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Creative Wizard
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Posts posted by gab

  1. o k so im actually doing commissions instead of free art because i realized im broke!!!!!! heres the sheets


    real money





    finished pieces






















    all u gotta do is pm details here on the forums :)!!

  2. MC Name: Gabuette
    IC Name: 6-B-001
    Original Race [n/a if not applicable]: n/a
    Transformed Form: Atronach
    Creator [mc name and ic name, n/a if not applicable]: Combustionary/Ac’Aelu
    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature: An atronach is an elemental being created through a combination of any type of evocation, conjuration and transfiguration. They are given the ability to move, speak, etc. through the use of an enchanted core; this is similar to the way golems are given persistence. However, an atronach’s core is more of a cylindrical shape with a crystal held in the middle, this crystal being the one that fuels the atronach and creates its body. The body is then defined by plates which outline the barrier of said atronach and can be made of any material, though some may be better to use than others. Once the core of the being is depleted, the element they were summoned from will disappear back into the void and the plates will become useless and likely fall to the ground. Atronachs come in multiple different elements, these elements being: fire, arcane, earth, water and ice. Each have different appearances and different ups and downs. For example, earth atronachs are large and sturdy beings, fairly similar to that of a golem; fire atronachs on the other hand are much more fragile, and though they are more able to create projectiles out of their element, they are also more susceptible to breaking down after taking a few blows. It would also be good to note that solid familiars are capable of manipulating the physical world much easier than their liquid counterparts.

  3. MC Name: Gabuette


    IC Name: Lasai


    Original Race: n/a


    Transformed Form: Sprite


    Creator:  n/a


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature: Sprites are a tiny, delicate species, standing - or floating - at around 5-7 inches. They are genderless, and come in multiple colors. There's green, blue, light blue, grey, and red. Of the five, green sprites are more intelligent than the rest of their family of sorts, and have a larger attention span (still small). Blues are kind, adventurous, and typically most liked. Light blues, on the other hand, are mendacious and deceitful. Due to their similarities with regular blue sprites appearance-wise, they can easily trick and fool people. Grey-themed sprites are like the light blues, using their sickly appearance to trick themselves out of their work, and make others do it for them. Last but not least, the red sprites are mean, jealous, and rude, causing fights and arguments whenever they please. Usually, they are the least liked. All of the sprites are  born, from a flower by the name of "Acerifolia", and when it blooms, the sprite is created. After birth, the flower wilts and eventually decays back into the soil. The cycle repeats after a sprite is killed, though the newly born sprite only retains a vague memory of their past life. If one were to kill the flower before its birth, the sprite would die. Harming or injuring their wings can be fatal, considering that their important blood vessels are there. Sprites are unable to use magic, and since they are so minuscule, they can not wield any weapons. They also speak their own language, and it would be quite the challenge to teach them the Common tongue because of their small attention spans.


  4. Name: Elle.

    [Mc Name]: Gabuette.

    Race: Elf.

    Magics known: Mental magic, currently learning water evocation.

    Magics you can teach: None at the moment.

    Guild you wish to be associated with: Sanctuary Mage's Guild.

    Who have been your teachers presently or in the past, and what did they teach you?: SpiffyTaylor, and myself. ((Accepted self-teach app))

    Which position do you feel most suited for?: I don't really care. Anything.

  5. Name you wish to go by in the video (irl name, mcname, etc): Gabuette


    Artwork/link to art profile: http://imgur.com/a/VWJYE


    Do you give LoTC permission to use your work in the video? (Yes/No): Yeah


    Is the work above completely your own? (Yes/No): Yeah


    Is there anything you'd like us to know about your work? (Name of person, location, etc): All  are characters from the premium minecraft roleplaying experience, lord of the craft

  6. Elle, having not visited the magical city in a decade or so, would snicker to herself as she somehow received the parchment scroll. 

    "Oh, boy, he's still at it."


    She fills it out anyway.


    Registration of Corruption


    Your Name: Elle.

    Your Sub-Race: Don't have one.

    Your Age: 145.

    All Voidal Influences You Possess: Mental Magic, Water Evocation.


    A small note would be on the back, reading: "Come on, Art. Really?"


  7. MC name: Gabuette


    Character's name and age: Elle/145


    Character’s Race: Elf


    What magic/s did you learn?: Water Evocation


    Who/how did you learn magic/s?: Evocation was explained by SpiffyTaylor (Asher) over the course of nearly two weeks, the main focus being water evocation.


    Offer an explanation of said magic/s you learned: Water evocation on the surface is simply when one uses the means of connecting to the void to evoke water. What happens when someone evokes this element just as other elements, is they must first go through the process of creating it within the void. To do this, the person creating the element first needs to have a deep understanding on such - in this case, the element in question would be water. The new mage would first have to study everything they could about water; how it moves, how it feels and of course how it looks in great detail, perhaps even to the point where they surround themselves with the substance to get a better feel for it. Perhaps they would take in the fact that water is not constantly one temperature or how it is easily manipulated by outside forces such as other elements or simple movements. They could even go as far as to seeing how it would react to other substances due to its density, or examine the ocean to see what kind of wild life live beneath. After they have carefully studied the liquid, they can begin making their connection to the void to create the substance. The first time the user would attempt to evoke the element, it would be fairly difficult, even if they were only attempting to evoke a small bead. They would have to use all of their focus on this task, envisioning the element within the void before attempting to bring it forth into the mortal realm with their concentration. The feat alone, even if they weren’t able to succeed in doing so would exhaust them of their mana, causing mental and physical fatigue. As time would go on and practice would continue, it would gradually become easier and easier for the mage to acquire this connection and create the element. They would begin to be capable of larger creations with less of an effort, and assuming the right amount of study and practice is put in, even at one point be able to change the property of their element into that of a solid state - Ice. However, due to no evocation being perfect, at no point would the mage be allowed to control their creation to such a fine degree where they could create definitive features. It would also be good to note that for an evocation to stay in the mortal plain, the mage must remain focused no matter how experienced they are - the farther the evoked element is, the harder it is to see, therefore the more difficult it becomes to control.

  8. hey alright so i want to do the art thing more

    im hardly on ok but u can pm me or something like that if u want art done

    of ur



    thank u an please tell ur friends

    and if u think im lyin and full of **** then here u go





    i can do full bodies but i kinda prefer bust 

  9. Application


    Name: Elle Leivateinn.

    Race: Elf.

    Age: 133.

    Occupation: None.

    Experience: Not too much.

    Proficiencies: Archery, and a little bit of swordsmanship.

    Place of Current Residence: Laureh'lin.




    Username: Elleravi.

    Nexus Profession+Proficiency: Adequate lumberjack.

    Timezone: Mountain Time.

    Do you have Teamspeak?: Yes.


  10. Full Name: Elle Andria Leivateinn.


    Place of Birth: Malinor.


    Date of Birth: Snow’s Maiden, 1384.


    Age: 121.


    Profession: N/A.


    Date of Issue: Sun’s Smile, 1504.


    Date of Expiry: Sun’s Smile, 1508.


    Core Guild Enlistment: N/A.


    Valais entitlement Status: N/A.


    Ownership of property within Salvus: Currently living with David Enrique.

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