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Al Urguani

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Everything posted by Al Urguani

  1. Read and see the inherent opression! 


  2. Dear Crafters I would like to report that Steam has accepted my refund for Dark Souls and Dark Souls II for PC and I will instead buy Day One: Garry's Incident

    1. Merkaken
    2. zaezae


      This inspired me to ask for my own refund. I literally just bought MW: BO 3.

      Isn't installed yet, saw the error I have made, and requested refund.

  3. Wasting 30 dollars on Dark Souls and Dark Souls II for PC was the biggest mistake of my life. I'd rather convert to judaism. -9/11 would never recommend 



      2 is trash, 1 is great

    2. Slic3man


      You must not be l337 enough.

  4. Guys i miss lotc already but ill be strong. Until the judeo-christian favoritism ends and the islamic community of LotC is treated equally we are NOT coming back I repeat we are NOT coming BACK. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Space
    3. zaezae


      Is this bait?

    4. Endovelicus


      LoTC will never be an equal platform, you see the Yazidis control it, thus the muslim population shall forever be oppressed.

  5. What has happened is an crime!

  6. good rprs plz apply to become larod we are a good rp community only of good rprs good rprs only plz https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/123532-declaration-of-independence-the-empire-of-larod/

    1. chaotikal


      i came

      to rok

    2. Publius


      pls respond to my post i am redy 4 lraod

  7. Chagrin for grand king 2k15

    1. StevenQuick


      Shreck must be grand king of all races!

    2. James


      Mog alrdy runs everything

  8. Initials: W.M Race: Midget ((Human influenced Dwarf)) Kingdom of Residence: None ((MC Name)): AdmiralWalrus
  9. This server lacks PvP.

    1. James


      Premium minecraft factions experience

    2. Netphreak


      Disease!!!!!! *flails arms and jumps out a window*

  10. Recognizes the Ruselord himelf while passing by the Orcish deserts. He laugh, pointing at him "Hoho! Has your skin gotten greener? You ruse too much, ruselord!" He sharpens his battlecowhoof for battle "Down with the trees! Their greenness comes not from ruses but from nature!"
  11. I lost my old forum account and have made a new one. Can I please get member status on this? My in game name is AdmiralWalrus, I am whitelisted already.

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