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Al Urguani

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Posts posted by Al Urguani

  1. 3.jpg

    Ser Sinan Hoxha the Carpet Merchant supports these laws wholeheartedly.

    He kneels down beside the small patch of carrots he owns. A small child of no more than 8 years kneels by him. Sinan picks up some frozen dirt, rubbing it between his fingers.

    "Smell this Habib?" inquires the ruselord

    "No sir" replies the child

    Sinan slaps the skinny boy

    "You are subhuman filth" says Sinan

    "Yes Sir" rebuts the sharp mouthed wretch

    "Quiet or I will eat you" says Sinan

    "Now, where was I?" rhetorically inquires the colorful man "Oh yes, the dirt"

    "See child this dirt is the healthiest dirt in all of Oren. Do you smell its flowery odor? Do you feel its velvety softness"

    The boy nods. Sinan clouts the sassy lad

    "This dirt makes the carrots extra orange and extra extra good for your eyes, its a fact, my liege told it to me"

    The boy does not reply. He is unconscious as Sinan does not feed him. Sinan continues to talk, paying no mind to the weak child.

    "Soon, all of oren will be eating our carrots you'll see! I'll make sure these carrots are as orange and as good for your eyes as they can be or the creator smite me!" Proclaims Sinan, before returning to his tent outside the castle, leaving the boy to the wolves.

  2. Answer to the best of your ability:

    God-Given (MC) Name: AdmiralWalrus

    Chosen (RP) Name: Sina'an Hoxha

    I was baptized in: N?A

    Choose mark an X for your  answer for each question:

    If your appropriate answer is not-stated, fill it in.

    I am - ( ) Baptized ( V) Unbaptized

    I - ( ) Regularly attend mass ( ) Do not regularly attend mass (V ) Have never attended mass.

    I am a(n) - ( ) Noble (V ) Merchant ( ) Worker ( V) Professional Soldier ( ) Clergy ( ) Unemployed

    I live - ( V) Riga ( ) Saltstone ( ) I am homeless

    If not already baptized, I - ( V) Wish to be baptized ( ) Do not wish to be baptized

    I - ( ) Identify as a Canonist (V ) Follow the Creator, but in another tradition ( ) Do not acknowledge the Creator ( ) Acknowledge the Creator but follow a different deity

    I am - ( ) married ( V) in courtship ( ) not in a relationship

  3. The Stalkers: This old ET, forget his name, made this awesome event where he made us put our brightness down to low, view down to tiny, played some ambient music, stopped OOC communication, and just Rp'd like a beast stalking the hunting party through the woods. It was pretty creepy, Tbh. We need more of that.

    Frost Wyrm: Wingless dragon that stalk the dwarven mountains. Their skins are made of precious scales, and they guard hidden treasure. Great Norse-mythology inspired little event that dwarves love. 



  4. not gonna lie m80 its Nathan Barnett m9 he's as stronk as the serbian smile when 'tis reflected off of the pool of god himself accept he is even more beautiful than a newly blossomed flower in the dewey sprink meadow in front of the high elven city of white marbel and majicks and as stronk as the dwarven legion (3stronk) when they conquer the entire earth once more not only lotc but irl the dwarven legion will conquer the world anyways so what was i saying? oh yeah nathan barnett has powers few can percieve m7 so becareful m10 one time u think he's just a pesent boy from a pesent village but the next you will discover his hidden secret of magic and such. see amos the white is also as stronk as dank kush he'll knock u out m80 he'll do you good sow watch out1 when your traveling the roads at night he will always be there by your sholder protetcing u from the bandits but beware m8 because his best friend is none other than THE GRAND PRINCEOF THE MALIFENN who is ww2buff99 who as we know has the most formidable state in the entire universe of lotc they say he conquered the high elves with his legion because he is the best player on the server his character has the power to freeze pilliks like u with his EYES m9 so in the end it can be concluded that Cyndikate is the stronkest player because of magic we cannot even fathom!!!11!!!1111420!!11!



    The sun was smiling upon the gates of the dwarven Capitol. It was a quiet day, as most dwarves had the plague. Normally, travelers would tend to keep their distance from affliction infested cities, but Sinan was different.



    Carrying the smells of rotten cheese, unwashed linen, and all other dastardly things, the shorter than normal, dark-skinned dwarf makes his entrance into the city of Kal'Akash. "Ah! Zank Yeme'karr!" The dwarf then turns, yelling a chain of commands to three fabric covered women and 5 small children "Yalla! Yalla! Bring zee packages in! Ey, sharmut! Do not break my Agile!" 

    The garb-covered women and children carry the dwarf's trunks. He had no coin to buy a mule, but his family would suffice. Sinan smiles the sun's smile, handing out small pieces of bread to the male children. "Now, wait heere! I vill go and attend businez. Yu set ap zee tents!" 

    As the multi colored pavilion is being set up, Sinan goes to the nearest market to purchase some food. Seeing most stalls empty, he simply takes some and leaves a price well below the items' worth. Sinan smiles the sun's smile with the radiance of a holy warrior, his teeth glinting like urine in a pot made of mirrors. Sinan laughs. "Diz businez was probababaly owned by a djew! Hah! Styubid 'edrew!"

    After finishing his mockery, Sinan nails a poster to the tavern door. It reads, in handwriting as fine as the dwarven army:

    "Salaam my Dwarven kinsmen,

    I have returned from my merchanting ventures and wish to find a job.

    If you have one, I would welcome your invitation.

    With slightly malicious heart, Sinan Hoxha, merchant and businessman"


  6. Name: Sinaan Hoxha

    Age: 123

    Race: Muddled Dwarf

    Previous Positions: Simple Businessman

    Why should you be chosen: I've been working my entire life, trading and handling money. I had a successful enterprise shipping wheat and timber until my caravan was robbed by bandits. Now, I hope to start anew.

    Previous Experience: Caravan Driver, Merchant

  7. This meme is too dank 4 me 


    The following response contains 3 many dank memes for some to handle. 420 ingestion is advis3d. Do not look if not in faze!!!



    haha look another rusemaster who cannot handle the dankness of this meme!!!1111one!!!!


    look at the memes imbued in this post! 6969696969


    I cant 420 believe how many memes there are!!!!!!!!!


    Do no open sekrets too many in here




    anyways this post is 3edgy5me <---- look another m3m3!!!!!!!!!!69!!!!!!!!!!!


    dude u r Mc5cCal.gif



    Also, come on people! Only 4 likes? UPVOTE THIS ****. Im a dirty repwhore pm me to schedule appointment

  8. feCT7Un.png


    Upon this glorious day the floating infernal island known by no name shall declare itself as the Glorious Empire of Larod under Iblees. We are a continuation of the legacy of the old dark elves and will conquer all of Athera, with a new special magic we call Ygde.


    The Ygde is exclusive only to the Larodians and gives you the ability to control shadows and charm snakes with one look. All who know the ygde are also professional katana masters and can wield two katanas without problem, and can catch an arrow as well as splitting it in mid flight.


    The people of Larod are ruled by the Dark Prince of Majesticness whom is descended from Iblees and rides his giant flying cobra which he can fuse with to become the Herald of Iblees himself. He is of course an undead and hates all the other races, prefering to drink blood because his parents were killed by a team of bloodthirsty orcs. 


    larod is more technologicallaly advanced than everyone else because Iblees gave them steam power and gunpowder weapons to take over the rest of Athera. nobody can stop them because nobody has weapons like them,


    the empire of larod is also impossible to attack since it is a floating island with a dark castle that can move between dimensions and is always between the nether and athera and therefore cannot be hit physically sicne it is not really physical


    for a Larodian dark elf to be created a pure blooded dark elf must mate with a demon spider from the nether to create te half-spider dark elves of larod


    Larodians are impossible to kill because their hides are as hard as iron and they are extremely good swordfighters that cannot be matched by anyone else of the realm



    this is how a larodian looks like. the bright blue magic they use sucks the souls of their enemies and empowers them with it


    larodians can always tell telepathicallylely when an enemy will come because they are all linked to the hivemind and always know when they are being ataked


    careful because larodians are impossible to best as they do not want to use their poer for evil but must because long ago their ancestors made a pact with the demons which does not allow them to control their feelings and they must worship the demons so whatever a larodian does is because they are possessed but in reality they are very good hearted people


    larodians are all very ahdnsome and the women are very beutfial


    Hail Larodia!!!!!






    MC name:


    rl age (no sqks plz):


    character name:


    how long hav u been playing lotc:


    hav u red the larod lore:


    how good of a rplayer are u:


    tell me how a larod chracter is ment to be playd in one prgrph of rp:

  9. The  grotesquely obese Walrus Orc smiles, his tusks protruding from his skull instead of his jaw making him look like a walrus. He lets out a dull laugh, not understanding the situation. He eats an gutted, raw fish, left to rot in the sun for the entirety of the sun's smile. 

  10. The grotesquely fat man of cheese-powder covered fingers, a beard of neck, and spectacles as round as the moon knows as the Walrus falls onto his weak knees, crying. It might look like the morbidly obese, balding mess has buckled under his own weight, but it is not so: he is kneeling to pray to his great Lord and Saviour Jack Rovin.


    "Blessed be thy name o' hallowed one, martyr of the cheesemongers. May your glory exist in all of your followers beards of neck, and may your wisdom gleam in the spectacles of these poor worshipers, so frequently made the subject of jest because their love of fantastic equestrian females and their passion for the Craft of War. May your might be revealed with every huff and puff you followers take, and may thy grace be expressed with every rare defecation that thy large devotees have! Oh! Jack Rovin! May thy kingdom come, and may thou army trample upon all of the heretics, men of athletics, and men of success that do not believe in thy divine right to rule this world! And I and my fellow cheesemongers will salute you, and help your cleansing Jihad of this world with all our might, for we know that once you rule our equestrian fetish shall be saturated when thy grace grants us Our Ponies of Petite Stature as women to bed and mate! Praised be thee! PRAISEEEED!"


    The Walrus never gets up, his legs too weak to support his grotesquely large body. He prays to Jack Rovin to save him. 

  11. If clerics are actually that strong, they deserve to be nerfed. I don't know how high fantasy LotC has become, since I've only returned recently, but healing limbs seems a bit too OP and quite frankly seems also powergamey. I don't really care about the powergamey part though as much as I care about it seeping RP from other groups. This kills apothecary and doctor RP...

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