lives lost, most because of fighting for the greater good but more than 500 died because of his own stupid greed for technology.

    He could not have known what would have happened but that did not mean he wasn't responsible, it was his fault.

    Alexander had not been wise, he had forgot Napoleon's words 'don't wake the Chinese dragon' and now he had felt the consequences. Strategically he had not lost much in hindsight, there had not bee much investment in the fleet anyway and the 500 men were expendalbe on a strategic level, but it was a moral loss and a political one with SATO disbanding. Still what was potentially worse were all the factions in the senate and soceity rising up. Oh the factions all loyal to him but all headaches and possible threats if any grew too large. First there was the Democrats who supported capitalistic ideals and were mostly merchants, they had the main goal of preserving democracy. In some way their polar opposites were the Royalists, these were the group who said that the emperor was teh ultimate leader of the IRM and who were in favor of changing the governmnet into a constitutional monarchy. Finally the last major faction were the militarists, these group had recently grown in popularity and proposed getting a larger army and more military presence to defend themselves from any threats. There were also a number of smaller factions like the Isolationists and theHumanity first organization but most were too small to make an effect. He appeased all groups and agreed with them but he didn't want any one group to grow too large and disturb the balance. Lately a great problem was that the radicals in many factions had been growing in size. Whilst they were still small they could prove a danger to soceity. The two real dangerous radicals were the Warhawks and the Cult Imperialis. The warhawks were an organization that said they should go to war with the Han dominion and gain their revenge whilst the Cult Imperialis were a group of fanatics who believed the emperor was a demi-god and some even believed he was a god, which was completely untrue. Now there were also the elections which had gained some ruckus but not much was expected except him getting elected again. The real question was with how much of a majority would he win with the latest events that happened. 


    Alexander knew he had to deal with the threat the Han dominion formed in the hearts and minds of his people. Thuse, he needed to make sure that there was a lot of holo movies and other things to make sure the threat of them was mostly forgotten or at least reduced. Adding to this there was an organization he wanted to have founded some times ago 

    Then Alex gained a malicious smile and if any others had seen him they would have shivered thinking about what plan the emperor had thought of. 

    Yes it was time,

    No one would expect the Imperial inquisition.



    10.000 soldiers

    4,500 with power armor 


    Population: 271,000 Imperials

  6. Imperial Republic of Mankind


    Location: Tassarean space, capital of Tassarea, southern continent, the frontline 



    It was chaos on the battlefield.

    In the forests and plains of Tassarea, shots and warcries could be heard  accros the battlefield.

    Humans in Imperial armor and guns stood side by side as they shot towards the menace that was approaching them.

    They stood on even ground or on the bodies of the Corrupter menace.

    These were horrible beings mutated into a dangerous biological killing machine which's only purpose was to kill.

    Swarms of these despicable creatures were spread around the planet as the united force of humans and Tassareans fought back to keep them away from the cities.

    The lines of both the Imperials and the Corrupters slowly came close together with the sounds of the armored feet of Power armor walking on the ground was heard close-by and the thunderous sound of gun fire from both the Imperials and the corrupters viciously fought each other.

    Gunnery sergeant Allisandor Carrow was among these men, he was a man applauded by his commanders as strategic minded and brave though he could be rash in certain situation.

    This could be seen on the battlefield as the sergeant methodically shot at any corrupters in sight and took cover behind the  bodies of the corrupters or even his own comrades who's power armored suits slowly died down as the power supply was cut and gaping bullet holes in the armor shredded into the original occupant.

    Then suddenly sergeant Carrow saw as the distance between the groups were closed that the Corrupters straight up put their guns away and charged at them with their weapons wether they be real weapons or parts of their organic bodies.

    As they came closer sergeant Carrow ordered his men to mount their bayonets on their guns and they shot their final few volleys towards the approaching mass of claws and teeth came closer.

    Then the Imperials with their power armor and the Corrupters with their organic bodies quickly closed the distance between each other and clashed together.

    Men fought beast as the men with the screaming hydraulics of their power armor pierced their Itoron bayonets into the flesh of the corrupters yet for those who took out the corrupters there were also many who were taken down by the corrupters as they bravely died fighting the corrupters until their claws pierced into their armor and into their bodies finally delivering the finishing blow.

    The clash went bad, many corrupters died and for every Imperial that died there were at least two corrupters to be dragged down with them.

    Yet the raw numbers and seemingly endless horde of the Corrupters just kept coming and slowly fewer and fewer of the Imperials were left remaining.

    First sergeant Carrow stood together with his squad yet he saw as over the course of hours his men began being taken out by the Corrupters even as they courageously fought on.

    He could see that they were growing fewer whilst the Corrupters just kept in coming and he saw how the company was starting to lose cohesion.

    Then the lines slowly but surely started to break until all that were left were a few isolated group of men fighting until they were to be taken out and as only 4 of his men remained Allisandor realized that if they were going to stay there they would die.

    Then he ordered all of his troops that were left remaining and once permission was given by Commander Dante he and the few remnants of the 2nd Imperial heavy infantry company gathered at a central point and were taken to the Imperial supply depot behind the frontline. 

    Even with this journey many of the Imperials died either by Corrupter ambushes or by dying of infection.

    Yet the Imperials through heavy work and harsh trials arrived at the Imperial supply depot.

    From the second company a full company with the strength of 2500 Imperials were now only a measly 23 men left reaming.

    Later sergeant Carrow heard that the other regiment had also taken heavy casualties with there now only being 1250 Imperial remaining of the original 5000, victory had been won but at what cost.



    4 ap is spent reluctantly helping with rebuilding the Han station 

    2 ap is spent constructing a new frigate 

    2 ap is spent helping the children by understanding their language and getting caring good people to take care of them (the information about the children would be kept secret from the public and the galactic community) 

    0 ap is spent repairing the power armor from the battle of Tassarea

    0 ap is spent attending the farmer's market at Utopie

    0 ap is making the news of the defeat rather than creating mistrusts in the governmet is made to make people feel anger at the Han and other groups through the media 



    5950 soldiers

    950 men in power armor


  7. County of Evermore 


    Location: County of Evermore.

    Uther looked at the map and letter he had just gotten.

    The news was good it seemed there was already some dissent at Wayrest.

    Now he would exploit that situation and liberate the Bretons from cruel Orisium rule.



    3 ap is spent on taking over Wayrest.

    In Wayrest all agents and some of the people who were agreeing with the cause of Wayrest and are skilled in stealth are going to make sure that at late night after evening (0:00) would take over the gatehouse as stealthily as possible to make sure that the soldiers in Wayrest don't know of what is going on.

    Furthermore some other dissenters are readied to help the Imperials once they are readied,

    At around 19:00 1500 soldiers of the county march towards the city of Wayrest and if the gate is opened by the agents would go in and slaughter the Orisium garrison.

    If the gate was not opened at night and if the Orisium are not alerted would use ladders to climb up the walls.


    1 ap is spent making making ladders and other simple siege equipment to stealthily go up the walls and into Wayrest.


    A letter is delivered to New Orisium by bird as the troops set off and most likely arriving when the operation is finished or the army has already arrived at the city

    To the chief or High chief,

    You have been a cruel ruler and reprised the Bretons of your land and favoring your own race against them.

    I see them oppressed by your troops and I see how they are yearning for a chance to become one with their Breton brothers and sisters.

    You are a threat to the unity of High Rock and I will unite High Rock whatever the costs.


    Lord Uther of Evermore


    Military: 2000 soldiers


    Population: 12880

  8. Imperial Republic of Mankind


    Location: Novam Domum, Imperial square in front of the palace.

    Alexander Varellion emperor of the IRM steeled his features as thousands of people watched him on the Imperial square.

    He had called for a conference to tell the people the hard news of what happened and what was to come.

    Alexander did not like this and he would understand if his people didn't like it but it needed to happen.

    His decisions would most likely cause the deaths of thousands but it could possibly save the lives of billions though this would not be guaranteed. 

    Alexander then spoke up and started his speech which could change the whole of the IRM though the question is whether it would be for good or worse.

    "My people, recently bad news has come, the USA has fallen under the clutches of the vile Keerim Imperium and the Corrupters are threatening to destroy the Tassarean Republic." "These names sound far away and you might think that it is not relevant to us but it is." "At this very moment millions of sentients are dying just because of sick abominations like on the moon." "The truth of the matter is, there will always be monsters, no matter what circumstances there are." "Men die because of the vile desires of these monsters and if none stop them these monsters will control everything." "That is how it always was and how it will always be." "Yet the proof of a great man is not to do the easy thing but to do what is right and almost always doing what is right is much harder than doing what is easy yet without such men civilization and freedom falls." "Such monsters are in the east of the galaxy killing thousands by the day, now they may be far away but if they are not stopped then it will be YOUR friends and family who will all die or live under oppression their whole lives never seeing the light of freedom and liberty." "So my people do you want to do nothing and stand aside as these monsters kill millions, threaten your families and your freedom, will you stand aside as they will take away all that is good in this galaxy." Then the crowd inspired by the speech would cry in approval and cry that they would not stand aside Alexander would continue "No we will not, we are Imperials we are one of the last vestiges of humanity and we will do what is right no matter the costs, we will have to put our prejudices aside, we will need to push past our common believes to make sure that we will do the right thing.", "That is all for now my people, may fortune shine upon the Imperial Republic." Alexander would then move away from the podium with cries of approval sounding behind him.





    Location: Novam Domum, Imperial office

    The emperor of the IRM Alexander Varellion looked at the galactic map and several screens showing the galactic situation and it was not good.

    War was brewing in the wester galaxy with a conflict between the Protorians and Backhatta defending against the Karras.

    Meanwhilst the galactic East was in a full on war with the Tripatirate, Grgl, Tassareans and the majority of the human colonies fighting against the Keerim and the corrupters.

    The situation was dire and whilst he knew that the IRM itself was not directly threatened he knew that if he would not interfere there was a very good chance the Tassarean republic would fall, that was just the way fate worked.

    Now he was drinking his coffee (thank goodness he finally got the domes producing luxury products and Utopie imports) as he observed the situation.

    Then he heard the door slide open and between there his secretary Lily walked in through the door guarded by two men in fall armored combat gear.

    "You know that you are working too late again aren't you ?" Alexander then went with his hands through his hair and looked at him "Free time and sufficient sleep become a myth when you become the absolute ruler of a nation and are preparing it for war." Lily then looked concerned at him "You know you don't have to do this, there are other bigger nations that should do this that have been doing this for hundreds of years, we are just a minor colony of less than 300.000 souls and not even 3 systems under our control, we shouldn't have to fight these immense larger than life threats." Alexander then looked at Lily and nodded "I agree we shouldn't have to do this but in the end if we don't do it then who else would, the other bigger nations can take the Corrupters and Keerim on so they don't worry about them but colonies like us know the truth, if we don't stop them and if the Tassareans fall then eventually we will also fall." Lily nodded but sighed. "Still we shouldn't have to do this, why won't things naturally go good so we can just expand, improve our tech and grow in peace." "That's the course of life Lily, things will never be alright and there will always be threats in the galaxy yet it are good men that will always stand up no matter what they have to lose who will then do the right thing."

    "Now it is time to work the massive machine of administration and get our industry rolling to save the galaxy."



    3 ap is spent producing the first of the Imperial 'Judgement' class destroyers consisting of the best tech available to the IRM from both the former HCF and SATO tech.

    3 ap is spent equipping 3000 men with new guns and suits thus increasing the amounts of suits to 5000

    1 ap is spent producing 5000 Itoron bayonets for the armored troops to use in battle

    1 ap is spent training the armored troops extensively specifically against fighting corrupters

    0 ap once the men are equipped and trained 5000 armored soldiers are sent to the Tassarean capital supported by PAR troops to help the Tassareans and fight in the next battle for the Tassarean capital.

    0 ap is spent secretly abducting around 100 of the 20th century species preferably orphans and very young a.k.a. age 0-4 choosing if possible those with high IQ levels and possible future leadership traits.


    Imperial Guard

    (for now) 2000 soldiers armed with bolt guns and Mark I power armor

    Total soldiers: 10000


    Imperial Navy

    V1 Imperial scout corvette 

    V2 Imperial warhound class frigates:

    Emperor's hand


    (Under construction) Imperial judgement class destroyer

    Rightful judgement 


    Trade agreements:

    People’s Republic of Utopie

    Free human technocracy

    Solarin federation

    Silver knights



    Grand alliance


    Karras Dominion


    Population: 253,000 Imperials






  9. County of Evermore


    Location: Evermore, castle 

    "WHAT THE ****, DRAGONS, DRAGONS AREN'T DRAGONS SUPPOSED TO BE EXTINCT DAMNIT" Uther rages in private in his bedchamber. "ALL THAT PREPARATION FOR 2 YEARS ENTIRELY USELESS JUST BECAUSE OF SOME BAD LUCK, SHEOR WHAT HAVE I DONE TO ANGER YOU ?"  Uther then slowed his breath and tried to calm himself down. "ok Uther be calm, the two northern provinces are not available for conquest right now, though luckily I have gotten some refugees now I need some other place to start uniting the provinces." Uther went with his hands through his hair as he though about what he should do.


    He could start the real uniting by taking out a bigger goal than initially though Wayrest, that could be easy since it was ruled by a Orisimer and he could possibly start spreading dissent and increase his army again, yes that could work he could spread bad news about the orc and then invade Wayrest yes that could work.


    Uther then from his bedchambers in the top of the keep went to the lower areas where one of if not his most important follower resided. As he walked down with the building slowly getting dirtier and less well-kept he arrived in front of a door and he nodded twice. Then he could hear a silky voice saying "Come in". As Uther walked in he could see that in contrast to the outside this room was  very well kept and attached to the walls were several maps and webs full of small notes and drawings and in the middle of the room was the man he needed to talk to, his spymaster Lucius. " ah my lord what do I have the pleasure to meet you for ?" Lucius inquired with his silky voice. Whilst Uther didn't like spying or war or any other violent action he knew that for the greater good it was better that they happened. "I have a mission for you and your little birds." " and what might that task be my lord ?" Lucius asked like he didn't know every thing that happened inside the castle, at least he was loyal to Uther. "I need you to send your agents into Wayrest and try to start discontent against the local ruler there and as a secondary purpose gather information on the strength of their defenses and military." "mhm," Lucius stroked his chin " That will not be an easy task and I am not sure if I may acomplish the secondary goals." "I know that." Uther said in annoyance though it was not aimed at Lucius "I don't need much information just the general state of the wall and the rough numbers of their army but I know what you mean." "I will give you considerable resources to achieve this goals, do not disappoint me." Lucius would retort with mock shock "Oh my lord I would never disappoint you, though I would first need to get my little birds to fly over the borders and then listen to the songs of the people and sing their own song to entertain them." Uther rolled his eyes knowing the metaphors Lucius spoke in. "Just get it done." Uther said before leaving the room and slamming the door shot behind him.



    2 ap is spent sending spies into Wayrest by sneaking them past the border and then to go and start dissent in Wayrest against the lord whilst if possible though the first priority is starting dissent getting a rough number on the size of the military and observing the general state of the defenses.

    1 ap is spent training 250 more men 

    1 ap is spent finishing with restoring the military


    Army: 1,750

    Population: 12,880


  10. Imperial Republic of Mankind


    Location: Novam Domum, Imperial square

    The Imperial square was crowded yet it was almost deafeningly silent. People were silent and almost seemed to not breathe to disrupt the silence. This silence was not without purpose, this silence was to remember all those who had fallen during the moon operation and who had given the ultimate sacrifice for the Imperial Republic.

    These men had gone through hell and not come back to bring greatness to the Imperial Republic.

    Thus they were honored these fallen and to be remembered by Imperial historians as the first Imperial men to die in a large scale combat operation.

    They would be the first and it was almost a certainty that over the course of the IRM's existence they wouldn't be the last no matter how long the IRM would last. 


    Yet Alexander knew as he saw the funeral chests standing there at the square that what they had done would signify the beginning of Imperial expansionism, stopping with only focusing on what was happening inside the colonies.

    They would start to expand their horizon not being limited by any man and they would make sure the Imperial Republic would grow.

    Since yes they are few in numbers and whilst they might be a considerable power in the human colonies they were not in his mind relevant in any way to galactic politics. They were simply an interest at best for galactic powers and he would try and change that. Even if it would take 20 or even 50 years he would make sure that the IRM would stand up and become a name to be recognized across the galaxy. At that time they would most likely not be a major power but if all went well then they could at least be a minor galactic power and that is what he wanted to achieve, make the IRM a real power no matter how strong it is. In the short term all these human conflicts did not matter they are merely delays to prosperity. Alexander did not want human war it would ultimately not be useful and he would need to help increase the IRM's population soon. But that could come through one of his promises he had given the previous election and with the next election coming in a few years he would need to finalize his election promises. 
    He had promised to destroy the abominations and purged the facility and thus the hardest promise had been achieved now there was only one promise he needed to do to make sure the people knew he always held his word. 

    Abolish rations, this would need large investment in agriculture but it would be worth it knowing that people could simply buy the food products they need and not simply wait in long lines with food stamps to get their daily rations. No he wanted people to buy their own food and do what they wanted with their food. They needed to have a choice of food not given the same food every week year in year out. No he would make sure that rations would be abolished soon. Then he could finish on other things and next term he could finalize his plan for the early period of Imperial establishment.

    He needed to expand the empire, increase its population and increase it's territory and more specifically towards the Xylorite mine uncovered recently. He needed expansion since now they were still few in numbers and he needed to make sure the amount of resources available to them would increase.


    Then Alexander turned back to the event and spoke "My people, recently a battle has taken place in the battle above our heads and whilst we did not see what happened we knew that the people on that moon did the best they could." "and they did, they have persevered against a foe we couldn't't even have imagined back on earth and it has finally after being a constant threat to us since we knew of its existence." "it are the abominations." He would then give the signal and then a corpse of the creature would be displayed and the crowd would gasp seeing the predator before their eyes. "There were hundreds of these monsters in this base and with their determination and sacrifice they have fought and defeated these abominations. These brave men have achieved the first great victory in the history of our nation and many have given the ultimate sacrifice and for that they will be forever be remembered as long as the Imperial Republic exists." Then a monument would be displayed, a fountain in the center of the square. "Here this monument will stand and whenever we will see it we will remember the sacrifice of these men and what they have done for use." 

    "LONG LIVE THE IMPERIAL REPUBLIC !!!" Alexander would say and this shout would be related all across the IRM and people felt pride for calling themselves Imperials.



    3 ap would be spent on improving the farming output by planting great fields of crops across the empty green fields of Novam Domum.

    2 ap would be spent on project infallible. 

    0 ap would be spent using the small freighter to trade excess products produced in the factories for Itoron and Xylorite.



    10.000 men (with more men being recruited to replace the losses)

    2000 men with power armor and bolt guns as they are commonly come to be called


    population: 241,500 

  11. County of Evermore


    Location: Farrun, hill close to the city.

    In the bushes on top of a hill close to the city of Farrun Commander Farsighted observed what was happening here.

    As he could see it the city was already being held under siege by the forces of Jehenna.

    Seeing this the commander smiled evilly and thought to himself.

    This could be a great opportunity, they would let both forces fight and kill each other reducing their numbers and then they would come in to save the day.

    With this they could easily occupy the province showing themselves to be the saviors of the people and then once the army of Jehenna had been taken out they could easily march there and take the province for themselves.

    Yes this was a great oppertunity, he needed to inform his lord Uther immediately who Farsight knew would see the opportunity in this.

    Yes this would be the perfect oppertunity to take 2 provinces in one go, this would really go and help with the uniting of High Rock since if they could take out the two provinces and need less resources to keep them occupied the could easier go and take over Wayrest and from there it would just be a process of snowballing and then their goal would be achieved.

    He thanked Aktosh for the opportunity given to them at this exact time and he started to slowly sneak back to his encampment.

    They would stay hidden for now waiting for the perfect opportunity to come in and save the day.
    Yes this would be a great opportunity and he would please his lord.


    Location: Evermore, farming fields

    Uther, count of Evermore and if all goes correct future king of High Rock was inspecting the fields until a bird started to approach him.

    He knew that bird, that bird was from Commander Farsight who was on a campaign to take over Farrun.

    He stroked the bird and gave it some food before taking the letter from it's paw and whilst initially worried about the news Uther began to smile maliciously as he read what was on the letter.

    Yes this would all turn out well.

    He then took off on his horse back to the city and he thought about how he would go and make sure he made the most out of this opportunity.

    Yet he knew that most of the preparation for the original battle had still not been used and it could still be used in the coming battle, the only thing he needed was to make some siege weaponry in case they were not welcomed as saviors.

    Even then, he had enough resources left for a little project that would have wanted to start at a certain time anyway.

    This was the perfect time to begin with starting his little plan.

    But then he corrected himself it was not yet time to fully implement it but he could start.

    It was time for the library to be restored and for people to have access to all the knowledge they need and maybe to add some more books to it.



    3 ap is spent preparing for the coming battle (I take the previous 3 ap I spent into battle also into account as they haven't been used)

    The plan is for the army to wait until Jehena finally starts the final assault and when they were at their most vulnerable he would strike with all mages present(2 experts and 4 adepts) and save the day.

    This would most likely be when some of the forces are already inside the city but a large force is still outside and then they would come from the closest area to the city where they could hide and charge the enemy with the full force of 1250 men.

    Then the troops would come in and occupy the city under the guise of being their saviors and silently take out the original leader of Farrun whilst also quickly rallying up any enemies and giving food and other help to the city once it is taken over and make good relations with the people.

    0 ap is spent making ladders  to finish the siege if needed.

    1 ap is spent restoring the old library 



    Population: 10800

    Military: 1750

  12. Imperial Republic of Mankind


    Location: Solaris system, Luna secundus a.k.a. Moon of Novam Domum, moon base.

    In the moon base on Luna secundus it was chaos, bullets, lasers and claws were everywhere together with screams and other sounds of desperation.
    This was the siege of the moon base.
    Commander Dante of the 1st Imperial heavy infantry regiment and leader of the operation to reclaim the base.
    The operation had definitely did not go all easy with almost no one dying but he hadn’t expected so much of the abominations.
    There were hundreds of them with waves of them coming from the vents or the corridors.
    He had seen many of his men being shred apart in front of his face with the claws of the abominations piercing through the Itoron-steel plating after a couple of hits.
    Yet the Imperials were not the only ones to be killed.
    Further the men of the free human technocracy had also taken heavy casualties whilst helping in this operation as well as a large number of the abominations had died.

    Commander Dante quickly replaced his ammunition and shot the Itoron bullets at the beasts coming towards him and with primal ferocity gleaming from his eyes and after a large number of shots with some of his men helping shooting the thing down it went down.
    But this was just one of the many of the abominations and for every one of those things shot down it seemed as if there were another two.
    Then finally after an hour of constant retreating and shooting it was silent and the base was clear except for a large shielded door, who knew what was inside and how it works and the base was controlled in a language that they did not know.
    The news would this year not go out to the public but next year it would.


    2 ap is spent studying and trying to understand the Kalronian language so they can control the base easier 

    1 ap is used renovating the moon base and making it functional again  
    1 ap is spent looking for the best way to increase population growth and to try and implement it if found

    1 ap is spent having a nation wide minute of silence for the fallen on the moon base and a funeral to honor all of the men fallen but also a celebration to indicate a great victory and new possibilties hopefully improving patriotism and morale
    0 ap is spent producing more suits, guns and bullets for the army 

    0 ap is used expanding the area which is scouted for Itoron and Xylorite whilst still staying clear from any Ystor outpost or colony .

    Army: 9,300

    Population: 230.000 - casualties 

  13. County of Evermore


    Location: Evermore, Farrun/Evermore border 

    It seemed as if it would be a normal day for David, he was a border guard working at the border between Farrun and Evermore and today woud be another boring day watching endlessly into the distance.

    Yet David, unfortunately for him, didn't notice a rustling behind the bushes and then a few seconds later David felt something hitting the back of his head and then there was only darkness.

    This occurrence happened all across the border between Farrun and Evermore.

    Farrun border guards were stealthily or not so stealthily taken down and soon the way was clear.

    Then from the distance a cloud of dust slowly started to approach and become bigger.

    This was no normal cloud since it came from the thunderous sounds of more than a  thousand boots hitting the ground in an even pace whilst drill sergeants ordered soldiers to keep their pace and keep walking. 

    Then the men started marching whilst on a nearby hill lord Uther watched as the troops started coming closer and closer to the border.

    This was what they had prepared for for years, this what was the goal they had been preparing to fight for, now it would finally be happening.

    For hundreds of years disunity had killed thousands, if Uther had anything to say about that then that would stop.

    The time of small petty kingdoms and states in High Rock was over, now is the time to finally unite the Region once and for all, no daggerfall, no Wayrest and no other kingdom just High Rock and even if it would cost him his life Uther would do all he could to make his dream a reality.

    And the first step to doing that had now started.

    Then undramatically and without almost anyone noticing the first soldiers walked over the border and the war had begon.



    3 ap spent for the offensive against Farrun. 

    An army of 1250 soldiers enters the province of Farrun and marches across the old road towards the old castle.

    They would follow the old road and their front, sides and back would be covered by scouts looking for any traps.

    The soldiers would follow the old road which would go near the sea, staying on guard especially as they cross in a valley between the large hills and valleys.

    Each day they would set up a fortified encampment when they need to go to sleep and go on high alert with there being guards put on watch.

    Then if they were not interrupted they would go to the castle and if it was again used be put under siege.

    1 ap spent on improving farming output 


    Army: 1750

    population: 10800


  14. County of Evermore


    Location: Evermore, area outside of the capital city

    Other looked down from his podium as he watched the soldiers march in disciplined lines down the field.

    He could see that his troops had been trained well these past few years as they rythmically marched almost as one until all 500 men stood before him in ranks.

    They had been trained well and with the help of the brutal but effective drillmasters he got one of the most disciplined forces in the world, not that he had much intelligence on those other forces anyway.

    Yet he knew that simply parading around was now a clear show of ability, it just showed how intimidating and effective they were in marching long distances.

    "Men present training weapons."Uther would command as the troops put down their real swords and took out of their luggage a wooden sword which was heavier because of lead in it.

    "Battlions 1, 3, and from the 5th battalion the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th century stand on the opposite side of the field the rest position yourselves on this side of the fields."

    "Commander Dante you will take the lead of the 1st, 3rd and the half of the fifth battalion, commander Farsight you will take the command of the other battalions." when he spoke to commander farsighted he would not to the one eyed man.

    "Yes my lord."both would say and bow to lord Uther


    They both then turned away and prepared their troops for the training battle.

    Uther would look in interest as both commanders went to their sides and organized their battalions.

    They both had different style of combat with Commander Dante focusing more on his heavy infantry and full force attack with one of his best skills was his ability to break a line."

    In comparison to Dante commander Farsight was an expert on always keeping the bigger picture in mind and some of the moves that would not make sense in the beginning of the battle would turn to his advantage.

    Yet this sometimes made him less capable of seeing the short term and this in return would sometimes foil his plans when things do not go exactly according to plan.

    They were two opposites but they filled each other out and whilst apart of each other they would most of the time switch between who wins but if they worked together they would be better than they would work apart.

    This he could see as the battle progressed since in the short term Dante was at an advantage and at multiple points he was at a threat to break through the line but as the battle progressed very slowly but surely commander farsighted started to gain the advantage until winning the battle but barely with heavy 'casualties'.

    This battle whilst not showing any surprises in the style of the commanders did show how trained the troops are but now he could see that whilst they were trained and discplined they were inexperienced but that would change soon.


    His troops were trained and equipped and they could soon start to march upon the northern provinces and start the uniting of High Rock.

    Some might die, most would likely survive but in the end all that mattered was that eventually all of High Rock was united and that all the petty wars would end.

    Yet now he was soon going to wage one of those petty wars but for a higher purpose not for money, nor power but unity and he would not stop until all of High Rock was united willingly or unwillingly.



    1 ap spent on training or getting siege engineers

    1 ap for making good new strategies for the coming war and learning the terrain of the provinces of Jehenna and Farrun 

    2 ap for training the officers and making sure they can make good decisions in battle 


    Army: 1750


    Population: 10800

  15. County of Evermore


    Other nodded in approval as he inspected the wall, things had been going all according to plan soon he would be ready to start the offensive.
    The walls were now in good shape and could withstand any unorganized attack, now that the defenses were finished Uther thought he could focus fully on offense.

    He knew that at some point the defenses would need to be improved but for now he knew that it would be enough.

    Now the priority was to further train his troops and prepare to take over the provinces of Ferrrum and Jehenna and even though he was not entirely sure if the provinces were under one leader or two separate ones he was sure that if he kept improving the military he would be able to take them over.

    yet he also knew that he was  ultimately still not ready yet, he first needed to make sure his men were trained and disciplined enough to not break the line and stand against almost any threat yet to make sure they were fully ready he also needed to make sure they were properly equipped.

    Adding to this he was sure that in the near future possibly next year he would need to start to get siege weapons and he would need to make sure he had good commanders, good tactics and study the terrain of the two provinces up north since he would need to know the terrain to know how to win the battle.

    But for now Uther looked upon the walls and looked in satisfaction as he knew he could now focus almost entirely on the offensive and crush any enemies that stood in the way of disunity.

    After inspecting the walls and seeing that they were properly kept and strong Uther went to the keep to give his next orders on what should be done this year.



    2 ap is spent making steel weapons and armor for the troops 

    2 ap is spent on further improving the training regime and making sure it was effective as possible with there being every day marches, marching with stone in their bags, training with very heavy wooden swords which would be even heavier than steel ones and drilling group unity into them by doing group exercises and being punished as a group if any breach of protocol was done.


    Military: 1750 soldiers, 2 expert mages and 4 adapts 


    Population: 9800




  16. Imperial Republic of Mankind


    Location: Novam Domum, military base, parade grounds 


    The emperor watched from a observation posts as 500 men presented themselves in front of him.

    These men were no different than any other soldier yet they were different that they were the first to wear the Mark I power armor.

    The emperor nodded in approval as he saw it move, it had taken much time and effort but the suits were finally finished and it is the finest infantry protection in the human colonies.

    With thick Itoron armor of which conventional bullets would just fly off without having any effect on it at all beyond a few scrapes.

    With this he could easily go toe to toe with any other human nation yet he was still annoyed as he tapped his fingers against the ledge that he was still not ready to attack the moon base yet.

    The armor could stop a few hits from the grey abominations and they were supported by the now outdated version of the LAS but no matter how much power was in the suit or how strong its armor was it still wasn't enough to defeat the grey abominations on his moon.

    Yet very soon if enough effort was put into it he could finally start the operation and destroy all those abominations.

    Still though he was pleased with the suits they were rather good and could in the future possibly come close to the galactic standard since for now it was just not advanced enough.

    Alexander sighed, he saw the conflict brewing in the stars with war raging across the eastern galaxy with the new Keerim invaders who had just recently attacked his ally the United States of Arcturus.

    Furthermore he was disturbed the the Tripatire's attack on the Solarin federation.

    Though they might definitely not be allies they were still humans and even if they were rivals they were still some of the only humans left with less than 5 million total humans being left in the universe.

    Alexander worried about what might happen in the future and how much the Imperial Republic was at a threat itself.

    Alexander himself worried about something he personally found even more terrifying than either the Keerim or the Ystor though it came close to his fear of the Galactic Ystor.

    The emptiness to the north-west of the IRM.

    It could prove a great source of opportunity and expansion yet it could also hold other empires like the Keerim which would prove a larger threat to himself.

    He also feared that once he cleared the moon base that the abominations were not only in there but that they might also be in the west or on another planet.

    They had to have come from somewhere and whilst the grey abominations had definitely been modified by an advanced race it was not sure if they were created by an advanced race or if this was simply a modification and that other abominations roamed the galaxy.

    This disturbed Alexander even more that even if he defeated any threats to the Imperial Republic that they might still come back or still exist and be ready to strike out when the IRM was at its weakest.


    Because of this reason he would keep investing into the military for now so that the could defend from the grey abominations or any other threats but he knew that soon after the direct threats had been removed that  he would need to let the Imperial Republic expand again and increase its population.

    Alexander didn't want the IRM to fight any human nations in the near future he didn't want to become the dominant human colony.

    Inter human politics in the end didn't matter, he needed to assure the survival of the species in the new existence they had been thrusted upon when earth was destroyed.

    Even now the IRM only held around 200.000 souls which even back on earth could be considered the population of a very small state but here in the galaxy only counted as the population of a colony on the outskirts with no real importance.

    He needed to increase the population level as quickly as possible and continuously but he did not know how he could increase the population quick enough to compare to even some of the smallest alien races in the galaxy.

    Yet he knew that humanity would always try to survive no matter the circumstances and that even if he failed humanity wouldn't 



    4 ap is spend further developing the gun 

    1 ap is spend manufacturing at least 2000 suits of mark I power armor and around 80.000 rounds of Itoron bullets or if the expenses were more than half of the Itoron supplies Itoron tipped bullets 

    0 ap setting up a siege camp around the moon base 

    0 ap using the small freighter for trade once it is not in use and trade excess products made in the factory 


    Imperial Guard 

    10.000 men in the army 

    500 men in mark I power armor 


    population: 220,500 Imperials 


  17. County of Evermore


    Other stroked his beard thinking about the news he had recently gotten.

    It seemed that only the province to the North had been blocked off so he at least knew that it was at the very least under one leader.

    This could be a possibility though one he would definitely not like and the lack of information bothered Uther more than he could say.

    He had a faction or factions that he did not know about right at his northern border without any information on them.

    Well Uther thought if you can't simply get the information you need then you could always still brute force your way through.

    He then started to write on some papers and then sent messengers orders to deliver them.



    2 ap spent training 500 men for the army 

    1 ap spent fixing the walls 

    1 ap spent implementing a roman training regime to make the army more disciplined 



    Military: 1,250

    Population: 9800


  18. County of Evermore


    Uther stroked his beard pondering on what he should do. He had gotten no news from the spies he had send to the northern provinces except that the borders were closed. Yet discounting that everything was going along properly and he was happy about that. He knew almost nothing about the northern provinces yet if he was smart he could be able to know what their maximum size was. He would send a random man to Markrath and Soltitude to see how far it exerted.

    Now if he wanted to take over those provinces he would need to increase his army but he did not feel comfortable that he might get a large manpower deficit.

    Then an idea came to Uther. Maybe he could  make sure there were better tools for in the farms so less men were needed to work them and then he could draft those men for the army. Yes that seemed like a good idea and this course of action he would follow.



    2 ap is spent creating more and better tools and methods to work the farms so less manpower is needed for that 

    1 ap is spent training 250 men for the army 

    1 ap is spent further fixing up the walls

    0 ap a man is sent to the provinces of Solitude and Markrath to see if the borders are closed and if there is more news about Jehhena and Farum 


    population: 9800

    Military: 1000


  19. County of Evermore 


    ((The picture will be fixed at a later date))


    Uther Morrowwind  looked down from the hill on the town apptly and pretty unoriginally in his opinion named Evermore.

    It had taken many hours and blood tears and sweat but he had finally done it, he had united the county.

    Yet he knew that even if he had united the county that the hardest was yet to come.

    High Rock was still disunited and if he didn't unite everyone then the continual cycle of nobles fighting each other and the small folk suffering from it would continue.

    That was exactly that what had killed the empire, disunity, he had read it in the books on what had caused the world shatter and it was exactly that.
    If the empire worked together as one and not as several noble territories working together under the emperor than the empire could have at least gotten a white peace from the Alter.

    Yet because of the disunity of Skyrim and other territories the empire did not have enough strength to defeat the Altmer and that caused the world shatter.

    Disunity was the greatest threat in existence yet even now it threatened even in his own territories.
    Even though he knew that the nobility was bad in the end it was a temporary evil since he did not have the knowledge or the people gathered yet who could form a proper administration.


    Nobility, they formed the single most annoying thorn at his side even now he had to attend to a council meeting in which he didn't listen to the voice of the people but those of the nobility. Of course some nobility were good and had the best intentions in mind but naturally the noble system caused arrogant and spoiled men to become some of the most important people in the realm. But there was no use thinking about dealing with them at the moment they were necessary to help gather enough forces to unite High Rock.

    Thinking this Uther walked down the hill flanked by a single set of guards since he definitely knew he could defend himself but some extra security never hurt. Then he walked through the town and smiled at the hustle and bustle that was going on in the town: children playing in the streets, merchants presenting their wares or the town crier giving the latest new it was a den of activity in Evermore. Eventually Uther made his way to the keep, there he gave respectful nods towards the men guarding the gates who saluted him and some even bowed to him. Then when he reached the central building he quickly made his way to the council room where his council was waiting for him. The council at least they were competent and loyal


    The council consisted of the most competent and wise in their trade which mostly consisted of nobility since they were pretty much the only ones who got any education but they were at least the good ones. 



    Other then sat in his seat at the head of the table 


    "So what do we have on the agenda ?" Uther would say whilst looking down the table at the men and woman in attendance. "Well my lord whilst our army is well trained and our resource income is sufficient we do not have much intelligence at the moment about our neighbors and what the state of their land is."The spymaster would say and Uther would nod in approval until the marshal would speak.

    "My lord, the spymaster has a point with that we should know our neighbors but our military is the most important thing right now." "Our defenses are weak at the moment if we were to be sieged any organized enemy could just walk into the city if it weren't for the guards." "mhm," Uther would ponder for a moment about what both men said" You both raise valid points and I will listen to them yet we should not only focus on offensive or defensive action, our realm is still divided and we need to connect if further by improving the road network, furthermore this will also likely increase the amount of trade inside the borders."

    " Scorpius, you shall set up a basic spy network in the provinces of: Jehenna, Farrun and Wayrest or in short our neighbors of high rock."

    "And Tristan you will help equip our men and together with master Baldur will start restoring our walls."

    "Finally lady Maria you will repair our road network and make sure travel will be made easier, understood" 

    " Yes my lord." Everyone would say.
    "Then I declare this council meeting finished." Uther would smash his gavel on the table oh how he loved the sound of his gavel.



    1 ap is spent creating a basic spy network in the provinces of Jehenna, Farrun and Wayrest and gather information on these provinces

    1 ap is spent restoring the road network

    1 ap is spent making equipment for the army 

    1 ap is spent starting to rebuilt the original wall around Evermore.



    Structures: Farms, Corrundum mining operation and forge

    Military: 1000 soldiers

    Mages: 2 experts (including Uther) and 4 adepts

    Population: 9800


  20. Imperial Republic of Mankind


    Location: Novam Domum, central city, Imperial palace 


    Alexander was sitting in his office chair and laying back against it whilst sipping a bit of his drink.

    Finally the combat suit had been finished and had been dubbed by him the mark I power armor.

    He could say that he was definitely pleased by the results of the suit and its effectiveness.

    It could possibly come close to the galactic standard and would definitely prove superior to other human nations their militaries with the question if they could even penetrate the armor.

    But the suit had not primarily been built for those purposes Alexander reminded himself, these suits had been made with the purpose of destroying those grey abominations on the moon.

    Alexander gritted his teeth thinking about them, they were the single largest thorn in his side and whilst they had only killed two squads of men and had not attacked any further he could not sit still they were simply on the moon and as long as they remained on the moon the IRM would not be taken seriously as it can't even protect itself.

    Then there was also the technology inside the base most importantly shields and who knows what more there could be inside.

    Yet he knew to achieve that he first needed to kill the grey abominations and whilst he knew how he could defend his soldiers from them he stil did not have an adequate weapon to kill them.


    Alexander pondered on the thoughts of weapons and he thought of that it was typical that war was not a human thing it was a thing of all species.

    Then he thought of all the conflicts that happened on earth because of war and then on earth.

    oh how much everything had changed.

    From becoming a simple CEO to an emperor.

    Well not much of an emperor except from title, back on earth there were a lot of cities that even had a higher population than that and that wasn't even comparing the population of humanity with the other races.

    Alexander sighed, sometimes he wish things didn't have to be like this that all those who had lived on earth had survived and didn't need to adapt to such harsh conditions.

    Though possibly in the future if they managed to survive the destruction of earth and the spreading out of humanity will cause them to become stronger than they would have orginally.
    But those are if's and if's have not happened and he should not think about possibilities.

    Alexander thought about how he had managed to survive and prosper, with the colony ship of course which he gained through becoming one of the most powerful corporations of earth after companies like Haephastus of course, dang it back on earth everything was made by Haephastus and he had to make sure that didn't happen to his people.

    Still though it was hard to think that originally he had just been a normal person and now he was an emperor.

    Thus Alexander's thought drifted back to any day on Earth.



    Date: 2105, 

    Location: Earth, South Africa, Aquila corporation research center



    Alexander Varellion CEO of the Aquila corporation was looking from a viewing window outside of the test chamber at possibly the invention of the century being developed, the fusion drive.

    This was to be possibly one of the greatest inventions of the human race Alexander thought to himself as he observed it.

    It had cost hundreds of millions of dollars as well as working together with the two other biggest technology developers in the world to create it a.k.a. the Saga initiative and the Aurora corporation.

    Together they had created the technology able to traverse the starts and open a realm of unlimited possibilities.

    This technology would revolutionize space travel and would be sold to nations for billions of dollars and it would make them all rich.

    He personally had already gotten a contract to make a ship to go and colonize Mars.

    Of course there had already been trips to Mars to see if it was open for colonization for Mars and it was yet there were no restrictions on going there .

    With the knowledge of how much could be gained from this he had already started the procedure since he was sure it would be a succes.

    He had already even chosen some of the brightest and most competent people on the planet to agree on going with him.

    They were all of various ethnicities from Africa, Asia, North America, Europe, South America any continent you could name.

    All that mattered were their skills and their competence.

    The construction was going to take place mostly in Africa where he had invested a large amount of money into improving the industry there.


    Oh the Aquila corporation, his brainchild a combination of a technology company and a market company.

    He had invested both into technology and Industry with most of the industry taking mostly part in Africa.

    In Africa there was a lot of cheap labor available and there was a lot of resource rich deposits and most importantly of all there was not much competition.

    Of course there was the usual Haephastus Industries influence since in what continent did they not have any influence but he had managed to take over most of the African and a large part of the South American market.

    Alexander grinned to himself, he had heard one of the recordings of the reaction to Steven Penrith hearing his take-over of the African market and he definitely did not sound happy.

    He had achieved much, he had finished university at the age of 16 and had immediately after that gone into the business world.

    With a combination of cunning, politics and business savvy he had managed to quickly become one of the major powers of the world and he was number 5 of the richest men on Earth.

    Not that he truly care about the money, he cared more about what he could do with the money and how to create a better future.

    He was not always a kind man but many would call him a honest man.

    He rarely told a lie granted he did not always tell the full truth either but he did not ever tell a full lie everything he told was true, from a certain point of view.


    Thinking about it he thought about how people had initially thought about becoming one of the biggest CEO's of Earth initially people had thought of course he is smart but becoming one of the most powerful people on Earth no way.

    Yet what would they think now, with money gained from simple home made inventions he had set up a company that could even rival the Silver Knights and the other research companies.

    He had a good life and he was happy with it, he had a bright future ahead of him and people had predicted the Aquila corporation to grow even bigger in the future.


    Yet his greatest plan was not to become the richest man on earth he was focused on space.

    He wanted to become the governor of Mars yes the planet Mars.

    He had already gotten people to start developing plans on how to terraform it and make it easy for people to expand to.

    With his early grasp on Mars he would be able to get in the best position the most quickly and become one of the super powers on the planet.

    It would be the new America and he had already started with the colony ship.

    In around 2 years it would be ready and then he could go to Mars and make sure that the Aquila corporation was not simply one of the major powers of Earth but the power on Mars.

    Space was the future and he would benefit from it as best as he could.



    3 ap is spent on making a gun to work together with the newly developed mark I power armor with the concept of working a bit like a miniature railgun.


    2 ap is spent making a small freighter in the shipyard.

    0 ap is spent starting to make the Mark I power armor standard issue and it will be produced by the large industry of the IRM

    0 ap would be spent making a very small observation post on the moon or asteroid belt of the newly found 20th century technology wise planet to observe advancements from a telescope and possibly listen in to frequencies if advanced communication was already available.

    0 ap would be spent continuing the search for Xylorite and Itoron in the radius with the first constructed frigate joining in the search.



    10.000 men in the Imperial guard 

    2.500 extra men are recruited 

    The Mark I power armor is made standards issue

    Small railguns are mounted on small apc's and put on the small camp surrounding the entrance to the moon base.


    population: 212,000 Imperials 

    The mark I power armor will be made standard issue


  21. Imperial Republic of Mankind




    Location: Novam Domum, Central dome, Imperial palace


    Alexander Varellion smiled in his office, he had done it again he had won the election.

    He had worried that this time the election would be a lot more close than before since his people might be anti-HCF but to his immense surprise they had MASSIVELY voted in his favor.

    If he didn’t know that the elections were fair he would say that he had cheated and changed the numbers.

    Yet this immense show of support also worried the emperor since he worried that whilst his people trusted him immensely could he live up to their belief and could he truly make sure all that trust was placed on him was well given.

    Alexander breathed out, he knew it was he had done his best and now they kept going further pushing the boundries of what was before thought to be impossible yet the great faith his people had in him made him worried.

    There were some groups that supported him and believed in him in a radical way looking a bit like some of the popularity cults on old earth that some dictators tried to create for them.

    Some even went as far as killing him a god which was utterly ridiculous as he and many of his friend could consent t.

    However, this all gave him an advantage in possible elections and would give him a very loyal core to his army.

    But this extremism could also cause some chaos to happen and some people to go too far with their ideas.

    Finally Alexander thought that it might be the best to simply let it be for now and keep a close eye on those personality cults.


    Then he went back to work but then he wondered about another thought that has started to plague him.

    Some things did not make sense, at all.

    First and foremost of the things that did not make sense was the jump drive.

    It has saved the Imperial Republic as well as all other human colonies yet no one knows where it actually came from.

    It was just found in the ships when they were finished and the power requirements it shouldn’t even have worked.

    No one knows how they work or how they are made, no one knows where they even came from yet it was the thing that had saved them from ultimate destruction.

    Adding to that was that around 4 years ago when the shipyard was improved there was more done whilst the same procces had gone on as always it just didn’t add up.

    Then that same years there were said to be some sightings of a man in white clothes which in normal circumstances would be nothing but it made the mystery of that year all the more weird.


    Alexander then thought to himself forget it, tommorow is another day and knowing myself I’ll think about it tommorow anyways.





    The next day Alexander thought a bit more about the position of the Imperial Republic in the galaxy.

    They did not have any close neighbours that were a threat to immediate expansion but they did have some pretty large empires surrounding them.

    Some of them were: The galactic allience, The Redon Imperium, The Karras Dominion and The galactic Ystor.

    He knew that to create a safe situation for the IRM that they needed to be sure that they wouldn’t be attacked and the best way to make sure you are not attacked is to give persons no reasons to attack and make friendly relations.

    The first were possible for all nations but the second option wasn’t any option at all with the Ystor.

    Still with the others he could maybe do a diplomatic mission to those nations.

    It also helped that the Galactic alliance and the Redon Imperium were located in the major galactic trade route now that the Protorians were at war.

    Well Alexander decided it is time to meet some of those nations soon and make sure that we will not be attacked and be destroyed them immediately in the near future.


    Then Alexander turned his attention to his activities for the day and the foremost of these was the ceremony of christening the ship “The emperor’s hand” with the traditional bottle of wine.

    “The emperor’s hand” a name decided for by the citizens of the Imperial Republic in honor to him winning the election.

    It was one of the few things that they demanded and he would be glad to do it since it required not much effort and it could improve the morale of the people.

    He then made himself ready to depart as he finished his coffee and did his hair (though he didn’t particularily like the last part.)

    Then he readied himself, read some more essential information, send orders and give advice to some high-ranking officials and he went out of his appartment.

    When he went out he was immediately flanked by two of his bodyguards the praetorians who accompinied and guarded him everywhere he went.

    They were good guards they gave him his privacy when he was in a safe situation but in all decisions safety was the most important goal to have so that he wasn’t under any danger by any possible assasins *cough” SATO assasins” cough*.

    Then flanked by his guards he went to his own personal fusion powered car which was inconspicious when riding next to other cars the difference being that again it was fusion powered and it had itoron-steel plating which was able to stop any almost any small arms weapons available by humanity for now.


    About half an hour later he arrived to the edge of the dome where a squad of helicopters were waiting for him.

    Then with an salute and a greeting he stepped into a random plane which then lifted off and inside he looked outside of the helicopter looking at the fields of moss as far as the eye could see and into the blue sky.

    And to think that just a few years ago that everything that was here was were endless deserts and a black sky signifying the lack of an atmosphere.

    He had achieved much yet much still needed to be done and he was in no way finished yet.

    Then 15 minutes later he arrived outside and from the sky he could see the crowd standing out of the shipyard cheering as the planes came closer.

    Then once he stepped outside the applause grew to an almost frantic level as they saw Alexander step outside of his helicopter.

    He then walked outside and waved at the crowd as he walked into the shipyard and the newly constructed ship.

    Then he turned to the crowd standing in the shipyard which was kept away from him by his bodyguards and the normal security who were still cheering loudly until Alexander motioned everyone to quieten.

    "Today we are gathered here to christen this ship."

    "This ship is a show of strength of us as a people and the strength with which we will protect each other."

    "I am humbled and honored by the trust and loyalty you have given me and I will make the Imperial Republic the greatest it can be to my full capacity."

    "You the people suggested me to call this ship the emperor's hand."

    "This ship is a shield, it will protect us from any danger that comes here and every shield needs to be held by its hand thus I dub this ship THE EMPEROR'S HAND" when Alexander shouts the name he would throw a bottle of wine against the ship and an enormous cheer went through the crowd.

    Then the engines would go on and the ship would push itself out of the hangar and into orbit into space to protect the Imperial Republic from danger.



    4 ap is spent finishing the combat suit which is starting to be called mark 1 power armor and improving the armor plating if everything else is finished.

    1 ap is spent studying the body of the abomination and most importantly its  strengths, weaknesses and how effective they will prove against the new armor.

    0 ap is spent sending the original frigate to the Karras Dominion and the Redon Imperium on a diplomatic mission

    0 ap is spent letting the scout corvette continue its mission but focusing on the systems (tiles) bordering Novam Domum first 

    0 ap is spent creating a 10 square kilometer area in which there are few to none trading regulations similar to earth's original SEZ's in which alien merchants can buy pieces of land of max 200 square meters and which is hold under careful watch so that the economy won't suffer from bad deals.

    0 ap is spent finding out the history of the jump drive and how it came into the original colony ship, how there was more finished during the year the frigate was built which should be seemingly impossible and researching any mentions of a man in a white suit in recent history in any relation to aforementioned events .



    202,000 homo sapiens solaris 



    7500 men in the Imperial guard 




  22. I robwar80 am looking for someone to play the (unkowingly) adopted child of Marcus Hotchen.

    The lore of this char is that he was found as an orphan left alone by parents who couldn't take care of him and Marcus found him and went to raise him.


    This child is a human male

    Marcus is a relatively wealthy man who has the role of chancellor of the barony of Mordskov, the foremost vassal of the new human empire in the crownlands.

    A skin is provided for anyone interested and my time zone is Central European.

    If anyone is interested or wants more information please pm me in game, react to this post, send a skype message to Robwar801


    I look forward to rp with anyone interested.

  23. Imperial Republic of Mankind


    Location: Novam Domum, Imperial center, Imperial palace, conference room 

    The emperor Alexander Varellion walked onto the podium in front of the senate with applause following him as he did so.

    Then once Alexander ascended the steps onto the podium of the great hall that was the senate room went silent as Alexander began to speak.

    "My people, today we are gathered here on the at the dawn of a great revelation."

    "Just recently we thought we were the last of our kind and might have been alone in the galaxy yet as proven we are not alone."

    "With this comes great benefits with new friends and allies however, some people shun us for believing in what we think is right and working together in an beneficial relationship."

    "You know of whom I speak, I speak of the Terran federation who have denounced us just as we returned to the fold with our brethren ."

    "We, the people of the Imperial Republic, who have done no crime except joining with our natural allies are denounced as power-hungry and backstabbing and calling us and our allies unequal."

    "Whom are they to judge us for our actions, have they an higher opinion then you the people, do they have an higher opinion then our allies."

    "NO, they despise us just for our stance on slavery, one of the most vile and cruel things in the galaxy and allow millions to suffer in the future."

    "They think that they have the moral high point with them saying we should not enforce slavery that people can choose to abide slavery if they want."

    "Yes we should not enforce our will upon others in an ideal galaxy yet the galaxy is not an ideal place and slavery is practiced because it is beneficial for some."

    "It is our moral duty as humans and good citizens to stand firm against the sight of evil and corruption."

    "Together we will stand against the tide of any opponent that comes before us might it be the abominations from our moon which will soon be purged or the Terran federation in the future I know that you my people will always stand strong and will remain loyal to our great nation."

    "So my people us this all true and do you all stand strong no matter the circumstances."


    The crowd would then cheer yes and there would be some shouts going through the senate hall though a bit more silent in a certain area 

    Alexander then continued on once the crowd got more silent"Now back to the topic, we have an very large and very dangerous base on our moon and I plan to purge it from the abominations that live there."

    "These creatures are dangerous and a disgrace to the galaxy and if I get re-elected once again then I will assure you that I will all that is in my power to destroy those creatures before my term is over AND if you elect me again then I might be able if you fully support me and the circumstances allow it abolish rations."

    This then got a large applause but this time silent in a small group amongst the crowd.

    "Now my people have a nice day" Alexander would say before leaving the podium and going backstage."


    In the elections there are two main competitors for the title of emperor.

    Alexander Varellion and Hiroshi nirato.

    Contrasting with the former election Alexander is supporting the more militaristic factions though, he is still leading the left whilst Hiroshi Nirato is repressing the right leaning factions.

    In the elections there are two main point of contention, HCF and the market.

    Alexander is pro-HCF and wants to keep a mixed market economy whilst Nirato is supporting of a free market economy with monopoly's allowed and he is anti-HCF and pro-SATO.

    Now the question is, who will win the election ?



    the elections happen 

    0 ap is spent on promoting the identity of being Imperial and try to get people to see themselves as most importantly an Imperial and not a member of their former nationality

    2 ap is spent on making another frigate for defense.

    2 ap is spent on finishing the suit in which there will be added in the helmet interface the newest FHT tactical vision as well as it's itoron-steel plating.

    1 ap is spent on making a railgun rifle to work in conjunction with the combat suit which will help with issues of recoil and weight which will be a lot less of an issue than in normal cases.

    0 ap is spent for the scout corvette to scout all systems in a 2 system radius of Novam Domum for xylorite and Itoron.



    7,500 men in the Imperial Guard and there are some prototype combat suits ready.


    Population: 191,500 pure humans, no human-xeno hybrid abominations here 

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