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- Aether VIP -
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Status Updates posted by Potts244

  1. Taverns are always good for those spooky pugsy sessions.

  2. Why is there an invisible person shooting me with arrows.

  3. I love it when I spend all day mining and then all of the time I spent gets rolled back. 10/10 if Nexus crafting was a living being I would murder it in the most brutal way possible.

  4. Everyone get on the ts server Tailion and I are having boat loads of fun.

  5. David Hasselhoff is op please buff more. http://imgur.com/gallery/LB4J9

  6. Someone is going to appreciate this.

  7. Jack Adams is a big fan of Malinor.

  8. Remember everyone, Jack Adams believes in you.

  9. Aether Vip and Iron vip now have the same color on the forum. Why.

  10. #OmarGrimmerforRex2015

  11. Login, 30 notifications. All HB Grillem. Grilling them new applicants.

  12. #OmarGrimmerForRex2015

  13. New School Orcs get Memed by the snow squad.

  14. Sorry for saying the A word meme team, it slips out of my mouth sometimes. You know boiz.

  15. The decision of all the memes. Will the meme team go down in fiery flames, or will they stab the non believers with the sword of justice! Find out sometime soon.

  16. Wonder what's going on over there.



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